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< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: Stonefalls / Side Quests

Investigate the Covenant troops massing near Fort Arand.
Zone: Stonefalls
Objective: Fort Arand — Uncover the Covenant's plot.
Quest Giver: Captain Hjolm, Sergeant Eila
Location(s): Fort Arand
Next Quest: The Venom of Ahknara
Reward: Average Leveled Gold
What is the Covenant's plan at Fort Arand?
Covenant troops are massing to the north of Fort Arand. They don't have the numbers for a frontal assault, but Fort Captain Hjolm believes they may be coordinating an attack with a second flank.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Captain Hjolm.
  2. Gather three pages of Daggerfall Covenant Orders from the Covenant camp.
  3. Talk to Sergeant Eila at the gates of Fort Arand.
  4. Talk to Captain Llaari inside the fort.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Captain Hjolm can be found standing by the side of the road north of Fort Arand.

"Stranger, I'm surprised to see any friendly faces out here.
Did you meet any Covenant soldiers on the road?"
Is something wrong?
"There's a small force of Covenant soldiers in a camp to the northwest. I can feel it in my bones: they're planning a flanking attack.
I need to get back to Fort Arand and ready the recruits there for a possible skirmish."
I could scout the camp. What should I look for?
"Shor's bones, you're a brave one! If you can make it out alive, put steel or spell to the commanders in the encampment. They're the ones most likely to have a copy of their orders.
Then head for the gates of the fort."
I'll meet you at Fort Arand with the orders.

You'll find the Covenant camp spread out among the cliffs and ruins to the northwest. Make your way through the camp and pick up the Daggerfall Covenant Orders lying around it. No officer spawns at the easternmost large tent, which has General Serien's Orders lying on the table within, Centurion Beerta can be found outside the central large tent atop a hill guarding Serien's Further Orders on the table inside and Centurion Uragor is located at the cluster of small tents to the west, guarding Serien's Additional Orders placed atop a nearby block of stone. You can read the orders after picking them up. They contain several mentions of someone called Ahknara, and a team she's supposed to lead in from the east to infiltrate the fort.

Take the orders back to the Fort Arand gate, where you'll find Sergeant Eila crouched over the corpse of Captain Hjolm.

"Captain? Captain Hjolm?"
What happened?
"I'm not sure. I saw the captain approaching, then felt a sharp pain in my head. I think I heard a footfall behind me before I went down.
When I came to, he was dead and our attacker was gone."
These Covenant plans speak of assassins infiltrating the fort.
"Assassins! Captain Llaari should see this. She's in the command post, the largest building in the fort.
Report to her, and I'll spread the word to the other troops in the fort. We need everyone on guard and watching their backs."

Head inside the fort. You'll find Captain Llaari inside the Headquarters atop a small hill on the southern side of the yard. She rewards you with a moderate amount of gold, and leads into the next quest, The Venom of Ahknara.

"Well met, my fine f'lah! I am Captain Llaari, commander of the forces stationed at Fort Arand.
We're primarily a training outpost. I had to put the recruits on alert with all these Covenant troops nearby. What do you have there?"
Captain Hjolm sent me to retrieve these plans from the enemy. When I returned I found him dead.
"No! Dumac take those fetchers. Hjolm, my best officer, is dead. And those plans say Ahknara is here.
Of all the ... we're not prepared for Ahknara. Not even slightly, traveler. Let's talk."

Quest StagesEdit

Suspicious Silence
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Sergeant Eila asked me to report to Captain Hjolm. The sergeant found no evidence of a flanking attack to the west. She suspects they're coming from Hjolm's direction. Captain Hjolm is along the road to the east.
Objective: Return to Captain Hjolm
I agreed to obtain the Covenant's orders from their camp to the north of Fort Arand.
Objective: Collect General Serien's Orders: 0/3
Hidden Objective: Find Part of the Plans
I have the orders. I must return to Captain Hjolm. He'll be waiting at the gates of Fort Arand.
Objective: Return to Captain Hjolm
Captain Hjolm is dead! I should speak to the soldier crouching over him.
Objective: Talk to Sergeant Eila
Finishes quest  Assassins killed Captain Hjolm. I must bring the Covenant plans to Captain Llaari and inform her of Captain Hjolm's death. Sergeant Eila will prepare the troops throughout the fort.
Objective: Talk to Captain Llaari
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.