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Location Skingrad, Skingrad Outlaws Refuge, Caelum Vineyard
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower During Faded Scarlets
Faction(s) Imperial Legion (Former)

Hooke is an Imperial former legionary and ex-thief who can first be encountered in Skingrad. He was the leader of the Scarlets, a scouting group for the Legion before the group deserted after the failed invasion of Solitude during the time of Emperor Moricar. They then turned to banditry and theft, before a disastrous break in lead to the Scarlets' capture.

While Hooke is repentant and did his time in prison, recent events have caused him to start looking for his old comrades.

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Hooke can be found in the backstreets of Skingrad arguing with Sergeant Corvus:

Hooke: "So that's it, Corvus? People are dying, and you turn a blind eye because you're busy?"
Sergeant Corvus: "I wouldn't expect a deserter and a thief to understand the Legion's duties. Look after yourself, Hooke. You always have."
<Sergeant Corvus walks away down the street to the west.>

Talk with Hooke to see what is going on:

"Well, I suppose you saw that. It's been twenty years, and Sergeant Corvus is still a stuck-up Colovian prig. Two lives cut short—but we were deserters, so he thinks we got what we deserved.
Damn it all. Maybe he's right."
Who was killed?
"Almo and Regnir. Comrades in my Legion days, then fellow outlaws after. We called ourselves the Scarlets.
Sorry. The name's Hooke. Back when the Gold Road was rich, I led the gang. But we got caught. Did our time. We're not thieves anymore."
Do you think you're in danger, too?
"If I get what's coming to me, so be it. The price of being a thief. But we left that life years ago. The other Scarlets don't deserve to die.
Can you help me gather the crew? Protect them from whoever's hunting us? I can pay you. Thief's honor!"
I'll help you find the remaining Scarlets.
"I think we'll get along, friend. Here, let me mark your map. I know where you can find three of the surviving Scarlets: Big Urm, Fallen-Knives, and Valenia.
Tell them to go to the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge. I'll be waiting there."

After you agree to help, you can ask some questions:

Tell me more about the three Scarlets I'm looking for.
"Right. I'm not exactly sure how many of us are left. Big Urm, Fallen-Knives and Valenia are the only ones I've been able to track down so far."
Tell me about Big Urm.
"Big Urm? Our chaplain. And a poet, too. She penned the words to our one rule. She could have settled down in a temple, but we needed someone who could bust down doors.
Heard she had some trouble to deal with out at Varen's Watch."
What about Fallen-Knives?
"Not much to say about Knives. He was half in the bottle back in our Legion days, and crawled all the way in after we served our time. But I'd rather have him chugging than thieving, I guess.
Last I heard, he was in Ontus."
Who's Valenia?
"Ah, Valenia. There were times I wondered why she chose a thief's life. She had family back in Valenwood. Could have gone home any time. But I was grateful she stayed with us.
She's in Vashabar now. She … ah, forget it."
What were you going to say?
"Nothing, I suppose. Just daydreaming. Valenia and I were close, once.
Bah! Enough of that. That was twenty years ago. There are lives in danger today—Valenia's life, too. We should focus on that."
You were a thief? / You mentioned being a thief?
"Thief, highwayman, brigand, outlaw—I'd be richer than Count Calantius if I had a gold piece for every name they gave us. That's not who the Scarlets are anymore.
Once we were legionaries. Good ones, even."
What happened?
"We were pressed into joining Emperor Moricar's invasion of Western Skyrim. A damn foolish thing—no surprise he's not here anymore. We barely survived. And when we finally straggled home, there was nothing left for us."
So you deserted?
"Aye. No different than abandoning a ship when it sinks. We Scarlets are survivors. And that's what we did.
Took a lesson from Moricar's Reachmen. They stole to keep their bellies full. So we did too. Everything but lives."
Why draw that line?
"The Scarlets had a rule: Take from those who can spare some. Take nothing from any that can't be undone.
Hard times never seemed to touch the fortunes of the rich. Still the same today, I reckon."

After you have found his former comrades and convinced them to meet with him at the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge, you can find Hooke talking to them in the refuge:

Hooke: "I know. The law won't forget our mistakes, but this time, we do the right thing. We can catch this coward. Together."
<Hooke notices you.>
Hooke: "Good timing, friend. Come, let's give the others some space."

