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Online:Little Leaf

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Little Leaf
Location Craglorn, Exarch's Stronghold, Ilthag's Undertower
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower The Serpent's Fang
Faction(s) Scaled Court
Little Leaf

Little Leaf is a Wood Elf member of the Scaled Court and the seneschal of Regent Cassipia, who is also her love interest.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A Leaf in the WindEdit

If you met and helped Regent Cassipia first, she will send you to meet Little Leaf.

"Let's not start something we'll both regret. I could use some help and you're going to want to hear what I have to say."
Regent Cassipia sent me to help you with your Iron Orc problem.
"Cassi sent you? Well, why didn't you say so? I'm so lucky that the regent looks out for me!
All right. We've got a lot of work to do. Have you ever tried to change an Iron Orc's mind? Oh, this is going to be so much fun!"

The Serpent's FangEdit

You will meet Little Leaf just north of Ilthag's Undertower; she will approach you cautiously:

Little Leaf: "Keep your weapons sheathed. I won't hurt you."
If you have never met Cassipia before:
If you have already met Cassipia before:
"Let's not start something we'll both regret. I could use some help, and you're going to want to hear what I have to say."
"Cassi sent you? Well, why didn't you say so? I'm so lucky that the regent looks out for me!
All right. We've got a lot of work to do. Have you ever tried to change an Iron Orc's mind? Oh, this is going to be so much fun!"
I'm listening.
"We need to stop the Iron Orcs! They're building an army of trolls!
Regent Cassipia sent me to convince them to disband the army, but they took my gold and tossed me out! Now that you're here, I have a better plan."
What's your better plan?
"You're my better plan! Between my cheerful optimism and your proclivity for violence, there's no way we can lose.
Anyway, you'll help, right? Meet me in the ruined tower on the nearby hill."
All right. I'll meet you in the ruined tower.
"The Iron Orcs have figured out a way to turn a trollop of trolls into an army. It involves training, armor, and magical runes carved right into their skin. I'll meet you in Ilthag's Undertower and we can deal with the troll trainer first."

You can then ask Little Leaf more about Ilthag's Undertower and Regent Cassipia:

What should I know about Ilthag's Undertower?
"Well, it's inside the ruins beneath the old tower. It stinks down there! That's what happens when you shove trolls and Iron Orcs into an enclosed space.
Anyway, Ilthag uses the ruins as a training arena for the trolls."
Why are the Iron Orcs building an army of trolls?
"Because the Serpent told them to! But nothing good ever came from dressing trolls in armor and giving them weapons, and that's the acorn's truth!
Anyway, stopping the trolls is all part of Cassi's plan to save the Scaled Court."
But the Scaled Court is evil.
"Some of them maybe. But not Cassi and me! We joined the Scaled Court to change the world, not destroy it. We're going to fix all this. Honestly, I don't know what Exarch Braadoth was thinking."
Who's Exarch Braadoth?
"Braadoth's the chief of the Iron Orcs. Kind of hard-headed and a tough old tree. When the Orcs joined the Scaled Court, Braadoth was given the title Ophidian Exarch of Undulating Destruction. It's a mouthful, I know, but I love our titles!"
Can they really train trolls?
"Ilthag can train anything! But the real secret is the red brittle—I mean, the nirncrux. It makes the trolls more powerful somehow. If you don't help me stop them, all of Craglorn is doomed. And Regent Cassipia doesn't want to see that happen."
Who's Regent Cassipia?
"Regent Cassipia? Leader of the Scaled Court? You must have heard of her! Cassi's remarkably powerful and extremely confident. And she's so beautiful! My heart skips a beat just thinking about her."
You're a member of the Scaled Court?
"I'm not just a member. I'm seneschal to the Regent Cassipia! And I'm pretty good at diplomacy. She says I have a way with necessary violence. That's why she sent me on this mission."

