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Online:King Nantharion

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
King Nantharion
Home Settlement Vashabar
Location Hoperoot, Hastrel Hollow Shrine, Miscarcand
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
King Nantharion

King Nantharion is the self-proclaimed king of the Wood Elves in the Dawnwood, the new forest in West Weald. He is also a major proponent of the Dawnway movement, which hold that the Bosmer are the legacy of the ancient Ayleids.

King Nantharion can be first be encountered in the new settlement of Vashabar.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Seeds of SuspicionEdit

After you investigate various areas around the West Weald, a common theme that is discovered is the involvement of the Recollection. This leads you to accompany Beragon and Tribune Alea Idolus to Vashabar to search for clues. After speaking with Greenspeaker Darolith about the Wildseed you found, you and Beragon go and seek audience with Nantharion.

After an encounter with Sentry Firael, you and Beragon are allowed in to meet King Nantharion:

"Greetings, stranger. All are welcome in Vashabar. But tell me, who enters my humble abode with Beragon, the hero of Ninglenirre Pass? And what was that about a danger to our unassuming town?"
I'm [CharacterName]. Beragon thinks the Recollection may be recruiting its members from among your people.
"The Recollection? Yes, we have heard of this new order but it has nothing to do with Vashabar. Do you really expect to find such violent agitators in this peaceful hamlet?"
Greenspeaker Sorilen is from Vashabar, right? She's a member of the Recollection.
"Greenspeaker Sorilen helped us settle Dawnwood and build our town, but I haven't seen her in weeks. I assumed she had done her part and returned to Valenwood. Not everyone is prepared to break away from the familiar and start anew."
We also took a corrupted wildburn seed from the Recollection. We gave it to Greenspeaker Darolith.
"A wildburn seed? I've never heard of such a thing, but then again, I'm not a greenspeaker or a spinner. And what did Darolith make of this strange seed? I know she's been trying to determine how our Dawnwood came to be. Does she suspect a connection?"
The Recollection said they created the forest. She said we might find more seeds east of Leftwheal.
"That's not far from Hoperoot, our new settlement. Count Calantius has refused our offers of cooperation, so I cannot assist you directly. But if you learn anything more that you feel I should know, find me at Hoperoot."
All right. We'll check in at Hoperoot if we learn anything more.
"Hoperoot lies to the north of Vashabar, just before you enter the devastated region. I'll be there, supervising the establishment of our next settlement.
Good luck to you, adventurer."

After your discussion with King Nantharion, you have the option of asking him some questions before continuing:

Are you really a king?
"I am the leader of the Dawnwood settlements of Vashabar and Hoperoot. The Bosmer I lead wanted no further part in the endless struggle for the Imperial Throne. So, when the Green extended the forest north into West Weald, I saw it as a sign."
You just decided to found a kingdom in West Weald?
"The lands between Skingrad and Kvatch were all but abandoned after the troubles of the last decade. The Strid Vale was a frontier ready to be settled.
When the Green extended the forest, I led my people out of Silvenar to build a new home here."
How did you get all these Elves to follow you?
"I am the son of a noble family of Silvenar, House Ryl [sic]. Under the Second Empire, we ruled with little interference from Cyrodiil or Elden Root. Many Elves still remember those days with fondness. I accepted this crown when the people offered it to me."
You don't approve of Queen Ayrenn's leadership?
"I prefer Ayrenn to most Altmer nobles I've met. But you can admire someone personally and still disagree with their choices. The Ruby Throne is a fool's dream. Even if she wins it, how does that help Bosmer who just want to be left in peace?"
I understand that some Wood Elves here don't follow the Green Pact.
"All are welcome in Dawnwood, no matter their beliefs. Some follow the Green Pact, others seek a new path, the Dawnway. You know, the roots of the Dawnway are all around us. Which is why I think the Green provided this new forest and led us here."
What do you mean, the roots of the Dawnway?
"Were you not aware that we stand upon the realms of the Saliache? You may call them Ayleids. They are the ancestors of my people. The ruins all around are not their legacy. No. Their legacy are the Bosmer. Ayleid blood runs through our veins!"
You called Beragon the hero of Ninglenirre Pass?
"Like many Bosmer, I am acquainted with the heroic tales of Beragon Sharp-Dagger! I spotted him in our town recently and made sure to refresh myself on his exploits. He saved many Bosmer at Ninglenirre, or so I hear.
You should ask him about it."