You can then speak with him to see what he plans to do next:

"Good, you're back. My old comrades showed up shortly before you did. Thank you for getting them here.
We all came to an understanding. If the law won't deal with whoever's killing the Scarlets, the job falls to us."
What do you intend to do?
"There are a few souls down here who owe me favors. They keep their ears to the ground. If anyone hears a whisper about this murderer, we'll know.
In the meantime, I have another job for you. There's a Scarlet I need you to chase down."
Someone other than the four of you?
"Aye. Naku, the squad's sapper. He was a hard one to track down, so I focused on him while you were out bringing these three to roost.
It was pure luck I found him at all. Overheard a drunk prospector at the tavern yell his name."
Where is he?
"Back wallowing in the dirt, just like the old days. He's prospecting down south of the city, at some played-out mine. Seems Naku isn't quite so sure the place is done. Always was an optimist.
Anyway, we need him here."
You want me to find Naku and convince him to come?
"Naku's as stubborn as a stump. But if you got Knives to part with his drink—however briefly—and come here, then this shouldn't be too hard.
We'll keep looking for leads on the murderer while you're gone."

Before you leave, you can take the opportunity to ask him what exactly lead to the Scarlets arrest:

I want to know how you and the Scarlets got arrested. I've heard some things.
"I don't relish telling that particular story. But I suppose you deserve to know. It's not like the people of Skingrad are about to forget it.
The Scarlets were a squad in the Imperial Legion. Irregulars for scouting and odd work."
And then you deserted.
"Aye. When the Longhouse Emperor was defeated at Solitude, he punished legionaries who dared to come home alive. We deserted to escape the noose. That made us outlaws."
So you stole to survive?
"Not at first. We came back to West Weald thinking we'd be mercenaries. But Moricar's orders made it hard. We got hungry. And there were easy pickings on the Gold Road, day in and day out.
That fed us. Then we got greedy."
What do you mean?
"We decided one big score from one of the finest winemakers in West Weald would see us through. Caelum Vineyard. I scouted the place to make sure no one was around. We snuck in … but the master had come home early."
And then what happened?
"It was so fast. Master Caelum came downstairs, his wife behind him with a little lad in her arms. In the commotion, someone knocked over a candelabra. The room was aflame in an instant. It was like a door to Oblivion itself."
But you escaped.
"Aye. Don't know how—the whole house caught fire. They said in Skingrad it was like seeing dawn at midnight. The guards came quickly. We were waiting, you see. Waiting for the master and his family to make it out.
They never did."
Valenia told me what happened the night before the fire.
"She did? Aye, well, it's an embarrassing memory for the both of us. And one of my more selfish mistakes. If I had done my second check, maybe everyone would still be alive.
I deserved to go to prison for what I did."

When you reach Naku's small claim to the south of the city, you will find his backpack and a letter addressed to him. It goads him to seek out a richer vein found in Fyrelight Cave, when you search for Naku in the cavern, you find Naku pleading for his life before he is killed. His killer warns you to stop helping the Scarlets as they don't deserve it, before they leave. After collecting some clues, you return to the Scarlets to bring them the bad news.

They will be gathered around a table near Gold Road Goods, examining the notes they all received:

Hooke: "These notes … it's like the killer knew how to get under each Scarlet's skin. They've been watching us."

You can talk with Hooke about what happened and what you found:

"You're back! But where's Naku?"
I was too late. The killer lured Naku to Fyrelight Cave and murdered him.
"Damn it all! The bastard got another one of us!
Who's behind this? Why are they doing this to us?"
Naku called him Marcan. He killed Naku with this knife.
"I can't believe it. He survived? But this marking … no, there's no mistake. It all points back to my last bloody mistake—Caelum Vineyard.
The family wasn't supposed to be home. There was a struggle, a fire. We got out, but they didn't."
Who do you think survived?
"Marcan Caelum. The master of the manor. I thought he died in the fire. I'd give anything to go back to that day, but some things cannot be undone.
Vengeance won't bring back Marcan's family. We have to go to Caelum Vineyard and end this."
What do you think we'll find there?
"Caelum Vineyard isn't much more than a ruin these days. But everything goes back to that place, that night. I have a feeling Marcan Caelum is waiting for us there.
We'll talk more at the vineyard."
Wouldn't it be safer for the four of you to stay here?
"We can't hide down here forever. Now we know how Marcan Caelum operates. He lures out his victims and strikes when they're alone. We won't give him that chance again.
Besides … I caused all this. I have to be the one to end it."

When you arrive at the ruins of the Caelum Vineyard, the group will be waiting for you:

Valenia: "It's so desolate. How much of this is our doing?"
Hooke: "Don't lose focus! Val, Knives, Big Urm—search the far side of the vineyard for signs of Marcan Caelum. I'll take this side with our friend."
Big Urm: "Keep safe, everyone. May the Divines watch over us."

