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Skyrim talk:Patch/Archive 2

< Skyrim talk:Patch
This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Patch discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

magic and ranged killcams

Bethblog accidentally released some info on the latest patch, they removed it quickly but several people will still have gotten the email about it (like me) anyways it's detailed here, magic and ranged killcams are definite and they hinted that there would be more in it. (Eddie The Head 13:12, 6 March 2012 (UTC))

They released this viedo confirming that. Andil the mage 17:51, 15 March 2012 (UTC) is the version of the patch on my ps3, explain?

Anyone got any ideas? (Exile Of Existence 13:44, 8 March 2012 (UTC))

When an update build is released on Steam, it is then submitted to the console manufacturers for certification. This process usually takes a week or more. If any changes are necessary that are specific to that console, it is only natural that the build number will change. It is also natural to expect this build number to only be representative of that specific platform, so there's no reason to expect it to force an update on other platforms. You are welcome to provide build numbers for official platform-specific updates, but unless release notes are provided with the update, I'm not sure how useful the information will be if there's no discernible difference between your PS3 build number and the official update released for the PC.Kastagir 18:17, 26 March 2012 (UTC)

Patch 1.5

Patch 1.5 has been announced. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:43 on 16 March 2012 (UTC)

Now available on Xbox Live 4:00 MTN. time--Skober 10:08, 5 April 2012 (UTC)

Patch betters smithing

Finally, we can create valuable items at forges instead of farm-crafting jewelery and iron armor. Maybe now creating Daedric armor and weapons will have a higher EXP gain than before the patch. --Nerus sentia 18:15, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

PC Note Shadows on grass available.

Is there any way to enable / test this feature? I can't find any info related to this online. a "shadows on grass" search just brings up game forums with people having visual artifacts and call it "shadows on grass" confusing it with something different. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:12 on 24 March 2012 (UTC)

It's enabled by default if you're using 1.5.24 or later. It is a feature that is only available on the PC and there is no method of turning it off at present, either in-game or by editing the ini files.Kastagir 19:49, 26 March 2012 (UTC)
Ah, I see. I reverted back to patch 1.3.10 as using lighting mods or enbseries with the newest patch seems to cause random crashing. Some quick research seems it's a common problem -- maybe shadows on grass tries to render ssao and it conflicts. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:20 on 27 March 2012 (UTC)

shrouded cowl bug

Yes that they will fix a bug where clothing/armor would not display properly on manicans, does that mean they will fix the shrouded cowl bug when the mask fails to show itself on men, bc on my manican I founbd worn shrouded armor and mask was there and my manican looks like a male manican so if they fix it for a male manican wouldnt they fix it for a male character? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 1 April 2012

Underwater crash (1.5)

In PS3: While attempting to go underwater the game crashes every time, tested with different save games and characters.

I can attest to this, and it doesn't matter the environment you're in. In a town with a stream or out in the wilderness if you go into the water you're done. It's going to make any quest that even loosely involves water unplayable.-- 17:31, 6 April 2012 (UTC)
This doesn't happen to me, so it's probably not just the patch.Br3admax 17:39, 6 April 2012 (UTC)
This happened to me. I followed the solution that is somewhere on this site but cannot remember where and can now go underwater. Delete update and game data in the Game Data Utility, then download the update and reinstall data. When I first fast travelled Rigil Strong-arm appeared next to me with a few bandits and all hostile, even though I had killed her before. The Silencer has spoken 17:49, 6 April 2012 (UTC)
Thank you much! It worked like a charm. Haven't tried fast traveling yet, but I can swim for salmon again without the game locking. -- 18:26, 6 April 2012 (UTC)
PS3 - Confirmed. I stopped playing Skyrim for awhile and just started again. Patch 1.5 updated and I started a new game. Now any entry into under-water environments crashes the system. Note: PS3 users cannot unload a patch as described above (or at least I don't know how.) Philbert 04:57, 5 May 2012 (UTC)
Instructions for PS3 users. Goto PS3 main menu (i.e. quit game or don't start it.) Goto the game column where you normally start the game if Auto-Start is not on. Scroll up to Game Data Utility and select. Press Green Triangle on controller. Select ALL Skyrim updates one at a time and delete them (this will not affect your saved games.) Go back to the normal start. It will download patch 1.5 and reinstall the mandatory game data (takes a few minutes.) I just confirmed that this works, for me anyway, hope for all. Much smoother graphics than the jitter from before.
Silencer. thanks for the hint that there was a fix but I had no clue how to do what you posted so once I found out I updated this post with a step by step.
It appears there is a conflict between previous patches and the 1.5 patch. Philbert 05:20, 5 May 2012 (UTC)


i love how I put the information about version 1.5 being released on xbox and ps3 on the fifth about 5 different times and it kept getting removed by retards and now we have other morons adding it then suddenly it stays up. Kinda counterproductive to tell users that they can edit and help out on the site and then have their work constantly erased. pricks. — Unsigned comment by BoegriusTheNord (talkcontribs) at 06:16 on 11 April 2012

