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Online:Shadow Fang

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Shadow Fang
Location Last chambers of Cradle of Shadows
Race Spiderkith Gender Male
Health Normal19,647Veteran52,657 (Mephala's Descent)
Normal14,735Veteran39,492 (Velidreth's Lair)
Reaction Hostile Class Nightblade
Shadow Fang

Shadow Fangs are Spiderkith nightblades fought in Cradle of Shadows. They will chase you in Velidreth's Lair as you attempt to return to the center.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Veiled Strike
The enemy cloaks, becoming untargetable by most attacks, and prepares to slash the target. This attack does moderate physical damage and will stun the target briefly. This attack can be blocked to set the enemy off balance.
Teleport Strike
When standing further away from them, the enemy teleports and stabs the target, dealing moderate physical damage.
Roll Dodge
The enemy can roll dodge to avoid attacks.


During the fight against Velidreth, the Shadow Fangs will ambush the players after being vanished to the catacombs if they did not pick up the atronach's torch.

Shadow Fang "For Mephala, and the Skein!"
Shadow Fang "Blood for the Spinner!"
Shadow Fang "(?)"
Shadow Fang "No one escapes the web!"