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Big Urm
Location Outside Varen's Watch, Skingrad Outlaws Refuge, Caelum Vineyard
Race Orc Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Imperial Legion (Former)
Big Urm

Big Urm is an Orc priestess of Stendarr and former chaplain of the Scarlets, a scouting unit that deserted many years ago. She can first be encountered outside Varen's Watch near Sutch.

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After meeting with Hooke in Skingard, he will ask you to find some of his old comrades after hearing several of them have died in suspicious circumstances. One of the people he asks you to find is Big Urm, who can be found standing under a tree near the entrance to the ruined fort in the western part of the Weald.

As you approach, you will hear her grumble:

Big Urm: "Stendarr, give me the patience to wait out this misguided scoundrel."

Speak with her to see what is going on:

"Akatosh take me, but I grow tired of waiting!
Hmm. I do not know you. Is there something you need, stranger? I can't talk long, or else the thief hiding in that ruin might give me the slip."
Someone's killing the Scarlets. Hooke wants you to meet him in the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge.
"The Eight watch over us! After all this time, Scarlets murdered?
Of course, I'll meet with Hooke. But I can't leave yet. I'm stuck here until my quarry shows his head."
What do you mean?
"I was penning some verses when a pickpocket stole a ring right off my finger! Now he's holed up in Varen's Watch. I would go in after him, but I sense something impure lurking inside. And I'm not the Orc I used to be."
You won't leave without your ring?
"The Imperial Legion gave me that ring back when I served as a proud member of the Scarlets. It ordained me as chaplain of the squad. The ring is proof before the Divines of who I once was. I can't bear to lose it."
[Persuade] The ring is just a ring. Your actions are proof to the Divines.
What if I retrieved your ring for you?
"I would have to consider your arrival an act of divine providence. I would gladly meet with Hooke as you ask.
But in good conscience, I can't ask someone to enter Varen's Watch. It's dangerous. Be careful in there. Please."

If you don't persuade her to forget the ring, you can go into the delve and find Big Urm's Red Scarlet Band near the body. Once found, you can return to Urm and hand over the ring:

"You're still alive, thank the Eight. I began praying for you the moment I saw you enter the Watch.
Did you find the thief who took my ring?"
The thief was dead. I found the ring on his body.
"I'm sorry to hear that. He must have been a truly desperate soul to attempt such a brazen robbery. May Arkay guide his soul to rest.
I owe you thanks for retrieving my ring, friend. I'm fortunate our paths met."
So, you'll meet Hooke? He wants you to go to the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge.
"I'll meet with Hooke, as you ask. Although I don't have much reason to enter the Outlaws Refuge these days. May the Eight know my honest intentions!"
Do you need help to get to Skingrad?
"It's been a long time since I did anything adventurous, but I still recall my Legion training. And I trust the Divines will see that I have safe passage.
May Stendarr watch over you, friend."

When you enter the Skingrad Outlaws Refuge, you will find Big Urm, alongside Hooke, Fallen-Knives and Valenia. Speaking with her before Hooke:

"Hello, friend. Thank you for helping us gather here.
Hooke just told us what he's learned, and he's right to worry. I fear a sudden knife from every stranger I pass. But perhaps it is meant to be, Eight keep me."

Speaking with Hooke, he will ask you to find another former Scarlet, Naku who has become a miner, while the rest of the crew investigates leads. Talking to Big Urm before you leave:

"Please, find Naku and bring him to us quickly. Something about all this puts a fire of worry in my gut."

When you reach Naku's small claim to the south of the city, you will find his backpack and a letter addressed to him. It goads him to seek out a richer vein found in Fyrelight Cave, when you search for Naku in the cavern, you find Naku pleading for his life before he is killed. His killer warns you to stop helping the Scarlets as they don't deserve it, before they leave. After collecting some clues, you return to the Scarlets to bring them the bad news.

They will be gathered around a table near Gold Road Goods, examining the notes they all received. If you talk to Big Urm before Hooke:

"Hooke found these notes with the other Scarlets who were killed. They were penned by the killer to lure out our old comrades.
Speaking of which, I don't see Naku. Hooke's waiting to hear what you found, friend."

Talking to Hooke, he will realise that the person killing the Scarlets is Marcan Caelum, the master of Caelum Vineyards and formerly unknown survivor of the fire that killed the rest of his family. Hooke ask you to meet with them at the Vineyard ruins, speaking with Big Urm after this:

"The Divines can be harsh in their judgment. So they were when we were imprisoned, and so they are now that I know why my old comrades are dead.
My heart tells me there is one more judgment to come. I will see you at the vineyard."

When you arrive at the ruins of the Caelum Vineyard, the group will be waiting for you:

Valenia: "It's so desolate. How much of this is our doing?"
Hooke: "Don't lose focus! Val, Knives, Big Urm—search the far side of the vineyard for signs of Marcan Caelum. I'll take this side with our friend."
Big Urm: "Keep safe, everyone. May the Divines watch over us."

You and Hooke will search the ruins, finding some well-maintained graves and a sewer grate leading beneath the ruined building. When you go search for an entrance to the old cellars, Old Urm and Fallen-Knives will run up to you with bad news:

Big Urm: "Caelum has Val! She's been taken!"
Fallen-Knives: "It's my fault. I said we should split up. Cover more ground."
Hooke: "No one's fault but mine. I brought us here. Caelum won't kill her—yet. But we have to find them, quickly!"
<Hooke enters the cellar.>

Speaking with Big Urm before entering the cellar:

"Arkay forgive me, it was like a spirit was among us. We split up just for a moment, and suddenly I heard Val scream.
Fallen-Knives feels responsible, but I should have said something. I just stood there like a statue."

