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Oblivion:List of Spells by Effect

< Oblivion: Magic
Absorb Attribute Damage Health Fortify Fatigue Restore Fatigue
Absorb Fatigue Damage Magicka Fortify Health Restore Health
Absorb Health Demoralize Fortify Magicka Shield
Absorb Magicka Detect Life Fortify Skill Shock Damage
Absorb Skill Disintegrate Armor Frenzy Shock Shield
Bound Armor Disintegrate Weapon Frost Damage Silence
Bound Weapon Dispel Frost Shield Soul Trap
Burden Drain Attribute Invisibility Spell Absorption
Calm Drain Fatigue Light Summon
Chameleon Drain Health Night-Eye Telekinesis
Charm Drain Magicka Open Turn Undead
Command Creature Drain Skill Paralyze Water Breathing
Command Humanoid Feather Rally Water Walking
Cure Fire Damage Reflect Spell Weakness
Damage Attribute Fire Shield Resist Magic
Damage Fatigue Fortify Attribute Restore Attribute

Absorb Attribute Absorb AttributeEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Absorb Attribute: Agility 000A936D Novice Absorb Agility 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron
Absorb Attribute: Endurance 000A936E Novice Absorb Endurance 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron
Absorb Attribute: Intelligence 000A9788 Novice Absorb Intelligence 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron
Absorb Attribute: Luck 000A9789 Novice Absorb Luck 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron, Edgar Vautrine
Absorb Attribute: Speed 000A978B Novice Absorb Speed 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron
Absorb Attribute: Strength 000A978C Novice Absorb Strength 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron
Absorb Attribute: Willpower 000A978D Novice Absorb Willpower 5pts for 20sec on Touch 14 Thaurron

Absorb Fatigue Absorb FatigueEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Essence Drain Variable Variable Absorb Fatigue on Touch
Absorb Health on Touch
Absorb Magicka on Touch
Var. Leveled Spell. Usable only while wearing the Bloodworm Helm, acquired during The Bloodworm Helm quest
Absorb Fatigue 000A936B Novice Absorb Fatigue 10pts on Touch 11 Calindil, Thaurron

Absorb Health Absorb HealthEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Essence Drain Variable Variable Absorb Fatigue on Touch
Absorb Health on Touch
Absorb Magicka on Touch
Var. Leveled Spell. Usable only while wearing the Bloodworm Helm, acquired during The Bloodworm Helm quest
Absorb Health 000A9367 Novice Absorb Health 5pts on Touch 12 (You start with this spell if Restoration is one of your major skills)
Leech Health 000A9368 Apprentice Absorb Health 10pts on Touch 30 Thaurron
Consume Health 000A9369 Journeyman Absorb Health 20pts on Touch 74 Marc Gulitte, Trevaia, Volanaro
Devour Health 000A936A Expert Absorb Health 40pts on Touch 179 Borissean, Marc Gulitte

Absorb Magicka Absorb MagickaEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Essence Drain Variable Variable Absorb Fatigue on Touch
Absorb Health on Touch
Absorb Magicka on Touch
Var. Leveled Spell. Usable only while wearing the Bloodworm Helm, acquired during The Bloodworm Helm quest
Absorb Magicka 000A936C Novice Absorb Magicka 10pts on Touch 14 Thaurron, Gaspar Stegine

Absorb Skill Absorb SkillEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Absorb Skill: Acrobatics 000A978E Novice Absorb Acrobatics 5pts for 10sec on Touch 16 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Athletics 000A9792 Novice Absorb Athletics 5pts for 10sec on Touch 16 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Illusion 000A979A Novice Absorb Illusion 5pts for 10sec on Touch 16 Calindil, Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Security 000A97A0 Novice Absorb Security 5pts for 10sec on Touch 16 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Hand to Hand 000A9798 Apprentice Absorb Hand to Hand 10pts for 10sec on Touch 40 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Light Armor 000A979B Apprentice Absorb Light Armor 10pts for 10sec on Touch 40 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Mercantile 000A979D Apprentice Absorb Mercantile 10pts for 10sec on Touch 40 Thaurron, Edgar Vautrine
Absorb Skill: Mysticism 000A979E Apprentice Absorb Mysticism 10pts for 10sec on Touch 40 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Restoration 000A979F Apprentice Absorb Restoration 10pts for 10sec on Touch 40 Thaurron
Absorb Skill: Alteration 000A9790 Journeyman Absorb Alteration 15pts for 10sec on Touch 67 Marc Gulitte, Edgar Vautrine
Absorb Skill: Block 000A9794 Journeyman Absorb Block 15pts for 10sec on Touch 67 Marc Gulitte
Absorb Skill: Conjuration 000A9796 Journeyman Absorb Conjuration 15pts for 10sec on Touch 67 Marc Gulitte
Absorb Skill: Heavy Armor 000A9799 Journeyman Absorb Heavy Armor 15pts for 10sec on Touch 67 Marc Gulitte
Absorb Skill: Marksman 000A979C Journeyman Absorb Marksman 15pts for 10sec on Touch 67 Marc Gulitte
Absorb Skill: Blade 000A9793 Expert Absorb Blade 25pts for 15sec on Touch 193 Marc Gulitte, Selena Orania
Absorb Skill: Blunt 000A9795 Expert Absorb Blunt 25pts for 15sec on Touch 193 Marc Gulitte
Absorb Skill: Destruction 000A9797 Expert Absorb Destruction 25pts for 15sec on Touch 193 Marc Gulitte
Absorb Skill: Sneak 000A97A1 Expert Absorb Sneak 25pts for 15sec on Touch 193 Gaspar Stegine, Marc Gulitte