When you head to the location where the cart carrying a wildseed was sighted, you will find Beragon and Tribune Alea were ambushed. After dealing with Keeper Virgoth and burning the Wildburn Seed you found, Beragon will want to go to Hoperoot to warn King Nantharion as there appears to be an information leak close to the king. The Ambush Orders you find nearby seem to give this idea credence.

However, when you arrive at Hoperoot the guards are refusing anyone entry. Once you get inside, you find that the place is crawling with Recollection forces and Beragon will go ahead to search for the king. When you catch up with Beragon at a command post, you will find some interesting documents but no sign of Nantharion, at this point Tribune Alea thinks he may be dead already. Higher up in Hoperoot, you will come across Greenspeaker Sorilen in conversation with the person you were trying to find:

Greenspeaker Sorilen: "Here. The seed for Skingrad is ready, my king."
King Nantharion: "Bring it to my throne room. Vargas and I will perform the final ritual and send the seed on its way!"
Greenspeaker Sorilen: "The Shardborn are fickle allies."
King Nantharion: "We serve the same Prince. As long as I lead the Recollection, the Shardborn will aid us."
Greenspeaker Sorilen: "Yes, my king."
<The pair leave the view of the ledge.>
Tribune Alea Idolus: "I knew it! Nantharion leads the Recollection! And the Prince they serve must be Ithelia!"
Beragon: "I heard everything. Get to the throne room. I'll circle around and hit them from the back!"

With this revelation, you will need to race to the throne room. Once you arrive, Shardmarshal Vargas will be in the middle of handing Nantharion the Staff of Many Paths:

Shardmarshal Vargas: "I leave the Staff of Many Paths in your care, Nantharion. Use it well—bah! Your tree has pests!"
King Nantharion: "Greenspeaker Sorilen, deal with the intruders! They must not interfere with the ritual!"
Greenspeaker Sorilen: "Beragon's friend? For his sake, I will dispatch you quickly."
King Nantharion: "Vargas, help me prepare the seed!"
<Shardmarshal Vargas and King Nantharion begin channeling golden light into the seed.>
<Greenspeaker Sorilen jumps down to fight you.>
Greenspeaker Sorilen: "The ritual! I cannot allow you to interfere!"

Once you have defeated Greenspeaker Sorilen, you will need to destroy the seed to stop the ritual. But there will be consequences:

Tribune Alea Idolus: "Now! Destroy the wildburn seed!"
<You destroy the wildburn seed.>
Shardmarshal Vargas: "No! The ritual is not complete!"
King Nantharion: "Something's wrong! It's too soon! The wildburn seed released its energy too early! Run!"
<Dark energy gathers in the throne room as the pair escapes.>
Tribune Alea Idolus: "Follow Nantharion! He must know a way out!"
Beragon: "The wildburn seed! It released its energy when you destroyed it! Hoperoot is doomed!"
Beragon: "Run! This tree-fort's coming down around us!"

When you escape through the portal, King Nantharion will have gotten away and Hoperoot will be a smoking ruin in the distance.

King Nantharion's GambitEdit

After the events of Hoperoot, you will be tasked with further investigation regarding the relics that were originally used to imprison Ithelia. Your investigations will lead to the discovery and retrieval of the Lamp of Clarity and Abolisher. You will then recover the Skein of Secrets from the Niryastare ruins with Beragon's help.

With these items in hand, you are able to go on the offensive against the Recollection and Shardborn. Beragon gets the idea using the Skein of Secrets to track the usage of Staff of Many Paths as it is currently in the hands of Nantharion. The Skein of Secrets will reveal two locations Terthil Farm and Hastrel Hollow, and you are asked to investigate both.

When you go to Terthil Farm, you will find the Recollection killed the landowner and put up a warning on their door; Warning to the Weald. After following some clues you can enter a small cave from the well and discover a Wildburn seed and a place to use the Echonir. It will reveal that Nantharion sent to this place plant the Wildburn seed.

