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Online:Aquilia Verres

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Aquilia Verres
Location Weatherleah Estate
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Aquilia Verres is an Imperial who can be found at Weatherleah Estate. She has come from High Isle after the recent death of her aunt Lady Weatherleah, to execute her will.

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You can meet with Aquilia on the road leading to the estate, she will be looking for a dog:

Aquilia Verres: "Betu! Where has that dog gone?"

Speak with her to see what is going on:

"Excuse my shouting, traveler. You wouldn't happen to have seen a dog running around? Large, fluffy, carrying a very important, estate-defining scroll in his mouth?"
Why is the dog carrying a scroll?
"It's a tiring ordeal. I'm visiting West Weald to execute the will of my late aunt, Lady Weatherleah. The will my aunt's beloved dog Betu currently has in his slobbery little mouth.
No thanks to Lady Weatherleah's investigator friend."
An investigator?
"Yes. One Mizzik Thunderboots. It seems he and my aunt are old friends and he insisted on helping execute her will. I've had my fill, but you're welcome to lend him a hand. In fact, I can offer you a tidy sum if you can help move things along."
I'll speak with Mizzik Thunderboots.

After you agree to help, you can ask Aquilia some questions:

"You can find Mizzik just down the road, searching the Weatherleah Estate for Betu. He has quite a distinct look, you can't miss him. Khajiit wearing a broad brimmed hat and big heavy boots. Quite the flair for the dramatic if you ask me."
Tell me more about your aunt.
"My dear aunt suffered a terrible fall in her library. It's tragic, she certainly had many more years ahead of her. Now those she left behind are trying to piece together her final wishes. Even her son deigned to return."
What do you mean?
"I shouldn't be so flippant with my family's drama. Uriel, my cousin, disappeared years ago. My aunt believed he died in Varen's revolt, yet here he is.
Something doesn't seem right, but I'll leave the speculation to the investigator."
Tell me more about this investigator.
"One Mizzik Thunderboots. It's an odd name for an investigator, don't you think? Doesn't inspire a sense of discretion. Although, if what he says is true, he knew my aunt. If she trusted him then so can I."

After speaking with Mizzik and learning more about the situation, you go around with him tracking down Betu. Along the way you overhear conversations between various members of the residents of the estate. Once have found Betu and the Sealed Will you can meet with Mizzik at the manor where he will prepare to read the will:

Aquilia Verres: "I hope Betu's return means you retrieved the will, Mizzik?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, the will is returned and intact thanks to my assistant."
Aquilia Verres: "Well, let's get this over with. Read it aloud, Mizzik."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, of course. Weatherleah's walls hide a glittering secret. Safely guarded by four loyal paws."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Do not worry, Mizzik and his assistant will get to the bottom of this."
Aquilia Verres: "I'm sorry, is that … a riddle?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "This must be some sort of joke!"
<Betu wanders around and shies away from Uriel.>
Uriel Weatherleah: "There he is! My faithful friend … oh!"
Aquilia Verres: "Strange. Betu doesn't seem too fond of you, cousin."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. I'm sure Betu just needs time to remember me. Isn't that right, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feel free to speak with the others, but join me in the study when you are ready."
<Mizzik leaves and enters the nearby study.>

You have the option of speaking Aquilia and asking her some questions:

"It seems I was right to ask for your help. Despite the mysterious contents of the will, this is the most progress we've made all day. I trust you and Mizzik will see things through and we can proceed with this unpleasant business."
Were you close to Lady Weatherleah?
"Fairly, though I wish I had made more of an effort to visit. I spent many summers here when I was younger, but school and then my position kept me away for far too long. She was kind, generous. Her loss outweighs any treasure we might find."

When you enter the study, you and Mizzik will search the room. Some of the things you find out is that Lady Aquilia made her own investigation into her son's disappearance, Pelena approached Lady Weatherleah with concerns about Chef Edric Brussiner and an unknown person sent the Lady a warning about a plot. Afterwards, Mizzik will want you to question the Weatherleah family members.

