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The Fox
Location The Scholarium, Wing of the Gryphon, Honrich Tower, Riften, Broken Helm Hollow
Species Fox
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
The Fox

The Fox is a Daedric fox, and a companion of the Gryphon Luminary of Magic associated with the Scholarium.

Related QuestsEdit


After the completion of the Wing of the Gryphon you may talk to the Fox in the Gryphon's wing at any time:

"I can't wait until the rest of the wings are open again! I'll have so much more space to run.
Not that I couldn't get into the other wings before. It's just much easier when doors are unlocked."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Dragon:

"Ah, the Dragon! We can all learn something from her. Some of us more than others.
Me, for instance. I have a lot to learn. Please don't ask me to solve any of her riddles for you."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Netch:

"I don't want to say anything about the Netch! It could be in here. Floating. Listening to us. Right now!"

If spoken to after completing the Scribing questline:

"You did it! The … thing everyone wanted you to do. I forget.
Anyway, I'm happy to call you my friend!"

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

The Second Era of ScribingEdit

As you are closing the Door of the Wing of the Gryphon:

The Fox: "Hello? Oh no. Is someone there?"

The Wing of the GryphonEdit

As you dispel all wards at Honrich Tower:

The Fox: "Hey, wait! Don't be scared. I'm a friend! I think."

The Fox will reveal he stole the pages because he thought the members of the Mages Guild were intruders that have ill intentions against the Gryphon:

"Oh my gosh, I was right! You're trying to fix Ulfsild's library! You're trying to talk to the Gryphon aren't you?
I am so sorry about tearing all the pages out of that book."
So that was you. Why did you steal all the pages?
"I got excited! That happens sometimes. And it's what I'm good at. Stealing, I mean.
Let's start over. I'm the Fox! Ulfsild said one day people might try to break in. When I saw you sniffing around, I thought I'd try and protect my friend."
Nahlia and I are working with the Luminaries to restore the Scholarium.
"That's why I stopped hiding. When I got close I could smell the Indrik on you. If the Indrik thinks you're good, then you're good. That guy knows good.
I see now I was just holding you back. Let me make it up to you."
You'll give me back the pages for the fable?
"About that. I took quite the mouthful of pages? And then I dropped one when your friend, Nahlia was it? When she saw me.
So uh … I thought it best to hide the other pages near the other wards. Good news though, I hid one right here!"
All right, let's see it then.

If you talk to him before taking the pages:

"It's a little dirty. I can clean it off if you like? No, I … I've done enough already. You just take it."

After you took the pages:

The Fox: "Great! I've got my own way to get about, I'll see you at the next location."

You can talk to him before he disappears:

"You're doing fine. Trust me!"

After dispelling all the seals in the Riften:

The Fox: "The second key fragment! Look at you go!"

Speaking to him, he will talk a bit about the Gryphon before he tells you about the next page:

"You're so much quicker than I was expecting. I thought I'd have to come out and show you where it was.
I'm one step closer to talking to the Gryphon again!"
You and he are good friends?
"The best of friends! He's not … the best conversationalist right now? But just wait, when he's back to his normal self he'll be a joy to talk to.
Just one more key fragment to go."
Did you hide another page from the fable here?
"Oh. Right. Yes. So, I dropped it.
I was down by the water taking a drink when a great large cat spooked me. I didn't think cats got that big! I think it's still down there."
I'll go down and look, then.

With that, he will announce his leave:

The Fox: "Find the big cat by the water, and I bet that page will still be there. I believe in you!"

You can talk to him before he disappears:

"You're doing fine. Trust me!"

After dispelling all the seals in Broken Helm Hollow:

The Fox: "Wow. It's cold in here. Let's be quick."

