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Online:Legionary Calvo Dorso

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Legionary Calvo Dorso
Location Fort Colovia
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower During The Silent Bell
Faction(s) West Weald Legion
Legionary Calvo Dorso

Legionary Calvo Dorso is an Imperial and recent recruit to the West Weald Legion from Ontus. He can be found outside Fort Colovia with the other survivors of the Dark Company's attack on the fort.

He has little skill with weapons, but was being trained as an aide-de-camp and feels he has something to prove.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You can find him with Captain Dromius Terrus and the other legionaries, who will be discussing what happened to the fort. If you talk to Legionary Calvo before the captain:

"You're here to help, right? Those bandits came out of nowhere. We barely escaped. But you should talk to the captain."

Speaking with Captain Dromius, he will explain what happened and asks you to go with Legionary Calvo to collect the cohort's payroll and the legion communique which contains the current chime sequence for the bell tower. The latter will be required to ring bells in sequence to call for Legion reinforcements.

Once you have started the quest, Calvo will head to the side entrance:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "I won't let you down, captain. This way, friend!"
Legionary Adamus Remarque: "I don't think he'll survive."

When he is at the entrance, he will remark:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Bears. They can be sly and sneaky, so be on your guard."

You can ask him some questions before you enter:

"Don't worry, friend. I can lead you to the communique, the bell tower key, and the cohort payroll. All part of my training as the captain's aide-de-camp.
This passage isn't used much, so it should be mostly clear. Well, except for the bears."
Did you say there are bears in the passage?
"Like I said, we don't use it very often. And the bears have to live somewhere, right?
Um, you should also know … I'm not much of a warrior. Never had much use for fighting back in Ontus, and we haven't gotten very far with my training."
You're in the Imperial Legion. Isn't fighting part of the job?
"Yes, but we only arrived here to begin our training a few days ago. Before that, I worked at the ranch in Ontus. An older friend who I admired, Marius Gallo, was the hero of the town. Everyone was so proud when he joined the Legion."
Is that what made you sign up?
"In part. But I also wanted to set things right. I admired Marius, but he abandoned his post in Cyrodiil and hasn't been seen since. They call him the Ontus coward. The deserter. I want to prove that not all the people from my town are like that."

Once inside the side passage, you will follow it to the fort proper.

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "We need to reach the north, south, and east sections of the fort to find the items."
Legionary Calvo Dorso: "I was so nervous when the captain handed me the payroll, I hid it in a barrel in the camp at the north end of the river."

You can speak with him again during this and ask about the items you are looking for:

"Remember, we need to find the communique with the proper chime sequence, the key to the bell tower, and the cohort payroll.
Just keep an eye out for those bandits. And the bears."
And you know where we need to go to find these items?
"More or less. I marked the approximate locations on your map, but it happened so fast. As aide-de-camp, those items were my responsibility. When the captain sounded the retreat, I hid each of them on the way out.
Now we need to recover them."
Did you say there are bears in the passage? (Same as above conversation)

Along the path, he will recognise the body of one of his fellow recruits:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Oh no, Florentina! Why did they have to kill her?"

Once you reach a small camp in the northern part of the map, where the Fort Colovia Cohort Payroll was hidden:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "The barrel where I stashed the payroll should be around here."

When you come across Legionary Olcinius' body beside the river:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Olcinius was a good soldier. I hope he took a few of them with him!"

When you find Legionary Livius:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Poor Livius! We didn't like each other, but no one deserves such a fate."

Once you enter the through the broken wall into the fort:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "These deserters turned bandits have no honor! They killed legionaries for no good reason!"

When you reach the library hall where Legionary Calvo stashed the Legion Communique:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "I was in this hall when the fort was attacked. I hid the communique in an ash pile in the fireplace before I joined the retreat."

As you approach the stables to the south, Legionary Calvo will talk about the Bell Tower Key:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "On my way out, I tossed the bell tower key in a stack of hay in the southern stables."

After you collect the first item:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "That's one of the items the captain sent us for. Let's keep going!"

After you collect the second item:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "I'm glad I remembered where I stashed that. Only one thing left to find!"

Once you have found all three items:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Now that we have the sequence, the key, and the payroll, we need to reach the bell tower! It's on the west side of the fort."

With all the items, you can talk to Legionary Calvo before going to the tower:

"All right, we have the payroll, the chime sequence, and the tower key. We need to reach the top of the bell tower on the west side of the fort and sound the bell chimes in the proper order.
We made it this far. I can keep going if you can."
What do you mean, sound the bell chimes in the proper order?
"It's all in the communique we recovered. Just ring the bell in the prescribed fashion and that will alert the rest of the Legion that there's a problem at Fort Colovia.
We can do this, friend! I know we can!"

While approaching the tower:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Almost there. Just a little farther and then we can ring the warning bell!"

If the delve boss Deserter Marius Gallo is outside the tower while you are with Legionary Calvo, Calvo will recognize his old friend:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Marius? You're with these … these … deserters?"
Deserter Marius Gallo: "Where's the Legion's gold? Tell me!"

Once Deserter Marius Gallo is killed:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "So it was true. Marius Gallo, hero of Ontus … a deserter and a bandit."

When enter the Fort Colovia Bell Tower:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "We made it! We actually made it!"
<Legionary Calvo runs up the tower's stairs and calls down to you.>
Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Up here, friend!"

Once you are at the top of the tower with the bells:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "Just ring the bell in the proper sequence and the alert will be sounded."

Speaking with him before doing that:

"Just ring the bell in the proper sequence and that will alert the rest of the Legion."

When you do this, Legionary Calvo will tell you to go back to report to the captain, while he stays behind:

Legionary Calvo Dorso: "I never thought I'd be so happy to hear the ringing of a bell!"
Legionary Calvo Dorso: "You take the payroll and report back to the captain. I'll continue to ring the bell until help arrives."

You have the option of talking to him about this before leaving:

"The communique says we need to keep ringing the proper sequence at set intervals until we receive a response or help arrives.
That responsibility falls to me now. I'll bar the door once you're gone."
Are you sure you want to stay here, Calvo?
"I can't fight like you, but this? This I can do. I'll stay until I'm relieved of my post by the Legion or the bandits. Whoever reaches me first.
Maybe this will show everyone that the people of Ontus aren't all cowards and deserters."
Stay safe, Legionary Calvo.

You can then leave the tower by jumping down the ruins, and then report back to Captain Dromius.


After the quest is completed, you can still find him in the tower if you return:

"Do you think the Legion can hear the bells?"

When Calvo enters combat in Fort Colovia his dialogue will reflect his abundance of fear and lack of training:

"Oh! I surrender!"
"Please, spare me!"
"I don't want to die!"
"Mercy! I'm too young to die!"