Aquilia will be looking out the window:

"If you are looking for the stranger who calls himself Uriel, he went to walk the estate grounds with Pelena. And not a moment too soon. I was growing tired of their bickering."
Actually, I was hoping to talk to you.
"Of course, though I doubt I'd be of much help. I was tending to affairs in High Isle when I learned of my aunt's death. As her last living blood relative, I saw fit to see to her will. Until my cousin's convenient reappearance, of course."
What do you know of Lady Weatherleah's death?
"As I understand it, she fell from her library's ladder while reaching for a book. If she had kept a modest staff on hand, perhaps she could have been saved, but by the time she was found … she had passed."
Who found her?
"I believe it was one of the estate's remaining workers. Pelena would know more, she was here when it happened. Unlike Uriel. I know grief can cloud one's judgment, but is she not at all suspicious of Uriel's story?"
Why are you so suspicious of Uriel?
"I haven't seen Uriel since we were teens, before I was sent to boarding school. And then he left to fight in Varen's revolt six years ago. He might share a passing resemblance, even with his scar, but I don't believe he's really Uriel."
Do you have any proof he's lying?
"Frustratingly, no. But my aunt spent countless coin searching for Uriel. Even if his story is true and he lost his memory, she would've found him. I fear Uriel was lost to us in the revolt and this man is wearing our grief like a disguise."
What does Pelena think?
"That's the thing, since his arrival Pelena has been both overjoyed and furious. I suppose his return, after so long, could explain her mixed emotions, but I think she's hiding something. They share terse whispers constantly."
That's good to know.

Speaking with her again afterwards:

"I'll remain here until my aunt's affairs are resolved. I won't rest easy until I know justice has been brought to her killer."

A common link between the three Weatherleah family members is the mention of Groundskeeper Otho finding Lady Weatherleah's body. Speaking with Otho, he will explain what happened that day, and you will then proceed to investigate the library. On the other side of a broken window in the library, you will Betu who digs up a Gilded Key and then runs off. Following the dog, you are lead to Uriel's memorial and the body of Chef Edric Brussiner and a florid confession letter. The letter claims that Chef Edric had poisoned Lady Weatherleah and then killed himself out of guilt.

Speaking with Mizzik, he will point out the holes in this story and is certain that Chef Edric's claim that Uriel was an imposter was correct. At this, he suggests you speak with Uriel in the manor, once you enter the manor you will find Aquilia and Uriel in the same room.

Talking to Uriel you can break the news of Edric's death, he will say it was suicide for the reasons stated in the confession letter, without you mentioning anything about the cause of death or the letter. After this, Mizzik will want to talk to Pelena to see if there are any changes in her story:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Thank you, Uriel. That's all. We should speak to Pelena next, traveler."
Aquilia Verres: "There's been another murder? The killer could come for any one of us next!"
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. It's clear Edric was a troubled man who killed Lady Weatherleah and took his own life."
Aquilia Verres: "Maybe so, but I'm not leaving this room just yet."

Talking with Aquilia before entering the kitchen:

"Another murder? I fear any one of us is at risk. Better not wander off alone."

Speaking with Pelena and then Groundskeeper Otho, you receive conflicting stories about who made tea for Lady Weatherleah that day. You also learn the gilded key you found is for Lady Weatherleah's room and that is where she would normally take tea. Once you unlock the room, you will find it in disarray and Mizzik has you search the room. You find a Stained Teacup with similar residue to the poison used to kill Edric and a Letter to Pelena. The letter is from the man who killed Uriel Weatherleah, at Pelena's request. After he learnt Lady Weatherleah was looking for her son, he decided to impersonate Uriel due to their similar appearances and had begun blackmailing Pelena.

Just as you and Mizzik decide to confront Pelena and the imposter Uriel, you hear a scream from downstairs:

Aquilia Verres: "[Aquilia Screaming]"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik heard a scream from down the hall! We must hurry!"
<Mizzik runs out of the room and downstairs.>

When you get downstairs, you will find Uriel dead and Betu on the ground nearby and Otho hovering over him:

Aquilia Verres: "He's dead! Someone killed him!"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu? Betu, what's wrong boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Nobody leaves until Mizzik finds out what happened! Traveler, there's something by the body, quick."