Bound Armor Bound ArmorEdit

School: Conjuration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Bound Gauntlets 000A97B8 Novice Bound Gauntlets for 20sec on Self 16 Alberic Litte
Bound Boots 000A97B4 Novice Bound Boots for 20sec on Self 24 Alberic Litte
Bound Helmet 000A97BA Novice Bound Helmet for 20sec on Self 24 Alberic Litte, Calindil
Bound Greaves 000A97B9 Apprentice Bound Greaves for 45sec on Self 54 Alberic Litte
Bound Cuirass 000A97B6 Journeyman Bound Cuirass for 60sec on Self 72 Athragar, Delphine Jend
Bound Shield 000A97BC Expert Bound Shield for 120sec on Self 216 Athragar

Bound Weapon Bound WeaponEdit

School: Conjuration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Bound Dagger 000A97B7 Novice Bound Dagger for 15sec on Self 21 Alberic Litte, Edgar Vautrine
Bound War Axe 000A97B3 Apprentice Bound Axe for 15sec on Self 58 Alberic Litte
Bound Mace 000A97BB Journeyman Bound Mace for 15sec on Self 136 Athragar
Bound Bow 000A97B5 Journeyman Bound Bow for 15sec on Self 142 Athragar, Aurelinwae
Bound Sword 000A97BD Expert Bound Sword for 15sec on Self 352 Athragar, Raminus Polus, Volanaro

Burden BurdenEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Burdening Touch 000A97C1 Novice Burden 15pts for 15sec on Touch 10 Trayvond the Redguard
Hindering Touch 000A97C2 Apprentice Burden 35pts for 20sec on Touch 39 Calindil, Trayvond the Redguard
Encumbering Touch 000A97C3 Journeyman Burden 50pts for 25sec on Touch 78 Orintur
Oppressing Grasp 000A97C4 Expert Burden 75pts for 30sec on Touch 158 Orintur, Raminus Polus
Weight of the World 0007108A Expert Burden 60pts for 30sec on Target 178 Orintur

Calm CalmEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Serenity 000A97C6 Novice Calm up to level 2 for 10sec on Target
(a.k.a. Calm 10pts for 10sec on Target)
13 Delphine Jend, Ohtesse
Soothing Touch 000A97C9 Novice Calm up to level 2 for 15sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Calm 10pts for 15sec on Touch)
13 (You start with this spell if Illusion is one of your major skills)
Delphine Jend
Pacification 000A97C7 Apprentice Calm up to level 2 for 20sec on Target
(a.k.a. Calm 10pts for 20sec on Target)
26 Delphine Jend
Calming Touch 000A97CA Journeyman Calm up to level 7 for 20sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Calm 30pts for 20sec on Touch)
73 Aurelinwae, Delphine Jend

Chameleon ChameleonEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Shroudwalk 0006D678 Journeyman Chameleon 15% for 30sec on Self 98 (60*) M'raaj-Dar
Chameleon 000A97CB Journeyman Chameleon 25% for 30sec on Self 116 Ita Rienus
Shadow 000A97CC Expert Chameleon 50% for 30sec on Self 282 Gaspar Stegine, Ita Rienus
Cloak 000A97CD Master Chameleon 75% for 30sec on Self 474 Borissean

Charm CharmEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Beguiling Touch 000A97AE Novice Charm 12pts for 30sec on Touch 14 Delphine Jend, Selena Orania
Captivate 0001C4AD Novice Charm 10pts for 10sec on Touch 18 (3*) Reward for Bravil Recommendation quest.
Alluring Gaze 000A97AC Novice Charm 12pts for 30sec on Target 21 Delphine Jend
Mesmerizing Grasp 000A97AF Apprentice Charm 24pts for 30sec on Touch 35 Delphine Jend
Seductive Charm 000A97AD Apprentice Charm 24pts for 30sec on Target 52 Delphine Jend, Orag gra-Bargol
Voice of Rapture 000A97B0 Journeyman Charm 36pts for 30sec on Target 88 Aurelinwae, Ita Rienus
Enthralling Presence 000A97FF Journeyman Charm 24pts in 20ft for 20sec on Target 105 Delphine Jend, Volanaro

Command Creature Command CreatureEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Command Creature 000A97CE Apprentice Command Creature up to level 2 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Command Creature 8pts for 30sec on Target)
38 Alberic Litte
Commanding Touch 000A97D0 Apprentice Command Creature up to level 3 for 30sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Command Creature 12pts for 30sec on Touch)
43 Alberic Litte
Dominating Touch 000A97D1 Journeyman Command Creature up to level 6 for 30sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Command Creature 24pts for 30sec on Touch)
105 Athragar, Borissean
Dominate Creature 000A97CF Expert Command Creature up to level 9 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Command Creature 36pts for 30sec on Target)
265 Athragar, Aurelinwae

Command Humanoid Command HumanoidEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Command Humanoid 0003C3F8 Apprentice Command Humanoid up to level 2 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Command Humanoid 8pts for 30sec on Target)
48 Alberic Litte
Will of Sithis 0006D679 Expert Command Humanoid up to level 6 for 25sec on Target
(a.k.a. Command Humanoid 25pts for 25sec on Target)
315 (173*) M'raaj-Dar
Dominate Humanoid 0003C3F9 Expert Command Humanoid up to level 9 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Command Humanoid 36pts for 30sec on Target)
331 Athragar, Selena Orania

Cure CureEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Cure Disease 0003C3FA Journeyman Cure Disease on Self 140 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Cure Paralysis 0003C3FB Apprentice Cure Paralysis on Touch 50 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Cure Poison 0003C3FC Apprentice Cure Poison on Self 60 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas

Damage Attribute Damage AttributeEdit

School: Destruction

There are no Damage Attribute spells available for purchase.