Once you enter the cellar, you follow the trio until they reach a larger room:

Fallen-Knives: "I know that smell. There's brandy in these casks."
Big Urm: "Are you certain you aren't smelling your own breath, Knives?"
Hooke: "Quiet! I hear them—this way!"
<Hooke runs over to a nearby door and tries opening it.>
Hooke: "Locked! Big Urm, you know what to do. The rest of you, search for anything that might be of use!"
<Big Urm will start breaking down the door.>

If you try talking to her:

"No time to talk! I've got to get this door open!"

After you find the Scarlets List, Weathered Journal and Dulled Knife, Big Urm will have broken open the door:

Big Urm: "Done! But I think I got too excited. My shoulder is busted."
<Big Urm sits down on the stone floor.>
Hooke: "Fallen-Knives, see to Urm. We'll find Valenia and stop Caelum."
<Fallen-Knives crouches down beside Big Urm and begins healing her.>

Talking with Big Urm before entering the Vaults:

"Breaking down doors was easier twenty years ago. Go on, friend. It's up to you and Hooke now!"

Once inside the Vaults, Hooke will ask you to speak with Marcan and distract him while he sneaks up and rescues Valenia. There are three ways this can play out, and depends on what you say to Marcan. This results in Valenia, being unharmed, injured or killed:

Stalled long enough for Hooke to free Valenia: Valenia is freed but injured: Valenia is killed:

When you tell Marcan "That's where you're wrong." He will turn around and see Valenia is gone:

Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Marcan holds up a torch.>
Marcan Caelum: "You cannot deny my vengeance. You wanted my riches? Take them to your graves!"
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
Marcan Caelum: "What? No!"
<Valenia is struck at and injured.>
Valenia: "Argh!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"
Marcan Caelum: "Enough of this!"
<Marcan strikes at Valenia, killing her>
Hooke: "Valenia!"
<Big Urm and Fallen-Knives will appear beside you.>
Marcan Caelum: "So … all the Scarlets have come. Good. We'll all burn here … as they did."
<Marcan lights his surroundings on fire and he catches alight as well.>
Marcan Caelum: "Ah ha ha ha!"
<The fire spreads everywhere and the cavern will be lit with red light.>
Big Urm: "The fire's spreading!"
Fallen-Knives: "The exit is blocked! We're trapped!"
Hooke: "There! The sewer grate! We can get out that way!"

You can then escape through the grate and meet with the group on the road, what is said will depend on Valenia's fate. Speaking with Big Urm before Hooke:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured: Valenia is dead:
"The Divines finally put an end to this. I think they had some help from you, friend.
Ever since Caelum Vineyard years ago, my faith came from a place of fear. But you've given me a lot to think about. Thank you."
"By the Eight, it's nothing less than a miracle! Valenia just survived the fatal blade, thanks to you and Hooke. But I see divine providence at work as well."
"Poor Valenia, taken in answer for our gravest mistake. She was just telling me of her family. A family she hoped to finally mend after so many years apart.
I … I need a moment with my thoughts, friend."

Once you have spoken with Hooke and completed the quest, the group will talk about what they will do next:

Valenia is unharmed: Valenia is injured: Valenia is dead:
Big Urm: "Friends, we should remember the Scarlets who aren't here. Before we go our separate ways again."
Fallen-Knives: "I have places to be, but they can wait. I'll be there. And I won't be drinking."
Valenia: "I agree. I wish we had come together before all this. Hooke?"
Hooke: "I'd like that. Aye, I'd like that a lot."

Talking to Big Urm afterwards:

"I used to believe the Eight had a hand in everything that's happened since that fateful day at Caelum Vineyard. Like it was our punishment for all we had done. Maybe it was, but we all have a choice.
And I believe mine is now clear."
What will you all do now?
"I will continue to follow my calling, but with a lighter heart. The cost of my choices is mine to bear—like what happened here at Caelum Vineyard. But today, our choices saved Valenia.
And I have you to thank for your guidance."
Big Urm: "Hooke. If you're planning to escort Valenia to her family, I'd like to join you."
Fallen-Knives: "I'll meet you soon. There's something I have to do in Black Marsh. It might help Val."
Valenia: "You all … don't have to do … so much for me."
Hooke: "Well, maybe we're not quite ready to part again just yet."

Talking to Big Urm afterwards:

"What happened in the cellars was tragic. But I trust the Divines will guide Marcan Caelum's soul to the peace he was denied in life. Just as they guided us through our actions to save Valenia today."
What will you do now?
"I'll get my shoulder patched up, and then I'll journey with the rest to Marbruk. I believe there is some good we can do together. Like we did today.
And now, I must see to Valenia's safety."

[verification needed — see talk page]

Big Urm: "The Eight brought us back together, Hooke. We shouldn't depart in haste."
Fallen-Knives: "I'm sorry. I never thought splitting up would get Val—"
(?): "Hush, Fallen-Knives. No one's blaming you."
Hooke: "I'll … I'll take Valenia to Marbruk. To her family. It's what she would have wanted."

Talking to Big Urm afterwards:

"Valenia's family will want her body back. I believe Hooke plans to take her to Marbruk. I'll go too, and say a few words when we lay her to rest there.
And that may be the last time I speak to the Divines."
You're not going to follow the Divines anymore?
"Honestly, I have always felt they forsook me when I fell into thievery. But I continued to pray out of fear. And believe they were responsible for everything that went wrong for me.
I should have realized I suffered from my own choices."


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