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Template talk:NPC Summary

Archive 1: Mar 2007 - Feb 2009
Archive 2: Oct 2009 - Dec 2011

Skyrim ChangesEdit

I wanted to start collecting ideas about changes that need to be made this template (or subtemplates) for Skyrim. Given how overloaded the site is, it seems best to come up with a list of changes, and then try to implement them all at once. So here goes:

  • A marry flag for anyone who is marry-able (should also add person to a category).
  • hireling for hirelings to differentiate from followers
  • Need to change Template:Creature Summary to auto-add image needed tag, and check for any other recent tweaks made to NPC Summary (does Creature Summary have follower tag?)

--NepheleTalk 18:48, 20 November 2011 (UTC)

blade A code for followers that can be joined into the Blades. Could be of use for Skyrim specific. --Bwross 07:50, 28 November 2011 (UTC)
Marry is now an option. I will try to fit in hireling here soon and possibly blade. elliot (talk) 17:08, 1 January 2012 (UTC)


For Skyrim characters "VoiceType" part should be added. SFK363 20:15, 17 May 2012 (UTC)

It doesn't have much of an effect other than how the NPC sounds in-game and occasionally some lines of dialogue. I think in any cases where there is something noteworthy about the voice type, then that information can be added to the NPC notes instead of highlighting it in the NPC summary as important information. The NPC Summary is supposed to be a "Summary", e.g., just the most important facts about the NPC rather than a comprehensive listing of every possible fact about the NPC. There are a ton of details that are being left out of the summary (combat style, spells, inventory and outfit, value of each skill, relationships, etc.), many of which are arguably more useful than voice type. --NepheleTalk 01:46, 18 May 2012 (UTC)
VoiceType is used fairly often when NPCs are radiantly selected for quests, or at least it's used pretty often in the quests I've looked at. Being able to access the information quickly would be useful.
Just a thought, but rather than displaying this information, how about by defining a voicetype parameter it just adds a category? That way, people looking for a group of NPCs by their voice type could just check the category. I don't know what you had in mind with this parameter, but this is what I thought you were thinking about. • JATalk 02:17, 18 May 2012 (UTC)
Well I think just a "voicetype" parameter is fine but I don't want categories. I say it's worthy to have one since I know all voice types well and occasionally wonder. — Unsigned comment by SFK363 (talkcontribs) on 18 May 2012

Health/Magicka cellsEdit

There is some code to autodetect when to display the Health and Magicka cells in the same row, and to display them in different rows if the Health text is too long. But this doesn't take into account that hover text doesn't add to the displayed length (see Traveler). Is there a good way to check for this without complicating the template too much? --Alfwyn (talk) 16:08, 15 December 2012 (GMT)

The one solution that comes to mind off-hand is to change #local:dohealth to #define:dohealth (and maybe give it a better name) to let the caller override the automatic behaviour. Robin Hoodtalk 20:41, 15 December 2012 (GMT)

New Proposed changesEdit

I am proposing to change the template ever so slightly so that in the older namespaces where you could repair items, the trail stops linking to the page "Blacksmith". This is because in those games where you could repair, they were never called blacksmiths in game, they were only referred to as "Smith". Currently, every NPC that can repair in Morrowind links to "Blacksmith", which then redirects to "Smith". This is an issue because there are NPCs who aren't smiths, but can still repair, such as Tarhiel, Massarapal, and Lanabi. Currently on those pages, the trail indicates that they are "Blacksmiths", a term created for UESP that does not appear in those games, even though they aren't smiths. This could be confusing because, as explained on the Smith page, blacksmiths do not just repair. They make weapons and armor and shields, and buy and sell those items. While some of those who aren't smiths but repair can buy and sell weapons, this is because they are general traders, and can buy and sell every item. We do not add someone to the Alchemist list because they happen to buy and sell alchemy related items, we add them because they ONLY buy and sell alchemy related items. Currently, the people who aren't smiths are listed on the Smith page, which could lead to confusion over what they buy and sell. I propose changing it to something along the lines of "Repair Services", with a separate list of people who can repair, much like Morrowind:Mage lists people who are mages who sells spells, while Morrowind:Spell Merchants lists everyone who can sell spells, regardless of class. Jeancey (talk) 21:23, 26 February 2013 (GMT)