When met at the Undertower:

"I tried to convince Ilthag Ironblood to stop training trolls with the gold Cassi gave me.
Since that didn't work, I guess I'll have to beat him repeatedly with my pretty staff."
Tell me more about Ilthag Ironblood.
"Ilthag is the best Iron Orc warrior I've ever seen! And he's a remarkable teacher. No one else can train a troll like Ilthag Ironblood.
And that's why we have to kill him."
How in the world can an Iron Orc train savage trolls?
"It helps that the trolls have been magically enchanted. But we'll get to that later. First things first. Let's go eliminate the Iron Orc battle trainer."
How do you know so much about the Iron Orcs?
"Well, I'm not an expert or anything. But I've been to all the feasts and get–togethers. One of the prerequisites of being Regent Cassipia's seneschal and bosom companion.
I watch. I listen. And I take excellent notes!"
"Do you like the lute? I play. A little. Cassi says I'm good, but I think she's just being nice."

When you encounter Ilthag:

Little Leaf: "These Iron Orcs are no fun at all! I had such high hopes for the diplomatic method.
Ilthag Ironblood! Will you please stop training those nasty trolls?"
Ilthag: "Not this again, whelp! Away with you!"
Little Leaf: "Oh, well. I tried. The better plan it is."
Little Leaf: "Do you like the lute? I play. A little. Cassi says I'm good, but I think she's just being nice."

Once Ilthag has been killed:

"I wish there had been another way. Poor, stubborn Ilthag. He should have taken the gold."
I'm not sure killing the trainer is going to put an end to the troll army.
"Good point. What was I thinking? We're going to have to do a lot more to disband the troll army.
I guess I need to go talk to Runescriber Kulth, Armorer Uthik, and maybe even Exarch Braadoth."
You might be on a first–name basis with the Orc leaders, but diplomacy isn't going to work.
"You're right. I know you're right. That doesn't make it any easier.
Still, I have a mission, and if violence is the only way to complete it, then violence it is."
So where do we have to go?
"The Valley of Scars. And, yes, the place is as delightful as it sounds. It's north of here. You can't miss it.
I'll meet you there."
Before we go, tell me about the runescriber.
"Runescriber Kulth is a true artist! His intricate designs are so beautiful. And powerful, too! He adds nirncrux dust to his ink and carves the runes right into a troll's flesh. Says it boosts the magic.
He works on the west side of the valley."
Nirncrux dust?
"That's what you get when you grind nirncrux. You know, red brittle?
It has something to do with the ancient Nedes. The Scaled Court has figured out how to use it to do all sorts of amazing things."
What can you tell me about the armorer?
"Armorer Uthik crafts the armor worn by the trolls and the welwas.
It's not ordinary armor, either. Uthik adds nirncrux dust to make her armor tougher and more powerful. Her forge is on the east side of the valley."
What's nirncrux dust?
"You really have a hard time following a conversation, don't you? Me too!
What were we talking about? Oh, yes, nirncrux! The Scaled Court discovered something in the Nedic ruins. Now they know how to use the element as a sort of power source."
I think I should hear about Exarch Braadoth.
"Exarch Braadoth is the Iron Orc chief! But he's also a ranking member of the Scaled Court. That's why he has that great honorific—the Ophidian Exarch of Undulating Destruction! Wish I had a title like that.
I'm sure he's in the valley somewhere."

Once you arrive at The Valley of Scars, she'll start making small talk again.

"Now that you're here, let's go take care of the runescriber and the armorer."
Little Leaf: "You're nice. I know, because I'm a remarkable judge of character."
Little Leaf: "How do you do it? All this running around and fighting? I'm exhausted!"
Little Leaf: "This nirncrux armor is tricky stuff. Without their armorer, the Iron Orcs won't be able to dress up their troll army."
Little Leaf: "What's brown and sticky?"
Little Leaf: "A Stick!"
Little Leaf: "Get it? It's a Wood Elf joke!"

When you encounter Kulth:

Little Leaf: "Kulth eats Wood Elves! Well, that's what I heard. We have to stop him from inscribing trolls with nirncrux."

