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Shadowkey:Skelos Undriel

< Shadowkey: NPCs
Skelos Undriel
(lore page)
Location Delfran's Hideout
Azra's Crossing
Earthtear Caverns
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Skelos Undriel

Skelos Undriel is a Wood Elf Shadowmage from the Imperial City who is first encountered among the prisoners in Delfran's Hideout. He is particularly grateful to you for releasing him as he believes his captors were contemplating starting a game of 'split the mage'. Skelos is next encountered in Azra's Crossing, where he tells you that a mage named Jagar Tharn is hunting him. He needs a place, out of sight, where he can prepare his defenses and prepare for another matter, about which he will tell you when he feels safe. He suggests Earthtear Caverns as the ideal location for his new hideout.

Once the caverns are clear, he will tell you that while in Delfran's he overheard that somebody is using the ongoing war to build a "Shadow of Conflict" or "Umbra' Keth". Skelos insists that this shadow must not be allowed to fall into the hands of Tharn or any other likeminded mage. He seeks five magical crystals called Star Teeth with which to contain the creature.

Two possible fates await Skelos. If he receives his five teeth he will discover, tragically, that there are in fact seven such crystals, and that attempting to control the Umbra' Keth with only five is a fatally-flawed plan. If instead he is persuaded that Azra Nightwielder is correct and that the way to destroy the creature is to confront it in its crypt, he will reappear in Azra's Crossing to offer his congratulations.

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Rescue PrisonersEdit

When first spoken to:

"A thousand thanks would not repay you for rescuing me from those brutes.
But far worse lurks in shadows than bandits and rats, and soon...
My pardon, I forget myself. I am Skelos Undriel, Shadowmage.
I should like to speak with you again, back in Azra's Crossing."

Clear Earthtear CavernsEdit

When spoken to at Azra's Crossing:

"Exquisite timing on my rescue. I believe they were contemplating starting a game of split the mage.
A mage named Jagar Tharn is hunting me, and I need a place, out of sight, in which to prepare my defenses. And... ...there's another matter, which I can tell you more about should you clear the Earthtear Caverns for me. It is located northeast of this village.
Its remote location would make an ideal spot to defend myself. Are you up to the challenge?"
Earthtear shall be yours.
No, thanks.

After Earthtear is cleared out:

"Yes, yes, yes! I doubt Tharn's minions will find me in that hole in the ground. I shall make quarters there and begin my work..."

Skelos then leans in and whispers:

"This work is vital. I know from conversations in Delfran's that someone is using the war to build a Shadow of Conflict.
The war is but the fuel for this creature, this Umbra Keth. It must not be allowed to fall into the hands of Jagar Tharn or some other likeminded mage.
I ask you to help me contain this creature. It needs to be stopped. For that I will need five magical crystals, Star Teeth.
Head north to Ghast's Pass. There, search for either the Twilight Temple or the Witch Tree. Those would be good places to start.
If you return the crystals to me I shall reward you. And you will be saving your homeland from untold destruction.
Let me know when you are ready to take on this task."

Collect Five Star TeethEdit

When you talk to him again:

"Are you prepared to collect the five Star Teeth that I require?"
"Excellent. I am about to leave for Earthtear to research the warding of the Shadow of Conflict. Meet me there when you've collected the five Star Teeth I need."
Goodbye, Skelos.
Not yet.

When spoken to if you have one Star Tooth:

(Skelos' eyes brighten as he catches sight of you):
"Do you have one for me?"
I do.
(Skelos takes a Star Tooth from you, examining it with cool efficiency and a building excitement,):
"Yes, yes a magnificent start."
I'll be back with more.

If spoken with after speaking to Azra:

"You expect me to give you the Star Teeth back? My once chance to thwart the magic which threatens me?"
You've been misled.
"Who misled me? How do you know Azra Nightwielder isn't the one who is misleading you?"
Azra has the same enemies.
"I suppose he would understand the shadow wars better than I.
My foe has proven to be more than I can handle. I pray you are more up to the task."
I'll be ready.
(Skelos clasps your shoulder and looks you in the eye, finally smiling,):
"Yes, yes, I believe you will be."
(The shadow mage turns to leave.)
Farewell, Skelos.
Waste your life then.

Once you have the fifth Star Tooth to give him:

(Skelos looks exhausted)
"I am ready, more than ready to be done with this spell. You have the last Star Tooth I need?"
Yes, Skelos.
"I suggest you depart this cavern with all deliberate speed. I shall contact you when I am done."
Good luck, Skelos.

If spoken to again before leaving the cavern:

"I must insist, for the spell is too powerful even for a resourceful adventurer such as yourself. Please leave."

When you return to the cavern:

(There is something amiss inside the cavern. Terribly amiss. You struggle with a force which tries to keep you from entering, but eventually you overcome it.
Nothing more than stains remain of the Shadowmage; horrible gouges in the rock indicate something ferocious killed him.
Gleaming against the dull rock of the cavern are the Star Teeth you gave Skelos. You recall Skelos said something about these being useful in the fight against the shadow creatures.)


Once you teleport to Azra's Crossing after defeating the Umbra' Keth:

"You've done it! You've put an end to the Shadow of Conflict. I had my doubts about you, but it appears I worried for nothing.
You saved my life, and for that I will eternally grateful. In fact, you've saved us all from a horrible fate, and for that you will always be remembered."
My pleasure.


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