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Online:Pelena Weatherleah

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Pelena Weatherleah
Location Weatherleah Estate
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Pelena Weatherleah

Pelena Weatherleah is an Imperial who can be found at Weatherleah Estate. She is the wife of Uriel Weatherleah and daughter-in-law of the late Lady Weatherleah. With the recent return of her husband after he was thought dead for many years, there appears to be friction between the two.

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Aquilia Verres will ask you to assist Mizzik, with the aim of executing her aunt's will. While tracking down Betu and the sealed will he took, you will find Pelena and Uriel beneath a stone gazebo and in conversation:

Pelena Weatherleah: "I don't know what you're playing at, but you were a fool to come here."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "There's Lady Pelena and her husband Uriel, our once long-lost son."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Be angry all you want, dear wife, but don't cause a scene. I'm here to stay."
<Pelena notices Mizzik.>
Pelena Weatherleah: "Oh, Mizzik! I didn't see you there. I believe I saw Betu heading south."

If you speak with her before continuing:

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you and the investigator there. This search for the will is rattling my nerves! Please let us know at once when you find it."

Once have found Betu and the Sealed Will you can meet with Mizzik at the manor where he will prepare to read the will:

Aquilia Verres: "I hope Betu's return means you retrieved the will, Mizzik?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, the will is returned and intact thanks to my assistant."
Aquilia Verres: "Well, let's get this over with. Read it aloud, Mizzik."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, of course. Weatherleah's walls hide a glittering secret. Safely guarded by four loyal paws."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Do not worry, Mizzik and his assistant will get to the bottom of this."
Aquilia Verres: "I'm sorry, is that … a riddle?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "This must be some sort of joke!"
<Betu wanders around and shies away from Uriel.>
Uriel Weatherleah: "There he is! My faithful friend … oh!"
Aquilia Verres: "Strange. Betu doesn't seem too fond of you, cousin."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. I'm sure Betu just needs time to remember me. Isn't that right, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feel free to speak with the others, but join me in the study when you are ready."
<Mizzik leaves and enters the nearby study.>

You have the option of speaking Pelena and asking her some questions:

"All this waiting and for what? A riddle? It's absurd. The sooner you and Mizzik solve this riddle the sooner our family can move on from this nonsense. To think we haven't even had a chance to celebrate Uriel's return."
What were you and Uriel arguing about earlier?
"How embarrassing. You overheard that? Tensions have been high since his mother's passing. There are certain adjustments we've both had to make. Nothing some restful sleep can't solve."

When you enter the study, you and Mizzik will search the room. Some of the things you find out is that Lady Aquilia made her own investigation into her son's disappearance, Pelena approached Lady Weatherleah with concerns about Chef Edric Brussiner and an unknown person sent the Lady a warning about a plot. Afterwards, Mizzik will want you to question the Weatherleah family members.

Going outside, you will fine Pelena and Uriel having another tense conversation:

Uriel Weatherleah: "How foolish of you to think that I would just disappear."
<Pelena notices you and Mizzik.>
Pelena Weatherleah: "My love, the investigator returns. We'll continue our discussion later."

You can then speak with Pelena and ask questions about Lady Weatherleah's death:

"Apologies. Recent events have been overwhelming to say the least. I needed some fresh air and my dear Uriel saw fit to join me. Is there anything I can help you with?"
Were you present the day Lady Weatherleah died?
"No, I was not. Lady Weatherleah was kind enough to let me live on the estate when Uriel went off to fight, but I often spend my mornings walking through the woods. A ritual that has helped ever since Uriel's death—absence, I mean."
Who found her body?
"Otho Florious, the gardener, was the one who found her. He was the only one home at the time. Ever since I fired that horrible cook, Otho's been the only remaining staff member tending to the estate."
You fired the cook?
"Yes, I caught Edric snooping around my private quarters. Terrible thing, having one's privacy encroached upon. I told him to never return or I'd have Betu chase him out. I admit, I did enjoy striking fear into that sad little man."
Betu listens to your commands?
"Well enough. He's known me since my courtship years with Uriel. He causes his fair share of mischief, but Lady Weatherleah could never bring herself to get rid of him. After all, Betu was her last connection to Uriel."
What sort of mischief?
"The dog has a penchant for stealing what isn't his. I usually ask our gardener to wrangle him, but, as you can see, he hasn't done a very good job. Of course, now that Lady Weatherleah has passed, we can consider alternatives."

A common link between the three Weatherleah family members is the mention of Groundskeeper Otho finding Lady Weatherleah's body. Speaking with Otho, he will explain what happened that day, and you will then proceed to investigate the library. On the other side of a broken window in the library, you will Betu who digs up a Gilded Key and then runs off. Following the dog, you are lead to Uriel's memorial and the body of Chef Edric Brussiner and a florid confession letter. The letter claims that Chef Edric had poisoned Lady Weatherleah and then killed himself out of guilt.

Speaking with Mizzik, he will point out the holes in this story and is certain that Chef Edric's claim that Uriel was an imposter was correct. At this, he suggests you speak with Uriel in the manor and break the news about Edric death. In response Uriel will say it was suicide for the reasons stated in the confession letter, without you mentioning anything about the cause of death or the letter. After this, Mizzik will want to talk to Pelena to see if there are any changes in her story.

You find Pelena in the kitchen, and she will call out to you once she sees you:

Pelena Weatherleah: "Oh, Mizzik! Do you have updates on your investigation?"