Sometimes, people can be overzealous in removing information or editing it. It happens even when it's calm and quiet, never mind when we're trying to deal with hundreds of edits every day. The best thing to do if an edit you made is removed is to ask about it on the talk page rather than simply trying to re-insert it. This gives you the chance to explain why you thought it should be added, and the person who removed it to explain why they thought it didn't belong. Robin Hoodtalk 07:01, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

Oh well just figured that the people who have the ability to remove posts were smart enough to realize that the information was valid. I posted the information a few hours after the patch was released and it kept getting removed, then suddenly a few days later the same information I originally posted was added and not removed. I shouldnt have to whine to admins about why my information is valid they should have the intelligence to decide for themselves. BoegriusTheNord 12:10, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

I understand why you're frustrated, but sometimes that's just the way things happen here. A wiki isn't the kind of site where people submit information to be verified by admins; this is a much more collaborative effort, and sometimes (as in your case) there's a misunderstanding over an edit. It might seem like a pain, but RobinHood's right--when that kind of thing happens, the best thing you can do is post a message on the talk page (or on the other user's page) to get it sorted out. eshetalk 14:03, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

well if my years of elders scrolls knowledge isn't good enough to be left alone why bother me even contributing at all. Don't worry I learned my lesson, only those privileged enough to have a high rank get to have input on what information gets accepted. BoegriusTheNord 15:24, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

How about someone tell me what was wrong with my addition to the page?

BoegriusTheNord 15:29, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

Judging by this edit, I would guess your addition was removed because it included a list of fixes that was already on the page. The preferred pattern seems to have been just to say "same patch notes as ____." As for the reason behind removing "Version 1.5 was released as an xbox live update on 04/05/2012," I can only guess it was a mistake or misunderstanding, so I can't really help you there.
In any case, as I said, these things happen and it really isn't a big deal. All it takes is a little willingness to talk it out ;). eshetalk 15:37, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

well you can help by finding out who deleted it and asking why. BoegriusTheNord 15:43, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

Sorry, but I can't force Dwarfmp to appear and explain himself, and honestly it's not that big of a deal. I'm sorry your edit was removed when it shouldn't have been, but we're only human. Mistakes happen, and besides: If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then don't submit it here. I hope you'll consider contributing more in the future, but your negative attitude isn't really doing you any favors right now. We have a policy about treating others with respect here, and your edits (particularly comments like this) are getting a bit out of line. eshetalk 15:49, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

Oh yes God forbid someone speaks their mind...careful guys you might have a free thinker on your hands! Better put em in jail before he starts saying things we dont want to hear! BoegriusTheNord 16:03, 11 April 2012 (UTC) FYI My attitude is a result of this sites members and protocol of deleting first asking later. But perhaps if people were a little more helpful in their advice and less judgmental of persons "attitude" then something might get done that doesn't end up upsetting said persons even more? So here's a rare opportunity for those who actually care about things other than petty formalities and shallow, lifeless grammar to do some assisting.

What information as interpreted as non-computer mumbo-jumbo, can be submitted without being deleted. Because I've noticed a TON of incredibly useful information SHOVED into the discussion boards that no one really gets to see because some pretentious editor or admin or w/e you guys call yourselves decided that the information is redundant. It may be redundant to one but useful to thousands but nothing gets done.

