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Lore:Bosmer Names

< Lore: Names

This is a list of all the known Bosmer names, compiled from the games.

Male Bosmer NamesEdit

Arena and DaggerfallEdit

  • Given names for male Bosmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes.
  • The 12 prefixes for male Bosmer names are: An, Ara, Ar, Co, Elis, Karo, Lego, Li, Pali, Ria, Sil, Ta
  • The 12 suffixes for male Bosmer names are: cher, dell, driel, gan, gorn, las, man, nis, nor, rim, tan, van

Therefore, all of the male Bosmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are:

Ancher, Andell, Andriel, Angan, Angorn, Anlas, Anman, Annis, Annor, Anrim, Antan, Anvan,
Aracher, Aradell, Aradriel, Aragan, Aragorn, Aralas, Araman, Aranis, Aranor, Ararim, Aratan, Aravan,
Archer, Ardell, Ardriel, Argan, Argorn, Arlas, Arman, Arnis, Arnor, Arrim, Artan, Arvan,
Cocher, Codell, Codriel, Cogan, Cogorn, Colas, Coman, Conis, Conor, Corim, Cotan, Covan,
Elischer, Elisdell, Elisdriel, Elisgan, Elisgorn, Elislas, Elisman, Elisnis, Elisnor, Elisrim, Elistan, Elisvan,
Karocher, Karodell, Karodriel, Karogan, Karogorn, Karolas, Karoman, Karonis, Karonor, Karorim, Karotan, Karovan,
Legocher, Legodell, Legodriel, Legogan, Legogorn, Legolas, Legoman, Legonis, Legonor, Legorim, Legotan, Legovan,
Licher, Lidell, Lidriel, Ligan, Ligorn, Lilas, Liman, Linis, Linor, Lirim, Litan, Livan,
Palicher, Palidell, Palidriel, Paligan, Paligorn, Palilas, Paliman, Palinis, Palinor, Palirim, Palitan, Palivan,
Riacher, Riadell, Riadriel, Riagan, Riagorn, Rialas, Riaman, Rianis, Rianor, Riarim, Riatan, Riavan,
Silcher, Sildell, Sildriel, Silgan, Silgorn, Sillas, Silman, Silnis, Silnor, Silrim, Siltan, Silvan,
Tacher, Tadell, Tadriel, Tagan, Tagorn, Talas, Taman, Tanis, Tanor, Tarim, Tatan, Tavan






Aengoth, Agarond, Allimir, Alveleg, Amring, Anglalos, Anruin, Arannir, Arathor, Baradras, Berengeval, Bolrin, Bragor, Brallion, Brithroth, Brolmir, Celegorn, Cingor, Clendil, Cun, Dangor, Denegor, Dirding, Dondir, Elberoth, Elegal, Eloroth, Endring, Engaer, Eradan, Erradan, Erval, Faldan, Fargoth, Faulgor, Fillin, Findulain, Foronir, Gaeldol, Gaenor, Galmir, Galthragoth, Gazalem, Gerrilgor, Glaum, Glonagoth, Godros, Gorchalas, Hingor, Meldor, Menelras, Minedhel, Minglos, Monthadan, Morth, Nalion, Nedhelas, Nedhelorn, Pegasai, Peragon, Rithrannir, Tarhiel, Thoromlallor, Thoronor, Tuundir, Ulwaen, Ungeleb




Aengvir, Amragor, Anglor, Anguilon, Athragar, Athrelor, Baenlin, Baeralorn, Brellin, Brithaur, Brodras, Bolwing, Caenlin, Caenlorn, Cingaer, Cingor, Daenlin, Dervenin, Engorm, Enilroth, Eridor, Erthor, Fimmion, Fithragaer, Foroch, Gelephor, Glarthir, Gloorolros, Gundalas, Gwinas, Hagaer, Hundolin, Maenlorn, Maglir, Nedhelfin, Niraegaer, Nordinor, Rindir, Thadon, Thaurron, Thoronir, Thrangirfin, Thurindil, Ungolim, Urunil, Uungor, Uuras


Anoriath, Dervenin, Ehlhiel, Elberon, Elrindir, Endrast, Enthir, Faendal, Fathrys, Gadnor, Gelebros, Girduin, Gwilin, Malborn, Niruin, Orchendor, Ronthil, Syndus, Ungrien, Valindor