Damage Fatigue Damage FatigueEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Curse of Weakness 000A97D2 Novice Damage Fatigue 15pts on Touch 14 Druja, Volanaro

Damage Health Damage HealthEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Entropic Touch 000A97D3 Novice Damage Health 5pts on Touch 9 Druja
Entropic Bolt 000A97B1 Apprentice Damage Health 10pts on Target 34 Sulinus Vassinus
Withering Touch 000A97D4 Journeyman Damage Health 30pts on Touch 93 Vigge the Cautious
Withering Bolt 000A97B2 Expert Damage Health 40pts on Target 202 Adrienne Berene

Damage Magicka Damage MagickaEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Sever Magicka 0003C3DC Apprentice Damage Magicka 30pts on Target 28 Sulinus Vassinus

Demoralize DemoralizeEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Touch of Fear 000A97D7 Apprentice Demoralize up to level 3 for 20sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Demoralize 15pts for 20sec on Touch)
31 Delphine Jend
Voice of Dread 000A97D5 Journeyman Demoralize up to level 5 for 20sec on Target
(a.k.a. Demoralize 20pts for 20sec on Target)
68 Ita Rienus
Fearful Gaze 000A97D6 Expert Demoralize up to level 7 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Demoralize 30pts for 30sec on Target)
171 Ita Rienus
Grasp of Terror 000A97D8 Master Demoralize up to level 20 for 30sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Demoralize 80pts for 30sec on Touch)
401 Aurelinwae, Ita Rienus
Terrifying Presence 000A97D9 Master Demoralize up to level 17 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Demoralize 70pts for 30sec on Target)
507 Raminus Polus

Detect Life Detect LifeEdit

School: Mysticism

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Minor Life Detection 000A97DC Novice Detect Life in 60ft for 10sec on Self 15 (You start with this spell if Mysticism is one of your major skills)
Alves Uvenim, Calindil, Edgar Vautrine, Ita Rienus
Major Life Detection 000A97DB Apprentice Detect Life in 60ft for 20sec on Self 30 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Ohtesse, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard
Detect Pulse 0006D67F Apprentice Detect Life in 30ft for 65sec on Self 38 (40*) M'raaj-Dar
Greater Life Detection 000A97DA Journeyman Detect Life in 60ft for 60sec on Self 90 Agata
Bloodhunt 0006D680 Expert Detect Life in 50ft for 150sec on Self 191 (179*) M'raaj-Dar
Superior Life Detection 000A97DD Expert Detect Life in 120ft for 60sec on Self 220 Agata, Raminus Polus, Volanaro
Legendary Life Detection 000A97DE Master Detect Life in 120ft for 120sec on Self 440 Aurelinwae, Gaspar Stegine

Disintegrate Armor Disintegrate ArmorEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Corrode Armor 000A97A3 Apprentice Disintegrate Armor 30pts on Touch 48 Sulinus Vassinus
Disintegrate Armor 000A97A4 Expert Disintegrate Armor 100pts on Target 337 Adrienne Berene

Disintegrate Weapon Disintegrate WeaponEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Corrode Weapon 000A97A5 Journeyman Disintegrate Weapon 60pts on Touch 117 Vigge the Cautious
Disintegrate Weapon 000A97A6 Master Disintegrate Weapon 150pts on Target 569 Gaspar Stegine

Dispel DispelEdit

School: Mysticism

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Minor Dispel 0008D1E9 Novice Dispel 25pts on Self 22 (You start with this spell if Mysticism is one of your major skills)
Alves Uvenim
Dispel Other 0003C3F5 Apprentice Dispel 30pts on Target 41 Alves Uvenim
Major Dispel 000A9831 Apprentice Dispel 45pts on Self 47 Alves Uvenim, Calindil, Ungarion
Greater Dispel 000A9832 Journeyman Dispel 75pts on Self 90 Agata
Greater Dispel Other 000A9835 Journeyman Dispel 60pts on Target 101 Agata, Volanaro
Superior Dispel 000A9833 Expert Dispel 150pts on Self 219 Agata, Raminus Polus
Legendary Dispel 000A9834 Master Dispel 250pts on Self 422 Borissean

Drain Attribute Drain AttributeEdit

School: Destruction

There are no Drain Attribute spells available for purchase. See Drain Attribute for information on how to obtain this spell effect for custom spells.

Drain Fatigue Drain FatigueEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Minor Enervation 0003C3EF Novice Drain Fatigue 15pts for 15sec on Target 12 Druja
Major Enervation 0003C3F0 Apprentice Drain Fatigue 30pts for 15sec on Target 31 Sulinus Vassinus
Dire Enervation 0003C3F1 Expert Drain Fatigue 60pts for 30sec on Target 152 Vigge the Cautious

Drain Health Drain HealthEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Minor Wound 0004C912 Novice Drain Health 5pts for 10sec on Target 10 Druja
Major Wound 0004C913 Apprentice Drain Health 15pts for 10sec on Target 43 Edgar Vautrine, Sulinus Vassinus
Dire Wound 0004C914 Journeyman Drain Health 30pts for 10sec on Target 104 Vigge the Cautious
Superior Wound 0004C915 Expert Drain Health 50pts for 10sec on Target 201 Adrienne Berene, Selena Orania

Drain Magicka Drain MagickaEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Magicka Drain 0004C90F Apprentice Drain Magicka 30pts for 30sec on Touch 41 Sulinus Vassinus
Greater Magicka Drain 0003C3F2 Journeyman Drain Magicka 50pts for 30sec on Touch 80 Vigge the Cautious
Superior Magicka Drain 0003C3F3 Expert Drain Magicka 100pts for 30sec on Touch 196 Adrienne Berene
Legendary Magicka Drain 0003C3F4 Master Drain Magicka 120pts for 60sec on Touch 495 Borissean

