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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location Temple of the Eight
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Glothorien is a Wood Elf priestess of Y'ffre found at the Temple of the Eight near Elden Root. She is Erthonor's mother.

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Approaching her:

"The forest sings to me, but it is a song of sorrow. Something must be done!"

If you have completed The Wakening Dark, she'll mention your experience there:

"I sense you have been among that dark ruin, Gil-Var-Delle. Perhaps it was even you who fought back against the vile Worms. If that is true, you must have seen the scarring the land has suffered in that foul place. Maybe you can help me."

Otherwise, she'll greet you with:

"The wood weeps. Can you hear it too? Is that why you've come?"
What do you mean?
"They say all wounds heal in time. This is true even for the Valenwood. Yet some wounds are more grievous than others, and if left to fester can only bring death. The ruin of Gil-Var-Delle suffered so, and the mark left behind is one of rot and decay."
You believe something can be done?
"Each day I carry a vessel of the waters blessed in this shrine and feed it into that which flows into the darkened vale. Its strength will remind the earth what it once was. But my body grows weak with age even if my resolve holds.
Will you help me?"
I will do what I can.

After accepting her request, you can ask about her experience:

"Thank you. Take this vial and fill it with the waters from this basin. The water must be taken by the one who carries it. With that done, make for the falls that feed into Gil-Var-Delle and pour the water at each crest. Nature will do the rest."
You've done this alone all this time?
"My son Erthonor helps me tend the shrine here, but he is young and has a young one's whim. More interested in chasing girls and hunting beasts than the worries of an old one like me. Yet his heart is kind and he is dear to me. I do not blame him."

Fill the vial and she'll add:

"The falls you seek are southwest of here, overlooking Gil-Var-Delle. Simply let some of the water from the vial fall at each crest, and the flow will carry it across Gil-Var-Delle so that the earth may drink and be cleansed."

After the quest:

"My thanks for your selfless aid, friend. And not only that, it seems you have sown a seed of faith in my brash son. Together, we will continue nurturing the lifegiving waters of the vale until the darkness there is but another story of old."