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Location Vashabar, West Weald
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Minth is a Wood Elf and follower of the Dawnway movement, as well as the father of Clendagal, who can be found in Vashabar.

He absolutely despises Greenspeaker Nedolir and refuses to give his blessing for Clendagal to marry Nedolir's daughter Laeni.

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When you reach the outskirts of Vashabar, you will find Laeni, Clendagal, Minth and Greenspeaker Nedolir. There will appear to have been an argument:

Minth: "We're done here."
<Minth walks away.>
Greenspeaker Nedolir: "Agreed. You arse."
<Greenspeaker Nedolir walks away in the opposite direction.>
Laeni: "Yffre's bones! Fine!"

Speaking with Laeni, she explains that she and Clendagal have been wanting to marry for years, but their fathers hate each other and refuse to give their blessings. The recent argument was the last straw, and the pair feel forced to leave the village if they wish to marry. Laeni then asks you to talk to Agawen Ciiril to get her help with supplies for the coming journey. Speaking with Ciiril, she suggests approaching both fathers about the lovers' plans and will give you some of her Jagga to ease the conversation. She hopes that this will get them to see reason.

Minth can be found in his home in the southeast part of the village. He will be eager to talk to you about the Dawnway:

"Ah, a visitor to our fair village. Perhaps you'd like to hear about the Dawnway, the new path forward for Bosmer and Vashabar? I can tell you all about it!"
Before we get down to business, how about we share a mug of jagga. It's Ciiril's best!
"Jagga? From Ciiril? For me? What's this all about, stranger?"
I came to tell you that Clendagal plans to leave the village so he and Laeni can wed.
"Ridiculous! Clendagal belongs here. I want him to see the world from the top of the canopy, not the bottom of the forest floor.
To see the world as our King Nantharion sees it. Our king plans for the future, for our people. For Vashabar!"
He can't marry Laeni and support the village at the same time?
"No! He can't marry the daughter of a greenspeaker. The outdated customs of the Green Pact have held my people back for far too long.
I understand what you and Ciiril tried to do here. But my mind is made up. Now excuse me. I need to find my son."
Well, enjoy the rest of your jagga. Thank you for talking to me.

If you try talking to him again, Minth will busy drinking Ciiril's Jagga:

"That Ciiril is a talented brewer. Hmph. Even still, the marriage will not go forward. And you can tell her I said so.
Now, where is my son …?"

When you return to Ciiril, she will want the couple to stay so there is a chance to resolve things in the future. She has you talk to other villagers like Gundelion and Malaniel and you are eventually pointed towards Spinner Belwelas. The spinner will tell you to retrieve a copy of the Rite of Propagation and bring it to Agawen Ciiril. The rite puts the decision for an issue in the hands of the community as a whole, and the decision made must be abided by.

After you have helped Laeni and Clendagal find items that represent them for the rite, you can head back to Vashabar, where several people including Minth will be gathered. Speaking with Minth before the rite starts:

"I'm not sure why we're all gathered here, but it must be for something important."

Once you have spoken with Greenspeaker Nedolir and told him what is happening, the Rite of Propagation will begin:

<The pair kneel before the crowd.>
Clendagal: "Vashabar, we need your help. Laeni and I want to marry."
Laeni: "As you all know, our fathers refuse to support us. And so we invoke the Rite of Propagation, an ancient Bosmer custom."
Clendagal: "We gathered these symbols, representations of our roles in the village. An Ayleid mosaic for me."
Laeni: "And a greenspring seed for me. Friend, you helped us find them. Please bring them forth."
<The pair stand up.>

You can then place the Ayleid Mosaic and Dormant Greenspring Seed either side of them:

Clendagal: "These symbols represent our commitment to the village and to each other."
Laeni: "Our future lies in whatever you decide. Do we have your support?"
Agawen Ciiril: "Well, what do you say Vashabar? Do you support this union?"
Gundelion: "Aye!"
Malaniel: "Aye!"
Spinner Belwelas: "Aye!"
Melbora: "Aye!"
Agawen Ciiril: "Hah, there it is! Congratulations you two. Let's give the couple a moment. Drinks for everyone!"
<Clendagal and Laeni embrace as the onlookers walk away.>
Greenspeaker Nedolir: "All right, you old arse. The village has spoken so let's make the best of this."
Minth: "I suppose you're right, you bastard. If we're going to be kin, let's get to drinking like it."

Speaking with Minth before Laeni:

"It may be the jagga talking, but I think I'm beginning to see sense in what they're saying."

Talking to Minth after the quest in complete:

"I'm going to look at this the way I think our ancestors might have. What seems today like the end of a tale might in fact be the start of a new one."
The start of a new story?
"I don't know. I'm still trying to adjust. But our ancient ancestors faced adversity and still made it to Valenwood. Escaped an old life to start a new one. Perhaps … that's what happened here today.
And I do like Laeni!"