Drain Skill Drain SkillEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Drain Skill: Illusion 0003C3E7 Apprentice Drain Skill: Illusion 10pts for 20sec on Target 37 Sulinus Vassinus
Drain Skill: Marksman 0003C3E6 Apprentice Drain Skill: Marksman 10pts for 20sec on Target 37 Sulinus Vassinus
Drain Skill: Alteration 0003C3E9 Journeyman Drain Skill: Alteration 15pts for 25sec on Target 78 Vigge the Cautious
Drain Skill: Destruction 0003C3E8 Journeyman Drain Skill: Destruction 15pts for 25sec on Target 78 Edgar Vautrine, Vigge the Cautious
Drain Skill: Hand to Hand 0003C3EA Journeyman Drain Skill: Hand to Hand 15pts for 25sec on Target 78 Vigge the Cautious
Drain Skill: Heavy Armor 0003C3EB Journeyman Drain Skill: Heavy Armor 15pts for 25sec on Target 78 Vigge the Cautious
Drain Skill: Blade 0003C3EC Expert Drain Skill: Blade 20pts for 45sec on Target 203 Adrienne Berene
Drain Skill: Conjuration 0003C3ED Expert Drain Skill: Conjuration 20pts for 45sec on Target 203 Adrienne Berene
Drain Skill: Restoration 0003C3EE Expert Drain Skill: Restoration 20pts for 45sec on Target 203 Adrienne Berene

Feather FeatherEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Ease Burden 000A9800 Apprentice Feather 50pts for 240sec on Self 35 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Edgar Vautrine, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard
Lighten Load 000A9801 Journeyman Feather 75pts for 300sec on Self 75 Orintur
Pack Mule 000A9802 Expert Feather 150pts for 300sec on Self 183 Orintur, Raminus Polus
Beast of Burden 000A9803 Master Feather 250pts for 360sec on Self 422 Aurelinwae, Borissean

Fire Damage Fire DamageEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Wizard's Fury Variable Variable Fire Damage on Target
Frost Damage on Target
Shock Damage on Target
Var. Leveled Spell. Reward for completing the A Plot Revealed quest.
Flare 000A97DF Novice Fire Damage 6pts on Target 11 (You start with this spell)
Druja, Volanaro
Weak Fireball 0001EF7F Novice Fire Damage 5pts in 5ft for 3sec on Target 12 (26*) Given by Adrienne Berene during the Skingrad Recommendation quest.
Burning Touch 0004C91E Novice Fire Damage 10pts on Touch 14 Druja, Edgar Vautrine
Flame Touch 000A97E4 Apprentice Fire Damage 25pts on Touch 46 Calindil, Sulinus Vassinus, Ungarion
Flash Bolt 000A97E0 Apprentice Fire Damage 20pts on Target 52 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard
Searing Grasp 000A97E5 Journeyman Fire Damage 45pts on Touch 97 Vigge the Cautious
Blazing Spear 000A97E1 Journeyman Fire Damage 35pts on Target 106 Vigge the Cautious
Fire Ball 000A97E7 Journeyman Fire Damage 30pts in 10ft on Target 131 Vigge the Cautious
Scorching Blow 000A97E6 Expert Fire Damage 80pts on Touch 204 Adrienne Berene
Heat Blast 000A97E2 Expert Fire Damage 70pts on Target 258 Adrienne Berene, Raminus Polus, Volanaro
Fire Storm 000A97E8 Expert Fire Damage 50pts in 15ft on Target 378 Adrienne Berene, Raminus Polus
Immolating Blast 000A97E3 Master Fire Damage 110pts on Target 461 Borissean, Vigge the Cautious
Flame Tempest 000A97E9 Master Fire Damage 75pts in 15ft on Target 635 Adrienne Berene, Borissean
Enemies Explode 00014720 Master Fire Damage 5pts in 10ft for 5sec on Target
Fire Damage 70pts in 20ft for 1sec on Target
842 Delphine Jend

Fire Shield Fire ShieldEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Heat Shell 000A9806 Apprentice Fire Shield 10% for 30sec on Self 54 Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion, Volanaro
Fire Shield 000A9808 Expert Fire Shield 30% for 30sec on Self 221 Orintur
Flame Shield 000A9807 Master Fire Shield 30% for 60sec on Self 443 Orintur

Fortify Attribute Fortify AttributeEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Fortify Agility 000A9811 Apprentice Fortify Agility 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Isa Raman
Fortify Endurance 000A9812 Apprentice Fortify Endurance 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Avrus Adas
Fortify Intelligence 000A9813 Apprentice Fortify Intelligence 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Ohtesse
Fortify Luck 000A9814 Apprentice Fortify Luck 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Trevaia
Fortify Personality 000A9815 Apprentice Fortify Personality 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Trevaia
Fortify Speed 000A9816 Apprentice Fortify Speed 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Borissean, Uravasa Othrelas
Fortify Strength 000A9817 Apprentice Fortify Strength 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Orag gra-Bargol
Fortify Willpower 000A9818 Apprentice Fortify Willpower 5pts for 90sec on Self 42 Tumindil
Greater Fortify Agility 000A9809 Journeyman Fortify Agility 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Isa Raman
Greater Fortify Endurance 000A980A Journeyman Fortify Endurance 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Aurelinwae, Avrus Adas
Greater Fortify Intelligence 000A980B Journeyman Fortify Intelligence 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Aurelinwae, Ohtesse
Greater Fortify Luck 000A980C Journeyman Fortify Luck 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Gaspar Stegine, Trevaia
Greater Fortify Personality 000A980D Journeyman Fortify Personality 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Trevaia
Greater Fortify Speed 000A980E Journeyman Fortify Speed 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Uravasa Othrelas, Volanaro
Greater Fortify Strength 000A980F Journeyman Fortify Strength 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Orag gra-Bargol
Greater Fortify Willpower 000A9810 Journeyman Fortify Willpower 10pts for 90sec on Self 102 Aurelinwae, Tumindil

