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Online:Uriel Weatherleah

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Uriel Weatherleah
Location Weatherleah Estate
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Uriel Weatherleah

Uriel Weatherleah is an Imperial who can be found at Weatherleah Manor and is the husband of Pelena Weatherleah. He left to fight in Varen's Rebellion several years ago and was thought to have died in Cyrodiil.

Soon after the recent death of his mother, he returned to the estate, apparently having regained his memories.

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Aquilia Verres will ask you to assist Mizzik, with the aim of executing her aunt's will. While tracking down Betu and the sealed will he took, you will find Pelena and Uriel beneath a stone gazebo and in conversation:

Pelena Weatherleah: "I don't know what you're playing at, but you were a fool to come here."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "There's Lady Pelena and her husband Uriel, our once long-lost son."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Be angry all you want, dear wife, but don't cause a scene. I'm here to stay."
<Pelena notices Mizzik.>
Pelena Weatherleah: "Oh, Mizzik! I didn't see you there. I believe I saw Betu heading south."

If you speak with him before continuing:

"Losing my late mother's will has got everyone on edge. Hopefully it turns up soon and we can have this uncomfortable business taken care of. Then we can discuss more lighthearted matters such as a celebration of my return."

Once have found Betu and the Sealed Will you can meet with Mizzik at the manor where he will prepare to read the will:

Aquilia Verres: "I hope Betu's return means you retrieved the will, Mizzik?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, the will is returned and intact thanks to my assistant."
Aquilia Verres: "Well, let's get this over with. Read it aloud, Mizzik."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, of course. Weatherleah's walls hide a glittering secret. Safely guarded by four loyal paws."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Do not worry, Mizzik and his assistant will get to the bottom of this."
Aquilia Verres: "I'm sorry, is that … a riddle?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "This must be some sort of joke!"
<Betu wanders around and shies away from Uriel.>
Uriel Weatherleah: "There he is! My faithful friend … oh!"
Aquilia Verres: "Strange. Betu doesn't seem too fond of you, cousin."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. I'm sure Betu just needs time to remember me. Isn't that right, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feel free to speak with the others, but join me in the study when you are ready."
<Mizzik leaves and enters the nearby study.>

You have the option of speaking with Uriel before continuing:

"I didn't realize Mizzik had an assistant! A pleasure to meet you. I hope, despite the circumstances, you will find time to enjoy the estate grounds. It's beautiful this time of year. A small blessing while we grieve."
You must be happy to be back home.
"Happy doesn't do the feeling justice. Ecstatic, overjoyed, yet still burdened by mother's passing and the horrors of battle. But, being surrounded by loved ones has been a major boon."

Going outside, you will fine Pelena and Uriel having another tense conversation:

Uriel Weatherleah: "How foolish of you to think that I would just disappear."
<Pelena notices you and Mizzik.>
Pelena Weatherleah: "My love, the investigator returns. We'll continue our discussion later."

You can speak with Uriel about his recent return and his mother's death:

"Go on then, ask me how I returned. It's the only question anyone seems to have for me. Uriel Weatherleah, back from the dead! It's laughable."
I am curious.
"Six years ago I left to fight in Varen's revolt. I was gravely wounded and left for dead, and would've died had a caravan of Khajiit not stumbled upon me and taken pity. The Khajiit could heal my wounds, but not my memories. They were lost."
You lost your memories?
"Every single one. I rode with the caravan until I was fully healed. It wasn't until we rode into Skingrad that the first slivers of my past began to return. By the time I remembered my name and where I lived, it was too late. Mother was dead."
So now you remember everything?
"Some things, yes, but there are still heavy clouds. For instance, it's clear mother's riddle was meant for me, but I can't make sense of it. I can only hope your talented investigative skills solve this mystery."
Do you share Aquilia's doubts about your mother's death?
"I fear Aquilia has merely succumbed to her own grief. Chasing phantasms with bloody daggers. My mother was a wonderful woman who died a simple death. It is sad, but common. You come to understand this when you've been to war."
Is there anyone who would want to hurt your mother?
"From what I've been told my mother lived her final years grieving in isolation. My dear wife Pelena did her best to keep her company, but my mother had no friends or visitors. Aside from the hired help of course."
Could someone on staff have hurt your mother?
"All this talk of suspects when the woman simply fell. Though, I suppose Thunderboots would not be here if the death weren't suspicious. Speak with the staff yourself if you see fit."

A common link between the three Weatherleah family members is the mention of Groundskeeper Otho finding Lady Weatherleah's body. Speaking with Otho, he will explain what happened that day, and you will then proceed to investigate the library. On the other side of a broken window in the library, you will Betu who digs up a Gilded Key and then runs off. Following the dog, you are lead to Uriel's memorial and the body of Chef Edric Brussiner and a florid confession letter. The letter claims that Chef Edric had poisoned Lady Weatherleah and then killed himself out of guilt.

Speaking with Mizzik, he will point out the holes in this story and is certain that Chef Edric's claim that Uriel was an imposter was correct. At this, he suggests you speak with Uriel in the manor.

Entering the manor, you will find Uriel and Aquilia together, with the latter apparently having been questioning Uriel:

Uriel Weatherleah: "What is with all the questions, cousin? Aren't you happy to see me?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "There's our imposter! Talk to him, friend."

Speaking with Uriel, you can break the news of Edric's death:

"Our intrepid investigators! Pelena and I were just arguing over what to do with my mother's estate. Marriage squabbles. Have you made progress with that mysterious riddle? I can fetch her if you'd like, she just went into the kitchen."
Actually, we wanted to know if you were close to the cook, Edric Brussiner?
"The cook, you say? Well, as close as any young heir is with their staff. Now that I think about it, I always did find him strange. Always one for the shadows. I'm glad Pelena saw fit to fire him. I only wish I were here to do it myself."
We found him dead by the estate fountain.
"Dead? What a ghastly turn of events. Hold on, another memory is coming back to me. Yes. The cook always had a secret love for my mother. Was it grief that led him to kill himself? It must have been. You don't think he also killed mother?"
I didn't say he killed himself.
"Oh, yes, of course. No. I must have gotten ahead of myself. Yes, that's it. All this death. I thought I left it behind on the battlefield, but it seems to have followed me home. Whether murderer or murderee, my heart goes out to Edric."

After your conversation with Uriel:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Thank you, Uriel. That's all. We should speak to Pelena next, traveler."
Aquilia Verres: "There's been another murder? The killer could come for any one of us next!"
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. It's clear Edric was a troubled man who killed Lady Weatherleah and took his own life."
Aquilia Verres: "Maybe so, but I'm not leaving this room just yet."

Speaking with Uriel after talking to Pelena but before Groundskeeper Otho:

"Surely you can stop running about and relax. The killer has confessed to his crimes. Too bad we cannot ask him why he did it, but who can understand the mind of a murderer anyway?"

Speaking with Pelena and then Groundskeeper Otho, you receive conflicting stories about who made tea for Lady Weatherleah that day. You also learn the gilded key you found is for Lady Weatherleah's room and that is where she would normally take tea. Once you unlock the room, you will find it in disarray and Mizzik has you search it. You find a Letter to Pelena, which is from the man who killed Uriel Weatherleah, at Pelena's request. After he learnt Lady Weatherleah was looking for her son, he decided to impersonate Uriel due to their similar appearances and had begun blackmailing Pelena.

Just as you and Mizzik decide to confront Pelena and the imposter Uriel, you hear a scream from downstairs, and find Uriel—actually Theophan Pictor—dead on the floor.