2x: Arganar (1, 2), Fingaenion (1, 2), Gwannor (1, 2), Hurolas (1, 2), Mandolion (1, 2), Miruin (1, 2), Nedras (1, 2), Ronahanar (1, 2)
1x: Adamir, Adragros, Adrahawn, Adwien, Aenedhel, Aengaer, Aengvar, Aenthalor, Aenthannir, Aeradan, Aerchelas, Aerethor, Aering, Aerolor, Agilgor, Aginlas, Aglion, Agolas, Agular, Agwodir, Alamorto, Alander, Aldor, Aliir, Allil, Alphrennor, Alphrost, Althaedal, Altholmir, Amlemir, Amlion, Amlundar, Amreval, Andranon, Andrilion, Andrinlor, Angeron, Angilor, Anglalas, Anglas, Anglenthor, Anglidor, Anglorin, Anglorn, Anthelion, Aralem, Arengo, Arengur, Arenion, Arithor, Arthor, Athrabenn, Athraedal, Athrahgor, Azareth, Baenelros, Baeren, Balithil, Baronas, Barothlas, Barulor, Barvalorn, Bastheladir, Behelir, Bellulor, Bendralas, Benduin, Beragon, Berdonion, Berinlor, Berithor, Berthor, Binghim, Bodring, Bolangoth, Bolefin, Bolelos, Bolin, Bolion, Bolriroth, Bolwagon, Bolwunor, Borcholim, Borchon, Borelril, Borogas, Borwiian, Brahgas, Bralthahawn, Bredragon, Bredromathor, Bredros, Breduin, Brellin, Brelor, Brengas, Brengolin, Brengor, Brenor, Briggan, Briminor, Brimlagoth, Brimlirdor, Brimlor, Brinthir, Brogomir, Brolthiath, Burrfoot, Caeleneth, Caelin, Caenlilmith, Caentholrin, Caerllelfin, Caerllin, Calabenn, Calonir, Calthindor, Cantadir, Canthion, Cathras, Celan, Celelruin, Celinar, Celonron, Celthalion, Cendalor, Cenirond, Cingunor, Ciradir, Cirglion, Cirithor, Cirodros, Cirthile, Cirtor, Clenagal, Clenalgor, Clenegor, Cunendor, Cunodir, Daenilroth, Dalodir, Dalrelvir, Dalrithor, Danrithri, Darahawn, Dardalmoth, Dardir, Dathangil, Dathidor, Dennir, Dennithel, Dennoroth, Denrin, Deregor, Deros, Derveglor, Dessathiel, Dindom, Diranor, Dirchanor, Dirdelas, Dolilas, Dolinas, Dollarthor, Domillas, Donallir, Donthengeval, Doradrin, Doralon, Doranar, Dordanion, Dorinlas, Dorodir, Dorondor, Drauginor, Draugorin, Drauldolim, Draulduin, Drilalfin, Drimrin, Drinlin, Drinroth, Edalor, Edeleg, Edhelas, Edheldor, Edhelfin, Edhelorn, Edhelruin, Edhelvir, Edrin, Edthas, Edundor, Egannor, Egarfin, Egelnor, Egelrin, Egenor, Egenthor, Eghanar, Egharion, Egidnor, Egidrin, Egilas, Eginir, Eginthoril, Eglabenn, Egolor, Egranor, Eguroth, Elaldor, Elanir, Elebor, Elethir, Elethlin, Elhalem, Elilor, Elolir, Elonthor, Elphregor, Elronor, Elseer, Elthras, Enaring, Enathorn, Enathras, Endregail, Endring, Endrothir, Enethrin, Engaenir, Engelreth, Engiroth, Englor, Engor, Enirdor, Enoring, Entelator, Enthilin, Enthonor, Enthoras, Enthorin, Eraegaer, Eralgor, Eralorn, Eranas, Eranion, Erdelan, Erengor, Erimroth, Eringor, Erlibru, Erodir, Eronthor, Erothel, Erthaenir, Erthalmoth, Erthas, Erthonor, Erthor, Erthunil, Erunor, Ervalir, Ervinas, Esladir, Eslion, Esunil, Ethgin, Ethlinor, Ethodan, Ethruin, Faeldal, Faenegor, Faengongorn, Faengundor, Faenir, Faenlidor, Faenlolras, Faenthundor, Faerelos, Faerin, Faerorin, Falahawn, Faldaleb, Faldannor, Falelros, Falgenthir, Falthalorn, Famronion, Fangilmir, Faradan, Faralos, Farandor, Fardel, Farethor, Farthagal, Farthalem, Fastor, Faulannor, Faulbor, Fauleroth, Faulor, Faurchon, Faurinar, Feladir, Fengrin, Fenteladir, Filalmoth, Filbolrel, Fildir, Filingaer, Filmian, Fimrimion, Findelorn, Findir, Findor, Findun, Finedrin, Fingor, Finlas, Finnalir, Finonas, Fintholor, Finvir, Firaelion, Firagaer, Fireluin, Firolbor, Firolmoth, Fironthor, Firras, Firthaedal, Firuin, Fithrolon, Foldor, Folilas, Fonalor, Fongidor, Fongoth, Foral, Fordan, Forelfin, Forinor, Forolon, Forongon, Forthor, Fradion, Gadinas, Gadnalon, Gaedil, Gael, Gaelthagar, Gaenengeval, Gaenennor, Gaerthgorn, Gaerthidrin, Gaerthir, Galalron, Galandir, Galbor, Galdilin, Galfinar, Galithor, Galmelor, Galolion, Galriel, Galthangil, Galthonor, Gandalor, Gandonion, Ganolon, Ganwidrin, Gazunil, Gelabenn, Gelin, Gelthior, Ghalor, Gilanbor, Gilragaith, Ginion, Ginthor, Giralon, Girdolrin, Girin, Glalongoth