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Quests and content in Deshaan went through some major changes during development.
- QUEST: The Mournhold Spy
- QUEST: Dremora in the Ruins
- QUEST: The Gates of Nychthemeral
- QUEST: House Dres Deposed
- "Your form is weak, but my children will transform into beautiful creatures. We will rebuild the Chimer Empire!"
- "We will make sacrifices. Nerevar will not have died in vain!"
- "Three traitors fell upon our champion, yet they demand fealty?"
- "Who is this mortal who dares to awakens me? You toy with the will of a god... and I am his chosen vessel!"
- "Our god... lives!"
- "Thank you. I owe you my life."
- "Thank goodness you've come. I feared the worst."
- "My prayers have been answered! Thank you for freeing me."
- "How strange. I believe this tea has gone stale."
- Line 101408: 10860933`0`124`2383738`Kilarthu-Endel Ruins
- Line 117595: 27704788`0`4826`5599268`The ticking, hissing heart of a steam centurion, destroyed in the Kilarthu-Endel ruins southwest of Mournhold.
- Line 152438: 55049764`1`2079`6903928`The Kilarthu-Endel ruins are in an isolated valley southwest of Mournhold, \n\nFor the most direct route, exit the city to the south. Then follow the eastern path along the shore of Lake Thir.\n\nSince you've made it here, I know you can make it there.
- Line 251875: 103224356`0`5710`9971252`<<1>> went ahead to wait for me at the bottom of the Kilarthu-Endel ruins.
- Line 323368: 139139780`0`1192`14288646`This is the ticking, hissing heart of a steam centurion destroyed in the Kilarthu-Endel Ruins.
- Line 384418: 162946485`0`571`2383738`Kilarthu-Endel Ruins
- Line 384602: 162946485`0`755`2383738`Kilarthu-Endel Ruins
- Line 384605: 162946485`0`758`14970363`Kilarthu-Endel - Phase 1
- Line 384606: 162946485`0`759`14970388`Kilarthu-Endel - Spawn Child
- Line 384609: 162946485`0`762`14970459`Kilarthu-Endel - FailsafeSpawn
- Line 413356: 168415844`0`2120`16407135`<<1>> invited me to tour the archeological dig at the Dwemer ruin of Kilarthu-Endel.
- Line 413357: 168415844`0`2121`16407220`<<1>> gave me a tour of the Dwemer ruins at Kilarthu-Endel. Then he offered me the honor of activating the <<2>> his team discovered. The results were less than ideal.
- Line 413361: 168415844`0`2128`16407958`The Dwemer ruins of Kilarthu-Endel were brought to life by the activation of a Dwemer artifact. <<1>> asked me to find his <<2>> and lead her safely to the surface. Her skills were needed to keep the Dwemer animunculi from escaping the ruins.
- Line 413364: 168415844`0`2132`16408466`After the Kilarthu-Endel ruins came to life, one of the mighty Dwemer steam centurions began patrolling the halls. After defeating it, I salvaged a curious mechanism from the debris. The machinery was purchased by a young Dunmer lady.
- Line 413367: 168415844`0`2139`16408975`The Dwemer ruins of Kilarthu-Endel were brought to life when I activated a Dwemer artifact. <<1>> asked me to find his <<2>>, and I led her safely to the surface. Her skills will needed to keep the Dwemer animunculi from escaping the ruins.
- Line 629509: 265851556`0`1715`16407135`<<1>> invited me to tour the archeological dig at the Dwemer ruin of Kilarthu-Endel.
- Line 629510: 265851556`0`1716`24585579`<<1>> offered me a tour of the Dwemer ruins at Kilarthu-Endel.
- Line 629513: 265851556`0`1721`24586103`The Dwemer ruins of Kilarthu-Endel have come to violent life. <<1>> asked me to find his <<2>> and lead her safely to the surface. Her skills will be needed to keep the Dwemer animunculi from escaping the ruins.
- Line 629515: 265851556`0`1723`24586482`After the Kilarthu-Endel ruins came to life, a Dwemer steam centurion started patrolling the halls. After defeating it, I pulled a piece of salvage from its debris. One of the scholars in the upper levels of the ruin may find it interesting.
- Line 629518: 265851556`0`1726`24586986`The Dwemer ruins of Kilarthu-Endel have come to life. <<1>> asked me to find his <<2>> and lead her safely to the surface. Her skills will be needed to keep the Dwemer animunculi from escaping the ruins.