Well, I think this is primarily a gamespace thing. Currently the service in Morrowind is consistently named Blacksmith, but the page redirects to Smith. I'm not sure why the term "Blacksmith" is a bad one, maybe just renaming Morrowind:Smith back to Morrowind:Blacksmith would be the thing to do, but another name would do too. --Alfwyn (talk) 21:42, 26 February 2013 (GMT)
The issue is, Smith is a term used ingame for merchants who sell Weapons and armor, who also happen to repair. The blurb at the top of Morrowind:Smith makes this very clear. Blacksmith is a term created by TRL in order to link to people who repair, but the terms are normally synonymous when the in game reality ISN'T synonymous. There are no blacksmiths in morrowind, there are Smiths, and then there are people who repair, and the people who repair and aren't smiths cannot be truly described as blacksmiths. It would be somewhat like referring to all people as mammals instead of just saying people... the term technically applies, but it is never used as such. Creating the page "Repair Services" would accurately describe the contents, and use a game accurate term. Jeancey (talk) 21:48, 26 February 2013 (GMT)

Skyrim parameter: Friendship questEdit

A lot of NPCs in Skyrim have quests that you can do in order to make them your friends. It would be useful to have an optional parameter so that the infobox would show which quest you need to do to make someone your friend (e.g. Glory of the Dead for the Companions, Tending the Flames for Viarmo, et cetera). --Morrolan (talk) 21:11, 27 February 2013 (GMT)

A reply would be nice. Anyone? --Morrolan (talk) 14:37, 10 March 2013 (GMT)
That would be possible, but a very specific change that is easily determined by other things on the page. The main issue is cluttering up the infobox. We don't want to make the infobox so huge that you can't find what you need, and it can already get way too big! Also, many NPCs don't have a single quest to make them your friend, they have several things that you can do. I'm not sure it is really worth it. Jeancey (talk) 17:48, 10 March 2013 (GMT)
Most NPCs have only one specific friendship quest. You could go overboard with things like the Companions Rescue radiant quest (which makes the person rescued a friend, but can be applied to any NPC in the game) but there really are only a few who have more than one particular quests for friendship (the smith at Shor's Stone springs to mind as an example; he can become a friend if you either deliver his ore sample to the Riften alchemist or help clear out the spiders from his mine). Still, I do understand the point about clutter. --Morrolan (talk) 18:35, 10 March 2013 (GMT)

NPC Summary on a User Profile (again)Edit

I was patrolling this edit and noticed the message box about the page needing an image. I did a search and found this discussion in the archives, and suggested that the user adds |image=none to their NPC Summary code as mentioned in the Archive discussion. However, it looks to me, from the same Archive discussion, that this issue had been resolved by elliot back in December 2011. Has this problem returned again since then? Darictalk 10:22, 20 March 2013 (GMT)

Yeah, that got unfixed when I fixed the Faction listings and had them default to being in Skyrim space (meaning that other subtemplates like NeedsImage now see it as being in Skyrim space instead of User space as well). I'm wondering if we should maybe change that plan, as it's really kludgey and introduces as many issues as it solves. If we stop this from defaulting to Skyrim in user space, we'll probably nave to add |ns_base=Skyrim|image=none to a bunch of users' pages, though. Robin Hood  (talk) 20:53, 20 March 2013 (GMT)
I did an Inbound Links check and there are about 250 instances of {{NPC Summary}} in Userspace. Not all of them will be for the purpose of displaying on a user's profile, as some may be sandboxed articles under construction which wouldn't need changing. Of the remainder, some may already have the necessary code in place on their profile, because they have run into this problem themselves before or after the elliot fix. So, it is a percentage of a percentage of 250 pages that would need updating. I guess it comes down to whether we want to inconvenience that percentage of a percentage by asking them to make the change, or inconvenience future users of the template by not making the change, or, third option, inconvenience ourselves by making courtesy edits for that percentage of a percentage. Fourth option, of course, is to make it amply clear in the Summary section of the template itself that you need to add |image=none if you are using this template in userspace, and leave it at that. Of course, not everyone who implements an NPC Summary on their profile page will visit the NPC Summary template and see such a message, as many profiles get built by copying/pasting other profiles. Darictalk 00:11, 21 March 2013 (GMT)


How difficult would it be to add parameters to make this template functional for the lore section? Or, alternatively, to make a separate "Lore People Summary" template? I imagine, besides the person's name as the title, it would only need parameters for a person's birth date, death date, race, game appearances, image, and an image caption, though it could have more (kingdom, period of rule, etc.). Minor EditsThreatsEvidence 19:07, 17 April 2013 (GMT)