, Glalor, Glanil, Glanir, Glanongor, Glathor, Glathras, Glaugluin, Glauloroth, Glaurilas, Glaurolin, Glauthuilon, Glinthinar, Glirion, Gloldor, Glolmir, Glolor, Glongor, Glonnir, Glooring, Gloron, Glothor, Gluin, Godadras, Golor, Gomlor, Gonlas, Goralgor, Gorendir, Gorinir, Gorthalir, Gorulbor, Gothrarth, Gothrongor, Grohanar, Guibor, Gwaegalir, Gwael, Gwaerinbor, Gwagoth, Gwannas, Gwanolrin, Gwarolgor, Gwilandor, Gwilgoth, Gwilir, Gwilon, Gwinadras, Gwinalir, Gwindebros, Gwindir, Gwinengur, Gwingelruin, Gwingeval, Gwinir, Gwinithor, Gwinolas, Gwinor, Gwiras, Gwiroth, Hadendor, Hadnilion, Hadran, Hadras, Hagaelion, Halalin, Halelmathras, Halindor, Halion, Halordil, Halridor, Halronion, Hamevion, Haraenion, Haras, Hareglor, Harin, Harinlor, Haron, Hartmin, Hednor, Hegaer, Hegor, Helmir, Helondanbor, Heluin, Henandan, Hengolar, Hengolir, Henodras, Heralbor, Hingaron, Hunder, Hunindir, Hunthanir, Hurdalas, Hurgedor, Hurthinnor, Hurthuin, Icarian, Idreloth, Ilring, Ilthring, Indaenir, Indaryn, Indelor, Indiir, Indinor, Indinroth, Indolor, Indralir, Indrelor, Indring, Inluin, Ithanarth, Ithgagon, Iulidul, Kerninn, Klumbert, Ladrelas, Laelrion, Lagrethor, Lanelor, Lataryon, Ledronor, Legimir, Legodir, Lemring, Lemrongorn, Lenahawn, Lengaer, Lenonion, Lenor, Lenoril, Lenranas, Lerangor, Lereluin, Lestadir, Lilthelfin, Lilthidrin, Lonor, Lorchon, Lorfolas, Lorfolros, Madruin, Maendir, Maenlin, Maenrin, Maenthanaras, Maeroth, Magaelion, Malbuin, Malgawn, Malgor, Malgorin, Malgoth, Malinor, Malionar, Malthagros, Malthor, Malvir, Manalmir, Mandir, Mandor, Manenlir, Mangaer, Mangeth, Mangonas, Manilbor, Mankilas, Manroth, Manthir, Marilrin, Marthine, Marthulion, Maruin, Mathal, Mathragor, Mathralfin, Megail, Melas, Meleras, Melinfel, Melleron, Melluin, Menarth, Mendros, Mengonir, Menorfin, Menthorn, Merethrin, Mertheriel, Merthin, Methring, Milgangor, Milinor, Milion, Millabenn, Milmilin, Milwalin, Minan, Minangor, Mingaenir, Mingalion, Mingonor, Mingor, Minthelir, Mirchanas, Mirilir, Modorin, Modradil, Mollorn, Mollundar, Monennor, Monganar, Mongon, Mongor, Mongoth, Monvaras, Morthelos, Naglanor, Nagledrin, Nalathras, Nalbor, Nalguin, Nallelfin, Nalthenlir, Nanthenas, Nedaegaer, Nedhellas, Nednor, Nedrin, Nedtharond, Nedthion, Negaelion, Nelgorn, Nelguar, Nellor, Nendaer, Nendilir, Nerellanvir, Nergor, Neronnir, Nethrin, Niden, Nidras, Nilaendril, Nildedrin, Nilding, Nindir, Ninglenel, Ninglos, Ningor, Nirolos, Nironor, Nirthindor, Nirthongoth, Nongiruin, Norvir, Nothilgor, Nothirvir, Nothrelras, Nothrolion, Obenion, Obentor, Odreth, Odrethin, Ogarendir, Olahanar, Olangil, Olarion, Ollelrin, Ollion, Ongalion, Onglas, Onglor, Onglorn, Oranron, Orbinor, Orchelor, Orchelos, Orchenas, Orchinar, Orcholin, Ording, Orenthel, Oriell, Orinol, Orthalon, Orthanron, Orthelos, Orthenir, Orthonor, Orthoron, Parenonas, Pegebor, Pegolos, Peras, Perinor, Perranas, Raen, Raendor, Rafel, Ragalvir, Ralalorn, Ralds, Ralondel, Ramsi, Ranedor, Raniluin, Rathilmith, Regring, Rendarion, Rethelmir, Rethrin, Rilding, Rilion, Rindulath, Rininion, Rinlir, Rithanion, Rodaegaer, Rodrabenn, Rodranor, Rodrindor, Rodring, Rolalmoth, Rolding, Rolindor, Rolion, Rollin, Rolon, Rondor, Rondrin, Ronolin, Rotheleg, Rothondothrin, Rothraenion, Salahanar, Salalin, Saldaer, Saldir, Salgaer, Sandaenion, Sanonor, Sarmionor, Sarolion, Saromir, Shaguniel, Tessorthon, Thadarond, Thiingelien, Thodothor, Tholdaegal, Tholdegil, Tholdinlor, Tholephor, Tholerthorn, Thollebros, Thollidor, Thollunil, Thololin, Tholongor, Tholor, Tholralem, Thongonor, Thonoras, Thorianion, Thorinor, Thoron, Thradidor, Thragaer, Thragnor, Thrandion, Thranor, Thraul, Thulendor, Tinzen, Tralor, Trilion, Tuunnir, Uldwin, Ulmion, Ulonron, Ulphroth, Ultholon, Ulthorn, Ulwemir, Ulwithor, Ungaedal, Ungenor, Ungiras, Ungrendor, Ungrinir, Urralosl, Uwedrin, Valangil, Vicmond, Virgeraurd, Vole