- Line 481140: 200879108`0`4839`17738248`Near here? You're joking.\n\nMoontooth Canyon is west of here. It's known for its mines. Northeast is the magic school of Shad Astula.\n\nTo the southeast is Lake Thir. The fishing is great, except for the dreugh... and crocodiles... and slaughterfish...
- 3952276`0`1447`265941`I need help! The House refuses to believe my theories. I know how to restore the Obelus!\n\nIf you're interested, meet me within the Sia Ebony Mine. It's at the eastern end of Moontooth Canyon to the east. \n\nI'll explain there... partner!
- 10860933`0`88`2383224`The Stranded Lurk
- 10860933`0`89`2383242`The Quarantine Serk
- 10860933`0`90`2011768`Moontooth Canyon
- 10860933`0`91`2383262`The Scabrous Pass
- 10860933`0`92`2383280`Irrithial Dwemer Ruins
- Line 250916: 103224356`0`4612`9859241`I've been given a set of crystals to place on the peaks inside Moontooth Canyon. Spreading them about on the higher ledges of the area will help relight the Obelus.
- Line 250924: 103224356`0`4620`9860415`Drunar wants me to collect scamp skins in Moontooth Canyon. He says he'll reward me.
- Line 250930: 103224356`0`4626`9860946`<<1>> asked me to meet her at the Sia Ebony Mines. They're in the eastern part of Moontooth Canyon.
- Line 250943: 103224356`0`4639`9862470`<<1>> directed me to an eastern cave that's the source of the monsters in Moontooth Canyon. His cousin, <<2>>, has a plan to solve the problem.
- Line 323134: 139139780`0`941`14275121`A large, brilliantly clear crystal. The directions given are to place the crystals upon the peeks of Moontooth Canyon.
- Line 384421: 162946485`0`574`2011768`Moontooth Canyon
- Line 413129: 168415844`0`1773`16379771`Mhaltu Sayn told me of survivors in Moontooth Canyon. I went into the canyon, found several survivors, and led them back to safety.
- Line 413130: 168415844`0`1774`16379903`I met a House Hlaalu scout named <<1>> perched over Moontooth Canyon. His comrades were slain by a hoard of Ogrim. Working together, we crushed the beasts under falling boulders.
- Line 413135: 168415844`0`1781`16380388`I found <<1>> in Moontooth Canyon, and he has a plan.
- Line 629252: 265851556`0`1440`24545889`A small group of House Hlaalu scouts entered Moontooth Canyon to survey the effects of the broken Obelus. Daedric creatures swarmed them. Only two scouts managed to survive and escape.
- Line 629254: 265851556`0`1442`24546250`A merchant named Drunar is perched atop one of the landings in the Moontooth Canyon.. He's set up shop, hoping to find rare and exotic goods to sell to the upper-class. He's certain that with my help, we could turn a good profit.
- Line 629260: 265851556`0`1448`24547470`<<1>>, one of the injured scouts in Moontooth Canyon, told a tale about his cousin. <<2>> has a plan to solve the monster problem in Moontooth Canyon.
Ivory Necklace questEdit
- Speak to Cyri Savol
- Cyri Savol
- Kill Marnon Sebat
- Marnon Sebat
- When I went upstairs, there were several spirits surrounding the chest. I should find out why they are there.
- The spirit of Cyri Savol asked me to bury the necklace made of their bones in the mass grave where Marnon Sebat disposed of them.
- Marnon Sebat appeared as I buried the necklace of his victim's bones! I should destroy his spectre once and for all!
- Burying the necklace and destroying the spirit of Marnon Sebat granted final rest to the abomination's victims.
- "We were victims of Marnon Sebat, that monster upstairs."
- "He lured women into the house and forced us into servitude. He called each of us his "mother."\n\nWhatever his intent, his anger was uncontrollable. He murdered us and harvested his grim souvenirs.\n\nThen he disposed of our bodies near Lake Thir."
- "Take a closer look at that necklace. \n\nWhat appears at first glance to be ivory is, in fact, bone. He kept a single knucklebone from each of us.\n\nCount them, if you wish. There are nine."
- "Revenge is not our goal. I was Sebat's last victim. \n\nHe didn't know I was one of the Mabrigash. I poisoned him before I died.\n\nWe want you to return the necklace to our mass grave on the shore of Lake Thir. Then will we finally find peace."
- This chest is empty save for several sets of women's clothes and a lone ivory necklace. It was clearly fashioned with exquisite craftsmanship and care.
- Find Owner of the Ivory Necklace
- I found an ivory necklace inside a chest. I should try and find who it belongs to.
- Ivory Necklace
- I found a chest within an isolated house overlooking Lake Thir. There was a rather exotic ivory necklace within.
