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Tamriel Rebuilt:A Warmonger's Counsel

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Tribunal Temple / Almas Thirr
Avert a House War.
Quest Giver: Illene Teloth in Almas Thirr, Office of Intercession
Location(s): Almas Thirr
Prerequisite Quest: Inquisition of Vys-Assanud
Next Quest: May She Rest in Peace
Reward: 100 gold or the War-Spear of Indoril Danvas, Weatherworn Shoes of St Veloth (conditional: see Notes)
Disposition: +10 (Illene Teloth)
Reputation Gain: +2 (general), +10 Temple +2 Great House Hlaalu and Great House Indoril
ID: TR_m3_TT_Illene3, TR_m3_TT_Illene3b, TR_m3_TT_Illene3c, TR_m3_TT_Illene3d, TR_m3_TT_Illene3e
Indoril Danvas is a reasonable man, but even his patience has limits

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Illene Teloth about mediator in the shadows.
  2. Go to Roa Dyr and speak to Indoril Danvas about Addamarys Saldro.
  3. Go to Mundrethi Plantation Slave Market and speak to Tulsi Retharyn in the basement of Merengor's house.
  4. Go to Oran Plantation and speak to Salt-Mane Dro'Qosha.
  5. Speak to Dels Ravyn.
  6. Retrieve Addamarys' Ring.
  7. Return to Indoril Danvas. Ask for time to negotiate with House Hlaalu.
  8. Speak to Atran Oran.
  9. Return to Indoril Danvas to convey the offer of blood money.
  10. Return Addamarys' ring.
  11. Return to Illene Teloth.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Illene Teloth is concerned about rising tensions between Houses Hlaalu and Indoril, and wishes you to avert a House War from the shadows. A noble Indoril retainer named Addamarys Saldro has been taken prisoner by the Hlaalu. If news gets back to Indoril Ilvi, Morag Tong writs are certain. Illene asks that you contact Indoril Ilvi's heir, Indoril Danvas at Roa Dyr, and convince him to let you help.

(Before you leave, you may optionally talk to Idura Voron, in the lower level of the Office of Intercession. She can fill you in on Addamarys Saldro, if you didn't already read her letter in Duress of a Slave. She notes that he is a friend of Indoril Danvas, but otherwise does not add much new.)

Travel now to Roa Dyr. Indoril Danvas is in the basement of the Crossing of the Lamps. Asking him about Addamarys Salvo will see you directed (no matter how you approach the conversation) to his agent, Tulsi Retharyn, at the Mundrethi Plantation Slave Market. Speak to Balvus at the Roa Dyr docks (must be at night) for quick transportation, or walk. Tulsi Retharyn's hideout is in the basement of Merengor's House in the slave market, which is locked. Either discreetly pick the lock, or speak to Merengor on the docks about Tulsi. A bribe of 50 gold will get the key from him without fuss. Informing him that you have been sent by the Indoril will cause him some distress, but he will still give you the key. He will not give you the key if you pick the hideout option. The entrance to the basement-cave is behind the tapestry in Merengor's House. A trapdoor with lock level 60 will be here, and will need to be picked unless you already got the key from Merengor. Tulsi Retharyn is on the rocky ledge above the flooded section of the basement-cave. She reveals that Dels Ravyn, the foreman at the Oran Plantation, has taken Addamarys as a slave.

Go to Oran Plantation, and seek out Salt-Mane Dro'Qosha, a former Khajiit ambassador, and now slave. He is in the field east of the walled Oran Plantation compound. Dro'Qosha will reveal that Addamarys has been beaten to death. You have the option now of either searching for the grave, or confronting Dels Ravyn. If Dels Ravyn has already been killed (for example, during Awfully-Swift-Skink Breaks Free, or A Household Slave is Wanted), then Dro'Qosha will also tell you the location of the grave - although his directions can be slightly wrong (in true Morrowind tradition) - instead of southeast, seek out the small island (with a guard on a wooden tower) directly to the south of the walled plantation compound. A shovel next to the mound of dirt here will allow you to dig up the body. Take Addamarys' Ring from the corpse.

