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Online:Marcan Caelum

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
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Marcan Caelum
Location Caelum Cellars Inner Vaults, Fyrelight Cave
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Marcan Caelum is an Imperial and former vintner, who owned the now defunct Caelum Vineyard in central West Weald just west of Nonungalo. He was once married to Hytia Caelum and had a son, Erno before both were lost in a fire that destroyed the Caelum Manor.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you meet with Hooke in Skingard, he will ask you to find some of his old comrades after hearing several of them have died in suspicious circumstances. You will meet with Big Urm, Fallen-Knives and Valenia and gradually learn more about the events that lead to the Scarlets' imprisonment for several years. It was a house robbery gone wrong that lead to a building burning down and the death of a family.

While the reunited Scarlets chase leads, Hooke will have you find Naku, a former sapper turned miner. When you reach Naku's small claim to the south of the city, you will find his backpack and a letter addressed to him. It goads him to seek out a richer vein found in Fyrelight Cave. Within the cavern, you will soon find Naku, who will be held at knifepoint by a scarred man on the bridge above you:

Naku: "Please, Marcan! Naku did not know you were there! None of us did!"
Marcan Caelum: "That is no excuse. I almost envy you, Scarlet. Today you have a chance to pay for all your mistakes."
<Marcan Caelum stabs Naku and pushes him off the bridge, and then turns to you.>
Marcan Caelum: "You over there! The helper. The Scarlets don't deserve your protection. Leave them to their fate. This is my final warning."
<Marcan Caelum walks away.>

After you examine Naku's body, you return to the Scarlets and explain what happened. Hooke will realise that Marcan did not die with the rest of his family, and has you meet with the group at the Caelum Vineyard ruins to search for Marcan. While you search the property, you will come across the gravestones of his family and eventually try and find an entrance to the cellars where Marcan hides.

However, as soon as you find the cellar entrance, you learn that Valenia has been abducted by Marcan. Searching the cellars, you and Hooke soon find Marcan and Valenia in the Inner Vaults. Hooke will ask you to distract Marcan while he sneaks up the scaffold to free Valenia. You can then enter the chamber, where Marcan will notice you:

Marcan Caelum: "You again! Why do you help the Scarlets? Is there more to take from me?"

Talk with Marcan while Hooke makes his way to Valenia. If you fail to persuade him, he will stop talking with you and proceed to try and kill Valenia:

"You're the one I saw in Fyrelight Cave. Why do you involve yourself with scum like the Scarlets? Surely you must know what they did. What they took from me!"
I'm just here to talk. I want to know about your family.
"You're just here to talk? Every word I speak splits these scars again! And yet the pain of my burns pales in comparison to that in my heart. This is for them!
You dare to ask me about my son? My wife? You don't even know her name!"
[Persuade] I don't believe you. If that were true, you'd have killed Valenia.
"You think I hesitate? Did you not see how I carved the others? That was to get their attention. No, I want this elf to see her death approaching, to know horror in her final moments. Just like my wife and son!"
Hytia would never have wanted this for herself. Or for you.
"My Hytia … she was a gentle spirit. But all that was gentle in this house died that night, stranger. Burned to the bone, all her hopes and dreams turned to ash. Our son as well!
I've waited for this moment. You can't take it from me!"
I don't think Hypatia would want this for herself. Or for you.
[Intimidate] You're outnumbered. This is an act of desperation—admit it.
Valenia has a grandchild only a little older than Ernico was. Spare her, for a child's sake.
[Ends Conversation]
Valenia has a family. A grandchild not much older than Erno. You would take her from them?
"Little Erno … so happy, so innocent. We'd pick berries together. For the wine.
Every day I wish I had died, not him. Not them. But now those who love this elf will know what that pain feels like!"
That's where you're wrong.

If you are able to have Marcan speak about his family, Hooke will be able to reach Valenia and free her. If you leave the conversation prematurely or get his family's names wrong, the conversation will end. If it is later in the conversation, Valenia will be freed but she will be injured in her escape. If the conversation ends before Valenia is freed, she will be killed.

Stalled long enough for Hooke to free Valenia: Valenia is freed but injured: Valenia is killed:

When you tell Marcan "That's where you're wrong." He will turn around and see Valenia is gone:

Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Marcan holds up a torch.>
Marcan Caelum: "You cannot deny my vengeance. You wanted my riches? Take them to your graves!"
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Valenia is struck at and injured.>
Valenia: "Argh!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
<Marcan strikes at Valenia, killing her>
Hooke: "Valenia!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"

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