This is a list of miscellaneous major buildings in Cyrodiil added by Better Cities.
- Abandoned House — A boarded-up house located at the lower end of the Waterfront Tunnel, near the gate to the Waterfront District.
- Admiralty — A government building that houses the bureaucracy of the Imperial Navy.
- Akatosh Apartments — An apartment building located in the Imperial City Temple District, along the city wall just north of the gate to the Waterfront Tunnel.
- Anvil Bay Port Authority — A small building located at the eastern end of Anvil Bay, near the castle.
- The Anvil Ship Company — Located in a converted house in the Anvil Bay docks, just west of the western gate.
- Apiary — A building located just southeast of Chorrol, near Weynon Priory.
- Apple Farm — An apple orchard located outside of Chorrol. It consists of the orchard itself, along with a warehouse and a building for the workers, an enclosure for repairs, a well, and a stable.
- Arkay Apartments — A middle-class apartment building located east of the entrance to the Waterfront Tunnel in the Imperial City Temple District.
- Armoury — A building located in the Castle Leyawiin courtyard, to the right of the main gate.
- Bank of Cyrodiil — Located in the western end of the Imperial City Market District, across the street from Stonewall Shields.
- Bank of Cyrodiil — A building in Leyawiin.
- Baron von Zarov's Manor — A large mansion located behind the West Weald Inn in Skingrad.
- Barracks of the First Legion — A building in the Prison District which houses members of the First Legion.
- Blood Castle — A player home obtained by completing the Ruun quest trilogy: The Bloodscript, Blade of the Goddess, and The Legacy of Ardan. It is located in its own dimension, accessible by activating a whistling skull.
- Bravil Barrel Brewery — A brewery located at the eastern end of the Bravil Docks.
- Bravil Dock Master Office — Located at the eastern end of the southern island on the Bravil Docks, right below Cadwyn's Discreet Tailoring.
- Bravil Museum — An easter egg added by the mod Blood & Mud.
- Bravil Warehouse — A storage facility located at the eastern end of the Bravil Docks.
- Brewers Guild — The headquarters of the beer brewers in Chorrol. It is located in the southeast corner of Chorrol, right behind the Grey Mare.
- Census and Excise Office — A building in Leyawiin.
- Compound of the Order of Hours — A chapel of Akatosh in the Temple District, located beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Converted Checkpoint Apartments — A former Imperial Legion guard station in the Waterfront Tunnel that was converted to low-rent housing.
- The Bobbed Maiden — A barber shop on the upper level of the Imperial City Market District, directly above Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise.
- Dibella Apartments — An apartment building located along the outer wall of the Imperial City Temple District.
- Dilapidated Shack — A building in Leyawiin.
- Flophouse — A low-rent apartment building located on the southern island of Bravil, near the Docks Gate.
- Forever More — A mortuary in the Imperial City Temple District.
- Gallenus Family Tomb — A mausoleum located in the Leyawiin cemetery.
- General Department — A government building in the Elven Gardens District located beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Government Archives — A government building in the Talos Plaza District where Imperial records are stored.
- Harbour Master — A large building located on the docks to the east of Leyawiin, in the Harbour District.
- Harbourside Southern Warehouse — A storage facility located on the lighthouse island, at the base of the approach leading the lighthouse itself.
- Hlaalu Embassy — A mansion given over to House Hlaalu to serve as an embassy in Cyrodiil. It is located just outside the castle walls, at the top of a flight of steps leading up from the main street.
- Hospital — A building in the Imperial City Temple District.
- Hunter's Lodgings — A small house located on the east end of Bruma, right beside the chapel.
- Infirmary — A building in Leyawiin where two monks, Brother Cunningus and Brother Gluttonius, tend to sick and injured people who can't afford health care.
- Invel Family Tomb — A mausoleum located in the Leyawiin cemetery.
- Imperial City People's Library — Located on the upper level of the Imperial City Elven Gardens District, in the southeast block overlooking the inner courtyard.
- Imperial Legion Bathhouse — A Roman-style bath located in the Imperial City Prison District.
- Imperial Legion Canteen — A large building located east of the city.
- Imperial Legion Checkpoint — Located in the Imperial City Waterfront Tunnel, just inside the gate to the Temple District.
- Imperial Legion Customs Office — Located in the Waterfront Tunnel, just inside the gate to the Waterfront District.
- Imperial Legion Customs Watchtower — Actually two towers that flank the Waterfront Tunnel gate to the Waterfront District.
- Imperial Legion Infirmary — A building located in the northeast corner of the Imperial City Prison District.
- Imperial Legion Offices — An Imperial Legion outpost on the northern end of Bruma, west of the gate on the upper tier near the castle.
