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Online:Groundskeeper Otho Florius

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Groundskeeper Otho Florius
Location West Weald, Weatherleah Cavern, Weatherleah Manor
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Groundskeeper Otho Florius is an Imperial gardener who was in the employ of the late Lady Weatherleah.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

After speaking with Aquilia Verres outside the estate, you will be asked to assist Mizzik Thunderboots with his investigation into recent events in thue wake of Lady Weatherleah's death. While you search for Betu who has run off with the copy of the will, you will overhear a discussion between and Chef Edric Brussiner:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Get it together, Edric. You're a mess."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "What's that? Mizzik hears voices. Let us listen in."
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Our dear lady is dead and you still don't believe me."
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Then talk to the investigator. Don't pull me into this."
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Can we even trust him? I don't want to be labeled a suspect."
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Better to talk to an investigator than a gardener, Edric."
Chef Edric Brussiner: "Not a gardener, a friend. You'd do well to leave, Otho. And take Betu with you."
<Edric sits down on the stone garden wall.>

You can talk to Otho before continuing:

"Oh, are you helping the investigator? We could certainly use the help finding Betu! He's usually better behaved when we have guests around. I think I heard some barking along the outer wall."

Once have found Betu and the Sealed Will you can meet with Mizzik at the manor where he will prepare to read the will:

Aquilia Verres: "I hope Betu's return means you retrieved the will, Mizzik?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, the will is returned and intact thanks to my assistant."
Aquilia Verres: "Well, let's get this over with. Read it aloud, Mizzik."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Yes, of course. Weatherleah's walls hide a glittering secret. Safely guarded by four loyal paws."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Do not worry, Mizzik and his assistant will get to the bottom of this."
Aquilia Verres: "I'm sorry, is that … a riddle?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "This must be some sort of joke!"
<Betu wanders around and shies away from Uriel.>
Uriel Weatherleah: "There he is! My faithful friend … oh!"
Aquilia Verres: "Strange. Betu doesn't seem too fond of you, cousin."
Uriel Weatherleah: "Nonsense. I'm sure Betu just needs time to remember me. Isn't that right, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Feel free to speak with the others, but join me in the study when you are ready."
<Mizzik leaves and enters the nearby study.>

You can speak with Otho before continuing:

"I'm Otho, the gardener. Betu must like you if he followed you back. He's a good judge of character, you know. Lady Weatherleah loved him dearly. I worry about what will become of him when all is said and done."
What were you and Edric arguing about earlier?
"Edric is making a bit of a fool of himself. It pains me to see him this way. I assure you, he's never acted like this before. Perhaps it'd be better if you asked him. He's had a rough go of it."

When you enter the study, you and Mizzik will search the room. Some of the things you find out is that Lady Aquilia made her own investigation into her son's disappearance, Pelena approached Lady Weatherleah with concerns about Chef Edric Brussiner and an unknown person sent the Lady a warning about a plot. Afterwards, Mizzik will want you to question the Weatherleah family members.

A common link between the three is the mention of Groundskeeper Otho finding Lady Weatherleah's body. Mizzik will suggest speaking with him next, and you can find Groundskeeper Otho in front of the stables, having just finished washing Betu:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "There you go, Betu! Baths aren't so bad."

You can then speak with him about Lady Weatherleah's death:

"Apologies for Betu's earlier mischief. I hope he didn't damage the will. He's normally better behaved, but the Lady's passing has certainly got him on edge."
Did you find Lady Weatherleah's body?
"Yes. I had taken over kitchen duties while Edric was away. I was restocking the pantry after returning from the market when I heard a loud crashing noise from the library."
What did you do?
"I thought Betu might've knocked something over in the library, but when I went to check, the door was blocked by something heavy. By the time I wedged myself through it was too late."
She was dead?
"Yes. She was lying on the floor, motionless. One of the ladders had fallen and there were books scattered all around. I can take you to see the library. Everything is as I found it."
Did you see anyone else?
"No. Lady Weatherleah was the only one in the library. Which is odd, now that I think about it."
Why is that?
"Betu is usually plastered to the Lady's side, but he wasn't in the library. He was shut up in Pelena's room. I wonder why she would have put him there."
Is there anyone who would want to hurt Lady Weatherleah?
"Well, Pelena keeps going on about Edric, our cook. She says he was acting suspiciously leading up to her death. But, for what it's worth, I find him to be kind. He may be able to shed more light on that situation himself."