Fortify Fatigue Fortify FatigueEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Fortify Fatigue 0003C405 Novice Fortify Fatigue 25pts for 45sec on Self 11 Edgar Vautrine, Ungarion
Greater Fortify Fatigue 0003C406 Apprentice Fortify Fatigue 50pts for 45sec on Self 26 Edgar Vautrine, Ungarion

Fortify Health Fortify HealthEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Fortify Health 000A9820 Apprentice Fortify Health 30pts for 30sec on Self 32 Selena Orania
Greater Fortify Health 000A9821 Expert Fortify Health 60pts for 60sec on Self 158 Avrus Adas, Marc Gulitte

Fortify Magicka Fortify MagickaEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Fortify Magicka 0003C407 Journeyman Fortify Magicka 30 pts for 60sec on Self 69 Marc Gulitte, Edgar Vautrine, Raminus Polus, Ungarion
Greater Fortify Magicka 0003C409 Expert Fortify Magicka 60 pts for 60sec on Self 169 Avrus Adas, Marc Gulitte

Fortify Skill Fortify SkillEdit

School: Restoration

There are no Fortify Skill spells available for purchase. See Fortify Skill for information on how to obtain this spell effect for custom spells.

Frenzy FrenzyEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Touch of Frenzy 000A981B Novice Frenzy up to level 6 for 30sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Frenzy 25pts for 30sec on Touch)
7 Delphine Jend
Frenzy 000A9819 Novice Frenzy up to level 5 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Frenzy 20pts for 30sec on Target)
8 Delphine Jend
Rage 000A981A Apprentice Frenzy up to level 10 for 40sec on Target
(a.k.a. Frenzy 40pts for 40sec on Target)
26 Delphine Jend
Touch of Rage 000A981C Apprentice Frenzy up to level 18 for 30sec on Touch
(a.k.a. Frenzy 75pts for 30sec on Touch)
30 Calindil, Delphine Jend

Frost Damage Frost DamageEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Wizard's Fury Variable Variable Fire Damage on Target
Frost Damage on Target
Shock Damage on Target
Var. Leveled Spell. Reward for completing the A Plot Revealed quest.
Snowball 000A97EA Novice Frost Damage 10pts on Target 21 Druja, Edgar Vautrine, Volanaro
Cold Touch 000A97EF Novice Frost Damage 15pts on Touch 23 (You start with this spell if Destruction is one of your major skills)
Frost Touch 000A97F0 Apprentice Frost Damage 25pts on Touch 45 Sulinus Vassinus, Volanaro
Hailstone 000A97EB Apprentice Frost Damage 20pts on Target 51 Sulinus Vassinus
Winter's Grasp 000A97F1 Journeyman Frost Damage 45pts on Touch 96 Selena Orania, Vigge the Cautious
Frost Bolt 000A97EC Journeyman Frost Damage 35pts on Target 105 Vigge the Cautious
Hail Storm 0003C3D6 Journeyman Frost Damage 30pts in 10ft on Target 129 Vigge the Cautious
Baronoff's Bloody Icicle 0006D67C Journeyman Frost Damage 30pts on Target 132 (86*) M'raaj-Dar
Black Winter 0006D67D Expert Paralyze for 2sec on Target
Frost Damage 20pts on Target
200 (193*) M'raaj-Dar, Dark Brotherhood Murderer (Mage)
Arctic Blow 000A97F2 Expert Frost Damage 80pts on Touch 201 Adrienne Berene
Ice Bolt 000A97ED Expert Frost Damage 70pts on Target 255 Adrienne Berene, Raminus Polus
Ice Storm 0003C3D7 Expert Frost Damage 50pts in 15ft on Target 373 Adrienne Berene, Raminus Polus
Ice Blast 000A97EE Master Frost Damage 110pts on Target 455 Vigge the Cautious
Blizzard 0003C3D8 Master Frost Damage 75pts in 20ft on Target 836 Adrienne Berene

Frost Shield Frost ShieldEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Frost Shell 000A981D Apprentice Frost Shield 10% for 30sec on Self 54 Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion
Ice Shield 000A981E Journeyman Frost Shield 20% for 30sec on Self 131 Orintur
Glacial Wall 000A981F Expert Frost Shield 30% for 30sec on Self 221 Orintur

Invisibility InvisibilityEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Deathly Visage 0006D681 Journeyman Invisibility for 35sec on Self 112 (140*) M'raaj-Dar
Shadow Shape 000A97BE Journeyman Invisibility for 30 sec on Self 120 Ita Rienus
Ghostwalk 000A97BF Expert Invisibility for 60sec on Self 240 Ita Rienus, Raminus Polus
Spectral Form 000A97C0 Master Invisibility for 120sec on Self 480 Ita Rienus

Light LightEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Illuminate 000A319D Novice Light in 10ft for 90sec on Target 13 Delphine Jend
Starlight 000A9825 Novice Light in 20ft for 60sec on Self 14 (You start with this spell if Illusion is one of your major skills)
Calindil, Delphine Jend, Edgar Vautrine, Ungarion
Moonlight 000A9826 Apprentice Light in 30ft for 120sec on Self 47 Delphine Jend
Candlelight 000A9827 Journeyman Light in 40ft for 180sec on Self 103 Aurelinwae, Ita Rienus
Torchlight 000A9828 Expert Light in 50ft for 240sec on Self 183 Ita Rienus, Raminus Polus
Daylight 000A9829 Master Light in 60ft for 480sec on Self 462 Gaspar Stegine