Addamarys is buried underneath this wooden tower

You should speak to Dels Ravyn at this point. He is in his house, inside the walled compound, and will provide his side of the story, and the location of the body, if you have not already found it. After this, you may optionally speak to the master of the manor, Atran Oran (by the balcony in the manor atrium) or return to Illene Teloth for her opinion. Going to Indoril Ilvi will begin the House War, ending your involvement, so when you do return to Roa Dyr, speak to Indoril Danvas. You need to persuade him to hold off on telling his father. The following choices (for example) can accomplish this, as can others.

  1. "I regret to inform you that he has died. I'm sorry."
  2. "It is complicated"
  3. "Addamarys wished to settle the debt of blood he owed..."
  4. "Please, allow the Temple to help."
  5. "Before you do anything, let me first negotiate..."

Once Indoril Danvas is convinced, return to Oran Plantation and speak to Atran Oran, who will now agree to pay blood money to atone for Addamarys' death. Go to Indoril Danvas to inform him of the offer, and assure him it is sincere. Indoril Danvas will accept the peace offering. He will request Addamarys' ring however, which you may give if you have already retrieved it from Addamarys' corpse. Otherwise, you will need to return to the shallow grave in Oran Plantation. Returning the ring will initiate a conversation about death, and the meaning inherent in life. Satisfying Indoril Danvas will result in the reward of the War-Spear of Indoril Danvas. Cutting the conversation short will simply get you a reward of 100 gold.

Finally, return to Illene in Almas Thirr, who will be delighted at the news of a House War averted, and who (if you still have the shoes from Pilgrimage to the Bloodstone Shrine) will reward you with the Weatherworn Shoes of St Veloth, which have a constant restore fatigue effect, and are worth 5000 gold coins. Illene suggests visiting the Monastery of St Veloth (containing the Bloodstone Shrine) once more. Those seeking further adventure might take her up on her offer - seek out Vaden Baro in the monastery for an opportunity to delve further into the workings of the Temple.


