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Online:The Farmer's Champion

< Elder Scrolls Online: Quests: The Rift / Side Quests
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Quick Summary: written by Jeancey, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, checked by MolagBallet

Save the survivors of a Worm Cult attack.
Zone: The Rift
Objective: Treva's Farm — Help the survivors of Treva's Farm.
Quest Giver: Ollslid, southwest of the farm
Fjorolfa, southeast of the farm
Irna, at a barn in the middle of the farm
Stablehand north of the farm
Location(s): Treva's Farm, Mammoth Ridge
Concurrent Quest: Soul Harvest
Reward: Gjakil's Shoulder Cops
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 3923
Find Irna's family
The residents of Treva's Farm have fled. A Worm Cult attack drew the attention of nearby giants. The besieged farmers ran for their lives.
I found a dead farmer with a note requesting aid for Treva's Farm. Treva fears the Worm Cult is going to attack. [If accepted from the Stablehand]

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Irna.
  2. Find Centurion Gjakil.
  3. Find Fridda and Gretsine.
  4. Challenge Chieftain Bomaz.
  5. Talk to Gjakil.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

The Worm Cult has slaughtered those at Treva's Farm. The farm's matron, Irna, is worried about her family. The Worm Cult murdered her father and some stablehands, and trapped their souls to fuel some horrific rites. She asks that you search for her husband and daughters, as she's afraid to go outside on her own. She warns you to be careful, as the blood has attracted the attention of a pride of sabre cats. They may impede you on your quest.

Start your search by heading north along the road. You'll find Irna's husband, Centurion Gjakil, lying injured on the ground. If you've met him previously, he recognizes you, and asks you to search for his daughters. Gjakil is wounded, and can't search for them by himself. You'll find his first daughter, Fridda, on top of a few large rocks north of Gjakil's location. She tells you that her sister, Gretsine, is in the cave to the west, and asks that you check on her. Fridda heard fighting after Gretsine hid in the cave, and is worried something terrible may have happened to her sister.

Defeat the giants' chieftain

Enter the cave to the west and reassure Gretsine that everything is fine. She tells you that the Worm Cult's attack riled up the nearby giant camp, and that they're preparing to attack the farm. She asks you to accompany her outside, as she doesn't want to be alone if any giants are out there. Head west out of the cave and reunite Gretsine with her family. Gjakil, Irna and Fridda are standing near a dead mammoth.

Speak with Gjakil about the situation. Gjakil says that the only way to stop the giants from invading is to defeat their chieftain. He's shocked when you volunteer to do it, and leads you north to the giant's camp. The giants take treasures from slain invaders, and directs your attention towards a drum in the treasure pile. Beating that drum should attract the giant chieftain's attention. You can persuade Gjakil to give you Treva's Mammoth Horn, which can stun mammoths when blown. He notes that the horn is very old, and can only be used once before it breaks.

Beat on the drum, and the giant chieftain's mammoth, Rachaer, tromps down the hill. If you have Treva's Mammoth Horn, you can stun it once to give you a bit of an edge in battle. After the mammoth is dead, Gjakil's family comes up the hill to witness the battle, and Chieftain Bomaz arrives to face you.

Many of the chieftain's attacks are slow, and you can clearly see when he's winding up to swing his club. Dodge his slow attacks whenever you can, and defeat Chieftain Bomaz. When the deed is done, speak to Gjakil. His family is safe, and he rewards you for your selfless deeds.

Quest StagesEdit

The Farmer's Champion
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should check on Treva's Farm and look for someone who can shed light on the chilling note.
Objective: Investigate Treva's Farm
(If you accepted the quest from a dead stablehand)
The farm's matron is apparently hiding inside the barn. I should find her and speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Irna
(If you accepted the quest from Ollslid or Fjorolfa)
  Irna asked that I find her family in the countryside surrounding Treva's Farm. I should start by looking for her husband, Gjakil.
Objective: Find Gjakil
Centurion Gjakil told me that Fridda ran further into the hills near Treva's Farm. Hopefully, she'll know where to find Gretsine.
Objective: Find Fridda
Once I've entered the cave Fridda mentioned, I should look for Gretsine.
Objective: Find Gretsine
Gjakil, wounded but unbroken, stands outside the cave. Gretsine said he might know what to do about the impending giant attack. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Centurion Gjakil
I need to follow Centurion Gjakil up the hill to the giant's encampment.
Objective: Follow Centurion Gjakil
I need to challenge the giant chieftain to combat. Only by proving the farm's strength can I keep Gjakil and his family safe. The captain suggests I beat the nearby drum to call out the chieftain.
Objective: Kill Chieftain Bomaz

Centurion Gjakil may have tips on defeating the giant chieftain.

Objective Hint: Talk to Centurion Gjakil
Objective Hint: Beat the Tribal Drum
Finishes quest  I defeated the giant chieftain. I should speak with Centurion Gjakil [sic]
Objective: Talk to Centurion Gjakil
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.