Talking with Aquilia at this point, she will be overwhelmed:

"I was in the study when I thought I heard an argument. I came to investigate, but it was too late. Uriel was on the floor and someone dashed out of the entryway. I, I don't know what to do."

Searching the body, you will find a letter to Mizzik from Chef Edric. In it Edric explains his suspicions of Pelena and that he found her correspondence with Theophan Pictor who has since been impersonating the true Uriel Weatherleah. He also felt he doomed Lady Weatherleah as he had given her the incriminating letter and Pelena had suspected she had it.

After this, you run over to Betu and find Foul Residue around his mouth which matches the poison that killed Edric and Lady Weatherleah. You can then talk with Otho about this and he will recognize the poison and where to find an antidote. Using the Medicinal Herbs on Betu, he will quickly recover, you can talk to Aquilia after this:

"Thank you for helping save Betu. Seeing both you and Otho spring into action while I just stood here quivering. You've opened my eyes, traveler."

Once you talk to Mizzik about the letter you found, Betu will run off suddenly. Talking to Aquilia before you give chase:

"I'll remain here until my aunt's affairs are resolved. I won't rest easy until I know justice has been brought to her killer."

Following Betu, you are lead to the basement and then into the Weatherleah Cavern below the estate. Chasing after Betu, you soon reach Pelena and can confront her once this is done Betu will drop a Dusty Golden Goblet. When you and Mizzik follow the dog, you find where the fortune has been hidden and Lady Weatherleah's final will.

With the letter in hand, you can return to the manor where you will find Pelena tied up with Aquilia, Otho and Betu around her:

Aquilia Verres: "Pelena, is it true? After everything my aunt did for you?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "I don't owe you an explanation, Aquilia."

You can then speak with Aquilia and hand her Lady Weatherleah's letter:

"Otho did his best to explain your findings, but is it really true? Pelena is to blame for this nightmare?"
Yes. Pelena Weatherleah was our killer.
"I thought she was acting strangely, but I blamed it on the grief. I would never have expected her to be capable of all this. And what of … Uriel? What was his role in all this?"
He was an imposter. He wanted a cut of the fortune after helping kill Uriel.
"I knew something was off about him, but to think he also played a role in killing my cousin. Lady Weatherleah gave Pelena a comfortable life, looked after her every need. All this death in the pursuit of an absent fortune."
Actually, we found the missing fortune along with a letter from Lady Weatherleah.
"Betu was safeguarding the fortune this whole time? It's a strange request, leaving the remaining fortune to Betu and her staff, but I wouldn't dare go against my aunt's wishes.
How sweet, Lord Betu of Weatherleah."

At this announcement, the people around Aquilia will react to what was said:

Pelena Weatherleah: "You have got to be joking, the dog?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "I can't believe it. There must be some mistake."
Aquilia Verres: "There's no mistake, Otho. I will help oversee the transfer of ownership. You and Betu will have all your needs seen to."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Excellent work, my friend. Let us speak."

Speaking with Aquilia after completing the quest:

"Don't worry. I'll take care of all the remaining paperwork and help get Otho, and Betu, on their feet. Thank you for everything you've done today. I hope my dear aunt can rest easy now."
What will you do now?
"I'll ensure that Otho and Betu are recognized as the estate owners. From there it's largely up to Otho. I'd imagine he'd want to hire staff and begin tending to the estate grounds again.
At the very least I'll make sure he rests."
And Betu?
"It might sound strange, leaving an estate to a dog, but wealth can be funny like that. I once attended a masquerade in Summerset organized by a pet cat. Everything has paled in comparison since.
Betu's a good boy. I'm sure he'll adjust."
How do you feel about this arrangement?
"If I'd found out when I first arrived, I may have been a little more concerned, but after seeing the way Otho dotes on Betu? And knowing how much that dog meant to my aunt? I have no qualms.
This is what she wanted."


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