At this point, Hooke will accompany you during the search as your follower. If you speak with him before you leave:

"I don't think I have to tell you that we caused all of this. But it's high time I take responsibility for everything that happened.
Come, friend. Let's search for any sign of Marcan Caelum's whereabouts."

Finding melted metal in the house ruins:

Hooke: "That's melted silver. This was where the house stood. One knocked-over candlestick, and this is all that's left."

Finding the two tombstones of Erno and Hytia Caelum:

Hooke: "Headstones? They're in good condition. Someone has been maintaining them."

Finding the sewer pipe grate:

Hooke: "I think someone's been using this grate to get in and out, but it's locked from the inside. Might lead to the cellar of the house."

Once you have finished your exploration, Hooke will want to talk to you:

Hooke: "Let's talk friend."

See what he has to say:

"I think the headstones and the locked sewer grate confirm what we expected to find—Marcan Caelum spends a lot of time here. But I can't see him living in the ruins of the house. There's just nothing left."
Where is he, then?
"Below ground, I'd wager. In its prime, a vineyard like this would have had huge cellars for storing the wine until it matured. Some of those cellars must have survived the fire.
That's where we'll find Marcan Caelum."
What happens when we find him?
"I won't lie. I came here to kill him. For Almo and Regnir, for Naku, to protect Val and the others. But now, I just want to find some sort of peace with what happened. Maybe there's still a chance for that.
Come on. Let's find an entrance."
How do we reach the cellars?
"I doubt we can get to the cellars through the sewer gate—it's locked from the other side. But we should be able to find an entrance somewhere near the ruins of the main house. Let's look around."
Should we get the other Scarlets before we look for the cellars?
"I don't know if we can spare the time. Each moment we delay is another chance for Marcan Caelum to escape. I'll call for the others when we find a way down to the cellars. Then we'll all press on together."

When you reach the cellar entrance, Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will run up to you with bad news, Valenia was taken by Marcan:

Big Urm: "Caelum has Val! She's been taken!"
Fallen-Knives: "It's my fault. I said we should split up. Cover more ground."
Hooke: "No one's fault but mine. I brought us here. Caelum won't kill her—yet. But we have to find them, quickly!"
<Hooke enters the cellar.>

Once you enter the cellar you follow the trio until they reach a larger room:

Fallen-Knives: "I know that smell. There's brandy in these casks."
Big Urm: "Are you certain you aren't smelling your own breath, Knives?"
Hooke: "Quiet! I hear them—this way!"
<Hooke runs over to a nearby door and tries opening it.>
Hooke: "Locked! Big Urm, you know what to do. The rest of you, search for anything that might be of use!"
<Big Urm sits down on the stone floor.> Urm will start breaking down the door.>

If you talk to Hooke during your search:

"Breaking down doors is Big Urm's specialty, but it looks like she'll need a moment to find her rhythm. See if you can find anything Marcan Caelum left here while she's busy with the door. Maybe it will help."

After you find the Scarlets List, Weathered Journal and Dulled Knife, Big Urm will have broken open the door:

Big Urm: "Done! But I think I got too excited. My shoulder is busted."
<Big Urm sits down on the stone floor.>
Hooke: "Fallen-Knives, see to Urm. We'll find Valenia and stop Caelum."
<Fallen-Knives crouches down beside Big Urm and begins healing her.>

Speaking with Hooke before you enter the room:

"If we have any hope of saving Val, we have to act now. Let's go!"

When you enter the Inner Vaults, you can follow the passage until you reach a hole that leads to a larger cavern. Hooke will poke his head around to observe Valenia and Marcan on the wooden platform:

Hooke: "There they are! No sudden movements, friend. We need a plan."

Talk to Hooke to see what his plan is:

"Caelum hasn't killed her yet, thank the Eight. But I have a feeling he's just waiting for an audience. Well, I'm not going to lose any more Scarlets.
I know how to get her away from him."
What should we do?
"He's on edge, ready to lash out. It's how I felt after learning my old comrades were being killed. Only worse.
Approach Caelum—carefully! Get him talking about his family, and keep his attention. I'll sneak around to free Valenia."
All right. I'll talk to Caelum and keep him distracted.

You can then approach Marcan who will have a knife to Valenia's throat. Your conversation and its result will depend on your knowledge of Marcan's family and your words. If you leave the conversation prematurely or get his family's names wrong, the conversation will end. If it is later in the conversation, Valenia will be freed but she will be injured in her escape. If the conversation ends before Valenia is freed, she will be killed.