  • The Weatherworn Shoes of St Veloth can only be given as a reward if you have the shoes used in Pilgrimage to the Bloodstone Shrine in your inventory.
  • Failing to avert the house war will result in a Morag Tong assassin attacking Dels Ravyn.
  • If you happen to have killed Dels Ravyn yourself, you can go straight back to Indoril Danvas after digging up Addamarys' body to tell him the news, since this would have already triggered in your journal quest stage "A Warmonger's Counsel (TR_m3_TT_Illene3e)". Afterwards, you can finally return to Illene Teloth to finish the quest.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Warmonger's Counsel (TR_m3_TT_Illene3)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Illene Teloth said that I'm needed as a mediator in the shadows to prevent a House War from erupting. She's learned that Indoril Danvas has tried to locate a high-ranking Indoril retainer, named Addamarys Saldro, who has supposedly been imprisoned by the Hlaalu. Illene Teloth wants me to speak with Indoril Danvas and convince him to let me handle the situation, so it won't escalate.
20 Indoril Danvas said that I can help him to find Addamarys Saldro. The young lord has a spy in the Hlaalu lands called Tulsi Retharyn. She has a hideout in the Mundrethi slave market, under Merengor's house. I should go there and hear if she has found out something about Addamarys' whereabouts.
30 Tulsi Retharyn has learned that Addamarys Saldro thought he could honorably settle the feud between him and Dels Ravyn, the Oran Plantation foreman. However, Addamarys was taken as a slave. Supposedly, he's been put to work in the fields to the south. I should head to the Oran Plantation area and see if I can find Addamarys. I could also inquire if anyone there knows where he is.
40 I've learned that Addamarys Saldro is dead. Indoril Danvas will not be happy to hear these news. Perhaps now's the right time to speak with Dels Ravyn, the Oran Plantation foreman.
45 I found Addamarys Saldro's body in a shallow grave in the Oran Plantation farmland. Perhaps now'd be the right time to speak with Dels Ravyn, the Oran Plantation foreman, or with someone else who might know how he ended up there.
50 Dels Ravyn explained to me that Addamarys Saldro died after being beaten and refusing to let his body heal afterwards. He thinks that he's done nothing wrong. I now know the full story of what happened to Addamarys, but I should be careful to whom I disclose it. I should at least consult Illene Teloth before breaking the news to Indoril Danvas. I could also speak with serjo Atran Oran of the Oran Plantation, and hear what he thinks of the matter.
60 Illene Teloth thinks that since Indoril Danvas will inevitably learn of Addamarys Saldo's death, it's best that I'll be the one to break the news to him. I should try to persuade him not to pursue vengeance.
65 Illene Teloth thinks that since Indoril Danvas will inevitably learn of Addamarys Saldo's death, it's best that I'll be the one to break the news to him. When I expressed my concern that persuading Indoril Danvas not to pursue vengeance could be impossible, she suggested that I speak with serjo Atran Oran. He might be willing to appease the Hlaalu to avoid violence.
70 Indoril Danvas was devastated to hear that Addamarys Saldro had died. He told me that he would let his father know of this and that the Hlaalu would pay for this death dearly. However, Indoril Danvas agreed to wait for a moment, so that I could negotiate with the Hlaalu. I should head to the Oran Plantation and speak with councilor Atran Oran.
80 Indoril Danvas was devastated to hear that Addamarys Saldro had died. He was about to let his father know of Addamarys' death when I offered to slay Dels Ravyn for him. Perhaps, for the greater good, it should be done. I could also use this opportunity to seek some other solution to this matter.
90 Indoril Danvas was devastated to hear that Addamarys Saldro had died. He told me that he would let his father know of this and that the Hlaalu would pay for this death dearly. It seems that I've failed to persuade him off the path of vengeance. I could speak with lord Indoril Ilvi directly, or I could go back to Almas Thirr and consult Illene Teloth.
100 Indoril Danvas has agreed not to seek vengeance against the Hlaalu. I should report back to Illene Teloth about my success.
110 I told Indoril Danvas that Dels Ravyn is dead. His thirst for vengeance has been quenched. I should report back to Illene Teloth.
120 Lord Indoril Ilvi of Roa Dyr said that the Hlaalu will pay dearly for the death of Addamarys Saldro. Clearly, the hawkish lord doesn't really care about Addamarys, but simply wants to seize this opportunity to strike against the Hlaalu. I should let Illene Teloth know what has happened.
130 Finishes quest  I told Illene Teloth that Indoril Ilvi has learned of Addamarys Saldro's death. She angrily dismissed me. There will undoubtedly be violence between the two Great Houses in Aanthirin. I should look for further duties elsewhere. Perhaps, there might be some work for me in the Monastery of Saint Veloth.
140 Finishes quest  Despite the blood that was spilled, Illene Teloth said that Dels Ravyn's death was probably for the best. The Office of Intercession has no further work for me right now. I should look for new duties elsewhere. Perhaps there might be some work for me in the Monastery of Saint Veloth.
150 Finishes quest  Illene Teloth commended me for preserving the fragile peace in Aanthirin. The Office of Intercession has no further work for me right now. I should look for new duties elsewhere. Perhaps there might be some work for me in the Monastery of Saint Veloth.
160 Finishes quest  I gave up being the mediator in the shadows, which disappointed Illene Teloth. The Office of Intercession has no further work for me right now. I should look for new duties elsewhere. Perhaps there might be some work for me in the Monastery of Saint Veloth.
A Warmonger's Counsel (TR_m3_TT_Illene3b)
50 Councilor Atran Oran was troubled to hear of Addamarys Saldro's death. However, he says that he won't be taking any action until he hears how Indoril Danvas reacts to the news.
100 In order to avoid a retaliation from House Indoril, Atran Oran offered to pay bloodmoney for Addamarys Saldro. He also wished me to send his condolences. I should go and present this offer to Indoril Danvas.
A Warmonger's Counsel (TR_m3_TT_Illene3c)
100 Dels Ravyn is dead. This should appease Indoril Danvas.
A Warmonger's Counsel (TR_m3_TT_Illene3d)
50 As a final request Indoril Danvas asked me to find and bring him Addamarys Saldro's ring. The ring was probably buried with Addamarys, somewhere in the Oran farmland.
75 Indoril Danvas thanked me for bringing him Addamarys Saldro's ring.
100 Indoril Danvas thanked me for bringing him Addamarys Saldro's ring. After a conversation about life and death, he gifted me with an enchanted war-spear, saying that he doesn't need it anymore.
A Warmonger's Counsel (TR_m3_TT_Illene3e)
100 I've learned that Addamarys Saldro is dead. He died as a result of a beating after he refused to follow foreman Dels Ravyn's orders. I have already disposed of the foreman, though sadly not in time to save Addamarys. I should tell Indoril Danvas the news.