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Blades:Staggering Bash

< Blades: Skills: Abilities
Staggering Bash
Skill Type Ability
Requires Harrying Bash
Damagetype Bashing Damage Bashing Damage
Initial Cooldown 1.77 seconds
Cooldown 6.7 seconds
Block Duration 0.5 seconds

This Shield Bash deals <magnitude> extra bashing damage and stuns a target that does not block it. A shield is required.

Rank Required Level Skill Point Cost Magnitude Stun Duration (seconds) Stamina Cost
1 18 4 66.4 1.3 235
2 34 3 78.98 1.4 265
3 50 3 93.8 1.5 290
4 100.39 1.6 315
5 108.94 1.7 335
6 114.86 1.8 360
7 123.3 1.9 380
8 132.47 2 405
9 139.71 2.1 420
10 148.17 2.2 435
11 156.48 2.3 455
12 164.12 2.4 470
13 169.24 2.5 485


  • According to the files, you need to deal at least 1 damage to the enemy to stun them.[verification needed — does this mean that enemies immune to bashing damage cannot be stunned, or that even when blocked the ability can still stun as long as it deals 1 damage? And how does the stun add up to the stun from the high block itself?]