Just to forewarn myself of future deletion of my personal time that I took to post information I figured would be useful to people, it would be nice to have a structured guide line for additing information so we don't all look like morons who's information doesn't matter when it gets deleted without a word. Even though when a page has barely half a sentence of information one will try to add more to it but then shoved off into discussion based on not being considered useful. To me useless information is stuff like the height and weight of a khajiit. Cause I as a gamer know how crucial it is to know that females are shorter by a factor of 0.5....BRILLIANT! Now I can continue playing with pride knowing that. BoegriusTheNord 16:03, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

I really want to add a part to the Khajiit page under bugs about how a lot of headdresses for Khajiits will not render properly and sometimes even the ears of certain Khajiit characters will appear through the head wear. But that would probably get removed too. Perhaps I should be a grammar nazi then maybe my edits wont be removed. Then again I don't resort to computer software to fix my grammar mistakes like others to give the illusion of superior use of the English language. BoegriusTheNord 16:09, 11 April 2012 (UTC)

We do have plenty of information in the help files that you might find useful. I do want to point out though that your criticism is not the problem: your manner and your overreaction is. This is a collaborative, community-based effort that simply does not function properly if we don't treat each other well. Insulting editors and the site as a whole over one small misunderstanding is not constructive. We've all had edits removed before, whether for good reason or not. I know it's frustrating, but that's part of the process. You'll simply have to learn to keep discussing and be patient.
If you want to edit an article, do it--it might be changed, it might not. But if all you're going to do is talk about how your edit would probably be removed, well...that's not really helpful at all. eshetalk 16:15, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
Maybe you ought to read the page first before adding an exact copy of the info, and given it was also badly implemented on top of that... I don't see how it helps people to make the page longer like that. And if you're just going to insult me on my talk page, I'm not going to bother to answer. ~ Dwarfmp 16:52, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
ACTUALLY it wasnt an exact copy of information, it was information regarding the official release date of the 1.5 version for xbox and ps3 users which was nowhere on that page. Trying to justify your lapse in judgment, sad. — Unsigned comment by BoegriusTheNord (talkcontribs) at 19:58 on 11 April 2012
Actually the Bug fixes were an exact duplicate, the only new info was the date it was released for the Xbox. So calm down and stop mouthing off. The Silencer has spoken 20:12, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
I'm sorry for the fact you're blind, that must be hard for you. I'm also sorry for your ignorance, so let me explain. You added info under no new header, unclear which version the patch was, with bug fixes that were exactly the same lines as about 5 lines underneath (apart from the additional PC only note, which was in your case even irrelevant to add). As for the date, I rather wanted to wait for someone to add the date who knew which version was released for the console (that's right, you failed to mention PS3), as I didn't even see any dates regarding the console for other patches at first glance. As for the future edits made by equally incompetent editors, I either wasn't there to fix them, didn't see them, didn't feel the need to start edit warring, or was just too disappointed in humanity to even try to fix things -> it's really none of your business. If you want to know what goes on on the page, I advise you to check its history, where all the edits to that page are listed, and you can check the recent changes as well. Now if you have any other issues, please feel free to prove your inexperience with the wiki as many times as you want ~ Dwarfmp 05:12, 12 April 2012 (UTC)
He's blocked for a month now anyway, Dwarf. Just take a deep breath. :) Robin Hoodtalk 08:18, 12 April 2012 (UTC)

() Then I'm also sorry you can't respond to this. So let me reply in your stead:

"Thank you for your explanation, that was most kind. There is really no reason to go on about this, since the few bits of info I added are now on the page for all people to enjoy, which makes me very happy. I will hereby refrain from making a big deal out of this. If I have anything to add to this, unlikely as it may, I will post it on my talk page. Have a very nice day!" ~ Dwarfmp 11:20, 12 April 2012 (UTC)
This is the reason why I leave the information posted to be added by "professionals" and just alert any changes or updates in the talk pages if nothing has been addressed. -Guest — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:50 on 17 April 2012 (UTC)
Having stumbled upon this in a while, I realize now that I was rude, and I apologize for that. It was however, a reaction to what I believed to be to a justified action, being called idiocy, or rather, being called an idiot for it. But I felt the need to point out I went a little over the line nevertheless... ~ Dwarfmp 22:29, 25 April 2012 (UTC)


first line says "Upgrading Skyrim to the latest patch is usually recommended" Recommended? it's mandatory, as in, the users cannot turn off patches and the game will autopatch. Taltamir 21:56, 14 April 2012 (UTC)

It's not necessarily mandatory. XBox gives you the option, plus players who don't have their internet connected to their console won't get the option in the first place. ABCface 21:59, 14 April 2012 (UTC)
Same again for PS3, optional. And PC users can choose which update to use, in most cases. The Silencer has spoken 22:07, 14 April 2012 (UTC)
Steam users can also turn off automatic updating. Robin Hoodtalk 00:16, 15 April 2012 (UTC)
They can, but the game will still update since Steam is "so good" — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:35 on 10 June 2012