This name fits the construction of a Dunmer name more so than Bosmer. Whether this was a mistake or whether they were intended to have some back-story for this uncharacteristic name is impossible to guess, but the former is more likely given how inconsequential this character is in the game.




Aragoth, Belegond


Adamir, Aeradan, Aerethor, Aering, Agarfin, Alander, Andoriel, Andrin, Anglir, Anglorn, Angoth, Anthelion, Aragoth, Arenion, Arganar, Arilos, Arthor, Azareth, Behelir, Belegond, Benduin, Beragon, Berdonion, Beregnir, Bodring, Bolefin, Bolin, Borogas, Breduin, Bregail, Bregor, Brellin, Brogomir, Caelin, Cathras, Celan, Celeviel, Cindor, Darahawn, Deneth, Deregor, Diranor, Donallir, Doradrin, Doralon, Doranar, Dordanion, Dorodir, Draugluin, Drilion, Edhelas, Edhelfin, Edrin, Egenor, Egilas, Eginor, Egranor, Elanir, Elebor, Elphras, Englor, Eralgor, Eranas, Eranion, Erthas, Ethodan, Faendal, Faenir, Faerelos, Faerin, Faradan, Faralos, Farandor, Feladir, Fengrin, Filrond, Findor, Firras, Firuin, Foldor, Forelfin, Gaedil, Galadros, Gelin, Gilimir, Giralon, Glanir, Glathor, Glaurolin, Golor, Gwannor, Gwilon, Gwindir, Gwinor, Hadran, Halindor, Halion, Harin, Helegur, Helmir, Heluin, Hengolir, Henodras, Hingaron, Ilring, Indaryn, Indring, Lanelor, Lenadan, Lenoril, Lereluin, Lonor, Madruin, Maeroth, Malgorin, Malgoth, Malinor, Malvir, Mandor, Maruin, Mathal, Melas, Melleron, Melluin, Menorfin, Mingalion, Mingor, Modorin, Mongoth, Nalbor, Nalguin, Nedhellas, Nedras, Nedrin, Nidras, Nirilor, Nirolos, Obenion, Ongalion, Onglor, Orchelos, Orcholin, Orenthel, Oriell, Orthelos, Perinor, Raendor, Rafel, Ralondel, Rendarion, Rilion, Rithanion, Rodring, Rolion, Rolon, Ronthil, Sarolion, Saromir, Tholor, Thorinor, Thoron, Thragnor, Thrandion, Thranor, Uldwin, Ulmion, Ungor, Vicmond

Out-of-Game BooksEdit

Draeg, Fenton, Thorongil


Alendis, Basth, Beech, Bonorion, Celedith, Ehlhiel, Fathrys, Fonlor, Geoffrey, Haymon, Mankar, Menegur, Orben, Saronor, Vanirion

Female Bosmer NamesEdit

Arena and DaggerfallEdit

  • Given names for female Bosmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of eleven prefixes and one of ten suffixes.
  • The 11 prefixes for female Bosmer names are: Cas, Cyl, Des, Lare, Lego, Lilis, Min, Phy, Rilli, Si, U
  • The 10 suffixes for female Bosmer names are: dra, fina, gina, landra, lerva, na, nia, sa, sandra, thia

Therefore, all of the female Bosmer names in Arena and Daggerfall are:

Casdra, Casfina, Casgina, Caslandra, Caslerva, Casna, Casnia, Cassa, Cassandra, Casthia,
Cyldra, Cylfina, Cylgina, Cyllandra, Cyllerva, Cylna, Cylnia, Cylsa, Cylsandra, Cylthia,
Desdra, Desfina, Desgina, Deslandra, Deslerva, Desna, Desnia, Dessa, Dessandra, Desthia,
Laredra, Larefina, Laregina, Larelandra, Larelerva, Larena, Larenia, Laresa, Laresandra, Larethia,
Legodra, Legofina, Legogina, Legolandra, Legolerva, Legona, Legonia, Legosa, Legosandra, Legothia,
Lilisdra, Lilisfina, Lilisgina, Lilislandra, Lilislerva, Lilisna, Lilisnia, Lilissa, Lilissandra, Lilisthia,
Mindra, Minfina, Mingina, Minlandra, Minlerva, Minna, Minnia, Minsa, Minsandra, Minthia,
Phydra, Phyfina, Phygina, Phylandra, Phylerva, Phyna, Phynia, Physa, Physandra, Phythia,
Rillidra, Rillifina, Rilligina, Rillilandra, Rillilerva, Rillina, Rillinia, Rillisa, Rillisandra, Rillithia,
Sidra, Sifina, Sigina, Silandra, Silerva, Sina, Sinia, Sisa, Sisandra, Sithia,
Udra, Ufina, Ugina, Ulandra, Ulerva, Una, Unia, Usa, Usandra, Uthia








