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Online:Dralys Athren

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Dralys Athren
Location Emerald Glyphic Vault
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Sodality of the Eye
Dralys Athren

Dralys Athren is a Dark Elf follower of Hermaeus Mora and member of the Sodality of the Eye. He can first be encountered in the Emerald Glyphic Vault.

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You will be recruited by Leramil the Wise to recover the Emerald Glyphic from the vault of the same name, which is guarded by the Sodality of the Eye. However, once you enter the vault you find the initiates are being attacked by the Dusksabers. You fight your way through the vault to the glyphic where you find Dralys Athren standing next to it.

Dralys guarding the Emerald Glyphic

He calls out once he notices you:

Dralys Athren: "Ah, fate's chosen! Good. I thought I'd have to fend off another assault on the glyphic."

Speak with Dralys to see what is going on:

"The Great Eye sent us visions. Told us to protect the Emerald Glyphic until his chosen agent arrived to claim it. But our order doesn't have many warriors. These vampires overwhelmed my fellow believers before we could marshal a proper defense."
You had a vision about me? Who are you?
"We receive many visions from the Great Eye. It's how he makes his will known to the faithful. I am Dralys, a devotee of the Sodality of the Eye. We were told to protect the glyphic until you arrived to claim it.
I also acquired this letter."
Is the letter important?
"I have no idea. I took it from one of the vampires, but it's written in some sort of code.
You're working with Leramil the Wise, aren't you? One of the Great Eye's favored mortals … despite her lack of faith. She might be able to decipher it."
All right, I'll give the letter to Leramil. But what's that glow around the Emerald Glyphic?
"A protective shield placed by a powerful priest of the Sodality. It has stymied the vampire mercenaries so far, as only fate's chosen may pass through it and take the glyphic. I suggest you do so with all due haste, friend."
All right, I'll take the Emerald Glyphic.

Once you agree to take the Glyphic you can continue to talk with Dralys:

"Hurry, friend. You can't assist the Great Eye without the Emerald Glyphic. Take it and depart before more of these mercenaries arrive.
Just … be cautious of Leramil. Her thirst for knowledge doesn't preclude her from being the threat foreseen."
Why do you think Leramil may be part of the threat foreseen?
"It's a suspicion, nothing more. The Sodality of the Eye recently learned that some who profess to have the Great Eye's best interests at heart are actually working to undermine Apocrypha. Is Leramil among them? I can't prove that … not yet."
Why are these vampires trying to get the Emerald Glyphic?
"The Dusksabers are mercenaries from the Telvanni Peninsula. Someone hired them to reach the Emerald Glyphic and acquire it before fate's chosen could do the same.
I don't know who they work for, but the letter I gave you may hold the answer."
Tell me about this place and your order, Dralys.
"The Sodality of the Eye is a small fellowship devoted to the Great Eye. Who you call Hermaeus Mora. He directed us to guard this vault until you arrived, and we have fulfilled our mandate—despite the deaths of so many of the devoted."

When you stop speaking with him, Dralys will take his leave:

Dralys Athren: "May the Great Eye keep you in his sight, chosen. If I learn more of this threat, I'll contact you."
<Dralys walks away and leaves through a portal.>

After you have recovered the Emerald Glyphic, you can return through a portal to meet with Leramil in Dune. You tell her about Dralys' suspicions, which she dismisses. You then look around for the local followers of Mora to find the location of a particular shrine you will need to bring the collected glyphics to. You soon find that many of these followers are being killed, and you are directed to meet with Naraheida.

When you arrive at Naraheida's Camp, you find Dralys kneeling over a dying Naraheida:

<Naraheida struggles to say something before slumping down and dying.>
Dralys Athren: "Appears we both arrived too late, friend."

