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Online:Stonefalls Quest Items

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quest Items: Ebonheart Pact Quest Items(Redirected from Online:Graven Caps)
Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Alchemical Draught (?) From the Wastes This small flask contains an alchemical healing draught.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Alchemical Draughts (?) From the Wastes This small flask contains an alchemical healing draught.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Argonian Egg Given by Sings-With-Reed at the Dagger's Point Invasion Camp The Coral Heart These eggs are the spawn of an Argonian named Sings-With-Reed.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Argonian Talisman (?) Through the Aftermath This necklace of bone and feathers glimmers with an inner light.
ON-icon-quest-Wrothgar Plant 01.png Ash Basil Leaf Vivec's Antlers Bug Off! Taking a whiff of this strong-smelling leaf makes your nostrils sting and your eyes water.
ON-icon-misc-Vine 01.png Ashreeds Ebonheart, Argonian Quarter The Sapling This small bundle of stiff, inflexible reeds could be woven together to protect one's head (or a Hist sapling) from the elements.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Bag of Awakening the Dead (?) Quieting a Heart A bag filled with dust, bits of bone, dried blood, and other strange reagents.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Bag of Lavender Oil (?) From the Wastes This pouch of medicinal oil is used as an antiseptic.
ON-icon-stolen-Wine.png Balmora Blue Wine (?) Waylaid Wine Merchant This wine bottle bears the seal of the Balmora Blue vineyards.
ON-icon-lure-Guts.png Bleiger's Tentacle (?) Savages of Stonefalls This is the severed tentacle of the vicious netch, Bleiger. There might be a reward for killing him.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Blessed Oil Dagger's Point Invasion Camp Cleansing the Past With these blessed oils from Priestess Brela, you can consecrate the skeletal remains throughout Vivec's Antlers.
ON-icon-misc-Lit Torch.png Blessed Torch Ebonheart Night of the Soul A flaming torch, blessed for use in Tribunal rituals.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Bottle of Alto Wine Davon's Watch Exquisite Tears This is a terrible, terrible wine. Only the most desperate drinkers would swill it.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Bottle of Fake Wine Davon's Watch Exquisite Tears This Tears of Amaya bottle is filled with something that smells like Alto Wine.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Caalorne's Potions (?) Darkvale Brews The potions in the container have a soft green color, and smell earthy and bitter, with a hint of citrus.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Candle Fort Virak Evening the Odds Use this candle to light Serien's books of necromancy on fire.
ON-icon-weapon-Dagger-Ancient Elf 02.png Captain Adrana's Sacred Dagger (?) Through the Aftermath This ornate dagger is stained with its owner's blood.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png Captain Adrana's Skull (?) Through the Aftermath This skull is plated with small pieces of ornately carved copper.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Horn Amulet.png Captain Rysari's Charm (?) Through the Aftermath This carved symbol is a rough depiction of some nameless Chimer house-god.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png Captain Rysari's Skull (?) Through the Aftermath Her skull is wired together with fine strands of silver wire.
ON-icon-misc-Lizard.png Caught Lizard Ebonheart, Argonian Quarter Taking the Tower Use this lizard to create a distraction.
ON-icon-misc-Rat.png Caught Wharf Rat Davon's Watch Exquisite Tears Use this rat to create a distraction.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Charred Notes Crow's Wood A Son's Promise These are Rulantaril's notes about Crow's Wood, but some of them have been charred from a fire.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Closing Performance Notes House Dres Crypts, Kragenmoor This One's a Classic Use to read contents.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Consecrated Ashes Tormented Spire Climbing the Spire These are the ashes Tanval Indoril collected. Use them to summon the Daedric gatekeeper of Tormented Spire.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Coral Heart Coral Heart Chamber The Coral Heart This artifact has a barely visible piece of metal gleaming between layers of coral.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Daedra Heart Looted from scamps and clannfear at Ash Mountain Restoring the Guardians This is the grisly heart culled from an Ash Mountain Daedra.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Daedric Key Tormented Spire Sadal's Final Defeat This key, marked by a House Telvanni insignia, lowers the final ward restraining the Brother of Strife.
ON-icon-weapon-Iron Dagger-Primal.png Dagger Daen Seeth Dolmen The Fate of a Friend This dagger was found on the body of Stands-In-Still-Water. It bears his sigil.