Aerin, Aglaril, Anrel, Aradraen, Arangaer, Aranwen, Ardhil, Aredhel, Bauril, Baurin, Belwen, Berwen, Borwen, Celegil, Cirwedh, Cuunel, Distel, Dondreth, Dothiel, Dothruviel, Eindel, Elegnan, Elphiron, Emelin, Eraldil, Estinan, Falion, Fara, Filbeneth, Galbedir, Galdiir, Gelduin, Gildan, Giningil, Glathel, Hyna, Iingail, Indrel, Irwaen, Kirsty, Liette, Lorchel, Mara, Menelin, Milbereth, Nael, Natesse, Nathien, Nilioniel, Nona, Penglithil, Radras, Samia, Thaeril




Adanrel, Angrond, Alawen, Althel, Andragil, Anedhel, Boroneth, Bothiel, Carwen, Ciindil, Dagail, Dairihill, Degil, Dennilwen, Dredhwen, Elragail, Elsynia, Faurinthil, Ganredhel, Githriian, Hasathil, Huurwen, Idrolian, Laenafil, Laralthir, Mandil, Methredhel, Naarifin, Nilawen, Parwen, Syl, Telaendril, Thaedil, Thalfin, Thamriel, Thiirchel, Uurwen


Anuriel, Ardwen, Beleval, Brelas, Galathil, Hyenril, Nimphaneth, Nimriel, Nivenor, Wylandriah