Stalled long enough for Hooke to free Valenia: Valenia is freed but injured: Valenia is killed:

When you tell Marcan "That's where you're wrong." He will turn around and see Valenia is gone:

Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Marcan holds up a torch.>
Marcan Caelum: "You cannot deny my vengeance. You wanted my riches? Take them to your graves!"
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Valenia is struck at and injured.>
Valenia: "Argh!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
<Marcan strikes at Valenia, killing her>
Hooke: "Valenia!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"

You can escape the cellar through the grate and meet with the group on the nearby road:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured: Valenia is dead:
Hooke: "I hoped things could have ended differently with Marcan. But we're all safe. I couldn't ask for more."
Valenia: "Thanks to you. And your new friend."
Hooke: "That was too close! Knives, tend to Val."
<Fallen-Knives walks over to Valenia and examines her arm.>
Fallen-Knives: "She will live, but that wound is severe. I'm sorry, Val. That arm may never be the same."

You can then speak with Hooke to complete the quest, his dialogue will depend on Valenia's survival:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured: Valenia is Dead:
"Sorry to put you through that, but Caelum never would have paused to listen to me. And I wouldn't have blamed him. I hoped we could make amends somehow. I guess it wasn't meant to work out that way.
But at least Val's alive, thanks to you."
How did you hope things would go?
"I hoped to tell Caelum how sorry I am. To let him know I grieved too, every day. Bring him some peace, perhaps. But I guess the only peace he could find was in death.
The Scarlets have a chance to find a different peace now. Thank you, friend."

After completing the quest, the group will talk some more:

Big Urm: "Friends, we should remember the Scarlets who aren't here. Before we go our separate ways again."
Fallen-Knives: "I have places to be, but they can wait. I'll be there. And I won't be drinking."
Valenia: "I agree. I wish we had come together before all this. Hooke?"
Hooke: "I'd like that. Aye, I'd like that a lot."
"I can't thank you enough. If only I'd been a hair quicker—but Val's alive. That's all that matters now.
Back in the cellar, with Caelum and the fire. It might sound crazy, but I feel like that should have been me."
What do you mean?
"I hoped to tell Marcan Caelum how sorry I am. To atone at the cost of my life, if that's what he chose. But death is no way to make peace with our deeds. It's up to us to find a better path.
You gave the Scarlets that chance, friend. Thanks."

After completing the quest, the group will talk some more:

Big Urm: "Hooke. If you're planning to escort Valenia to her family, I'd like to join you."
Fallen-Knives: "I'll meet you soon. There's something I have to do in Black Marsh. It might help Val."
Valenia: "You all … don't have to do … so much for me."
Hooke: "Well, maybe we're not quite ready to part again just yet."

[verification needed — see talk page]

"This … this can't be real. It's some terrible dream. It must be! I'll take off this eye patch and wake up, bruised and beaten by the Legion in some alley. Please, let it be that!
Oh, gods. Valenia's gone."
"I … I suppose you're right. After twenty years, that evil night is finally over. I only wish Caelum had taken me instead.
Sorry, friend. Your payment, as promised. The Scarlets owe you more than coin. Now the others need me. And I need them."

After completing the quest, the group will talk some more:

Big Urm: "The Eight brought us back together, Hooke. We shouldn't depart in haste."
Fallen-Knives: "I'm sorry. I never thought splitting up would get Val—"
(?): "Hush, Fallen-Knives. No one's blaming you."
Hooke: "I'll … I'll take Valenia to Marbruk. To her family. It's what she would have wanted."

Speaking with Hooke after completing the quest:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured: Valenia is Dead:
"I believe each of us has been hurting in our own way for years now. But coming back together, even in these circumstances … it's helped us. Well, least it helped me."
What will you all do now?
"We agreed to sit down and talk through our regrets if we all made it. But after that, I think we each have our next chapters planned. This time with direction.
Val insisted I join her in Marbruk. I think I will."
"Back when we were in the Legion, we used to say any battle you walked away from was a victory. You'd be alive to fight again. I always felt that was a coward's boast. But after all this, I see the truth in it."
Where does your path lead now?
"First, we tend to Val and get her home to her family. I was even thinking of staying in Marbruk with her.
But in time I'd like to return here. Bury whatever remains of Caelum I can find next to his family. I owe him that much."

[verification needed — see talk page]

"Thank you for helping me save those I could. Any life lost is my own doing. Valenia … Naku … the rest of the Scarlets.
I have to take responsibility for who I used to be."
What will you do now?
"Back in the refuge, Val mentioned that she was trying to mend the broken roots with her family and start anew. I need to tell them what happened. How much she loved them.
And I need to do the same for the other Scarlets who didn't make it."

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