ON-icon-food-Stock.png Dark Orange Potion Lukiul Uxith Enlightenment Needs Salt This potion smells sour.
ON-icon-quest-Etched Crystal.png Dazzling Pin From Breda Lava Foot Stomp A tiny pin worn by those participating in the Lava Foot Stomp.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Drelden's Whistle Senie Percussive Ranching Use this whistle near a beaten, friendly kwama to order it to return home to Drelden.
ON-icon-stolen-Whistle.png Drelden's Whistle Senie Percussive Ranching Use this whistle near a beaten kwama to order it home to Drelden.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Dwarven Relic Inner Sea Armature Dwarven Relics of Stonefalls Either an obscure Dwarven relic that could provide information about a long lost society, or a useless piece of junk.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Edvilda's Log Book Above Steamfont Cavern A Mother's Obsession Edvilda's travel log from her trip to Steamfont.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Empty Potion Bottle (?) Restoring Order According to the label, an apothecary in Wayrest brewed this.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Essence of Fire (?) The Brothers Will Rise This spark of Daedric energy writhes and twists, furiously trying to escape.
ON-icon-head-Wraith.png Essence of Wrath (?) The Brothers Will Rise This spark of Daedric energy writhes and twists, desperately trying to escape.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Etheric Totem (?) The Curse of Heimlyn Keep This mystical totem wards off the effects of Heimlyn Keep's curse.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Faryon's Ashes (?) Divine Favor This small guar-leather pouch contains a pinch of Faryon's cremated remains.
ON-icon-food-Fried Meat 02.png Fertilizer (?) The Sapling This small gobbet of mudcrab meat is wrapped in ashreeds.
ON-icon-stolen-Figurine.png Fetish Statue Buying the Religious Fetish Statue from Zahshur. The Fetish This obscene obsidian figurine is of uncertain origin.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Firesap Gel (?) Desperate Souls This container of thick red gel emanates heat.
ON-icon-lure-Fish Bile.png Flash Powder (?) Taking the Tower Throw this powder into an open fire to create a noisy display.
ON-icon-misc-Soul.png Flasks of Blinding Light (?) The Venom of Ahknara Use these flasks of blinding light to reveal assassins in Fort Arand.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Focus of Binding Tormented Spire Opening the Portal This focus stone is of Daedric origin. It hums quietly with energy.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Focus of Flame Tormented Spire, south side of the caldera Opening the Portal This focus stone is obviously of Daedric origin. It's sheathed in an aura of fire.
ON-icon-stolen-Waterstone.png Focus of Wrath Tormented Spire Opening the Portal This focus stone is of Daedric origin. Air warps around the edges of the stone.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Follow-Up Performance Notes (?) This One's a Classic Use to read contents.
ON-icon-stolen-Amulet.png General Radrathren's Necklace (?) Through the Aftermath This ancient necklace is made up of metal plates deftly woven together.
ON-icon-head-Half Skull.png General Radrathren's Skull (?) Through the Aftermath This skull has likely only survived because of the fine gold plates ornamentally bolted to its surface.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png General Serien's Orders (?) Suspicious Silence A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-quest-Var Backpack.png Glitter Prank Kit Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls Prankster's Carnival A prank kit that includes a book fixed to burst with glitter when opened.
ON-icon-mushroom-Entoloma Cap 02.png Graven Caps Othrenis Quieting a Heart This mushroom smells strangely sweet.
ON-icon-stolen-Wound Rope.png Guar Harness Othrenis Recovering the Guar These heavy leather straps and yokes are used to attach a mine cart to a guar for towing.
ON-icon-quest-Guar Prod.png Guar Prod (?) A Gathering of Guar Use this prod on tame guar to send it back to the guar herder.
ON-icon-style material-Bone.png Gurlisk's Head (?) Savages of Stonefalls This is the severed head of the savage clannfear known as Gurlisk. There might be a reward for killing it.
