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Tamriel Rebuilt:Eldale

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Eldale (TR_m1_T_Eldale)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Gah Sadrith
House Tel Darys, Upper Tower
Race High Elf Gender Female
Level 35 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 159 Magicka 2000
Alarm 100 Fight 35
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 7(Master)
Mistress Eldale

Eldale is a High Elf mage and the newest member of the mainland Telvanni council. She is the mistress of Gah Sadrith and is an ally and the former Mouth of Mistress Rathra. She is guarded by a unique Mud Golem, one of only two Mud Golems that can be encountered anywhere in Morrowind.

She wears an extravagant robe with matching shoes. She wields an ebony wakizashi, and carries a greater soul gem and 211 gold.

Aside from her natural weaknesses to fire, frost, shock and magicka, her natural bonus to magicka, and resistance to disease, she knows the following spells: Absorb Personality (Ranged), Absorb Speed (Ranged), Blood Despair, Dire Weary, Drain Alchemy, Drain Alteration, Drain Blood, Drain Conjuration, Drain Destruction, Drain Enchant, Drain Illusion, Drain Mysticism, Drain Restoration, Drain Unarmored, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Red Wisdom, Masterful Silver Wisdom, Masterful Sublime Wisdom, Masterful Transcendant Wisdom, Masterful Transfiguring Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Toxic Cloud, Second Barrier, Strong Reflect, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Vivec's Mercy, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.

She has a bedroom that can be accessed either by a locked and trapped door (85) from inside the tower, or a door at the very top of the tower from the outside. There is a wardrobe and a dresser with leveled extravagant and exquisite clothing, a vase with a leveled scroll, a vase with a leveled ingredient, and a desk with many different leveled items. In the study area, there is a Scroll of Leaguestep next to one of the planters, a Scroll of Grey Weakness on the desk, a grand soul gem to the left of the scroll, and a key to the Tel Darys Tomb to the right of the scroll.

Related QuestsEdit

House TelvanniEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit

  • Seht's Ward: The amulet of Seht's Warding should be retrieved, by any means possible.



  • Greetings:
"Who allowed you in here? Didn't you speak with Ultern? [sighs] Never mind! Now that you are here, you have five minutes of my time to present your matter, receive my response and leave."

If you are Spellwright rank or higher in House Telvanni:

"Is there some business that you wish to conduct with me?"
  • Background:
"I am Mistress Eldale of Gah Sadrith, and I am sure that is all you need to know."

If Disposition is 60 or higher:

"I am %Name, though I'm sure you already knew that. I joined the Parliament of Bugs quite recently, and already I have made many enemies. The Telvanni are quite the proud Dunmer house, and even the wisest among them have problems recognizing the superiority of Altmeri magic. That petty warlock Bal-Gernak in Llothanis is most hardheaded of them all, especially since I claimed the seat he wanted on the Telvanni Council. The pathetic fool can't summon a bonelord properly, but he thinks himself a master wizard."
  • Gah Sadrith:
"This is my town. I would advise you not to cross me."
"An interesting weapon to be sure. It is most definitely Chimeri in its design. Fascinating. The inscription on it reads "kana-revis", or "Revis' Blade" in the modern tongue. Judging by it's design, I believe it may have belonged to a Chimeri priest of the Daedra. A truly unique relic, to be sure. Take good care of it, %PCName. A collector like myself would be overjoyed to have such an item in their collection."
  • latest rumors:
"There is nothing happening on this little island that I would be unaware of and that would escape my attention. I despise you gossips! There is no rumor to my mind: my decisions and actions are always grounded on empirical facts and precise knowledge."
  • little advice:
"My wisdom is too complex to be communicated in petty 'advices'."

If Disposition is 60 or higher:

"I would love to share my wisdom with you, but I am simply afraid you would not be able to comprehend it."

If you are Mouth rank or higher in House Telvanni:

"I save my advice only for my closest associates, and though I respect you, in House Telvanni only those you have known for a great deal of time may one include in that number."
  • Mistress Eldale:
"Evidently. If you do not know a Telvanni mage-lord when you see one, you are not worthy of my attention. Leave me." Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)

If Disposition is 90 or higher:

"What is it, my friend?"

If you are Lawman rank or higher in House Telvanni:

  • Services:
"All the services I really need are those of Ultern and the merchants on the Plaza of my tower."
  • someone in particular:
"If you are looking for one of my servants, I'm sure Ultern could direct you."
  • specific place:
"This is Gah Sadrith. All that you see here belongs to me."
  • Tel Darys:
"Yes, this is my tower."