Wait/sleep glitch removal

Out of curiosity should it be noted in the list of fixed bugs that the quick wait/sleep one was removed? I attempted to try it after downloading the 1.5 patch and can no longer get it to work, if it is noteworthy can somebody else test it to see if it was truly removed and not some random glitch on my part. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:48 on 5 May 2012

What was the bug? Robin Hoodtalk 20:33, 6 May 2012 (UTC)

The bug allowed for waiting/sleeping to advance quickly. You had to initiate the process and before the tick was allowed to move you brought up the Xbox or PS guide (not sure if it worked on pc) and the process sped up and completed in a few seconds. 20:58, 6 May 2012 (UTC)

Never mind, I removed the patch and redownloaded it and the glitch started working again. 22:04, 6 May 2012 (UTC)

Skills not Advancing Properly V1.5

Just a note, I ran into the skill advance glitch using a trainer at skill level 30 Conjuration. One use in combat mode took it to the proper skill level but still.... Looks like that bug was not completely fixed. Philbert 13:53, 23 May 2012 (UTC)

There was a bug with trainers? Funny, never heard much of that before.— Unsigned comment by Ninja1eye (talkcontribs) at 23:06 on 6 June 2012
I think there was a glitch with some trainers not working at a specific skill level. The Silencer has spokenTalk 22:12, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
It was noted originally by myself and others on the skill talk pages. Different skills seemed to have different numbers. I think the correlation was based on your current Skill XP + the number needed to get to the next Skill Level + the number of Skill XP given by the trainer. Somewhere the math went wrong and you would pay for the skill, the money would be taken, the bar would move and clear, but the skill would not advance. Usually, if you left the Purchase Menu and went into the Skills Menu the Skill Level Bar would be near the right edge but not always. In most cases where it was at the far right performing the action once would trip you over to the next Skill Level (i.e. one successful pickpocket). I don't think it was specific to the trainers but rather a mathematical error in the calculations (rounding down instead of up for instance.) Philbert 22:08, 8 June 2012 (UTC)
Update, just happened again. Training One-Handed 66 to 67 failed. Orc Master trainer. 5th of 5 for LVL 59. PS3. One hit on a Skeever took it over the top. Philbert 06:49, 10 June 2012 (UTC)


Am I the only one who encounters these 'rare' glitches quite commonly, or is it just a way of Bethesda making the glitches seem less significant? Not anything major, just curious. — Unsigned comment by Ninja1eye (talkcontribs) at 12:48 on 5 June 2012

You got it. If you look all the way back to 1.2, rare issue of dead dragons not giving souls. Rare indeed. (That's sarcasm) The Silencer has spokenTalk 14:45, 5 June 2012 (UTC)

for console (ps3) dose anybody elses game crash when submerged under water?

happened since latest update and is on all accounts. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:34 on 5 June 2012

read above #Underwater crash (1.5) . The Silencer has spokenTalk 18:38, 5 June 2012 (UTC)

Patch 1.6 "fixes" waterwalking by turning water into hardened cement

Just an FYI for modders, or people with waterwalking mods installed: patch 1.6 apparently "fixes" the waterwalking spell by making water 100% solid. You don't gradually sink underneath like in previous patches. Nor can you aim your camera downwards and dive underwater like in Skyrim.

This isn't mentioned in the patch notes, so I thought I'd share it here. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:33 on 6 June 2012

It's not in the patch notes because bethesda didn't put it there. I don't think bethesda are in the habit of making fixes for unofficial mods. So it's either the mod was fixed or a side effect of one of the other fixes, perhaps something to do with the PS3 underwater glitch. The Silencer has spokenTalk 12:24, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
Silencer, WW was added to the game as an effect, but if added to something, it would give that sinking effect. This can be checked via playerenchantobject 0001391a 0008CAC9 (which would enchant Elven Boots with the Waterwalking effect); I just checked it and this information is false. There is a modder who figured out how to fix this issue, but Bethesda did not fix it.
There is no waterwalking spell either, but the modder who found the fix turned the effect into a spell. Vely►Talk►Email 17:39, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
All I said was that if Bethesda have tweaked something to fix the PS3 glitch then it has perhaps unintentionally affected this mod. I didn't say that Bethesda fixed the mod. The Silencer has spokenTalk 17:57, 6 June 2012 (UTC)
"It's not in the patch notes because bethesda didn't put it there." Duh? Anyway, the "bug" isn't in the mod-- the "bug" is that the mod assumes the old behavior of water walking, and the behavior of water walking has changed. And it's not really a "bug", it's just an alternate way to interpret what water walking is supposed to do, so. The real problem is that Bethesda is changing behavior that already-published mods rely on without even giving mod creators even the courtesy of mentioning it in the patch notes. That's a pretty nasty thing to do. 04:35, 8 June 2012 (UTC)
Anon, try the fix that I used, if you play on PC (but without any waterwalking-altering mods. You'll see that the sinking animation still works like before, rather than walking normally on water. I'm pretty sure that, if you're using a WW mod, it updated because the author figured out how to make it work better. Vely►Talk►Email 15:26, 8 June 2012 (UTC)