Night-Eye Night-EyeEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Eyes of Eventide 000A982F Apprentice Night-Eye for 15sec on Self 33 Calindil, Delphine Jend, Ungarion
Void Gazer 0006D67B Apprentice Night-Eye for 150sec on Self 54 (330*) M'raaj-Dar
Eyes of Midnight 000A9830 Journeyman Night-Eye for 30sec on Self 66 Aurelinwae, Ita Rienus

Open OpenEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Open Very Easy Lock 000A97FE Novice Open Very Easy Lock on Target
(a.k.a. Open 7pts on Target)
7 (You start with this spell if Alteration is one of your major skills)
Calindil, Trayvond the Redguard
The Unwelcome Guest 0006D67E Novice Open Easy Lock on Touch†
(a.k.a. Open 12pts on Touch)
10† M'raaj-Dar
Minor Latch Crack 0001CEED Apprentice Open Easy Lock on Target
(a.k.a. Open 20pts on Target)
23 (29*) Given by Volanaro during the Bruma Recommendation quest.
Open Easy Lock 000A9824 Apprentice Open Easy Lock on Target
(a.k.a. Open 20pts on Target)
29 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard
Open Average Lock 000A9836 Journeyman Open Average Lock on Target
(a.k.a. Open 40pts on Target)
72 Orintur, Volanaro
Open Hard Lock 000A9837 Expert Open Hard Lock on Target
(a.k.a. Open 80pts on Target)
176 Gaspar Stegine, Orintur, Raminus Polus

† This is the only on-touch Open spell in the game, and it is impossible to create other touch Open spells; see the effect's notes. It is cheaper than a custom spell of the same magnitude because it is on-touch instead of on-target.

Paralyze ParalyzeEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Debilitate 000A9838 Journeyman Paralyze for 3sec on Touch 142 Ita Rienus
Black Winter 0006D67D Expert Paralyze for 2sec on Target
Frost Damage 20pts on Target
200 (193*) M'raaj-Dar
Immobilize 000A9839 Expert Paralyze for 7sec on Touch 332 Ita Rienus, Raminus Polus
Paralyze 000A983A Master Paralyze for 10sec on Touch 475 Aurelinwae, Borissean

Rally RallyEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Inspiration 000AA032 Novice Rally 25pts for 20sec on Target 5 Delphine Jend
Inspiring Touch 000AA033 Novice Rally 25pts for 30sec on Touch 5 Delphine Jend
Heroic Touch 000AA035 Apprentice Rally 50pts for 60sec on Touch 26 Delphine Jend, Volanaro
Heroism 000AA034 Apprentice Rally 50pts for 45sec on Target 30 Aurelinwae, Delphine Jend

Reflect Damage Reflect DamageEdit

School: Mysticism

There are no Reflect Damage spells available for purchase. See Reflect Damage for information on how to obtain this spell effect for custom spells.

Reflect Spell Reflect SpellEdit

School: Mysticism

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Superior Spell Reflection 000AA039 Expert Reflect Spell 20pts for 20sec on Self 323 Agata, Raminus Polus, Selena Orania
Legendary Spell Reflection 000AA053 Master Reflect Spell 25pts for 25sec on Self 538 Agata

Resist Spell Resist MagicEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Minor Magic Resistance 0008D1EA Journeyman Resist Magic 15% for 20sec on Self 128 Thaurron

Restore Attribute Restore AttributeEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Restore Agility 000AA03C Apprentice Restore Agility 5pts on Self 29 Isa Raman
Restore Endurance 000AA03F Apprentice Restore Endurance 5pts on Self 29 Avrus Adas
Restore Intelligence 000AA042 Apprentice Restore Intelligence 5pts on Self 29 Ohtesse
Restore Luck 000AA040 Apprentice Restore Luck 5pts on Self 29 Trevaia
Restore Personality 000AA044 Apprentice Restore Personality 5pts on Self 29 Trevaia
Restore Speed 000AA049 Apprentice Restore Speed 5pts on Self 29 Uravasa Othrelas
Restore Strength 000AA047 Apprentice Restore Strength 5pts on Self 29 Orag gra-Bargol
Restore Willpower 000AA04A Apprentice Restore Willpower 5pts on Self 29 Tumindil

Restore Fatigue Restore FatigueEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Minor Respite 00027443 Novice Restore Fatigue 15pts on Self 6 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Major Respite 000A9823 Apprentice Restore Fatigue 80pts on Self 54 Ohtesse, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas

Restore Health Restore HealthEdit

School: Restoration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Heal Minor Wounds 00000136 Novice Restore Health 8pts on Self 14 (You start with this spell)
Night Mother's Caress 0006D67A Apprentice Restore Health 10pts for 2sec on Self 33 (38*) M'raaj-Dar
Convalescence 0006D7AF Apprentice Restore Health 15pts on Target 48 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Heal Major Wounds 000A9822 Apprentice Restore Health 25pts on Self 61 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Avrus Adas, Calindil, Delphine Jend, Druja, Isa Raman, Orag gra-Bargol, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Heal Greater Wounds 000AA03A Journeyman Restore Health 20pts for 2sec on Self 92 Avrus Adas, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Greater Convalescence 000C7661 Journeyman Restore Health 20pts for 2sec on Target 138 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Heal Superior Wounds 000AA03B Expert Restore Health 25pts for 4sec on Self 246 Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Raminus Polus, Tumindil
Superior Convalescence 000C7662 Expert Restore Health 20pts for 4sec on Target 277 Avrus Adas, Isa Raman, Ohtesse, Orag gra-Bargol, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Heal Legendary Wounds 00083714 Master Restore Health 30pts for 6sec on Self 466 Borissean, Isa Raman, Tumindil