2x: Alareth (1, 2), Baham (1, 2), Benieth (1, 2), Donriel (1, 2), Eralin (1, 2), Fara (1, 2), Iinel (1, 2), Iirwaen (1, 2), Laenril (1, 2), Oraneth (1, 2), Radreth (1, 2), Riian (1, 2)
1x: Adagwen, Adandora, Adwihill, Aedion, Aedwora, Aeranir, Aerchith, Aerledirre, Aerwaen, Agafos, Agilrin, Agilruin, Agraein, Aladess, Alandis, Alangil, Aldeth, Aleanneth, Allanwen, Allereth, Altha, Althoth, Althuviel, Amariel, Amradil, Amrael, Amridil, Andoriel, Andrathel, Anerel, Anganrith, Angeniel, Anglith, Angranel, Angrel, Angren, Angrineth, Ania, Annagail, Annarth, Annedhi, Anredith, Annathiel, Anriel, Aradhel, Aramriel, Araneth, Arathel, Arithiel, Arthwiien, Athemel, Atheval, Athirion, Athuviel, Aurien, Balia, Belane, Beliell, Belinith, Belwanril, Belwinan, Berisse, Berwentha, Berwiria, Birwaen, Bondileth, Boriel, Borogilmith, Borud, Borwaegal, Borwaeneth, Bothiel, Bowenas, Bredrel, Brelenel, Brelinith, Brelondith, Breloth, Brendil, Brithir, Brithril, Calendir, Calenethel, Calithil, Canda, Candariel, Candion, Caraleth, Caralith, Caranith, Caranwel, Cariel, Carwengil, Cayliss, Celanarth, Celaranith, Celorien, Celwen, Cemaria, Cenrathil, Cerethriath, Cerwaenor, Cerweriell, Cerwil, Ciinderel, Ciindirre, Ciirenas, Ciireriath, Ciirillie, Circone, Cirithiel, Cirnean, Coradri, Cwynoniel, Cygaenir, Cygwen, Cygwenn, Dailalleth, Dailedrith, Dailinir, Dailinthil, Dailirwen, Dailithil, Dairaegal, Dairoleth, Dalaneth, Dandra, Daraneth, Dayagwen, Dayidril, Degail, Degethel, Denninel, Dessaendril, Dessidela, Dinwenel, Dinwineth, Dirwendel, Doldoniel, Dolian, Dolirdor, Dollian, Dollinith, Dolwinora, Dondrinir, Dondrothel, Doneth, Donganiel, Dongenan, Donglanel, Donnaelain, Donnanel, Donnenir, Donniel, Doralin, Doralineth, Dorathil, Dorendir, Doriel, Dothriel, Drauginas, Dredhedil, Earnaana, Edherien, Efreghar, Egilrineth, Einnel, Einrel, Einriel, Eiola, Elagaer, Elanas, Elandora, Elayel, Elengil, Elerdel, Elethien, Elirwen, Elorwen, Elphaniel, Elphinia, Elphiniel, Elphirion, Elriniel, Elruin, Elsaril, Elsenia, Elsonia, Elsoreth, Emalith, Emanir, Emolwen, Emoneth, Emuin, Endaen, Endia, Endoriell, Endrith, Endriwen, Enduinas, Eneriell, Engail, Englornith, Enielin, Eniras, Enlorien, Enruvie, Eralian, Eraneth, Eranwen, Erathrin, Erelruin, Erilthel, Erilthil, Erinel, Ernethel, Ernethiel, Erwin, Essaneth, Essenora, Essilion, Essonarth, Essoriel, Estelin, Estilion, Ethrandora, Ethrel, Ethril, Eveli, Faedre, Faedridil, Faenir, Faenor, Faldethil, Faldiniel, Falphirion, Fanadis, Fanayell, Fandir, Fangil, Fanrel, Faraniel, Farenlith, Fariel, Farril, Faruin, Farwen, Farwilwen, Fauridil, Fauril, Faurirwen, Faurwin, Fayadess, Fayagwen, Fayena, Fayilien, Felariel, Fiabess, Filberel, Filedh, Filenarth, Fillia, Filoneth, Finde, Findonel, Findredil, Fingil, Fingrathel, Finnegil, Finnethil, Finnorieth, Finoriell, Firalboreth, Firanarth, Firathil, Firchel, Firgelin, Firgiel, Firiliril, Firion, Fironel, Firthaleth, Firuin, Firwin, Flaniethe, Flanneth, Floriele, Frenenora, Frenidela, Frenillas, Frenith, Gaette, Gaireth, Galathril, Galbenel, Galdini, Galena, Galeneth, Galereth, Galerond, Galesse, Galethril, Galilarlel, Galinel, Galthel, Gananith, Gandalith, Ganduin, Ganellaneth, Gannel, Ganniel, Ganorith, Ganrenan, Ganwen, Garaengrin, Garel, Garamiel, Garanel, Garenas, Gariel, Garimmir, Garion, Garniel, Garwilith, Garwiril, Garwiruin, Gathareth, Gathel, Gathiel, Gathion, Gathraenor, Gathviel, Gathwen, Geldaeniel, Geldirel, Gelthedh, Gelthiras, Gelur, Genbaenil, Genboril, Gendinora, Genraeniel, Genriel, Genrunarel, Genthel, Geoffrise, Gerethel, Gerinien, Gerwen, Gerweruin, Gethawen, Giladil, Gilbonel, Gilbonil, Gilinora, Gilradil, Gilraen, Gilriian, Gindothel, Ginereth, Giniel, Girnalin, Girnileth, Girninan, Girriian, Githiril, Githriian, Glaras, Glardel, Glardir, Glarin, Glenora, Glooredel, Gloraneth, Glordil, Glothorien, Gluineth, Gosellaneth, Gothemril, Grildoriel, Guilenarne, Guilenarth, Guileval, Guilion, Gwaerarth, Gwaering, Gwendis, Gwenengith, Gwenieth, Gwenuinas, Halsinan, Hangaerin, Hanriian, Hanthaerin, Hariell, Harmolith, Harowen, Hasiwen, Henilien, Henoreth, Henriel, Henrinora, Heragaeth, Herdor, Holithel, Huundel, Huunel, Huurel, Hynendirre, Iannianith, Ianwaen, Idradriel, Idronel, Idrothiel, Iirdel, Iirdilin, Iirond, Imriel, Inalieth, Inalion, Indanas, Indel, Indinael, Indithil, Indrenan, Indraseth, Inglin, Ingrarthel, Inril, Irdan, Irwiraen, Jofra, Kaale, Kathariel, Kirstaleth, Kirstar, Kirstenreth, Kuna, Laen, Laeneval, Laenriian, Laeranir, Laerinir, Laerion, Laeryll, Laniriel, Lanwaen, Lara, Larafil, Laranieth, Larasel, Larchelas, Larweneth, Lathriel, Lianedirre, Lianorien, Lienalel, Lienanarth, Lienenarth, Lienil, Liennas, Lilaneth, Lionora, Little Leaf, Lobelathel, Lorading, Lorhiel, Lorregil, Lorthadil, Lorthodaer, Lorwen, Lothiel, Maelanrith, Maelin, Malaniel, Malareth, Malesse, Malfinir, Malilen, Malioneth, Mandilin, Mariel, Marineth, Marinora, Marise, Mehlin, Melbethil, Meldaril, Mell, Melledh, Mellieth, Melothil, Melrethel, Menaelion, Mendil, Mendredhil, Mendreval, Mengaer, Meninel, Mennel, Menninia, Mennir, Menwendel, Menwirchel, Miliril, Millenith, Millia, Minaelion, Mindileth, Mindirin, Mindora, Mindoril, Miniel, Minonel, Minriel, Minrion, Minwileth, Miranrel, Mithen, Molamiel, Molenaniel, Moleras, Moneriel, Naarendras, Naeldil, Naerion, Naeronel, Naerorien, Nalia, Nallion, Nallorwen, Namradis, Namriel, Nara, Naridir, Narinarth, Narinia, Narion, Narirasi, Narwin, Natareth, Nathineth, Nielaenor, Nielas, Nien, Nienornith, Nienras, Nieth, Nilara, Nilbedel, Nilbethil, Nilenarth, Nilenir, Niliendras, Nilleth, Nilliel, Nilwen, Nimanir, Niminthil, Nimriell, Nimriian, Nindenel, Ninriledh, Ninwin, Niranda, Niraniel, Niriel, Nirihill, Niruin, Nistel, Nistyniel, Nithelin, Nithiel, Nitholeth, Nithonda, Nithriel, Nivathil, Nivrel, Nivriian, Nivrilin, Noldathil, Nona, Norraneth, Norrareth, Norriel, Norweras, Norwess, Norwifinn, Nothemril, Ondineth, Onglorien, Orabess, Orchelith, Oriadess, Orianel, Orwinora, Panreth, Paranarth, Parenel, Pariel, Parwaen, Parwinel, Pengaenion, Peruin, Pishna, Ralaenglin, Ralai, Ralayell, Ralerdhil, Ralion, Rallion, Rangil, Ranneth, Ranniel, Rannonda, Rathornith, Rathril, Rayniir, Raynineth, Raynorien, Rendorien, Rialanith, Rialilrin, Rilineth, Rinareth, Rindirre, Rithros, Rodaeril, Ronarith, Rothariel, Sanithil, Sariel, Sarion, Saronithel, Sarralthir, Sarrothiel, Seldine, Selene, Sellineth, Selynia, Sendel, Sendranir, Serchel, Serwin, Serwuin, Sethel, Sirreth, Sorvayel, Syalleth, Sylthendel, Teliel, Teliwen, Tellanil, Telona, Thaedothiel, Thael, Thaelion, Thaeliwaen, Thaellin, Thaelril, Thaenaneth, Thaendil, Thaeniril, Thaenor, Thaeraen, Thaereledh, Thaeril, Thaerin, Thaesse, Thaleth, Thalienglas, Thaliwen, Thallioniel, Thalorel, Thaloril, Thalrel, Thalrinel, Thamenarth, Thaminiel, Thamraen, Thamrin, Thanael, Thara, Thariel, Tharuin, Thiirion, Thiirel, Thiirril, Thorelir, Thralin, Thranarel, Thranileith, Tildri, Trea, Ulladhel, Uunniel, Uunril, Uurdhel, Uurwaen, Uurwaerion, Vendyne, Wendirre, Wenridil, Whisper, Yarmia, Zifri