When Uthik has been killed:

Little Leaf: "Well, that's done! There's just one more thing to take care of—Exarch Braadoth. His throne room is deep in the mountain, behind the ostentatious door to the north."
"I guess this is it. Cassi put her faith in me, but I'm not sure I could do this without your support.
Braadoth's throne room is deep inside the Exarch's Stronghold. Come on. We've got to make sure this troll army never goes to war."

When you enter the Exarch's Stronghold:

"Braadoth's throne room is way at the back of this complex. The faster we get there, the faster we can finish this business, right?"

When you cross the bridge over the chasm:

Little Leaf: "What a view! It's so beautiful."

Once Braadoth is dead

Little Leaf: "I have to send word to Cassi. I'll meet you at the Valley of Scars!"

After you have exited the delve, you will find Little Leaf playing the lute outside waiting for you:

"So that's how he did it! He was imbuing the trolls with pure nirncrux! Fusing the armor and the runes into a powerful whole!
I wonder what would happen if one of the mortal races was subjected to the process?"
That won't happen. Braadoth is dead and the process has been disrupted.
"Right. Of course.
Cassi asked me to bring some of the altered nirncrux to her. So she can study it. I'll stay here and collect what I need. But thanks. I couldn't have completed my mission without you."

After finishing the quest:

"I don't know about you, but I had fun working alongside you. Maybe we can do it again sometime."

Dawn of the Exalted ViperEdit

Little Leaf cowers during the standoff with Kelmen
Little Leaf in Skyreach Temple

During a vision of Little Leaf and Regent Cassipia:

Little Leaf: "Kelmen, can you still do that trick with the dead bugs? That was my favorite!"
Regent Cassipia: "Dear Kelmen is here to stop us, Little Leaf, not to perform tricks for your amusement. He fears the power I'll wield as the Exalted Viper."
Kelmen Locke: "This is madness, Cassipia. What are you thinking? No mortal can contain the power of a constellation!"
Regent Cassipia: "You never had any ambition, Kelmen. No vision. When I become the Serpent's equal, with the power of a celestial at my command, I can make this world a better place."
Kelmen Locke: "By destroying Belkarth? How does that make the world a better place? Little Leaf, surely you don't support Cassipia's mad dream."
Regent Cassipia: "That's enough, you old drunk. Belkarth represents what's wrong with the current age. Once I destroy it, I can finally begin creating a new and better world."
Kelmen Locke: "No, Cassipia. I won't let you do this!"
Regent Cassipia: "Not Cassipia, dear Kelmen. I am the Exalted Viper!"
Titus Valerius: "Kelmen! No!"

In Skyreach Temple, she will appear channeling magic over a spawning pool:

The Thief: "Regent Cassipia! You must not continue upon this dangerous path."
Little Leaf: "No! You don't understand! Leave us alone and everything will be fine.
I won't let you hurt my Cassi!"
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Little Leaf
Location Skyreach Temple
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 80,300 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Scaled Court

She must then be fought, along with some Scaled Court warriors. She uses a mix of frost mage and healer class abilities.

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Little Leaf
Location Skyreach Temple
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 133,800 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Scaled Court
Condition Spirit

When you kill Little Leaf, the Exalted Viper will emerge from the pool of nirncrux and resurrect her as a spirit to fight you. During this fight, Little Leaf focuses on healing the Exalted Viper over attacking you. Killing the Viper will also banish Little Leaf's spirit if you have not yet killed it.

Old Life ObservanceEdit

The spirit of Little Leaf at an Old Life shrine

After her death, the spirit of Little Leaf may return from Aetherius and appear to you during the New Life Festival event quest Old Life Observance when you perform a remembrance ceremony at one of the Old Life shrines.


  • While Little Leaf is following you around, other players will see her as Scaled Court Defector.
  • Little Leaf's health differs on quest progression: 39959 for when she's a quest giver and follower[verification needed] during The Serpent's Fang, 80309 when you encounter her in Skyreach Temple, and 133844 when the Exalted Viper revives her during the final fight of Dawn of the Exalted Viper.
  • Little Leaf doesn't give experience or loot when slain.