With the last of the wards dispelled, he will meet you at the Wing of the Gryphon:

"That's three, right? You've really got a knack for this kind of thing! Is it possible … have you ever been a fox?"
Why are you asking?
"Where I come from folks become foxes and foxes become folks. It's a thing. I was just curious. Anyway!
You're so close to meeting the Gryphon! With this last page you should have the whole fable put back together."
I should be able to find the Gryphon's door then.
"Right! And good timing, all this jumping around has got my paws yelping.
You go find your door, I'll head back to the Gryphon, and we'll get him talking. Yay!"
I'll see you in the Wing of the Gryphon, then.

He will dig up the last page:

The Fox: "And dig dig dig. Here you go!"

You can talk to him before he disappears:

"Go on, last page. You're almost there!"

In the Wing of the Gryphon:

The Fox: "Hey, you made it! Gryphon, this is the new friend I was telling you about. They're going to help you out!"

You will learn that Ulfsild froze the Gryphon to prevent him from confronting Sheogorath. You will need to dispel the ward to free the Gryphon:

"Welcome to the Wing of the Gryphon! As you can see, the Gryphon himself isn't quite ready to talk just yet.
I've kept him company ever since the library disappeared. I'm not sure if he can hear me in there? But I talk to him every day."
What happened?
"You should've seen him. Wings spread so wide that he could block out the sun. The Gryphon was ready to take on Sheogorath all by himself!
Ulfsild was the one that stopped him, froze him here like this. To keep him safe."
Why did she freeze him?
"Ulfsild knew that in a fight between a Luminary and a Daedric Prince, the Gryphon would lose. He's probably mad at her.
But I'm grateful. I don't know what I would do if I didn't still have him around. And now you're here!"
What can I do?
"Ulfsild conjured up a mighty blizzard to freeze him, and hung the magic on a ward she left behind. You should be able to dispel it just like you do the other wards.
Just … just so you know, he might be a little grumpy? Sorry in advance."
I'll dispel the ward and free the Gryphon, then.

If you talk to him again:

"It should be easy enough to unmake the ward and free my friend. For you, at least!
Magic isn't my thing."

After dispelling the ward:

The Fox: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, easy! It's me! Remember? The Fox!"
The Gryphon: "I remember you, my friend. Don't worry. I've just been holding that in a long, long time."

You can talk to him:

"You did it! I haven't been this happy since I got stuck in that barrel of fermented figs. Ooh, ooh! I made such a mess.
Anyway, go talk to him! Go, go! Shoo!"

You can then ask him some questions:

"Sorry again about ripping up the fable. Hopefully my slobber didn't mess up the magic.
I wouldn't know what to do if it did. Maybe … more slobber? No no no, that can't be right."
Can I ask you some questions?
"You want to ask me questions about me? I mean, I'm just a little guy.
What do you want to know, what can I tell you?"
Are you a Luminary, like the Gryphon?
"Oh, I. Hahahaha. No, no, no, no, no. How could you confuse me with a Luminary? We're nothing alike.
I'm a talking fox."
That's why I'm asking if you're a Luminary.
"Nope! I'm from a place where lots of people look like me. Or birds, or deer, lots of wolves. Deep forests and a night sky that goes on forever. The only bad part?
Sometimes the horns of the hunt sound, and we all have to run for our lives."
Are you from Hircine's Realm? The Hunting Grounds?
"Oh, you know it? It's an incredible place, isn't it? I've talked to beings from other Daedric realms, and it sounds like those Princes ask a lot of their subjects.
Hircine's not like that, he's a great Prince. As long as you don't get caught."
How did you and the Gryphon become friends?
"That's a funny story! The Gryphon is a great hero, and he was trying to protect some people in a little village. There was a war on, Elves coming from the west.
I was there because the local baker made this incredible honey bread and barrow-cheese."
You were stealing food?
"No! The baker and I were friends, he fed me sometimes. Anyway, I was just about to bite into a loaf when some soldiers broke into his home.
I tried to defend him but, look at me. That's when the roof came off and the Gryphon put his whole head in!"
So the Gryphon saved you from these Elven soldiers.
"Yes! I was so grateful I brought him sweets and trinkets for weeks! No matter how hard he asked me not to.
Eventually he realized how handy it is to have a little guy like me around, and we've been buddies ever since!"
How were you able to get into the Gryphon's domain if the door was closed?
"Oh, that's easy. I just sniff my way around. Ulfsild always said I had a nose that could find a sweetroll in the Deadlands. I just close my eyes and trust my snout.
That's how I got into the library, and the Gryphon's domain."
Can you go anywhere you want?
"Well, there's plenty of places I've never been. But if the fabric of the realm is thin enough, and the scent is strong enough, I can nuzzle my way through.
Pretty handy for steal—I mean, finding—fun little trinkets."