This name fits the construction of a Dunmer name more so than Bosmer. Whether this was a mistake or whether they were intended to have some back-story for this uncharacteristic name is impossible to guess, but the former is more likely given how inconsequential this character is in the game.


Cyriel, Lywen


Aerwaen, Molriel


Adandora, Aedion, Aeranir, Aerwen, Agarwen, Aladess, Alandis, Alangil, Alareth, Aleanneth, Allanwen, Altha, Althuviel, Amariel, Amrael, Amridil, Andoriel, Anglith, Angranel, Angrel, Ania, Annathiel, Anriel, Aradhel, Aramriel, Araneth, Arathel, Arithiel, Arraduin, Athuviel, Balia, Belane, Beleval, Belinith, Berisse, Boriel, Bothiel, Bowenas, Brelas, Brelenel, Brelinith, Brendil, Brildan, Brithril, Calendir, Canda, Candariel, Caraleth, Cariel, Cayliss, Celorien, Cemaria, Cenrathil, Cirithiel, Coradri, Cygwen, Dalaneth, Dandra, Daraneth, Degethel, Doldoniel, Dolian, Doneth, Donnenir, Donniel, Doralin, Dorathil, Doriel, Dothriel, Elanas, Elandora, Elengil, Elethien, Elirwen, Elphinia, Elphiniel, Elsenia, Elsonia, Emalith, Endoriell, Enlorien, Eralian, Eranwen, Erinel, Erwin, Essoriel, Estelin, Ethrel, Ethril, Eveli, Faedre, Faenir, Faldiniel, Fanayell, Fara, Faraniel, Fariel, Farwen, Fayena, Felariel, Filberel, Finde, Findredil, Fingil, Finoriell, Fironel, Firwin, Frenillas, Frenith, Galena, Galeneth, Galinel, Ganduin, Gannel, Ganniel, Garel, Garamiel, Garanel, Garenas, Gariel, Garniel, Gathiel, Gathwen, Genriel, Gerethel, Gerwen, Gilinora, Ginereth, Giniel, Glenora, Glothorien, Guileval, Gwendis, Gwenieth, Hariell, Harowen, Henoreth, Henriel, Huundel, Huunel, Imriel, Indel, Indir, Inril, Irdan, Jofra, Kathariel, Kuna, Laerion, Laniriel, Lara, Lianorien, Liennas, Lilaneth, Little Leaf, Lorhiel, Lorwen, Lothiel, Maelin, Malaniel, Malareth, Mariel, Marineth, Mehlin, Mellieth, Melothil, Mendil, Meninel, Mennel, Menninia, Millenith, Millia, Mindora, Miniel, Minriel, Minrion, Mithiel, Moleras, Molriel, Naerion, Nalia, Nallion, Namriel, Nara, Narinia, Narion, Narwin, Natareth, Nien, Nienas, Nilara, Nilleth, Niranda, Niraniel, Niriel, Niruin, Nistel, Nithiel, Nona, Norriel, Onglorien, Orianel, Pariel, Parwaen, Peruin, Pishna, Ranneth, Ranniel, Rendorien, Riian, Rilineth, Rinareth, Rindirre, Seldine, Selene, Sellineth, Selynia, Sethel, Tellanil, Telona, Thaeril, Thaerin, Thalorel, Thaloril, Thamrin, Thanael, Thara, Thariel, Tharuin, Trea, Uunniel, Uunril, Vendyne, Whisper, Yarmia

Out-of-Game BooksEdit

Gosellaneth, Serenarth


Allena, Anela, Faniriel, Grenith, Kaalys, Willow

Bosmer Family Names and TitlesEdit

Most Bosmer do not have family names, but there are a few exceptions.