House Telvanni: Dispatch to EldaleEdit

  • Greetings:
"I said return in an hour, %PCRank."
"I need you to deliver these orders to Fervas Shulisa, %PCRank. Now leave me." Goodbye (You receive Orders to Fervas Shulisa)
  • dispatch to Mistress Eldale:
"Well, let me have those. Hmm... That fool... Return in an hour, %PCRank. I have need of you." Goodbye (Removed Dispatch to Eldale and 5 Greater Soul Gems from your inventory)
"Yes, yes. Now go."

If you are missing the soul gems:

"Aren't you supposed to have five soul gems along with that piece of paper? Thought I didn't know about that, did you?" Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)

If you are missing the dispatch:

"What are you talking about? You don't have a dispatch." Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)

If you failed to return in an hour:

"You're late! I sent someone else in your stead. Out of my sight!" Goodbye (Disposition down by 15)

Tribunal Temple: Seht's WardEdit

"You, a simple %PCClass, are interested in my artifacts? You want to purchase the Amulet from me? Well, you would have to speak to my lieutenant, Ultern, if you want to discuss a price. He can be found just down the corridor from here. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Goodbye

If you are a member of House Telvanni:

"You are interested in my artifacts? You want to purchase the Amulet from me? Well, you would have to speak to my lieutenant, Ultern, if you want to discuss a price. He can be found just down the corridor from here. Now, if you'll excuse me, %PCRank, I have things to attend to." Goodbye

Duel of RiddlesEdit

  • puzzling riddles:
"You are certainly presumptious if you dare to challenge me in a game of wit. Well, let me see what are you worth then, if that is what you wish:
I have no lungs, yet I blow,
I have no comb, yet I can shuffle your hair,
To make fire when I am near you need a stove,
Even though I am but air."
  • Cloud: "What did I tell you? You are not even able to answer the easiest of riddles. I will not have you stay a minute longer in my presence. Begone." Goodbye (Disposition down by 40)
  • Wind: "That was but a sample of things to come. Now, if you really don't want me to shame you, you would be better off not proceeding with my puzzling riddles." (Disposition up by 5)
  • Sparkle: (See 'What did I tell you?...' response)
  • Frost: (See 'What did I tell you?...' response)
  • Scrib: (See 'What did I tell you?...' response)
"As you wish. This time I will give you a real one:
If you follow me I run from you,
If you run from me I follow you,
When the sun raises I shrink and when it falls down I grow,
Until I completely disappear in the night, though I am never there, where is light."
  • Daedra: "Quite evidently it was 'a shadow', %PCName. I believe you may leave." Goodbye (Disposition down by 20)
  • Lamp: (See 'Quite evidently...' response)
  • Age: (See 'Quite evidently...' response)
  • Shadow: "Well, well. This is getting interesting. Do you want me to give you another of my puzzling riddles?" (Disposition up by 5)
  • Moon: (See 'Quite evidently...' response)
"We shall see how you deal with this one:
I spit rocks and I sweat fire,
I breathe smoke out of my throat,
When I cry all around trembles,
Ash covers a nearby road.
  • Dragon: "You are wrong. How unexpected. The correct answer was 'Volcano', should you wish to know. Now, leave me." Goodbye (Disposition down by 10)
  • Ogrim: (See 'You are wrong...' response)
  • Sun: (See 'You are wrong...' response)
  • Mountain: (See 'You are wrong...' response)
  • Volcano: "You have impressed me thus far. When you are ready for the next of my puzzling riddles, just come and ask me." (Disposition up by 10)
"Let us proceed. I look forward to seeing how you will deal with this one:
If you feed me, I become smaller.
If you take from me, I become greater."
  • Hunger: "What a pity. I had a 'Hole' in my mind. I had started to believe you might be quite witty. At least my delusion was corrected sooner rather than later." Goodbye (Disposition down by 5)
  • Sack: (See 'What a pity...' response)
  • Hole: "Well done! You have some potential indeed. I am curious as to how you will manage to answer the final and most difficult of all my puzzling riddles." (Disposition up by 10)
  • Fire: (See 'What a pity...' response)
  • Stomach: (See 'What a pity...' response)
"Very well:
Those who own it don't need it yet and those who need it don't care about it."
  • Tomb: "Congratulations. You have answered all of my riddles! I suppose I might have some meaningful conversation with you after all." (Disposition up by 15)
  • Age: "You are wrong, unfortunately! The correct answer was 'Tomb'. Never mind... Few answer all my riddles correctly and you are most certainly not one of them." Goodbye
  • Gold: (See 'You are wrong, unfortunately!...' response)
  • Hunger: (See 'You are wrong, unfortunately!...' response)
  • Wisdom: (See 'You are wrong, unfortunately!...' response)
"I have no other riddles for you. You have proved your worth in this matter."