The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
The Price of Guar Meat (TR_m1_Bah_GuarMeat)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Neldam Heran of Bahrammu is looking to find new markets for his guar meat. He has asked me to travel to Firewatch and find a buyer. He hopes for at least 300 gold per guar.
Brandir Zabaal has offered 150 gold per guar.
I have agreed to Brandir Zabaal's offer to purchase guar at 150 gold per head.
Neldam Heran is not satisfied with Brandir Zabaal's offer. He wants me to return to Firewatch and find a buyer willing to pay 300 gold per guar.
Hurgun gro-Martag, chef at Ember Keep, is interested in securing a supply of guar meat from Bahrammu. He asked me to confirm with the steward, Pontius Golius, who is in the high halls.
Pontius Golius has agreed to purchase guar from Bahrammu at a price of 300 per head.
Finishes quest
Neldam Heran was pleased with the agreement. He rewarded me with 150 gold and a pair of warm gloves.
Finishes quest
Neldam Heran was disappointed at the low price, but gave me 75 gold for my work.