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Online:Greenspeaker Darolith

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Greenspeaker Darolith
Home City Vashabar
Location Beragon's Townhouse
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Greenspeaker Darolith

Greenspeaker Darolith is a Wood Elf greenspeaker who can be found in the town of Vashabar in the Dawnwood.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Seeds of SuspicionEdit

After you investigate various areas around the West Weald, a common theme that is discovered is the involvement of the Recollection. This leads you to accompany Beragon and Tribune Alea Idolus to Vashabar to search for information about the strange seed you recovered in Essondul. When you enter Greenspeaker Darolith's house, you will find her and Tribune Alea arguing:

Greenspeaker Darolith: "What exactly are you implying, Colovian?"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "I'm not implying, I'm saying it outright! This land wasn't yours to grow a forest over!"
Beragon: "That's enough, tribune!"
Tribune Alea Idolus: "Fine! You and the mercenary handle it."
Beragon: "Apologies, greenspeaker. What can you tell us about the seed my friend is carrying?"

After Beragon breaks up the fight, you can talk to Greenspeaker Darolith about the seed you found:

"A Colovian soldier can't just stroll into our town and throw around accusations! If not for Beragon …. He may not be part of our settlement, but his good works are known to us.
Well, what is it? What did you bring to show me?"
We found this seed in Ostumir. Beragon thinks you might be able to tell us something about it.
"Does he? Well let me take a look. Hmm. This appears to be a greenspring seed, but it's unlike any that I've ever worked with before. It's infused with strange energy."
What's a greenspring seed?
"Greenspring seeds are what greensingers use to grow new sections of forest and shape them into enclosures and settlements. We used some to create Vashabar. But this one is corrupted. Still, something familiar—wait. I've sensed this before."
You sensed something like this before? Where?
"I was out exploring. Dawnwood may be a blessing, but I'm curious as to its origin. And the devastated area troubles me.
I ran into Wood Elves with a covered cart. There was a whiff of strange magic about it. It must have been one of these seeds!"
Where exactly did you see this covered cart?
"Here, I'll mark your map. I met the Wood Elves with the covered cart in the hills east of Leftwheal. If you find more of these corrupted seeds, burn them!
And don't worry. I'll destroy the one you gave me after I finish examining it."

You can continue speaking with her to ask about Green Pact and the new movement known as the Dawnway, as well as the emergence of the Dawnwood:

Tribune Alea thinks some of your people might be part of the Recollection.
"The tribune sees a threat in the eyes of every Bosmer … but she may not be wrong. I've heard rumors. Secret gatherings, Elves taking up paths walked before we accepted the Green Pact. Some who follow the Dawnway may be tied to the Recollection."
The Dawnway?
"Our new settlement consists of two Bosmer factions. Those who observe the Green Pact, and those who follow the Dawnway. These Elves cultivate crops and harvest wood. But they would never abuse the Green's gifts by corrupting a greenspring ritual!"
Tell me more about the Green Pact.
"We Wood Elves are children of the Green. Long ago, we swore to never harm the living forest. We do not cut wood or pluck fruit. In exchange, the forest shelters us and shapes itself to our needs.
Those who follow the Dawnway walk a different path."
How did you grow this forest so quickly?
"We had nothing to do with the appearance of Dawnwood. King Nantharion tells us that it is a natural extension of Valenwood. That its sudden growth is proof that we are meant to reclaim our rightful heritage of this land."
Dawnwood? Valenwood? King Nantharion?
"Dawnwood is what we call this new forest. Valenwood lies to the south, just across the Strid River. King Nantharion gathered Bosmer who wanted a fresh start and took advantage of the new forest to build the Vashabar settlement."
In Ostumir, where we found that seed, the Recollection indicated they created the new forest.
"That makes no sense. No ritual I know of can make a forest grow so quickly. If the corrupted greenspring seed—this wildburn seed—is capable of that …. I really must study it. I need to determine if the seed's taint has spread into the Green."
This corruption and strange energy you sensed. Do you know what it is?
"I need to conduct tests, make a detailed study. But if I had to guess … I think it carries a whiff of Daedric magic. Which could explain the unprecedented explosion of energy. And the area of devastation along the border—the wildburn."

After you have spoken with Greenspeaker Darolith, Beragon will want to talk to King Nantharion and warn him about possible Recollection plots in Vashabar. You can talk to Greenspeaker Darolith again before you leave:

"I thought Dawnwood was a blessing, a sign from the Green. Now … I'm not so sure."

Once you have an audience with King Nantharion, he will listen to what you have to say and asks you to meet him in Hoperoot to report what you found after your investigation of the area Darolith pointed out.

When you head to the location where the cart carrying a wildseed was sighted, you will find Beragon and Tribune Alea were ambushed. After dealing with Keeper Virgoth and burning the Wildburn Seed you found, Beragon will want to warn Nantharion at Hoperoot about a likely spy. However, when you arrive at Hoperoot, the place in under lockdown. Once inside, you find the place is filled with Recollection and the King is nowhere to be found. After searching through the levels of the tree fort, you eventually find King Nantharion and find out he is the leader of the Recollection and is allied with the Shardborn.