Patch 1.6 Unlisted Features

I just installed Patch 1.6 and I've immediately noticed that there are either new, or newly enabled, finishing moves. In my particular case this is for two-handed weapons, which until this point have only had a single finishing move for each distinct enemy type (e.g - a brutal impaling move against humanoid enemies, leg-slice plus neck strike versus draugr etc.). Now there are new multiple chops, slashing strikes and possibly others, all for the humanoid enemies. Anyway, it seems to be an unlisted feature, worth noting? -- Haravikk 08:38, 9 June 2012 (UTC)

1.5 added the new kill cams, while 1.6 fixes issues with some kill cams not working properly and these fixes are listed. The Silencer has spokenTalk 11:32, 9 June 2012 (UTC)

Patch Version Added Mounted Combat (Xbox 360 Confirmed)

Just wanted to point out the patch that was released Saturady (If I remember right) added mounted combat. All weapons (One handed, Two Handed and Bows) can be used in mounted combat, Magic is still restricted and hasn't been added to mounted combat yet. SerHawk 22:17, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

Actually, that stuff was added in, which is marked on the page. Xbox users just didn't get an update until, which contained the older patch. Vely►Talk►Email 02:25, 11 June 2012 (UTC)
Yea, I read up about them being added back in the older patch on the PC or so. Just thought it should be updated possibly to show that it was added in for Xbox users. SerHawk 22:27, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

ive got a 1.6 glitch , can anyone help me to fix it ?

this morning , i had to log into steam to start playing , i decided to go online and it downloaded an update , so i let thinking an update would perhaps eliminate some glitches or somthing , well afterwards i played , i discovered i now have horseback combat , which is all good , BUT instead of fixing any bugs or glitches , it seems to have cause a huge one instead , now i cant play the game because any fire that i approach that looks like a draugr ruin fire glitches up and make my screen flash yellow , and my game go slow , making it unplayable ... why the hell did this happen ? and is there anyway to fix it ? ..... Thank you — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:05 on 12 June 2012 (UTC)

I don't know about that glitch but I am experiencing a minor one, everytime I start up skyrim and load the latest save, some dialogue for characters I have talked to resets, so when I speak to them, it is like I am speaking to them for the first time. 15:51, 15 June 2012 (UTC)

1.6 patch unarmed bug

After updating skyrim (360) to v1.6 for some reason the unarmed sneak attck animations stopped triggering. anyone having this issue? the reason being is because I'm playing as a Khajiit mage suited for both magic and unarmed combat but stealth while unarmed seems to be broken...— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:29 on 16 June 2012 (UTC)

I've noticed this too, and two handed can't do the throat cut sneak kill anymore either. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:20 on 22 June 2012

Patch 1.6 Nirnroot

Patch 1.6 should have fixed the nirnroot glow bug. But does the fix only stop additional layers from spawning or should it clean all the layers already in place? Because the nirnroot suns in my savegame stay if I disable the mod that deleted the glow layers. --Killfetzer 15:20, 24 June 2012 (UTC)

Patches don't always fix games already started. The Silencer speaksTalk 15:24, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
I know this. Therefore I ask if this is the case. --Killfetzer 15:30, 24 June 2012 (UTC)

"Dawnguard Quests Completed" Also On PC

I would just like to add that the "Dawnguard Quests Completed" field was also added to the PC as well. It was most likely added in patch -- 21:28, 24 June 2012 (UTC)

Thanks, though if anyone knows exactly which version added it, that would help. The Silencer speaksTalk 21:31, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
This information was added to Changes under Version by Croaker on 21:00, 19 June 2012 (UTC), but there is no indication to if it already had been added before that version or where Croaker have found the change. --MortenOSlash 15:47, 25 June 2012 (UTC)
I actually added the info under version, the Xbox 360 update. I have the Xbox 360 version of Skyrim, so I don't know if the "Dawnguard Quests Completed" field was added to an earlier version of the 1.6 patch. If it was, then maybe the "Add-Ons" option (also listed under was added earlier too. Croaker 16:46, 25 June 2012 (UTC)
If the dawnguard quests where added to PC they are at a minimum in 1.6.89 as 1.6.90 is only for the Xbox. The Xbox version includes all previous and will therefore include this. The add-on bar would be Xbox unless someone can confirm that it's also on the PC. Oh, and I moved the details down. The Silencer speaksTalk 17:30, 25 June 2012 (UTC)

New patch today?