You can then speak with Dralys to learn what he has been doing. He will still be convinced Leramil is the traitor:

"As soon as I learned of more threats against the faithful, I came as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, I arrived too late to save Naraheida.
I'm glad you're here, though. I wanted to tell you what I uncovered concerning the traitor, Leramil."
Why do you think Leramil is a traitor?
"I'm not at liberty to divulge the secrets of my order, but I can tell you that Leramil plans to use the glyphics to betray the Great Eye. And Naraheida whispered, "Leramil is the doom of Apocrypha" with her dying breath.
What more proof do you need?"
I was hoping Naraheida could tell me the location of the Shrine of the Golden Eye.
"I can help with that. The faithful in this region tell a riddle. 'Where claw meets prey, beneath open air in stone shows the way.' I believe it refers to the location I marked on your map.
Just remember, stay alert around Leramil."
Thanks for the information, Dralys.

You can continue speaking with Dralys to learn more information as he will leave as soon as you stop talking to him:

"May the Great Eye lead you safely to the Shrine of the Golden Eye, chosen."
Is there a difference between the Great Eye and the Golden Eye?
"Hermaeus Mora answers to many names. More than the blades of grass in these fields. I belong to the Sodality of the Eye, and we revere the Great Eye.
The Golden Eye is a different sect. We are not so many, however, that we are unaware of each other."
So why did you come to see Naraheida?
"As I conducted my own investigation of Leramil's treachery, I discovered that someone was hunting the Prince of Forbidden Knowledge's faithful. Naraheida is … was … a friend.
I wish I had gotten here sooner."
How do I know you're not the traitor, Dralys?
"What an absurd accusation! I've done nothing but go out of my way to assist fate's chosen, and this is the thanks I receive?
Believe what you will. I've told you how to find the shrine. Do as you see fit, chosen."

Once you stop speaking with Dralys, Leramil will arrive through a portal and the pair will speak with each other:

Leramil the Wise: "Another of the faithful, murdered? What happened here?"
Dralys Athren: "Both I and the chosen arrived too late, Leramil."
Leramil the Wise: "Curious to see you in this place, at this particular time, Dralys."
Dralys Athren: "Let's not forget who's actually one of the Great Eye's faithful, Leramil. Now, I have my own investigation to continue."
<Dralys teleports away.>
Leramil: "Hmm. Come, proxy. I deciphered the letter."

Speaking with Leramil, she will have had the coded letter previously received translated. It contains orders for the Dusksabers and also contains another riddle leading to the entrance of the Shrine of the Golden Eye. It will be slightly different from Dralys' riddle, and you can choose which entrance to take from within Claw's Strike.

Dralys Athren
Location Shrine of the Golden Eye
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 254940 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Sodality of the Eye (former), Hidden Kindred
Dralys Athren

Once inside the Shrine of the Golden Eye, you quickly learn Dralys is the traitor and can hear him talking to Leramil:

Dralys Athren: "I never liked you, Leramil. Think you're better than the faithful."
Leramil the Wise: "The only thing you're faithful to, Dralys, is your own ambition."

Further into the shrine, you can look across the abyss and see Dralys with Leramil in a stranglehold:

Dralys Athren: "Join me, Leramil. My new patrons will share the secret they seek once they pry it out of Apocrypha."

You don't hear her response, but you hear Dralys' reaction as you progress:

Dralys Athren: "No? Pity. I'll take those glyphics now, Leramil."

Dralys will be waiting for you in the shrine room, which is dominated by a large statue of Mora:

Dralys Athren: "Ah, there you are! Did you evade or dispatch the ambush I set for you? No matter. I'll take your glyphic now."
Leramil the Wise: "Proxy, Dralys is the traitor! You must stop him!"
<Dralys throws Leramil down and jumps down from the statue.>
Dralys Athren: "No hard feelings, friend, but I'm going to have to kill you."

Dralys Athren will now be hostile and attack you with a combination of fire and arcanist magic. Additionally, Kindred Arcanists will come and assist:

Dralys Athren: "I have new patrons. Powerful patrons."
Dralys Athren: "Faithful, aid me!"

As he approaches death, he will say:

Dralys Athren: "I suppose I should have … foreseen this …."

Once he is dead, Leramil will have you collect the Glyphics and then speak with Hermaeus Mora.