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Tel Var Equipment Lockbox Merchant
Home City Imperial City
Home Settlement Aldmeri Dominion Base
Store Tel Var Stone Exchange
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Tel Var Equipment Lockbox Merchant
Other Information
Faction(s) Aldmeri Dominion

Enruvie is a Wood Elf Tel Var equipment lockbox merchant and member of the Aldmeri Dominion found at their base located in the Imperial Sewers.


When she is spoken with, Enruvie can be overheard pondering various questions before she notices you.

"What could they possibly want with the sewers? Is it …. Pardon me! What do you need?"
"The Xivkyn are at the top, which means …. My apologies. What do you need?"
"How does it all connect to the Dark Anchors? I …. Ah, a customer!"
"There must be a greater purpose to this Daedric invasion …. Oh! Can I help you?"