If spoken to after placing the fable on the dais, but before speaking with the Gryphon:

"Poor guy, look at how tense he is.
Don't worry, he's a really good person when he's not mad about being frozen solid for centuries."

If spoken to after speaking with the Gryphon:

"He's got you doing safeguards for him? See? He likes you!"

You may still ask him the same set of questions as before.

After reading the safeguards of the Gryphon:

"The Gryphon has always been quick to the point. Righting wrongs and bringing you along to do it. Look at him go.
Still shivering in his feathers and he's almost back to his old self!"

You may still ask him the same set of questions as before.

After you return, but before you speak to the Gryphon:

"You've done it! I knew you would! I could smell it on you.
And grapes, but that might just be what I ate for breakfast."

After speaking to the Gryphon:

"We've barely thawed out the Gryphon and now we're going on an adventure to steal magic from Daedric Princes! Isn't that exciting?
Oh, oh, I'd better start some stretches. Don't want to cramp up."
Wait, we're stealing magic from Daedric Princes?
"He didn't mention where we were going? Hehe. Silly Gryphon.
You and I are going to sneak into the realms of Hermaeus Mora, Mehrunes Dagon, and Nocturnal. We'll make away with some of their precious creatia and steal it back here!"
How are we going to do that?
"All we have to do is find somewhere the connection between Nirn and a Daedric realm is thin enough for me to wiggle through.
Like digging a tunnel from one den to another. Easy!"
Why are we sneaking into these realms?
"All right mister/miss big tough adventurer. I know for you going to a Daedric realm is like going to a corner bakery to buy some bread.
But the places we'll be going are being watched. We have to be … subtle. And subtle is my middle name!"
I see. Where are these thin connections you mentioned?

You can further ask him about the creatia you are stealing from the Daedric Princes:

"You and I are heading to Rootwater Grove in Greenshade, Dawnbreak in Auridon, and an old fort called Faldar's Tooth in the Rift. Oh, and … make sure you bring some lockpicks.
Another adventure. With you! This is going to be so much fun!"
What are we stealing from the Daedric Princes?
"I think it's called chreesha? Creatia? It's the stuff that the Daedric Princes use to make their realms.
I just have to follow my nose!"
You're going to follow your nose to this creatia?
"I spent a lot of time with the Gryphon while he was frozen. But not all the time. He wasn't holding up his end of conversations.
I would kind of take myself on walks, and I learned a lot over the years. Like, well, what raw creatia smells like."
Hermaeus Mora? Where are we stealing his creatia?
"The Prince of Knowledge sent tentacles deep into the ground beneath Rootwater Grove. That'll let me wiggle my way into a part of Apocrypha called the Obscured Forum.
He has a little bit of creatia tucked away in there. Smells like … old books?"
What's Apocrypha like? (If you never met Hermaeus Mora before)
"Do you like books? Because if you do, Apocrypha is the place for you! Books as far as the eye can see!
Let's just hope we can keep a low profile over there. Hermaeus Mora has so many eyes!"
I've worked with Hermaeus Mora. (If you helped Hermaeus Mora in the Necrom questline)
"Oh! You worked with a Daedric Prince? That's so neat! I um. I bet that was exciting. Did you get to shake his tentacles…or.
Anyway, hopefully we'll still be able to keep a low profile over there."
Where are we stealing creatia from Mehrunes Dagon?
"Bad guys that follow Dagon burned the town of Dawnbreak, thinning the barrier between Auridon and the Deadlands.
We'll slip through to this fortress called Ardent Hope. The creatia the Prince has stashed there … oof. Smells burny! Like sulfur!"
What are the Deadlands like? (If you never met Mehrunes Dagon before)
"There's a lot of fire, and Dremora soldiers, and … ash. That's about it. I've only been there a few times because it's only either boring or terrifying with almost nothing in between.
Let's just hope we don't draw much attention."
I've fought against Dagon before. (If you stopped Mehrunes Dagon in the Blackwood questline)
"Oh my gosh! How did you survive? How do you still have your eyebrows? That's amazing.
Listen, we should try to avoid drawing his attention while we're there. Whatever you did to fight him before…don't do that while we're there."
We're stealing creatia from Nocturnal? Where?
"I had to really sniff hard for a place I could wriggle through to the Evergloam. Faldar's Tooth is full of cultists … and their prayers did the trick. I hope!
I can sniff, very faintly, some creatia. It smells spooky, like an old mansion!"
What is Evergloam like? (If you never met Nocturnal before)
"Dark and full of shadows. Scary things around every corner, it seems like. It's all the worst parts of a Witches Festival party wrapped up in one place.
When we get there I'll stick close to the entrance. You try not to get caught!"
I've gone up against Nocturnal in the past. (If you have stopped Nocturnal in the Summerset questline)
"You went up against the Lady of Shadows? And survived? Whoa, amazing. Listen, I kind of hate Evergloam. Too spooky for me.
I'll stay close to our entrance and you just try not to get caught, okay?"

As you arrive to the Rootwater Grove:

"I know this place doesn't look all that bookish, but Hermaeus Mora is actually digging around here somewhere below us!
Never mind that. What's important is we're here because Apocrypha is close. So close I can smell the ink!"
What do I have to do in Hermaeus Mora's realm?
"The Daedric Prince of Secrets knows how to hide stuff. He's always doing projects, the Gryphon says, so he's always using creatia.
We just have to be as crafty as he is! Lucky for us, you've got that lens Ulfsild made all those years ago."
So I just need to use the lens to find the creatia?
"With the lens you should be able to find your way! Just watch out for weird Apocrypha magic.
And traps. Hermaeus Mora loves traps. Don't worry, I believe in you!"
I'll watch my step.
What are we stealing from the Daedric Princes?
(Repeats previous dialogue)

Inside the Obscured Forum:

The Fox: "Over there, friend! A spot to use your lens!"

Before you use the lens:

"You're doing fine. Trust me!"

After using the lens, you will follow him to the area where the creatia is located:

The Fox: "This note smells like the nearby room, we must be getting close!"

In Dawnbreak:

"It makes sense, the way to the Deadlands being in a burnt-up village.
I decided to hide up here until you arrived. I'm being careful, see?"
Good job. What do I have to do in Mehrunes Dagon's realm? / What do I have to do in Mehrunes Dagon's realm?
"You're looking for local creatia, a big splinter kept safe by his Dremora soldiers.
Only problem is, you'll need a spellforged key to unlock it. That chest is unpickable. You can't pick it!"
So I need to find the key, find the chest, and steal the creatia.
"Yes! You're so smart. Just search through other chests of treasure till you find the spellforged key.
Oh! And don't lick the fiery creatia. I made that mistake once and my tongue was numb for a month!"
I think I can manage that.
What are we stealing from the Daedric Princes?
(Repeats previous dialogue)

Inside Ardent Hope:

The Fox: "Good job! Over here! The creatia is just through this door, I can smell it!"