Shield ShieldEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Protect 000A97A7 Novice Shield 5% for 30sec on Self 10 (You start with this spell if Alteration is one of your major skills)
Calindil, Edgar Vautrine, Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion
Protect Other 00071090 Novice Shield 10% for 20sec on Touch 17 Calindil, Trayvond the Redguard
Defend 000A97A8 Apprentice Shield 15% for 30sec on Self 43 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard
Guard 000A97A9 Journeyman Shield 30% for 30sec on Self 104 Orintur
Shield 000A97AA Expert Shield 40% for 30sec on Self 151 Orintur, Raminus Polus
Aegis 000A97AB Master Shield 50% for 60sec on Self 403 Gaspar Stegine, Orintur

Shock Damage Shock DamageEdit

School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Finger of the Mountain Variable Variable Shock Damage on Target
Var. Leveled Spell. Received from Cloud Top during the Fingers of the Mountain quest.
Wizard's Fury Variable Variable Fire Damage on Target
Frost Damage on Target
Shock Damage on Target
Var. Leveled Spell. Reward for completing the A Plot Revealed quest.
Shocking Touch 000A97FA Novice Shock Damage 10pts on Touch 14 (You start with this spell if Destruction is one of your major skills)
Druja, Edgar Vautrine, Ungarion
Spark 000A97F3 Novice Shock Damage 10pts on Target 22 Druja, Delphine Jend, Volanaro
Electric Touch 000A97FB Apprentice Shock Damage 25pts on Touch 48 Calindil, Sulinus Vassinus
Shock 000A97F4 Apprentice Shock Damage 20pts on Target 54 Sulinus Vassinus
Lightning Grasp 000A97FC Journeyman Shock Damage 45pts on Touch 101 Vigge the Cautious
Lightning Bolt 000A97F8 Journeyman Shock Damage 35pts on Target 110 Vigge the Cautious
Shocking Burst 0003C3D9 Journeyman Shock Damage 15pts in 10ft for 2 sec on Target 112 Vigge the Cautious
Lightning Surge 000A97F6 Expert Shock Damage 80pts on Touch 212 Adrienne Berene
Lightning Ball 0003C3DA Expert Shock Damage 20pts in 15ft for 2sec on Target 243 Adrienne Berene, Raminus Polus
Lightning Blast 000A97FD Expert Shock Damage 70pts on Target 269 Adrienne Berene, Raminus Polus
Lightning Storm 0003C3DB Master Shock Damage 30pts in 15ft for 2sec on Target 409 Adrienne Berene
Electrocution 000A97F9 Master Shock Damage 110pts on Target 479 Borissean, Vigge the Cautious

Shock Shield Shock ShieldEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Electric Shell 000A982A Apprentice Shock Shield 10% for 30sec on Self 54 Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion
Lightning Shield 000A982B Journeyman Shock Shield 20% for 30sec on Self 131 Orintur
Lightning Wall 000A982C Expert Shock Shield 30% for 30sec on Self 221 Orintur

Silence SilenceEdit

School: Illusion

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Hush 00027441 Journeyman Silence for 10sec on Target 90 Ita Rienus
Mute 000AA04C Expert Silence in 15ft for 15sec on Target 303 Ita Rienus, Raminus Polus
Silence 000AA04D Master Silence in 15ft for 20sec on Target 405 Borissean, Gaspar Stegine

Soul Trap Soul TrapEdit

School: Mysticism

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Soul Trap 000AA04F Apprentice Soul Trap for 20sec on Touch 60 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion
Greater Soul Trap 000AA050 Journeyman Soul Trap for 30sec on Target 135 Agata
Superior Soul Trap 000AA051 Expert Soul Trap in 10ft for 40sec on Target 270 Agata, Aurelinwae
Legendary Soul Trap 000AA052 Master Soul Trap in 20ft for 60sec on Target 810 Borissean

Spell Absorption Spell AbsorptionEdit

School: Mysticism

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Superior Spell Absorption 000AA055 Expert Spell Absorption 20pts for 25sec on Self 347 Agata, Gaspar Stegine
Legendary Spell Absorption 000AA056 Master Spell Absorption 25pts for 25sec on Self 461 Borissean