I just now exited Skyrim (Steam version) and it appears that Skyrim is updating. Not exactly sure if it's a patch, but I think this is something to look into. 03:19, 2 July 2012 (UTC)

I have too some months ago observed apparently updating, and even posted about it here in talk:Patch, only to find out it was only the ordinary synchronising done on every start up and closing of Steam. --MortenOSlash 04:57, 2 July 2012 (UTC)
I'm very hopeful that they'll release patch 1.7 soon. I'm on 360 and Arivanya has commited suicide, not to mention BOTI was refusing to start before, and I'm very hopeful they will fix Arivanya and Tova's unnecessary attachements to triggering BOTI along with whatever else is blocking the quest from me. It would be nice if they'd add an alternate, guaranteed way to start the quest, like talking to Jorleif at any time and getting a dialogue option that triggers this quest every time. Or something like that that also allows pre-patch characters to do this quest. Every bug I've encountered so far could be worked around or corrected easily; except for the bugs with triggering this quest.--Playerseekingbugs 07:44, 22 July 2012 (UTC)
Patch was released today on Steam. If you are running many mods, you need to run BOSS, because the patch will rearrange all your mods in the loadorder. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:03 on 30 July 2012 (UTC)

Patch for PS3 released

Just uploaded the patch. No details yet. Will try it without unloading the previous patch first to see if it needs the previous patches uninstalled like 1.5 did. Philbert 14:42, 9 August 2012 (UTC)

The note is wrong. It, the patch, says 1.06, which I think is correct given the full patch name.--Br3admax 20:56, 9 August 2012 (UTC)
Yes, the patch update says the wrong number, if you look in the System page "in-game" it gives the correct version number as in this heading (that's where I got it.) It wraps 1.6 and 1.7 together. Why it lists wrong when the update occurs is unknown. Probably a typo by someone at Bethesda. Philbert 01:13, 12 August 2012 (UTC)
What effect does this patch have on the game? I've just downloaded it for PS3 and I haven't noticed any difference so far. Evileer 21:54, 27 August 2012 (UTC)
I have a few weeks playing it off and on and have not noticed any difference to the base game from patch 1.5 other than smoother kill scenes (maybe some new ones too.) I haven't tried the mounted combat yet - my guess is that's about all there is in the base game. Most issues were DLC support and Stream related (PC). Philbert 04:47, 31 August 2012 (UTC)
The most noticeable one you would see is the new Mounted Combat, where you can attack while riding a horse. Most of the updates are for bug patches to fix bugs that occur in game itself. Helenaannevalentine 04:52, 31 August 2012 (UTC)

Missing 1.6 Patch for PS3? Included in Patch 1.7?

I was looking through the 1.6 Patchnotes (Because it said 1.6 on my PS3, I know it was really 1.7, I saw. Just curious about 1.6), and I didn't see anything about it being added to PS3, period. Did they not even bother adding it for us? Do we not get 1.6? Or was 1.6 included in Patch 1.7? --Pupdude Shall Pwn You! (Talk) 02:28, 10 August 2012 (UTC)

It does not say 1.6, the patch says 1.06, but yes you get 1.7 and 1.6 in one patch, including mounted combat.--Br3admax 03:10, 10 August 2012 (UTC)
The 1.6 patch for XBox had some bugs that Bethesda worked out. Rather than release a buggy 1.6 on the PS3 community they held off the release until they got these fixed then released it as 1.7 to PS3 owners. I assume the XBox community either has already gotten or will get soon the 1.7 patch. Thus PS3 owners were saved the headaches of dealing with a buggy 1.6. For once I'm glad PS3 releases are 30 days after XBox. (Sorry XBox owners.) Philbert 01:23, 12 August 2012 (UTC)
That's pretty noble to think, but it was more like: Hey, Dawnguard set my PS3 on fire, it doesn't work, let's not spend $20,000 on a broken piece of dlc. And it is called 1.06 because it is the sixth patch released for the ps3. Besides this is to discuss the patch articles not the patch itself.--Br3admax 01:41, 12 August 2012 (UTC)

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