Tea cure questEdit
- Farmer Altis is ill and needs your help.
- I have collected all of the ingredients.
- "I fear whatever is ruining our crops has taken my husband. He's very ill. \n\nI've heard <<1>> may be able to help, but I'm too afraid to leave this Altis' side.\n\nCan you please go to <<1>>? She is in the fields southeast of here."
- "The crops are failing. I have a feeling it may have something to do with the Loqueach River. Do me a favor, and follow the river upstream. See if you discover anything that looks as if it may be polluting it."
- "If it's poison they're using, I have some cleansing wards that should work. Place one in the water near the source. Place the other ward in the delta. \n\nAs you approach each location, the wards will give you a sign of where you should place them."
- Farmer Urvali
- Farmer Altis
- Croptender Alleim
- <<1>> is in the Illsam Farmlands, east of Urvali's house. I should see if she can create a remedy for Altis.
- <<1>> created a remedy for <<2>> out of the marshmerrow and saltrice I collected. I should return to <<3>> at her home so she can give it to her husband.
- <<1>> needs marshmerrow and salt rice. Marshmerrow grows along the delta coast. Salt rice grows in the fields.
- "This must be the tincture those apothecaries are selling. Let's take a look.
So far it appears to be a disgusting blend of oils, alcohols, and roots.
Determining if anything helpful is mixed in here will take a bit longer." - "Excellent. This will just take a moment.
Take this tea to <<1>>. His wife is very sick.
Nothing has eased her suffering. She needs this more than anyone else right now." - "I don't have a cure, but I can make a soothing tea to ease the pain of the afflicted.
I just need the right ingredients. Can you collect some of the ash reeds growing along the River Thir?
The stairs south of here will lead you to it." - "They're taking advantage of anyone desperate for a cure.
<<1>> has been looking for evidence to push them out, but the townspeople believe in the apothecaries.
She knows the proof must be solid." - His wife is very sick. He needed the money to buy a cure for her.
- <<1>> asked me to deliver a soothing tea she made to <<2>>. She said I can find him just north of her. He's at the home of <<3>>.
- <<1>> has asked me to purchase a remedy from the apothecaries selling wares in Ebonheart's southern market.
- <<1>> gave me what remains of the false medicine she purchased for her late sister. I should take it to <<2>>, west of the market.
- <<1>> asked me to collect ash reeds. They grow along the southwestern shore of the nearest river.
- Collect Ash Reeds
- Ash Reed
- Now that I've collected reeds, I should return to <<1>>. She's by fountain near the homes of southern Ebonheart.
- <<1>> wants me to use sulphuric mushrooms to destroy apothecary supplies. I can find the charlatans' supplies in the southern markets of Ebonheart.
- I've destroyed the supplies of the crooked apothecaries. I should tell <<1>>.
- "We have seen many of the people you sent in Quarantine. Thank you for your help in trying to contain the Blight here."
- "I hope you're having luck with those ash reeds. \n\nI used to be able to gather them with ease, but an influx of mudcrabs has made that quite difficult for me."
- This alleged remedy was distilled for the disease plaguing Stonefalls.
- This soothing tea was made from ash reeds. It's guaranteed to ease suffering.
- The coral sprout looks somewhat like a slimy flower... with tentacles.
- A rare yellow mushroom taken from the Sulphur Pools of Stonefalls.
- This half-filled pipe was found in the house of Surin's neighbor. It's evidence of illegal activity.
- "I need marshmerrow which grows wild near the delta, and I will need saltrice as well. While saltrice is our main crop, you will need to find the few left that are still healthy.\n\nBe careful. The affected wildlife nearby are more hostile than usual."
- "Thank you again for helping me. \n\nI now have enough ash reeds to make tea for everyone suffering here."
- "Yes, here it is. Tell Altis to be sure to drink the entire bottle, and I will check up on him tomorrow."
- "Please be sure to get the remedy to Altis as soon as possible."
- Altis tosses in a feverish state. He doesn't seem to be aware of your presence.
- "You're new here, aren't you? What brings you to the Illsam Farmlands?"
- "I hope the remedy proved useful!
Hopefully, Altis is much better now." - I obtained a remedy from <<1>> that healed Altis.
- I set up cleansing wards in the Loqueach River and the Illsam Farmlands Delta. That should rid the water of the poison that was killing the crops and wildlife.
The Gates of NychthemeralEdit
- You are brave indeed to take on this monumental task. I must stay here to watch over Mournhold.
Journey to the northeast, past the Matuul and through the ruined gates of *Nychthemeral.