Summon SummonEdit

School: Conjuration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Summon Skeleton 000AA05F Apprentice Summon Skeleton for 40sec on Self 45 (You start with this spell if Conjuration is one of your major skills)
Alberic Litte, Calindil, Volanaro
Summon Zombie 000AA063 Apprentice Summon Zombie for 30sec on Self 50 Alberic Litte, Calindil
Summon Ghost 000AA05C Apprentice Summon Ghost for 25sec on Self 55 Alberic Litte, Ungarion
Summon Scamp 000AA05E Apprentice Summon Scamp for 20sec on Self 60 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Edgar Vautrine, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion
Summon Skeleton Guardian 0003C415 Journeyman Summon Skeleton Guardian for 40sec on Self 130 Athragar
Summon Flame Atronach 000AA05A Journeyman Summon Flame Atronach for 30sec on Self 135 Athragar
Summon Headless Zombie 0003C414 Journeyman Summon Headless Zombie for 25sec on Self 140 Athragar
Summon Dremora 000AA059 Journeyman Summon Dremora for 20sec on Self 145 Athragar
Summon Skeleton Hero 0003C416 Expert Summon Skeleton Hero for 50sec on Self 330 Athragar
Summon Clannfear 000AA057 Expert Summon Clannfear for 45sec on Self 340 Athragar
Summon Faded Wraith 000AA062 Expert Summon Faded Wraith for 40sec on Self 350 Athragar, Gaspar Stegine
Summon Frost Atronach 000AA05B Expert Summon Frost Atronach for 35sec on Self 360 Athragar
Summon Daedroth 000AA058 Expert Summon Daedroth for 30sec on Self 369 Athragar, Selena Orania
Summon Skeleton Champion 0003C417 Expert Summon Skeleton Champion for 25sec on Self 380 Athragar
Summon Spider Daedra 0003C418 Expert Summon Spider Daedra for 20sec on Self 390 Athragar, Gaspar Stegine
Summon Storm Atronach 000AA060 Master Summon Storm Atronach for 40sec on Self 500 Vigge the Cautious
Summon Dremora Lord 0003C413 Master Summon Dremora Lord for 35sec on Self 549 Volanaro
Summon Xivilai 000AA061 Master Summon Xivilai for 30sec on Self 600 Borissean
Summon Gloom Wraith 0003C419 Master Summon Gloom Wraith for 25sec on Self 650 Borissean
Summon Lich 000AA05D Master Summon Lich for 20sec on Self 700 Borissean

Telekinesis TelekinesisEdit

School: Mysticism

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Remote Manipulation 000AA064 Apprentice Telekinesis 10ft for 20sec on Target 28 Alberic Litte, Alves Uvenim, Delphine Jend, Druja, Selena Orania, Sulinus Vassinus, Thaurron, Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion, Volanaro
Psychic Motion 000AA065 Journeyman Telekinesis 20ft for 30sec on Target 102 Agata
Telekinesis 000AA066 Expert Telekinesis 30ft for 45sec on Target 257 Agata, Aurelinwae
Movement Mastery 000AA067 Master Telekinesis 40ft for 60sec on Target 495 Borissean

Turn Undead Turn UndeadEdit

School: Conjuration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Turn Undead 000AA068 Novice Turn Undead up to level 3 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Turn Undead 15pts for 30sec on Target)
11 (You start with this spell if Conjuration is one of your major skills)
Alberic Litte, Trevaia, Tumindil, Ungarion
Repulse Undead 000AA069 Apprentice Turn Undead up to level 7 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Turn Undead 30pts for 30sec on Target)
29 Alberic Litte, Ohtesse, Trevaia, Tumindil, Uravasa Othrelas
Rebuke Undead 000AA06A Journeyman Turn Undead up to level 15 for 30sec on Target
(a.k.a. Turn Undead 60pts for 30sec on Target)
70 Athragar, Isa Raman, Tumindil
Dismiss Undead 000AA06B Expert Turn Undead up to level 18 for 60sec on Target
(a.k.a. Turn Undead 75pts for 60sec on Target)
187 Athragar, Isa Raman, Orag gra-Bargol, Tumindil

Water Breathing Water BreathingEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Buoyancy 0001FBB4 Apprentice Feather 5pts for 30sec on Self
Water Breathing for 30sec on Self
34 (43*) Given by Deetsan during the Cheydinhal Recommendation quest.
Water Breathing 000AA06C Apprentice Water Breathing for 30sec on Self 43 Edgar Vautrine, Trayvond the Redguard, Ungarion

Water Walking Water WalkingEdit

School: Alteration

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Sea Stride 000AA071 Apprentice Water Walking for 30sec on Self 39 Trayvond the Redguard


School: Destruction

Spell Name ID# Level Effects Cost Where to get
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 0003C40D Apprentice Weakness to Fire 25% for 30sec on Target 27 Calindil, Sulinus Vassinus
Weakness to Frost Weakness to Frost 0003C40E Apprentice Weakness to Frost 25% for 30sec on Target 27 Sulinus Vassinus
Weakness to Poison Weakness to Poison 0003C411 Apprentice Weakness to Poison 25% for 30sec on Target 27 Calindil, Sulinus Vassinus, Ungarion
Weakness to Shock Weakness to Shock 0003C412 Apprentice Weakness to Shock 25% for 30sec on Target 27 Sulinus Vassinus
Weakness to Magic Weakness to Magicka 0003C40F Journeyman Weakness to Magic 25% for 30sec on Target 69 Aurelinwae, Vigge the Cautious

Spell NotesEdit

  • The cost for most spells matches the value you would calculate from the Spell Cost equation. In other words, if you were to create the same spell at the Spellmaking Altar it would have the same magicka cost as the built-in spell. However, there are a few notable exceptions, as noted in the tables. Spells that are a bad deal, i.e. more expensive than a custom spell, are in red; spells that are a good deal are in green. The magicka cost if you were to create a custom spell at the Spellmaking Altar is shown in parentheses.
  • Cost for spells is dependent upon your skill in the school (as modified by Luck, see Magic Overview). The provided baseline values are the magicka cost when your skill level is 33. For other skill levels the magicka cost can be determined from:
Cost * (1.4 - 0.012 * Skill)
  • Level indicates what skill level you must reach (or surpass) in order to use a spell. Skill Level 0-24 = Novice, 25-49 = Apprentice, 50-74 = Journeyman, 75-99 = Expert, 100 = Master
  • The base cost in gold that you must pay to purchase a spell is always three times the current magicka cost of the spell, taking into account your character's skill level and Luck. (The actual cost you pay is further increased based on how well you haggle with the merchant). Therefore, if you have any Fortify Skill or Fortify Luck spells/potions handy, you can get significantly better deals when purchasing spells.