Talk with Pelena to inform her of Chef Edric's death and ask her more questions about the day of Lady Weatherleah's death:

"Mizzik! Traveler. How fares the investigation? With so much still left to speculation, I've found myself wandering the grounds trying to keep my hands busy. I hope to have things settled soon, for all our sakes."
We found the cook dead in the garden with a note confessing to poisoning Lady Weatherleah.
"Edric? A murderer? I'm astonished. I guess I was right to be suspicious of him, but now I wish I'd had him jailed when I could have. What a travesty. At least we now have some closure and can focus on the missing fortune."
Why does the confession say you were present for Lady Weatherleah's death?
"Well, the Lady and I had intended to meet that morning, but it slipped my mind. If the tea was poisoned … wouldn't that make Otho the suspect? With Edric away, he would have been the one to brew the tea for Lady Weatherleah."
Are you accusing Otho of aiding with the murder?
"I haven't the expertise, of course, to make such an accusation, but I do wonder. Otho and Edric have worked the estate for ages. Could they have felt entitled to a cut of the fortune? Useless speculation, perhaps, but the mind does wander."

After your conversation with Pelena, Mizzik will ask you to talk to Groundskeeper Otho once more. Going outside, you will find Otho searching for Betu again, and he will ask about your progress. You can then inform him of Edric's death and what Pelena accused him of. Otho explains how the confession letter could not have been written by Edric and that on the day of Lady Weatherleah's death, Pelena took over the brewing of the tea for him. You also learn that normally Lady Weatherleah would have tea in her bedroom which has remained locked since this started.

Once you unlock the room, you will find it in disarray and Mizzik has you search the room. You find a Stained Teacup with similar residue to the poison used to kill Edric and a Letter to Pelena. The letter is from the man who killed Uriel Weatherleah, at Pelena's request. After he learnt Lady Weatherleah was looking for her son, he decided to impersonate Uriel due to their similar appearances and had begun blackmailing Pelena.

Just as you and Mizzik decide to confront Pelena and the imposter Uriel, you hear a scream from downstairs. After you rush downstairs you find the imposter is dead, Betu poisoned and Pelena will be missing. Searching the body, you will find a letter to Mizzik from Chef Edric. In it Edric explains his suspicions of Pelena and what he did in response, you then work with Otho to cure Betu and save his life. Once you talk to Mizzik about the letter you found, Betu will run off after Pelena and you can follow him into Weatherleah Cavern beneath the estate.

As you approach Pelena you will hear her shout:

Pelena Weatherleah: "Get away from me you beasts!"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "I hear Pelena's voice! She must be nearby."

Eventually Betu will have reached Pelena and she is annoyed that he still lives:

Pelena Weatherleah: "Damned dog! How are you still alive?"

Mizzik will want you to talk with Pelena while she is cornered:

"I've committed no wrong! That man was an imposter. If I hadn't gotten him first, then he would've killed me. I spit on Theophan Pictor's name for masquerading as my dear Uriel."
We know you had Uriel killed.
"How could you possibly say that? Whose inane rambling convinced you of such nonsensical drivel. Everyone is out to frame me. Theophan, Otho, even that damned Edric."
It's over, Pelena.
"Damn this rotting estate! Everything I did, everyone I killed, I did it for my own survival. I hope it crumbles into dust just like that crone and her son. I spit on their graves!"

After talking to Pelena, Otho will arrive:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The Count of Skingrad will decide your fate."
<Groundskeeper Otho arrives.>
Groundskeeper Otho: "Pelena, why would you hurt Betu?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "Because this whole family can rot for all I care!"

Talking to Pelena before Mizzik:

"Everything was going fine until that idiot Theophan came bumbling back into my life."

After speaking with Mizzik, Betu will drop a Dusty Golden Goblet at your feet and you can follow him to where the Weatherleah fortune is hidden and Lady Weatherleah's final will. With the letter in hand you can return to the manor, where you will find Pelena tied up with Aquilia, Otho and Betu around her. Speaking with Mizzik first:

Aquilia Verres: "Pelena, is it true? After everything my aunt did for you?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "I don't owe you an explanation, Aquilia."

When you hand Aquilia the letter, she will announce that Lady Aquilia had willed her fortune to Betu and the staff that cared for her during her time of mourning. At this announcement, the people around Aquilia will react to what was said:

Pelena Weatherleah: "You have got to be joking, the dog?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "I can't believe it. There must be some mistake."
Aquilia Verres: "There's no mistake, Otho. I will help oversee the transfer of ownership. You and Betu will have all your needs seen to."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Excellent work, my friend. Let us speak."

Speaking with Pelena before Mizzik:

"Don't look at me like that. You would have done the same thing in my shoes."
Why did you do it?
"The fortune was always my goal. I was happy playing the doting wife, but when Uriel went off to battle I got greedy. Some old and unsavory acquaintances put me in touch with an assassin. Theophan.
I thought I had it all figured out."
But you killed him too.
"The fool thought he could show up and demand half the fortune for himself. And the more you and that investigator dug, the more reckless he became. When he threatened to out me and take the entirety of the fortune, I knew I had to kill him."
Now it's Betu who will receive the fortune.
"That wretched old woman had one last twist of the knife up her sleeve. I hope she's enjoying this from whatever corner of Oblivion she's in. Damned woman never did like me. She was right, but still."