The Untraveled RoadEdit

After the events of Hoperoot, news will quickly travel about King Nantharion's true allegiance and culpability behind the creation of Dawnwood and the Wildburn. Greenspeaker Darolith will have become the new leader of the Dawnwood Wood Elves, and Beragon will convince her and Count Calantius to meet to work out an agreement between Vashabar and the West Weald.

You learn about this after slaying King Nantharion in Miscarcand, and tracking down the restored Ithelia and causing irrevocable damage to her Loom of the Untraveled Road. Once you return to Skingrad, you will find Greenspeaker Darolith and Count Calantius in Beragon's home.

Speaking with Greenspeaker Darolith before Beragon:

"Greetings, friend of Beragon. I have to say I don't care much for houses made from cut wood and shaped stone. Beragon has been too long away from the forest, if you ask me.
Anyway, he's expecting you. You'll find him in the nearby room."

Talk to both leaders at Beragon's request:

"Traveler, we hoped to see you here.
I'm told you killed King Nantharion beneath Vashabar's very roots. I know he had to be stopped, yet the tragedy will haunt me. He started with a great vision before he wandered onto dark paths."
Are you the leader of Vashabar now?
"Vashabar is done with kings, but I can speak for the people of Dawnwood. It falls to me to make good on the obligation Nantharion left us.
We must try to make amends for the damage he inflicted on West Weald."
How will you do that?
"You and Tribune Alea showed us what's possible when we accept a little help. We can't give back what Nantharion has taken, but we can promise to be good neighbors going forward. And we will not advance beyond Dawnwood.
That is all we need."
What about the wildburn?
"If we find any more wildburn seeds, we will destroy them. As for the area of devastation, our greenspeakers shall attempt to repair the damage and restore the land. It will take time, but nature will heal.
It always does."

Once you have spoken with both leaders, they will have the following conversation:

Greenspeaker Darolith: "Nantharion betrayed all we hold sacred, Count Calantius. And he has paid for his crimes with his life."
Count Calantius: "I want no war with Vashabar, but Nantharion left Ostumir in ruins and killed our people."
Greenspeaker Darolith: "We cannot return Dawnwood to the seed it sprang from. But we, too, seek peace. We shall do everything we can to prove ourselves friends and allies to the Weald."

You can speak with her again before completing the quest:

"You saved Dawnwood from suffering, war, and ruin. The Tree-sap People thank you."

After you speak with Beragon and complete the quest, you will soon have an unexpected guest. It is Scruut the watchling, who proclaims everything is doomed.

Ithelia's FuryEdit

If you talk to Greenspeaker Darolith before Scruut:

A Daedra, here? Did it say doom? Didn't you just avert one of those?
Well, it clearly is trying to get your attention, waving around its many eye stalks and tentacles. Go see what it wants.

When you speak with Scruut, she explains that recently tears in reality have been detected and that is likely related to Ithelia. After this, Beragon will ask Tribune Alea to escort Count Calantius and Greenspeaker Darolith home.

In Memory OfEdit

Once you have tracked down Ithelia and resolved the issue of her breaking reality, Greenspeaker Darolith will be one of the guests at the small gathering in Beragon's Townhouse.

If you talk to her before Beragon:

"The rot has been culled from Vashabar thanks to you. I only hope that Nantharion's mad plan was due to the influence of this forgotten Daedric Prince, Ithelia, and not the philosophy of the Dawnway.
Vashabar has enough problems remaining as it is."
Are the talks with Count Calantius going well?
"Far better than I anticipated. I think in no small part thanks to you, Beragon, and Tribune Alea. The count is a fair if tough negotiator, but he understands that Nantharion and the Recollection are not Vashabar."
But they were responsible for Dawnwood and the Wildburn.
"Which is why I have promised our greenspeakers will help heal the area of devastation.
As for the new forest, those roots cannot be returned to their seeds. Vashabar will be a good neighbor, though. On that, you have my word."

Midway through the party, you will be called away to have a final audience with Hermaeus Mora. He reveals that despite your success at having Ithelia leave your reality for good, he will make everyone except you and him forget the Prince of Paths.

Speaking with Greenspeaker Darolith after this will reveal some of the effects of Mora's magic:

"Now that the celebration is done, I hope Count Calantius and I can resolve any remaining points of contention in our negotiations. Vashabar truly desires peace with Skingrad and the Weald.
There was something else I meant to ask, but it escapes me."


After the completion of the storyline, Greenspeaker Darolith can found in Vashabar near the village meeting place:

"Now that the celebration is done, I hope Count Calantius and I can resolve any remaining points of contention in our negotiations. Vashabar truly desires peace with Skingrad and the Weald.
There was something else I meant to ask, but it escapes me."
Are the talks with Count Calantius going well?
"Far better than I anticipated. I think in no small part thanks to you, Beragon, and Tribune Alea. The count is a fair if tough negotiator, but he understands that Nantharion and the Recollection are not Vashabar."
But they were responsible for Dawnwood and the Wildburn.
"Which is why I have promised our greenspeakers will help heal the area of devastation.
As for the new forest, those roots cannot be returned to their seeds. Vashabar will be a good neighbor, though. On that, you have my word."