- Imperial Legion Offices — A building located in Leyawiin Harbour that houses the local Imperial Legion contingent.
- Imperial Ministry — A government office located in the Arboretum District beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Imperial Service — A government building in the Talos Plaza District located beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Imperial Trading Company — Houses the offices for the Imperial Trading Company outpost in Bruma. The building is quite large, located in the western part of Bruma, near the chapel.
- Imperial Trading Company Offices — A two-story building in the northwest corner of Anvil. The lower floor has an entryway with two storage cupboards and a chair for visitors; a second room houses tables that serve as clerks' desks. Upstairs, there's only one large room, a bedroom for officials from other cities who need a place to stay for a night or two. It has a double bed, two chests of drawers, a cupboard, and a fireplace.
- Imperial Trading Company Warehouse
- Imperial Treasury — A government building in the Elven Gardens District located beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Joint Staff — Government building in the Arena District which houses the bureaucracy of the Imperial military.
- Kraken's Spa — A public bathhouse located in a cave in eastern Bruma, north of the East Gate.
- Kynareth Apartments — An apartment building in the Imperial City Market District.
- Leyawiin Knights Barracks — A building in the Castle Leyawiin courtyard, to the left of the main gate.
- Lighthouse Tower — A room atop the lighthouse in Anvil Bay that the player can use as a home after speaking to Ulfgar Fog-Eye.
- The Lodge — A boarding house in the Imperial City Temple District.
- Men's Public Bath House — Located along the road behind Northern Goods and Trade.
- Mill — A mill used for grinding grain. It is located northwest of Skingrad.
- Mill House — Located south of Chorrol.
- Office of the Imperial Cult — A building in the Temple District housing the Imperial Cult.
- Office of the Security Services for the Council of Elders — An unmarked building on the upper level of the Imperial City Talos Plaza District, right above The Foaming Flask.
- Offices of the Magistrate — A government building in the Market District located beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Old Channel House — An abandoned house located in the southeastern corner of the north island in Bravil, down by the water. The front door is locked, but you can get the key as part of the quest The Bloodscript.
- Old Tower — Located at the south end of Peach Tree Island in Cheydinhal. It appears to be abandoned.
- Orius Family Tomb — A mausoleum located in the Leyawiin graveyard.
- The Plague House — A free clinic run by Father Leveston which houses sick people. It is located at the far eastern end of the Docks.
- Port Warehouse — A building in the Leyawiin harbour, north of the city.
- Port Warehouse — A building in the Leyawiin harbour, north of the city.
- Prosecutor's Office — A government building in the Market District located beside the gate to Green Emperor Way.
- Public Bathing House — A public bathhouse and swimming pool located in the Imperial City Diplomatic District, on the far side of the district from the gate.
- Peregrine Manor — A large mansion located in northwestern Skingrad, in the Colovia Gardens plaza.
- The Red Mare — A pleasure house located in the middle of Bravil.
- Refugee House — A homeless shelter located in the slums of southern Bruma.
- Riverview Mansion — An abandoned three-story house located on the east island in Bravil, just south of the eastern end of the bridge to Castle Bravil.
- Skingrad Outskirts Fort — A pair of joined towers located north of the city. The outpost is manned by a contingent of town guards led by Officer Undilar.
- Smithy — A forge located just outside the castle.
- Spearhead Tower — A lighthouse located on an island south of Leyawiin, at the northern end of Topal Bay.
- Squatter's Building — An abandoned building located along the north wall of Bravil, next to the Bravil Butcher. It is occupied by a number of vagrants.
- Stendarr Chapel — A small chapel dedicated to Stendarr located north of Skingrad.
- Topal Trading Company Offices — Located in the Leyawiin Harbour.
- Traders' Lodging — A boarding house in the Imperial City Market District.
- Trans-Niben Company — A building located outside of Leyawiin, along the road to the west.
- Varian Manor — A large mansion located a few doors up from the Skingrad Mages Guild. It is the home of Lord Baldor Varian initially, and Lady Vivian Varian later on.
- Warehouse — Located in the southeast corner of the Imperial City Market District, near the watch tower.
- Watchtower — A small guard tower situated along the wall southwest of the west gate. It has three floors: the bottom is used for storage and has various crates and barrels; stairs lead up to the middle floor, which is a ready room for the guards - it provides access to the city walls; the upper floor, accessible via ladder, is the guards' barracks, which has three beds, a dining table, and another table where they can work.
- Women's Public Bath House — Located along the road behind Northern Goods and Trade.
- Zenithar Apartments — An apartment building in the Imperial City Market District.