Arena and DaggerfallEdit

  • Surnames for Bosmer in Arena and Daggerfall seem to consist of one of twelve prefixes and one of twelve suffixes.
  • The 12 prefixes for Bosmer surnames are: Blue, Fern, Forest, Ivy, Moss, Night, Oak, Pine, River, Shady, Spring, Willow
  • The 12 suffixes for Bosmer surnames are: brook, dale, hollow, lake, pool, run, shade, sky, thorn, vale, wind, wood

Therefore, all of the Bosmer surnames in Arena and Daggerfall are:

Bluebrook, Bluedale, Bluehollow, Bluelake, Bluepool, Bluerun, Blueshade, Bluesky, Bluethorn, Bluevale, Bluewind, Bluewood,
Fernbrook, Ferndale, Fernhollow, Fernlake, Fernpool, Fernrun, Fernshade, Fernsky, Fernthorn, Fernvale, Fernwind, Fernwood,
Forestbrook, Forestdale, Foresthollow, Forestlake, Forestpool, Forestrun, Forestshade, Forestsky, Forestthorn, Forestvale, Forestwind, Forestwood,
Ivybrook, Ivydale, Ivyhollow, Ivylake, Ivypool, Ivyrun, Ivyshade, Ivysky, Ivythorn, Ivyvale, Ivywind, Ivywood,
Mossbrook, Mossdale, Mosshollow, Mosslake, Mosspool, Mossrun, Mossshade, Mosssky, Mossthorn, Mossvale, Mosswind, Mosswood,
Nightbrook, Nightdale, Nighthollow, Nightlake, Nightpool, Nightrun, Nightshade, Nightsky, Nightthorn, Nightvale, Nightwind, Nightwood,
Oakbrook, Oakdale, Oakhollow, Oaklake, Oakpool, Oakrun, Oakshade, Oaksky, Oakthorn, Oakvale, Oakwind, Oakwood,
Pinebrook, Pinedale, Pinehollow, Pinelake, Pinepool, Pinerun, Pineshade, Pinesky, Pinethorn, Pinevale, Pinewind, Pinewood,
Riverbrook, Riverdale, Riverhollow, Riverlake, Riverpool, Riverrun, Rivershade, Riversky, Riverthorn, Rivervale, Riverwind, Riverwood,
Shadybrook, Shadydale, Shadyhollow, Shadylake, Shadypool, Shadyrun, Shadyshade, Shadysky, Shadythorn, Shadyvale, Shadywind, Shadywood,
Springbrook, Springdale, Springhollow, Springlake, Springpool, Springrun, Springshade, Springsky, Springthorn, Springvale, Springwind, Springwood,
Willowbrook, Willowdale, Willowhollow, Willowlake, Willowpool, Willowrun, Willowshade, Willowsky, Willowthorn, Willowvale, Willowwind, Willowwood










  • Family Names

1x: Branck, Drurel, Garnona, Helomaine*, Ledure, Marvos, Ramothran, Salandas, Vayn

* This surname was taken from a Breton husband.

This name fits the construction of a Dunmer name more so than Bosmer. Whether this was a mistake or whether they were intended to have some back-story for this uncharacteristic name is impossible to guess, but the former is more likely given how inconsequential this character is in the game.
  • Titles

2x: the Wanderer (1, 2), Windstrider (1, 2)
1x: Arrow-Catcher, Beesinger, Birdsong, Blood-Letter, Branchbreaker, Burr-Hair, Callushands, Chatterbeak, Daintyfoot, Ever-Festering, Flameheart, Food-Finder, Forestsmasher, Goldleaf, Green-Garters, Gristle-Eater, Grubnose, Light-Tongued, Longshot, Longstep, Many-Legs, Second-Skin, Sells-All, Sharp-Arrow, Silverslip, Skeever-Face, Spring-Fellow, Stickyfoot, Surefoot, Swollen-Foot, the Banekin Handler, the Bold, the Brewmaster, the Dark, the Daunted, the Doorwalker, the Dreg, the Farflung, the Farstrider, the Fleet, the Hapless, the Headscratcher, the Hearteater, the Hound, the Impaler, the Ironbark, the Ironhand, the Iron-Minder, the Kill-Happy, the Light, the Lost, the Melancholy, the Mender, the Musical, the Outcast, the Pale, the Quick, the Ragpicker, the Redbeard, the Shadow, the Shepherd, the Sly, the Stumbler, Thistlebreeches, Tree-Killer, Twig-Fingers, Two-Looks, Two-Scars, Two-Tongue, Verminhair, Woodwalker




Caerllin, Camoran, Balfix, Benoch, Elmlock, Oreyn