I have done something similar for my fan fiction characters, here. I haven't documented it, but if you open it in edit view, you'll see what I've done. Daric 21:09, 17 April 2013 (GMT)
I think we could do it fairly easily, though I would suggest a new template rather than modifying this one. Perhaps something similar to wikipedia:Template:Infobox person? We could have a separate parameter for Rank maybe? And then if it is a ruler, length of reign and place of rule? Jeancey (talk) 21:21, 17 April 2013 (GMT)
(edit conflict) I'd say it's probably better to go with a completely different template. The NPC Summary is one of the more complicated ones on the site, since it has to be compatible with at least 3 games, possible more in the future. Trying to shoehorn Lore functionality into it as well might be more trouble than it's worth, since the majority of the game-specific stuff wouldn't be needed, leaving very little overlap between what's needed for gamespaces vs. what's needed for Lore. That said, we can easily use it as a model for a Lore Person template (mainly just for appearances), but of course greatly simplified. — TheRealLurlock (talk) 21:23, 17 April 2013 (GMT)
Yes, there are so many underlying templates under NPC Summary, that in the end I decided it was easier to start again from scratch and make my own, rather than trying to copy everything under it to a new template. Daric 23:07, 17 April 2013 (GMT)
Yes, please don't complicate the NPC Summary any further! In point of fact, I'm thinking that when I have some time, I'm going to move the Skyrim code from this and Creature Summary into an Actor Summary template, since they're functionally the same thing in Skyrim (and presumably will continue that way in future games), and doing that will avoid making duplicate changes and having differing behaviour between them. What you're suggesting wouldn't fit well with either the existing templates or the changed one, so it should definitely be a new template. But that's a really great idea! Robin Hood  (talk) 23:54, 17 April 2013 (GMT)

User Pages and categorizationEdit

Can someone remove userpages from the categorization for such things as Category:Skyrim NPCs with incorrectly-named Images, and any other cats that may be being added to userpages. I'm sure there's some code that prevents this happening for any part of the summary. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:37, 27 May 2013 (GMT)

Done (over at Template:Parameter Check). I don't know if this will cause any other issues, though. There's the inherent problem of wanting user pages to work exactly like they're in gamespace sometimes, but not others, like for categories. Let me know if you spot any problems that this may cause rather than cure. Robin Hood  (talk) 18:07, 27 May 2013 (GMT)

plug-in => add-onEdit

Hi, I think line 98 should be changed from

! Added by Plug-in


! Added by Add-on

... but I'm nervous about making any changes to a template that's used on a kajillion pages like this one is. Am I correct? --Morrolan (talk) 08:13, 12 September 2013 (GMT)

I capitalized the "O" in Add-On because that's what we do on Skyrim:Add-Ons, but apart from that, I made the change you suggested. Feel free to try this yourself next time you spot something like this. If something goes wrong, you can always revert the change. Robin Hood  (talk) 15:39, 12 September 2013 (GMT)

Editor IDsEdit

I was just on the Fallout Wiki and saw how they have a parameter in their equivalent of this template for an NPC/creature's editor ID. Should a similar parameter be added to this template? FokkerTISM (talk) 04:24, 4 May 2016 (UTC) I'm thinking a simple edid or something.

There already is one... in morrowind, it is simply id. In oblivion and skyrim there are two, refid and baseid. Jeancey (talk) 04:29, 4 May 2016 (UTC)
I mean the Construction Set ID for an Oblivion or Skyrim character (like how the ID for Anvil's Fighters Guild Porter is FGGuardPorterAnvil). I'm not talking about the hexadecimal Form IDs. FokkerTISM (talk) 05:06, 4 May 2016 (UTC)
That's been the subject of some debate here in the past. The general feeling, as I recall, was that since it serves little or no purpose in the Console, and definitely none outside of that, that it would just clutter the form. Of course, that's always open for discussion to see if there's a different consensus now than in the past if you think there's a good reason to add it. Robin Hood  (talk) 07:13, 4 May 2016 (UTC)


Can these be changed to "Morality" and "Aggression"? There's plenty of space for those two words, I don't understand why are they cut off. --Sandbox (talk) 09:44, 16 June 2017 (UTC)