After talking to Edric, Otho will suggest you investigate the library:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "You should take a look at the library. I'll meet you there."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Of course, the scene of Lady Weatherleah's fall. Let us investigate the library."

Speaking with him before leaving:

"The library door is to the left when you enter the manor. No one has touched the scene, on Aquilia's request."

Speaking with Groundskeeper Otho while searching the library:

"Everything is just as I found it. Aquilia was very clear that she did not want to disturb any evidence. I hope you find some answers."

While searching the room, Otho will answer some of Mizzik's question:

The broken window with glass beneath it:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Was that window already broken?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "No, it was definitely intact before Lady Weatherleah's death."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Something has broken the glass. Perhaps this was an escape route?"

The pile of books on the ground:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "You are certain this is where you found her body?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Yes, I'll never forget the sight of her lying there."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Quite the mess for a simple fall, don't you think?"

After you have completed your search, you will need to talk to Mizzik. Speaking with Otho beforehand:

"It's remarkable seeing the famous Mizzik Thunderboots at work. He's already noticed more than I ever could have. If only the situation weren't so grim."

Talking with Mizzik, he will speculate on Otho's involvement and suggest searching outside near the broken window. At this Otho will protest his innocence:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "I would never hurt Lady Weatherleah!"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Until the investigation is complete, everyone is a suspect."

Talking with Otho before you leave:

"I would never do anything like this. You must believe me."

While searching outside the library, you will Betu who digs up a Gilded Key and then runs off. Following the dog, you are lead to Uriel's memorial and the body of Chef Edric Brussiner and a florid confession letter. The letter claims that Chef Edric had poisoned Lady Weatherleah and then killed himself out of guilt.

Speaking with Mizzik, he will point out the holes in this story and is certain that Chef Edric's claim that Uriel was an imposter was correct. You then speak with Uriel and Pelena, informing them of Edric's death. With the latter, Pelena claims that she was going to have tea with Lady Weatherleah that morning, but forgot about it at the last moment. She then suggests Otho could have been the one to kill Lady Pelena as he would have brewed the tea.

Going outside, you will find Otho searching for Betu again, and he will ask about your progress:

"Betu seems to have run off again. It's embarrassing really. You'd think I'd be better at keeping a handle on him, but the dog is a free spirit. How are things? Made any progress since investigating the library?"
Actually, we were wondering if you served Lady Weatherleah tea the morning she died?
"It had become one of my daily duties while Edric was away. I usually try to brew her a pot before I leave for the market. Apologies for not mentioning that earlier. My daily tasks have become innumerable."
Edric is dead. He left this note confessing to poisoning Lady Weatherleah's tea.
"Edric is dead? I can't believe it. No, he'd never hurt Lady Weatherleah. We were like a family.
Wait, the recipe for the Lady's tea is wrong. She's always found ginger to be too overwhelming. Are you sure Edric wrote this?"
Are you saying Edric didn't write this?
"He couldn't have, he'd never make a mistake like that. And he was nowhere near the tea that morning. I started a pot for Lady Weatherleah and Pelena took over brewing it before I left."
Pelena was here? She said she forgot about having tea that morning.
"Strange. She was most definitely here. She even offered to finish brewing it. I've been so busy as of late that I accepted her offer. It's not everyday Pelena lends a hand around the estate. Wait, could Pelena have poisoned Lady Weatherleah?"
Where does Lady Weatherleah take her tea?
"She usually has it in her bed chambers, but the room's been locked this whole time. It seems in the commotion, the key has been misplaced. It's likely her room has remained untouched since this whole tragedy began."

At this, Mizzik will mention the key you found:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "Mizzik recalls a gilded key revealed to us by Betu."
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "If you already found the missing key, you may be able to unlock Lady Weatherleah's bed chambers."

Once you unlock Lady's Weatherleah's room, you will find it in disarray and Mizzik has you search the room. You find a Stained Teacup with similar residue to the poison used to kill Edric and a Letter to Pelena. The letter is from the man who killed Uriel Weatherleah, at Pelena's request. After he learnt Lady Weatherleah was looking for her son, he decided to impersonate Uriel due to their similar appearances and had begun blackmailing Pelena.