ON-icon-gem-Sardonyx 01.png Heartstone (?) Window on the Past This stone is humming with power. Heat sizzles across its surface.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Hedranna's Artifact (?) Undermined Use this artifact in the presence of Ziddak's Ashlanders. An Ashlander wise woman named Hedranna Kaliki provided it.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Herbal Antidote (?) Peril at the Pools This is a small bottle of foul-smelling liquid. The Covenant captain claimed it would cure the poison he used on Saalu.
ON-icon-quest-Torn Scarf.png Homemade Scarf Above Steamfont Cavern A Mother's Obsession A colorful yarn scarf, several knitting errors that add a certain charm to its construction.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Dres Spire Key (?) Sadal's Final Defeat This key, marked by a House Dres insignia, lowers the wards protecting Tormented Spire.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png House Telvanni Spire Key (?) Climbing the Spire This key, marked by a House Telvanni insignia, will open the final ward containing the Brother of Strife.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) An Unwanted Twin This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) An Unwanted Twin This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) Shattering Mirror This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Idol of the Hollow Moon (?) Shattering Mirror This carved mass of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon has been chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Khajiit Idol (?) Shattering Mirror This carved amalgam of stone and wood resembles a Khajiiti skull. The symbol of an eclipsed moon was chiseled across the brow.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Kwama Cap (?) Giving for the Greater Good This is a small sample of kwama cap, a rare mushroom.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Kwama-Grease Candle (?) Rending Flames This is a simple white candle rendered from the fat of a subterranean insect.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to Vahara (?) A Story Told in Footprints "Should this find you, know that J'kur never suffered in this place. Only his flesh knew pain. His mind was curled under our tree with you."
ON-icon-misc-Sword Blade.png Mota Fang (?) A Storm Broken This bone knife is extremely sharp.
ON-icon-food-Apples.png Mudcrab Apples (?) A Noble Guest A bag of small, smelly apples that not many people would consider appetizing.
ON-icon-stolen-Ear.png Mudcrab Meat (?) The Sapling This small chunk of white, fishy-smelling mudcrab flesh would be the perfect fertilizer for a growing sapling.
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Mug of Mead (?) A Bit of Sport This unusually powerful Nord mead is brewed in the town of Riften.
ON-icon-quest-Hand 01.png Necrotic Hand (?) Breaking Fort Virak The soldier's hand is covered in necrotic patches, having rotted for several days.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Nedic Heart (?) The Brothers Will Rise This is the still-beating heart of your enemy.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Nerathren's Ashes (?) Divine Favor This small guar-leather pouch contains a pinch of Nerathren's cremated remains.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Non-Standard Techniques (?) The Truth about Spiders Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Note from Captain Dunveril (?) Aggressive Negotiations Use to read contents.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Obsidian Husk Fungal Grotto II Lighting the Shadows This unwieldy stone is warm to the touch.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Old Bandages (?) Breaking Fort Virak The bandages, found on the mortal wounds of a Covenant soldier, are caked with blood that has been dried for days.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Opening Performance Notes (?) This One's a Classic Use to read contents.
ON-icon-food-Goat Bits.png Ornskar's Heart (?) The Brothers Will Rise This is the still-beating heart of General Ornskar.
ON-icon-weapon-Steel Mace-Nord.png Pickaxe (?) Close the Scamp Caves Use this pickaxe to destroy the column bracing the scamp cave entrances.
ON-icon-weapon-Orichalc Axe-Argonian.png Pickaxe (?) Undermined Use this pickaxe to destroy the support beams bracing the Ashlanders' tunnel.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Poppy Extract (?) From the Wastes This pouch of floral oil is used to dull the pain of wounds.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Pouch (?) Rending Flames This pouch is filled with tiny silver stones.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Pouch of Aloe Extract (?) From the Wastes This pouch of ointment is used to soothe burns.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Eyes.png Putrid Eye (?) Breaking Fort Virak This eye, rotting for days, fell out while examining a dead Covenant soldier.
ON-icon-stolen-Candle.png Repellent Candle Davon's Watch Bug Off! A pungent odor surrounds this sturdy dreugh wax candle.
ON-icon-food-Lotus.png Roland's Tears Disciple Sildras at the Tribunal Temple Night of the Soul This is an extremely rare variety of the common gold kanet flowers of Morrowind. Roland's tears are sacred to the Almsivi.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Serien's Additional Orders (?) Suspicious Silence A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png Serien's Further Orders (?) Suspicious Silence A scroll detailing some of the Covenant's plans in Stonefalls.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Shalk Chitin (?) Proving Trust This husk is from a giant beetle. It's reputed by Argonians to be of medicinal value.