Destroy Leyden before he causes more harm to our people. - Slay Patriarch Leyden
- Enter the Heart of Nychthemeral Temple
- Find Patriarch Leyden's Phylactery
- Talk to the Grandmagister of House Dres
- Destroy Patriarch Leyden's Phylactery
- Nipperkin
- Ligorcap Fields
- Norenen-Dur Daedric Ruins
- Nychthemeral Temple
- Oortrel Fort
- Matuul Camp
- Mournhold
- Kilarthu-Endel Ruins
- Gullsnip Isle
- Shad Astula
- Nocent Abad
Accusing one of the Great Houses of high treason is a brazen act indeed!
What shall come of this, I wonder? Your path lies to the northeast. It wanders through the ruined gates of Nychthemeral.
You must destroy Patriarch Leyden before he causes more harm to our people. I've chosen to leave Naryu where she was, injured and alone. I cand find my own way inside the Nocent Abad. I've slain the thralls around Nychthemeral Temple. I believe I've found the remains of Galseth's siblings. I should return to him and let him know. I should slay the diseased and wretched thralls about Nychthemeral Temple. Then I can search their bodies for any sign of Gelseth's brother and sister. I've freed souls from the black soul gems near Nychthemeral Temple. I've killed the ones responsible for these atrocities. Enver should know that his men have been avenged. Destroying the black soul gems about the grounds of the Nychthemeral Temple will halt the patriarch's rituals and free souls in torment. Killing the mer who stole those souls will weaken his army of infernalists. I've slain Patriarch Leyden. In his final moments, he revealed that he had stored his soul in a phylactery. Even though I've defeated him, he may return... unless I venture deeper into the temple.and destroy it. By travelling northeast of Mournhold, I can find a way to enter Nychthemeral Temple. I've entered the heart of Nychthemeral, where I can slay Patriarch Leyden. I've destroyed the Patriarch's phylactery, ending his control over the Grandmagister's mind. He's fled the heart of the temple, no doubt eager to get back to Mournhold. I should speak to him before I leave the temple. Once I find the phylactery within the heart chamber of the temple, I can destroy it. I found the phylactery, but the Grandmagister of House Dres stopped me before I could destroy it. He seems to be under some sort of spell. I should talk to him. Patriarch Leyden's evil power has enthralled the Grandmagister of House Dres. The only way to destroy the phylactery is by fighting him.
After I defeat the Grandmagister, I can destroy the phylactery. Naryu said she was sent to kill me. I'll need to survive if I have any hope of finding out why there's a bounty on my head. You made it out safely! We were just about to go look for the bodies. Nelam is anxious to speak to you. With the power of Nychthemeral, Leyden heralds the Tribunal's doom! You cannot stop him!
- Nychthemeral Temple
- Daedric Temple
I've completed the Trials of the Four Troubles. In the temple's inner sanctum, I am now allowed to speak to Vivec. I closed the portals within the temple just as Almalexia arrived. She's one of the Tribunal gods, and we still have much to discuss. I've slain the thralls around the Nychthemeral Temple. I believe I found the remains of Galseth's siblings. I should return to him and let him know. I've freed souls from the black soul gems around Nychthemeral Temple. I've killed the mer responsible for those atrocities. Enver knows his men have been avenged. It is not House Dres, but the Patriarch that seeks to bring destruction upon us.
The Grandmaster of House Dres has been missing, and in his place, the Patriarch seeks power of a most evil sort. I know this in my heart of hearts. He has fled to Nychthemeral. It is an ancient temple upon the peak of the mountain range overshadowing Mournhold.
Some say it was once a stronghold of the cursed House Dagoth. Perhaps the Patriarch draws inspiration from their treasonous history. Truly? You would cast yourself into the heart of this conflict, without regard for the peril it represents?
I cannot aid you there. I must find the others - Vivec and Sotha Sil. They will be vexed when I tell them what has transpired.
I met a Dunmer fleeing Nychthemeral Temple. He told me Patriarch Leyden called others of House Dres to the temple. Some refused to join him in his crusade against the other noble houses. Now they're dead. Cultists captured a desperate Dunmer who's bound within the Nychthemeral temple grounds . He seemed more concerned about the loss of his amulet than his own survival. Almalexia is one of the living gods of the Tribunal. She asked me to pursue and destroy Patriarch Leyden for his crimes against the Dunmer. She's rallying her supporters within the ancient temple of Nychthemeral. I've defeated Patriarch Leyden, but a phylactery protects his spirit from death. I must destroy it to end his exploitation of the victims of Nychthemeral Temple.