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Ultern (TR_m1_Ultern)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Gah Sadrith
Location Tel Darys: Upper Tower
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 27 Class Battlemage Service
Spells Alteration SpellsConjuration SpellsDestruction SpellsMysticism Spells
Other Information
Health 163 Magicka 200
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 5(Spellwright)

Ultern is a High Elf battlemage and Spellwright of House Telvanni who can be found near the top of Tel Darys in Gah Sadrith. He is the trusted lieutenant of Mistress Eldale, and because his mistress is not welcoming to visitors, she allows Ultern to conduct business on her behalf. He might also be able to suggest a way of gaining her trust. He is a powerful mage in his own right, and offers a good range of spells for sale.

He wears a common robe with matching shoes.

Aside from his natural weaknesses to fire, frost, shock and magicka, his natural bonus to magicka, and resistance to disease, he knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from him.

Related QuestsEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit

  • Seht's Ward: The amulet of Seht's Warding should be retrieved, by any means possible.



  • Greeting:
"Did you come to see Mistress Eldale? Then perhaps you should listen to a little advice from me."
"An interesting weapon to be sure. It is most definitely Chimeri in its design. A truly unique relic, to be sure. Take good care of it, %PCName. My Mistress would be overjoyed to have such an item in her collection."
  • Mistress Eldale:
"Do not mind her sarcasm and hautiness. It is not as if she hasn't earned the right: you have to realize how powerful she is. If you would speak with her, do not be put off by this."

Tribunal Temple: Seht's WardEdit

"You are interested in purchasing this artifact from Mistress Eldale? Well, for a reasonable price, I might consider its sale."
  • Very well. 750 gold.: "I'm sorry but your offer doesn't convince me. I am not willing to give my Mistress' precious artifacts away to just anyone without sufficient compensation. I would be foolish to incur her wrath in such a matter."
If Disposition is 60 or higher:
"Listen, I like you but your offer just doesn't convince me. I am not willing to give my Mistress' precious artifacts away without sufficient compensation. I would be foolish to incur her wrath in such a matter."
If Disposition is 80 or higher, and you have at least 50 Mercantile and 40 Speechcraft:
"You drive a hard bargain, %PCClass, but I feel this is an acceptable, if low, price. Here is the Amulet." (Removed 750 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Amulet of Seht's Warding)
If you don't have 750 gold:
"I might have found that an acceptable offer, if you had the gold to back it up. Surely your Master wasn't foolish enough to send you without some form of payment?"
  • Very well. 1000 gold.: (See refusal responses above)
If Disposition is 50, and you have at least 50 Mercantile and 45 Speechcraft OR Disposition is 80 and you have at least 25 Mercantile and 25 Speechcraft:
"That seems a fair price, %PCClass. I'm sure my Mistress can put the revenue to good use. Here is the Amulet." (Removed 1000 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Amulet of Seht's Warding)
If you don't have 1000 gold:
"That seems a fair price, %PCClass, but where is the gold? Surely your Master wasn't foolish enough to send you without some form of payment?"
  • Very well. 1500 gold.: (See refusal responses above)
If Disposition is 30 and you have at least 35 Personality and 20 Speechcraft:
"An excellent offer, %PCName. Here is the Amulet." (Removed 1500 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Amulet of Seht's Warding)
If you don't have 1500 gold:
"An excellent offer, %PCName, but I cannot see where this gold you speak of is. Surely your Master wasn't foolish enough to send you without some form of payment?"
  • You know, I've had a look at it, and I think it's a fake. 400 gold.: "Really, I'm afraid I just don't believe you. Why would you know better than Mistress Eldale herself in this matter?"
If you have at least 55 Intelligence and 40 Speechcraft:
"You are sure? I do not trust you fully, but you do speak convincingly on the subject. However, even if a fake, the amulet's magical powers are potent. Would you consider 600 drakes a fair price?"
  • Yes.: "An excellent bargain, %PCName, the Amulet is yours. If this is truly a forgery, you do me a great service. Should word of Eldale being mislead get out, her reputation regarding the Chimer would be crushed. And of course, her vengeance would fall primarily on he who obtained the Amulet for her..." (Removed 600 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Amulet of Seht's Warding)
  • No.: "Then we have nothing more to discuss on this matter."
If Disposition is 70 and you have at least 60 Intelligence and 50 Speechcraft:
"You are sure? You do speak very convincingly on the subject... Hmmm, to save face for Mistress Eldale, I will accept your offer." (Removed 400 gold from your inventory, and you receive the Amulet of Seht's Warding)
  • Would you exchange it for another Chimeri artifact?: "Had you one to offer, I would willingly accept it."
  • I have no offer to make at this time.: "Then we have nothing more to discuss on this matter."

