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< Oblivion: People / Merchants
(RefID: 00035292)
Home City Leyawiin
Store Best Goods and Guarantees
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Level 8 Class Trader
RefID 00035292 BaseID 00034E68
Available 8am-8pm every day
When the Fighter's Stronghold download is installed, this NPC offers services at slightly different times. 8am-8pm; 12am-6am, 10pm-12am
Gold 1000 Mercantile Journeyman (60)
Sells General goods; upgrades for the Leyawiin house
Other Information
Health 68 Magicka 137
Responsibility 100 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Best Goods and Guarantees Merchants; Leyawiin

Gundalas is a Wood Elf merchant at Best Goods and Guarantees in Leyawiin. He sells general goods and upgrades for the house that can be purchased in Leyawiin. Elsynia also works at Best Goods and Guarantees.

Gundalas spends much of his time happily serving the various customers that come to his store. He starts his day by having a two-hour breakfast at 6am before opening his shop at 8am. At this point, he will offer his various services for the next twelve hours, along with his co-proprietor Elsynia. After a busy day of running the store, he will leave it at 8pm to wander around the area just between his store and the Chapel of Zenithar. He will do this until 10pm, at which point he will head back to his store and wander around. On rainy days, he will skip this and just stroll around in the store. He will simply wander around all night long, until his breakfast the next morning (see bugs).

He wears a set of middle class clothing, consisting of a quilted doublet, burgundy linens, and a pair of thick cowhide shoes. He also carries the key to his store and a small amount of gold.


Gundalas seems quite content with his life of working at Best Goods and Guarantees and will warmly greet his customers:

"Gundalas guarantees! Everything... almost free! At Best Goods and Guarantees, retail service at warehouse prices!"
"Best prices? Right here at Gundalas' Best Goods and Guarantees! Never an unhappy customer! Huge discounts... to qualifying patrons!"


Count Marius Caro will point you toward Gundalas when telling you how to improve your newly purchased home in Leyawiin:

"It's a might devoid of furnishings, so you may want to pay a visit to Gundalas at Best Goods and Guarantees. He can fix you up."

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  • As his sleep package comes after his default wander package, Gundalas will never go to sleep.