Just as you and Mizzik decide to confront Pelena and the imposter Uriel, you hear a scream from downstairs. When you get downstairs, you will find Uriel dead and Betu on the ground nearby and Otho hovering over him:

Aquilia Verres: "He's dead! Someone killed him!"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu? Betu, what's wrong boy?"
Aquilia Verres: "Nobody leaves until Mizzik finds out what happened! Traveler, there's something by the body, quick."

After you find a letter to Mizzik from Chef Edric beneath Theophan Pictor the imposter, you will run over to Betu and find Foul Residue around his mouth which matches the poison that killed Edric and Lady Weatherleah. At this Otho will cry out:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "We have to help him!"

Talk with him to see what he knows:

"Something has made Betu terribly ill. I've never seen him so scared. If only I knew what was wrong, I could help him."
He was poisoned. We found the same residue in Lady Weatherleah's teacup.
"Wait, I recognize this smell. Yes, I couldn't place it until now. We use this poison around the estate grounds. We've fallen into such disrepair that beasts have moved into the cellars. Betu knows better than to eat this. He was forced."
Can we help him?
"Yes, in the pantry. I kept a tin of medicinal herbs for this very occasion. I could never forgive myself if I had a hand in hurting Betu. Please, hurry, get the herbs!"

In the kitchen pantry you will find the Medicinal Herbs and can then feed them to Betu:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu! He's recovering. The herbs must be working."
<Betu gets to his feet.>
Betu: "[Dog Barking]"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Wonderful news. Traveler, let's discuss the note you found with our imposter."

Once you talk to Mizzik about the letter you found, Betu will run off suddenly:

Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "Betu, what is it? Where are you going?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Quickly, follow that dog!"

Talking to Otho before you give chase:

"Where is Betu going off to now?"

Following Betu, you are lead to the basement and then into the Weatherleah Cavern below the estate. Chasing after Betu, you soon reach Pelena and can confront her. Once this is done, Otho will arrive:

Mizzik Thunderboots: "The Count of Skingrad will decide your fate."
<Groundskeeper Otho arrives.>
Groundskeeper Otho: "Pelena, why would you hurt Betu?"
Pelena Weatherleah: "Because this whole family can rot for all I care!"

Talking to Otho before Mizzik:

"I can't believe Betu was so brave. Chasing down Pelena like that. I've never seen him so singularly focused."

Speaking with Mizzik, he will be happy that the murderer has been found but acknowledges neither of you found Lady Weatherleah's fortune during the investigation. At this, Betu will approach you with something in his mouth:

Groundskeeper Otho: "What have you got there, boy?"
Mizzik Thunderboots: "It seems Betu has brought us something."
<Betu drops a Dusty Golden Goblet at your feet.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Betu, where did you find this? Betu?"
<Betu runs offer down a tunnel.>
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Otho, escort Pelena back to the manor. We will follow the dog!"

When you and Mizzik follow the dog, you find where the fortune has been hidden and Lady Weatherleah's final will. With the letter in hand, you can return to the manor where you will find Pelena tied up with Aquilia, Otho and Betu. When you hand Aquilia the letter, she will announce that Lady Aquilia had willed her fortune to Betu and the staff that cared for her during her time of mourning.

At this announcement, the people around Aquilia will react to what was said:

Pelena Weatherleah: "You have got to be joking, the dog?"
Groundskeeper Otho Florius: "I can't believe it. There must be some mistake."
Aquilia Verres: "There's no mistake, Otho. I will help oversee the transfer of ownership. You and Betu will have all your needs seen to."
Mizzik Thunderboots: "Excellent work, my friend. Let us speak."

Speaking with Otho after completing the quest:

"The estate and its fortune are left to Betu and me? I've always thought that Lady Weatherleah's generosity was unrivaled, but this …. It's almost too much.
I assure you, I'll see to all of Betu's needs. We're family after all."
What will you do now?
"I don't even know. How does one run an estate? I'll have to hire staff of course. Then get around to the gardens. It's been ages since I've done a proper pruning. Oh, it's all so much, isn't it?
But I'll have Betu. He'll keep me sane."
You really care about Betu, don't you?
"Course I do. Never had a pet or siblings. And I've been tending to rich folks' gardens ever since I could use a pair of shears. It wasn't until this estate that I felt like I could breathe. Be myself. Have friends.
Betu's a part of that."
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