If you have Kana-revis:

  • Would you exchange it for this Chimeri priest's sickle?:
If you have less than 25 Speechcraft:
It is a relic to be sure. However, I do not believe your claims that it is a Chimer weapon. If you spoke more authoritatively on the subject, perhaps I would be inclined to believe you."
If you have less than 45 Intelligence:
"It is a relic to be sure. However, I do not believe your claims that it is a Chimer weapon. If you seemed more informed on the subject, perhaps I would be inclined to believe you."
If you have at least 45 Intelligence and 25 Speechcraft:
"It is a relic to be sure. And you say it once belonged to a Chimeri Daedric Priest? Fascinating. You appear knowledgeable on the subject, so I will trust you. My Mistress is sure to appreciate this. Here, take the Amulet." (Removed Kana-revis from your inventory, and you receive the Amulet of Seht's Warding)

Duel of RiddlesEdit

  • little advice:
"If you are here to speak with Mistress Eldale you should know she usually does not accept strangers. She is, after all, a quite solitary and eccentric Telvanni mage lord. You may enter her chambers right now and address her, but should you do so, you may not return unscathed. To earn her respect, it would please her if you answered some of her puzzling riddles and so doing proved your intellect to her."
"Do not underestimate your task with Mistress Eldale. More puzzling riddles may come."
"Somebody as wise as yourself surely needs no advice from me."

If you failed one of her riddles:

"I have no more advice for you, unfortunately. You should have taken my initial advice more seriously."
  • Mistress Eldale:
"So you have answered some of her puzzling riddles? Good! But do not be overly satisfied by your performance. Knowing my Mistress, she is likely just toying with you, and will keep her most feindish riddles in reserve. Don't underestimate the challenge, and be ever prepared for more difficult ones to come."
"Now you have truly earned her respect, but that does not mean you have earned her friendship. You have to be extremely careful what you ask of her and how you treat her, or you will earn yourself a mighty and dangerous foe indeed. But I guess someone of your wit knows how to behave in the presence of such a person."

If you failed one of her riddles:

"It appears you failed to answer her puzzling riddles. My Mistress will not have been impressed. If you do really have some important business with her, perhaps try other methods of gaining her interest. After all, she is still Telvanni and a woman. Ask around and perhaps try gaining favor with one of Eldales [sic] closest servants."
  • puzzling riddles:
"But then, I ask myself... Do I like you enough to continue further?"

If Disposition is 40 or higher:

"I really have no idea what kind of riddles Mistress Eldale may ask you. Indeed, nobody does. Mistress Eldale invents her own riddles all the time, and never gives the same twice."
"To answer all of Mistress Eldale's riddles correctly is no small feat. You have my congratulations."

If you failed one of her riddles:

"Seeing as you failed to answer her last riddle correctly, Mistress Eldale will consider it pointless to ask you any more. Better not mention it to her."


Spell Name Cost Effects
Dire Weary 56   Burden 60-90 pts for 10 secs on Target
Great Feather 50   Feather 100 pts for 10 secs on Self
Second Barrier 60   Shield 20 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Fire Shield 54   Fire Shield 12 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Frost Shield 54   Frost Shield 12 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Shock Shield 54   Lightning Shield 12 pts for 30 secs on Self
Summon Clannfear 66   Summon Clannfear for 60 secs on Self
Blood Despair 47   Drain Willpower 7-14 pts for 60 secs on Target
Dire Weakness to Fire 47   Weakness to Fire 2-60 pts for 10 secs on Target
Drain Alteration 56   Drain Alteration 5-20 pts for 60 secs on Target
Drain Blood 60   Drain Health 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch
  Drain Magicka 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Drain Conjuration 56   Drain Conjuration 5-20 pts for 60 secs on Target
Drain Destruction 56   Drain Destruction 5-20 pts for 60 secs on Target
Ghost Curse 40   Drain Endurance 5 pts for 30 secs on Touch
  Drain Fatigue 10 pts for 30 secs on Touch
  Damage Health 1-10 pts on Touch
Toxic Cloud 61   Poison 2-15 pts in 10ft for 10 secs on Target
Vivec's Wrath 28   Damage Health 10-20 pts on Target
  Fire Damage 10-20 pts on Target
  Frost Damage 10-20 pts on Target
  Shock Damage 10-20 pts on Target
Wild Distraction 56   Drain Intelligence 5-20 pts for 60 secs on Target
Absorb Endurance 38   Absorb Endurance 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Absorb Endurance [Ranged] 56   Absorb Endurance 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Target
Absorb Intelligence 38   Absorb Intelligence 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Absorb Strength 38   Absorb Strength 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Absorb Strength [Ranged] 56   Absorb Strength 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Target
Absorb Willpower 38   Absorb Willpower 5-20 pts for 30 secs on Touch
Weak Spelldrinker 38   Spell Absorption 10-20 pts for 5 secs on Self
Wild Spelldrinker 51   Spell Absorption 1-40 pts for 5 secs on Self