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Online:Captain Dromius Terrus

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Captain Dromius Terrus
Location Outside Fort Colovia
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) West Weald Legion

Captain Dromius Terrus is an Imperial member of the West Weald Legion who can be found outside Fort Colovia. He was the one that lead the small group of surviving recruits out of the fort when it was attacked by the Dark Company.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You can find him with Legionary Calvo Dorso and the other legionaries, who will be discussing what happened to the fort.

Talk to the Captain Dromius to learn more:

"You're no legionary. But I don't think you're one of those bandits, either. And you're certainly not one of my raw recruits.
So, care to take on a commission from the captain of Fort Colovia?"
What sort of commission do you have in mind?
"Bandits. Deserters from the war in Cyrodiil who united to pillage the countryside. They appeared in numbers too great for my small cohort of raw recruits to deal with.
I could use someone competent and experienced to help me out."
What kind of help are you looking for?
"It happened so fast, the Legion has no idea we're in trouble. I need someone to accompany Legionary Calvo inside, reach the bell tower, and ring the warning signal.
If you're willing to take the job, Calvo can show you where to find what you need."
I'll accompany Legionary Calvo into the fort and ring the warning signal for you.
"Legionary Calvo can get you into the fort through a side passage and guide you inside.
You need to find the communique that contains the current chime sequence, the key to the bell tower, and then grab our payroll before those deserters find it."

Before you continue, you ask Captain Dromius some questions:

Why do you think these deserters took control of Fort Colovia?
"In better days, Fort Colovia was a prominent stronghold for the region. Even protected gold from the Imperial Treasury on its way to distant parts of the empire. But that was a long time ago. Now the place is rundown and used to train new recruits."
So you think the deserters came looking for Imperial gold?
"I didn't get a chance to ask them, but that makes the most sense. Unfortunately, all they'll find is the meager payroll for my cohort—unless you can get it first.
Just make sure you grab the proper sequence and ring that damn bell."
What happens if the bell isn't rung in the proper sequence?
"Then whichever Legion stronghold hears the chimes won't consider it a call for aid, and we won't get the reinforcements we need to take back the fort.
Look, my recruits may not be seasoned yet, but they've got promise. We just need a little help."
Tell me more about Legionary Calvo.
"Calvo is brave to a fault and shows a wagon full of promise, but I barely started training this batch of recruits when the deserters attacked.
He's still weak as a bantam guar and doesn't know which side of the sword to point at an enemy, but …."
"Calvo thinks he has something to prove. I was training him to become the cohort's aide-de-camp. He knows exactly where to find the items you need.
He's not my best fighter or scout, but he's dedicated and can direct you to the three items."
I was sent here by Commandant Salerius to destroy crates of misprinted invitations. (If you currently have the A Calamitous Error quest)
"You see what the once-important Fort Colovia has been reduced to? Where once we protected the wealth of the empire, now we watch over invitations to the count's gala.
Do whatever you want in there, as long as you also ring the bell."

With Legionary Calvo Dorso, you go into the fort and recover the payroll and the current chime sequence. During this, you will learn about the reasons why Calvo was desperate to become a legionary. Near the base of the Bell Tower, you will find the leader of the group, Deserter Marius Gallo who Legionary Calvo will recognize as someone who came from the same town as him.

Once you are in the tower, Legionary Calvo will opt to stay back to ring the bells in sequence until reinforcements come, or he is stopped by the bandits. You then can leave the fort by jumping from the tower and meet with Captain Drominus.

Talk with him to complete the quest:

"From the sound of the bell, I assume your mission was successful, soldier. Were you able to recover the cohort's payroll as well? And where's Legionary Calvo?"
Here's the payroll. Calvo stayed behind to repeat the chime sequence at the required intervals.
"He did, did he? I knew the lad was brave and had something to prove, but this is beyond the call of duty for a raw recruit. If he survives until the reinforcements get here, I may just have to promote him.
But why do you think he did it?"
Legionary Calvo was mostly useless in there, so he volunteered to remain behind and ring the bell.
"Hard to expect more from a raw recruit, but I'm glad he stepped up in the end. I'd say you inspired him, but I think he had it in him from the beginning. He just needed to believe in himself and take the leap."
Legionary Calvo wanted to prove that a son of Ontus was as loyal and courageous as anyone else.
"That coward of Ontus nonsense again? I told Calvo just to ignore the insults, but he couldn't let it go.
Still, there's no doubt he's got courage. I just hope he survives long enough for us to show him how much we appreciate his efforts."
Legionary Calvo demanded to stay behind. He felt it was his duty to the Legion and his cohort.
"His duty? He's practically a hero! We'll make a legionary out of him yet!
If he survives ringing the warning bell, I have a feeling he'll be one of the best of us someday."

No matter your choice, the conversation will continue the same. If you leave and return to the conversation at this point:

"I suppose all that remains is for us to wait for reinforcements to arrive. And to pay you for the assistance you rendered to us today."
How long before the Legion reinforcements arrive?
"That's an excellent question. It depends on which cohorts are nearby and what else they may be dealing with. I hear we've been having trouble with Wood Elves and Daedra recently, you know.
Here's the payment I promised, courtesy of the Legion."

After you have completed the quest, you can speak with the captain some more:

"No sign of reinforcements yet. I hope Calvo can hold out a bit longer."
You don't think you can take back the fort on your own?
"With a handful of untrained legionaries? Not hardly! But we'll hold this position and wait for reinforcements. And as long as we can hear the bell ringing, we know that Legionary Calvo is still with us."
I could help you try to retake it.
"Thank you but no. I'm not willing to risk any more lives against those bandits—not even yours. Not when the alert has been sounded and reinforcements are on the way.
They'll be here. Eventually. Then we'll show those deserters what for!"
Legionary Calvo recognized the leader of the bandits. It was Marius Gallo.
"The legionary from Ontus who abandoned his post? It was rumored that he had deserted the Legion, but we weren't completely sure. Now we know.
I hope this is a burden off Calvo's shoulders—provided he survives."