I've done that for both Skyrim and Oblivion. In Skyrim, it has the effect of changing that column width slightly, since the table is auto-balancing, but I don't see that being an issue. For Oblivion, the term is "Responsibility", which is a fair bit longer than "Respons.", so that change may be a bit more questionable. I didn't see any pages where it appeared terribly problematic, but different browser widths could well come into play. It's an easy change to revert if it does cause any issues, though. Robin Hood  (talk) 16:56, 16 June 2017 (UTC)

Two display problemsEdit

First, using the same background color for subheaders like "Other Information" and "Services" makes this harder to interpret (it looks like two or more templates stacked, instead of one template of info on one topic); this problem becomes severe when the template really is is stacked several times, unless one uses HTML to force vertical space between the separate templates, as I did at Tribunal:Dark Brotherhood#Dark Brotherhood Assassins [Update: I redid the entire layout to get around this problem; see old version], and this wastes vertical space. Please change the subheading color to a notably lighter version of the main header's color (but still with enough contrast that the wording is readable).

Second, and less problematically, the width of the first column is wandering as a result of the length of content in other cells, as also seen at the same article. It needs to be set to something fixed (in relative em units, not pixels), instead of allowed to flex as a percentage.
— Darklocq  ¢ 14:05, 13 August 2017 (UTC)

For the background colour, I think your idea makes sense, but there's an element of "it's always been that way" that may come into play for people. I'm going to poll around informally and see how people feel about it.
For the column-width issue, that might be more challenging than it appears at first glance because, while it's an easy fix to change a column's width, there's the issue of having conditional content based on namespace and I think a few other things—I'll have to review the template to be sure. So, the question becomes: what width do we need to set it to? I suspect we'd want an absolute width rather than just setting it to minimum width, as there could be pages where the conditional content is different between one instance of this template and the next, which would end up causing the same issue, though probably to a lesser degree.
That all said, I'm going to put this change on hold for a short while because the embedded {{Race Color}} and {{Race Color FC}} templates are really abominations in my mind that should've been done with CSS from the start. I'd meant to convert them long ago and just forgot, so I'll plan on doing that probably later today, or at least within the next couple of days. And if people agree with you that a lighter background colour would be beneficial, I'll do that as part of the same process. Once that change is done, I'll do all the requisite changes to this template at the same time. Robin Hood  (talk) 16:57, 13 August 2017 (UTC)
No hurry! I fully support your Abomination slaying. Don't forget your potions. I raised the suggestion on the talk page rather than attempting an adjustment because the unusually strong "it's always been that way" feels at this site are a bit more inertia than I can try to dig through, other than a tiny bit at a time. On the width thing, it should be fine if the width varies by namespace, since the exact left headers vary by game, and some games may thus need a wider min. width for this stuff than others. Are any of these left headers (Race, etc.) actually generated on-the-fly from template input? They all seem to be hard coded, just different per game/namespace, but the code is a bit of a headache, so its hard to be sure without devoting and hour or more to it. PS: Lighter, per se, may not even be necessary for the subheader tweaks; for one that is already light with black text, it might make sense to go with less saturated and luminous. Whatever gets the visual result that there's a main heading and subheadings under it, not a bunch of main headings. — Darklocq  ¢ 21:21, 13 August 2017 (UTC)
The dual colours are now available. Currently, the secondary colour is the same as the primary for all races except for unrecognized races, altmer, and dunmer (since that's what you were working with). Since this is more or less proof-of-concept at this point, I just picked secondary colours that were halfway between white and the original colours. Those will probably need some tweaking at some point, and we'll have to figure out what all the others should be (same idea, at least as a starting point?).
I didn't do anything with the column width for now. That's going to be a tad complex. Although all the column information appears to be hard-coded, it gets stripped off by <cleantable> for any rows that are empty. Plus, there are all the namespace-specific sub-templates to factor in (as documented in the table in the Summary section). That all makes handling this situation just a tad difficult. Ultimately, there are only a couple of columns that are currently guaranteed to appear, and even those are only guaranteed because we put "{{Huh}}" tags in them if they're not specified, so they're not necessarily future-proof if for some reason we decide we'd rather leave them blank. Of course, the counter-argument is that that's the future editor's responsibility to make sure things work as they should. If you just add a blank {{NPC Summary}} to the page and show a preview of it, you'll see what I mean. (I won't actually insert one here, because it's a bit too bulky and awkward to add to a talk page just for a quick demonstration.) Robin Hood  (talk) 08:00, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
Colors-wise, that's exactly what I had in mind, other than I'd probably go only 1/3 lighter to prevent readability problems on brighter monitors – there's not a lot of contrast between white text and 50%-brightented background. That only applies to white-text ones; 50% brighter looks fine at Morrowind:Arrille, though going toward greyer (less saturated) as well as lighter might be helpful. In some cases, a just-brighter color might end up looking more "dominant" than the main heading. That's borderline the case with the new Altmer output. Re: "same idea, at least as a starting point" – Agreed; that would be nice and consistent (whether we settle on 33% or whatever), as well as easy. Column-width: Sounds like a real bear, and probably low- or no-priority. — Darklocq  ¢ 19:10, 15 August 2017 (UTC)
Today ended up being a total write-off. I'll have a look at the colours tomorrow and see what I can do. Robin Hood  (talk) 06:09, 16 August 2017 (UTC)