Inside Faldar's Tooth:

The Fox: "You're here! The wall is thinnest at the back of the ruin. I'll see you there!"

You will head to the south of the delve, where the Fox will be waiting for you:

"You made it! Sorry about all the cobwebs and cult guys, but this is the closest I could get us to Nocturnal's realm. Let's make this quick so we can get out of here."
What do I need to do in Nocturnal's realm?
"Nocturnal can shape the night. So spooky! As they roam, the spirits of Evergloam gather up that shadowstuff.
Some of them have even gathered enough to make a snarl of creatia! That's what we're after, here. Shadowy creatia."
How do I get the creatia?
"Make like the locals and stick to the shadows. You should be able to pickpocket the creatia right out of their … shadowstuff. Whatever they're made of. I know you can do it.
You could kill them, but they didn't really do anything to us. You know?"
All right, let's get in there.
What are we stealing from the Daedric Princes?
(Repeats previous dialogue)

When you are back at the Wing of the Gryphon:

"We make a pretty good team! Not as good as Gryphon and I, but still. Not too shabby.
I'm glad you're trying to restore the scholum. The scholur. Ulfsild's library."

After you spoke with the Gryphon:

"What are you waiting for? Take that shiny, shiny sigil. You've earned it!"

After claiming the sigil:

"The altar won't do … you know, more altar things, unless you go imbue the Gryphon's power into the altar.
That's outside. In the main hall. Go!"

If you spoke to Nahlia but haven't turn in the quest yet, he will say:

"The Gryphon and Nahlia are so much alike! It's like the Gryphon's a knight. Or Nahlia is a gryphon.
Wait. Is Nahlia a gryphon?"

After placing the sigil but before completing the quest:

"You did so good! Congratulations! Any time you're up for stealing more stuff from Daedric Princes, just let me know.
Just don't tell the Gryphon all right?"

The Wing of the CrowEdit

After reaching the Crow's Labyrinthian's exterior:

Votary Nahlia: "Beautiful! But I'd bet that's a quick trip down."
The Fox: "Hello friends! You're not meant to go straight down. That's why I'm here!"

You can talk to him:

"It's you! Hi! It's me! When the Gryphon told me you'd entered the Crow's wing I knew you needed me.
After all, Ulfsild told me you would! I'm supposed to help you get past this next bit."
Ulfsild told you to help me?
"Yes! See, just like your knight said we're pretty high up in the air. The way forward is on the far side of this maze chasm thing.
The path to get there is very narrow. And invisible. And mostly marked by scent. But that's why I'm here!"
How are you going to help me find the path?
"There are a couple of wards along the way. You reveal and break them, and I can dig, dig, dig to reveal the path. Easy!
Remember, we have to move quick. And uh … don't look down."
Let's get going, then.

As you approach the path:

The Fox: "I can sniff out the path as you break the wards."
The Fox: "Dig, dig, dig. Here's a focal point to start you off. Watch your step!"

As you follow:

The Fox: "Follow close and go quick! This is so fun!"
The Fox: "Nice! We should be able to make it to the next platform."
Votary Nahlia: "Thank Magnus, solid ground. Are we done?"
The Fox: "We're done with the first half, yup! Get ready for part two!"

If you fall down while following him:

The Fox: "Wait, the path isn't down there! Come back!"

After entering the second part of the path:

The Fox: "Off we go! Keep up, and eyes out for those wards!"
The Fox: "We're doing great! Keep it up!"
The Fox: "Sorry friends, we're almost there. Almost done."
The Fox: "Aww, we made it. We were so high up, that was so much fun. You did great!"
The Fox: "This is where I leave you. I know you can do it! Good luck!"

If you speak to him while crossing the bridge:

"We need to get across quick as we can. If your Ulfsild-lens-sight-thing runs out we might get stuck.
And that would be bad!"

You can talk to him again before you part ways:

"I believe in you! I'll see you when you make it back to the Scholarium! Yeah!"