When you reach Hastrel Hollow, you will find Aengelor, the sole survivor of a group from Vashabar that was hunting the Recollection. He says the Recollection are inside the nearby shrine ruins. Once inside the ruins you find another Wildburn seed, the letter The Day of Remembering and using the Echonir you are able to witness King Nantharion:

<King Nantharion is shown walking down the hallway as he speaks to a Recollection Soldier.>
King Nantharion: "When the seed sprouts, this ancient shrine will awaken. Its power will help fill the well of Miscarcand."
Recollection Soldier:"We will guard the seed with our lives, my king."

After your investigation, you return to Beragon and use the Skein of Secrets once more, this time it will point to the nearby Fort Dirich ruins. You and Beragon find an entrance to the fort's dungeons and stumble across several wildburn seeds and a place to use the Echonir, which allows you to witness a conversation between Ithelia and King Nantharion:

King Nantharion: "The wildburn is but a tool, my Prince. A way to awaken the Ayleid magic sleeping beneath this land."
Ithelia: "Yes, the Well of Miscarcand. I remember it now."
King Nantharion: "Miscarcand was the ancient realm of my ancestors, my Prince. But the well lies hidden."
Ithelia: "I can open the way for you. The wellspring of power awaits in a starry vault deep beneath the city. Come. I will show you."
Beragon: "Miscarcand? That's where we'll find King Nantharion!"

At this point when you use the Skein once more, you find the map shows Nantharion is back in Vashabar. When you arrive the settlement you learn that King Nantharion arrived with his forces and Ithelia, with the Prince opening an entrance to the Miscarcand ruins. Additionally you find out Tribune Alea chased after them. You soon find and assist Tribune Alea, and they two of you will traverse Miscarcand together. After you reach the Deep Halls and escape Shardmarshal Vargas' trap, you will reunite with Beragon only for him to run ahead when he hears King Nantharion:

Ithelia: "Your foes destroyed your seeds, but do not fear. My very presence has awakened the well."
King Nantharion: "Then draw power from the well, my Prince. You will be restored and I will create a wildburn that transforms the Weald!"
Shardmarshal Vargas: "Reward the mortal if it pleases you, my Prince, but greater victory awaits us in Mirrormoor."
Tribune Alea Idolus: "Down there! Ithelia and her servants. They reached the well!"
Beragon: "I can't wait any longer. I need to stop Nantharion!"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "Beragon! Damn. He's charging ahead without us!"

You will need to chase after Beragon to reach the Darkened Home.

King Nantharion
Location Miscarcand
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Health 509880 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Recollection
King Nantharion

Once you enter the chamber of the well, you will see Beragon run towards King Nantharion, only for Nantharion to use the staff and trap him in golden light. While Ithelia focuses on the well, you will need to fight King Nantharion.

When you attack him, he will call out:

King Nantharion: "I have suffered your interference long enough, outsider!"

At intervals, he will call for aid and Mirrormoor portals will appear:

King Nantharion: "Enough! Forces of Mirrormoor, aid me!"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "A Mirrormoor portal! Ready Abolisher!"

After the portal is destroyed:

King Nantharion: "I will take back this land for my people! You cannot stop me!"

Second call for assistance:

King Nantharion: "Forces of Mirrormoor, protect me!"

After that portal is destroyed:

King Nantharion: "I am the heir of the Ayleids and the beloved of Ithelia! I will not be denied!"

As he gets close to defeat he will get more desperate:

King Nantharion: "My Prince, help me!"

In the last moments, he expresses his disbelief:

King Nantharion: "No, this cannot be my fate …."

With King Nantharion's death, Shardmarshal Vargas will claim the staff and use it to restore Ithelia to her Princely form. The pair will then head back to their "home", leaving you and your allies to figure out what to do next.


  • Natharion features in a Meet the Character article. It is a journal entry by Beragon who recalls his encounter with Natharion decades ago.
  • The article also mentions that Natharion is very tall for a Wood Elf, which is true in-game. He towers over Beragon when met in Vashabar.
