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Ardent Hope
(view on map) (lore page)
Quest Hub
Discoverable Yes
Completion Objective
The BurnThe Deadlands
North of Chantry of the Moon Reiver
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"Look upon my citadel and bear witness to the vastness of my legions. I am power. I am destruction. I am inevitable. As are the forces of Ardent Hope. See them and despair."—Mehrunes Dagon
Path of Cinders: "How do you get to the volcano known as the Xarxes Crucible? Why, everyone knows you must traverse the Path of Cinders!" —Arox the Mutilator
Ardent Hope

Ardent Hope is a vast Daedric citadel in the Deadlands. It is commanded by Valkynaz Nokvroz and his Ruinblood Clan.

The Path of Cinders leads up to the volcano of Xarxes Crucible. Daedrats, Deadlands Scorpions, Nixad, and Skitteris can be seen in the various section of the fortress. Spike and swinging blade traps are found in the citadel.

Related QuestsEdit


Ardent Hope (Against All Hope)Edit

Ardent Hope Outer Ward (Death Stalks the Weak)Edit

Ardent HopeEdit

Ardent Hope CitadelEdit

Blood Adept SanctumEdit

Inner KeepEdit

Upper ReachesEdit

A balcony where Lyranth asks you to temporarily restore Arox to destroy Nokvroz's forces fighting Rynkyus down below.

Path of CindersEdit

The Xarxes CrucibleEdit


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