ON-icon-food-Yerba Mate.png Shalk Poultices (?) Proving Trust A stack of poultices made from ground shalk chitin and a variety of pungent Argonian herbal remedies.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Silver Arrowhead (?) Decree of the Court This sharp, pointed arrowhead is tipped with silver.
ON-icon-quest-Silver Buckle.png Silver Buckle (?) Decree of the Court This belt buckle has a silvery gleam.
ON-icon-misc-Broken Sword.png Silver Dagger (?) Decree of the Court This is a monster hunter's silver dagger. It's far too damaged to be of any use.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Silver Ring (?) Decree of the Court This ring is a simple silver band.
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Skull (?) Rending Flames This humanoid skull was painted a dark shade of red.
ON-icon-head-Skull.png Skull of Nam Indoril House Indoril Crypt Legacy of the Ancestors This ancient skull has been engraved with numerous runes.
ON-icon-quest-Var Backpack.png Slime Prank Kit Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls Prankster's Carnival A kit made by Soars-in-Laughter that is fixed to unleash a flood of slime when activated.
ON-icon-stolen-Horn.png Smoky Pendant (?) Through the Aftermath This pendant seems to have a dark cloud swirling within it.
ON-icon-head-Wraith.png Spectral Essence (?) The Curse of Heimlyn Keep This ectoplasm was harvested from a slain specter's remains.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png Spider-Venom Wine Mephala's Nest Getting the Band Together A thick, poisonous vintage fermented in the Spiral Skein.
ON-icon-stolen-Stone.png Storm Talisman Given by Walks-in-Ash at the Daedric ruins on the northeastern side of Ash Mountain The Death of Balreth Use this talisman to weaken Balreth in Ash Mountain.
ON-icon-temper-Dwarven Oil.png Strange Elixir (?) Enlightenment Needs Salt This vial is filled with an odorless, bland liquid.
ON-icon-quest-Var Backpack.png Stinkpot Prank Kit Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls Prankster's Carnival This kit made by Soars-in-Laughter is fixed to release a smelly cloud when activated.
ON-icon-food-Cheese.png Superior Dreugh Wax Vivec's Antlers, The Matron's Clutch Bug Off! A natural dreugh secretion, this wax is known for making hardy candles.
ON-icon-achievement-Reliquary of Stars.png Tainted Heart (?) The Curse of Heimlyn Keep This dead heart was harvested from a corpse.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 02.png Tears of Amaya (?) Exquisite Tears This wine is one of the finest vintages in Vvardenfell. It's made from grapes that only grow along the shores of Lake Amaya.
ON-icon-quest-The Nightlight.png The Nightlight Crow's Wood Madness in Stonefalls This lamp glows in darkness without any flame or fuel. The shadows it casts cavort and dance in unsettling patterns.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Tower Key (?) A Son's Promise This key opens a locked tower in Crow's Wood.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Transformation Potion (?) Breaking Fort Virak Use this potion to step into the "otherworld."
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Valdam's Spellbook (?) The Wizard's Tome This is Valdam Andoren's stolen spellbook. The tome quietly radiates power. Opening it might be risky.
ON-icon-head-Wasp.png Varnag's Head (?) Savages of Stonefalls This is the severed head of the vicious nix hound known as Varnag. There might be a reward for killing him.
ON-icon-potion-Increase Armor 01.png Vial of Grub Grass (?) Enlightenment Needs Salt This putrid plant has liquified inside a vial.
ON-icon-misc-Torch.png Walks-in-Ash's Signal (?) Proving Trust Walks-in-Ash was vague about what this signal does, but setting it off should summon her.
ON-icon-head-Scamp.png War Chief's Head (?) Kings of the Grotto You're carrying the severed head of a war chief.
ON-icon-misc-Wine 03.png White-Gold Tower (?) Taking the Tower This light white wine is known for its crisp taste and fragrant bouquet.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Worm Tome (?) Wayward Son This tome details the occult rituals and dark concoctions used by the acolytes of the Worm Cult.