Parameter ideas: drops and notesEdit

Would be nice if this template ported the drops parameter over from Template:Creature Summary, even if the docs said not to use it except for generic NPCs. It would, for example, completely obviate the need for a weapons table at Tribunal:Dark Brotherhood, and could also be used to compress the verbiage at articles on generic Guard-class NPCs. There might be some other parameters from the creature template of use in this one, albeit not for the average, unique NPC.

A notes or comments one, that put notes on their own line at the end of the template could also be helpful, in grouping footnotes and whatever with the NPC infobox itself, instead of requiring they be put below the box[es] in a section in the main prose.
— Darklocq  ¢ 21:30, 13 August 2017 (UTC)

Testing note: One can fake it by doing something like this with the last-displayed parameter:

 |faction=Dark Brotherhood<br />(7 Assassin)
 {{!}}colspan=3{{!}}[[Tribunal:Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds|Adamantium Jinkblade of Wounds]]

But, that's really grotty, and easily broken. — Darklocq  ¢ 21:42, 13 August 2017 (UTC)

Update: Actually, it's severe breakage, since it pollutes the value of |faction in mt_save_data and thus in Template:NPC Data's output. — Darklocq  ¢ 21:36, 2 September 2017 (UTC)

Items on NPCs are carried or else they are equipped, only a very select few NPCs have "death drops", and typically only for quest purposes. Items on creatures can only appear when they are dead. The parameter may have a few uses, so long as it isn't used for what an NPC carries or has equipped. This information is conveyed in the article, and in the case of the Assassins should have their infoboxes and information moved from the Brotherhood page to an NPC page for the Assassins. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:52, 13 August 2017 (UTC)
I had actually started creating the NPC article on the DB Assassins, and it seemed redundant, so I merged that draft into the main DB-in-TB article. Not hard to split back out, of course. [Working on the text a bit first; need to write up a proper lead section for it; will probably do this tomorrow.] As for the parameter thing: I get what you mean about the distinction between scripted death-drops and items in inventory. What I was getting at was that for a rather tedious listing of generic NPCs who differ in few ways other than by what Short Blade they're carrying, it might make more sense to have that in the template (whatever the parameter were called). If there's a before-my-time consensus that this is a terrible idea, I'm happy to drop it of course. :-) And for now will continue to have weapon info outside the i'boxes (that's how I already wrote the material anyway, following the lead at Morrowind:Guards).

Would still like to see a notes parameter for footnote management. In this version of Tribunal:Dark Brotherhood, it took a lot of CSS experimentation to get the footnote to stick under the infobox column at the same width (I abandoned that layout after realizing it didn't flex right at different window widths, with a break appearing between the first and second infoboxes, so I tried several others, including floated content and sidebar divs, and finally put the i'boxes in a two-row, three-col table, which is what the page presently has. [Update: now moved, in that form, to Tribunal:Dark Brotherhood Assassins 13:40, 4 September 2017 (UTC)])
— Darklocq  ¢ 02:59, 14 August 2017 (UTC)

I noticed this while I was working on the template, but I haven't added either a drops or notes feature at this point. Drops would be easy enough, if that's what's ultimately decided. The best way I can see to add the kind of notes, though, is to surround the table with a floating div...somewhat like you did in the version above, but I had a slightly different approach. Essentially, it works out to the equivalent of this, except I'd be doing it inside the template itself:
<div style="float:right; width:33%">
{{NPC Summary
|titlename=Dark Brotherhood Assassin<!-- Yes, this is correct for db_assassin4a. -->
|faction=Dark Brotherhood * (7 Assassin)
<nowiki/>* See Bugs section.
Whether it's done in the template or on the page itself, it's gonna be a bit ugly either way. The other option, which is even uglier, is to add a trailing cell to the table, but then you end up fighting the default borders and background colours at the table, row, and cell level. For what's so far a single use, I don't think it makes much sense. Probably best off just to use code similar to the above or how you've got it now, or find another approach altogether, like leaving the info in the body of the article, or adding it directly to the faction box itself (e.g., "Dark Brotherhood - see Bugs"). Robin Hood  (talk) 08:00, 14 August 2017 (UTC)
Yeah, I tried that exact approach you coded above, but it resulted in the footnote being flush right, and required other, additional-div trickery to get it flush left with the left side of the i'boxes. Having that code (ugly or not) be generated by the template wouldn't really be ugly, since editors wouldn't ever see it except if they're editing the template, which would be rare. While it's for a single use case right this second, it could be applied to many cases where i'boxes have notes (or should have them), but presently formatted more awkwardly. Not a huge deal either way, just would be nice to have as an option. — Darklocq  ¢ 19:03, 15 August 2017 (UTC)

Renewed need for a notes parameterEdit

Just discovered this, in the interplay between Template:NPC Summary (presumably also variants like Template:Non-Relevant NPC) and Template:NPC Data:

Dark Brotherhood Punisher   Dark Elf Assassin Dark Brotherhood Assassin(Assassin) 30 {{{autocalc}}} {{{autocalc}}} 0 100

Even if you wrap the * (pointing to a footnote) in a <noinclude>...</noinclude> it ends up polluting the data imported into Template:NPC_Data anyway. We really need a place to put NPC Summary notes that won't have any effect on mt_save_data and NPC Data. [Note to later readers, assuming this gets resolved in some way: as of this writing, the output reads: "Dark Brotherhood Punisher   Male   Dunmer   Assassin   30   auto-calculated *   auto-calculated *   0   100", with asterisks] — Darklocq  ¢ 21:33, 2 September 2017 (UTC)

In this case, I resolved the matter by linking "Auto-calculated" to Morrowind:NPCs#Attributes, but the general problem will remain. The same NPC_Summary templates use footnotes on other entries, and it's unclear whether these might be populating the database and being reused with * appearing, in other templates. — Darklocq  ¢ 13:35, 4 September 2017 (UTC)


Do we need a specific npc summary for Blades, or just make a blank subpage for the Main Header like the Morrowind subpage. On a related thought, is the Online version too specific to ESO, or could it be made more generic to be used in games where a stripped down version of this summary is needed due to the lack of game data, eg Blades, Arena, etc.? Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 22:42, 28 April 2019 (UTC)

I don't think blades even needs an NPC summary. All we have is name, race and gender. The locations will basically be all the same (the town or the queens castle), and they don't have health or whatever since you can't attack them. The most a blades template will do is strip out the vast majority of the content so it just displays a single line under the name showing race and gender. I honestly think that's not useful and we should stick with just an image and prose, like the Daggerfall characters. (EX: Baltham Greyman) Jeancey (talk) 00:23, 29 April 2019 (UTC)

Make Namespace Better Cities NPC pages display Oblivion-specific ParametersEdit

I noticed that none of the Better Cities NPC pages are showing Aggress, Resp. or Essential, as these are all displayed only for namespace Oblivion. WalkerInShadows found a template which handles this for namespace Oblivion Mod:Stirk, so I created a template for namespace Better Cities, but I am unsure how to make the main NPC summary template see this new template. Could someone please advise or resolve this for me? Vorians (talk) 09:48, 15 May 2022 (UTC)

Nevermind, it does work but only after making any edit to the existing NPC page. Vorians (talk) 20:14, 15 May 2022 (UTC)

Sorry for the late response. This got buried in a bunch of other edits, so I only noticed it by accident. Glad to hear you got it all worked out! If there's anything else you need, let me know, either here or on my talk page. Robin Hood(talk) 17:31, 18 May 2022 (UTC)

#return NPC's genderEdit

I'm still learning the ropes on writing templates but I think we can make this template #return the NPC's gender to the main page, where other templates can then #inherit it. Thus, templates like {{Wares Notes}} and {{MW Ashlander Note}} won't need to rely on hardcoded (as well as redundant) gender values. I'll test this out later using sandbox pages but, in the meantime, does this sound like a good idea? Or a workable one, in the first place? Salamangkero (talk) 10:53, 14 July 2023 (UTC)

That sounds like a great idea! Robin Hood(talk) 14:30, 15 July 2023 (UTC)
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