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Oblivion talk:The Ultimate Heist

Archive 1: Jul 2007 - Aug 2008
Archive 2: Sep 2008 - Dec 2009
Archive 3: Jan 2010 - Dec 2010

a better way of Keeping the Boots of Springheel Jak.Edit

I had beaten the quest, died, and loaded the save before I got the elder scroll. Then I decided to go the other way, It was locked, so I turned around and the Palace guards arrested me! In the end, I completed the quest, became the Gray Fox, & got the boots! Its awesome!!!!!G-Raffe 02:32, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

We already have that on the page. Alpha Kenny Buddy 03:02, 14 January 2011 (UTC)

"An alternative to jumping is to intentionally get arrested by the guards in the Imperial Palace. You will be sent to jail, but once released you will still have the Elder Scroll and can take it to the Gray Fox"

Ohhhhhh........ Yeah. I'm an idiot.

Chancellor Ocato

So Im on the guards quarters and Ive snuck around to the entrance to the Elder Scrolls Library and High Chancellor Ocato is just walking back and forth in front of the door. What do I do now since I seem to be unable to sneak past him.

annoying glitchEdit

I have just entered the hall of epochs (were you have to fire the arrow of extrication) I entered a passage to the side which is also called the hall of epochs when i tryed to return the passage was barricaded , now i cant get out. btw are the any bows nearby i dont have a bow to fire the arrow.

I got the Elder Scroll but I can't find the Gray Fox!Edit

After I got the Elder Scroll, I was arrested and taken to prison. I served my time and then was released. I have the Elder Scroll and the the Boots of Springheel Jak, but I am unable to find the Gray Fox. I went to the house where I talked to him about stealing the scroll, but he is not there. My map marker points me to the fireplace where you are supposed to fall, but I can't get there because a door is locked. What do I do? Parson90 01:40, 26 January 2011 (UTC)

You had to return first to the trapdoor where you came in from the halls of epochs.

Interesting ExperimentingEdit

Alrighty, this is just a fun fact.. note... thingy about the Arrow of Extrication. As you know the moment you step on the pressure plate to turn the statue, the Arrow of Extrication becomes unflagged as a quest item. That means you can drop it. If you happen to have a couple of scrolls with you, preferably 2 of the same kind, you can duplicate the arrow and be left with a spare one after you spend the other one to advance in the quest. Don't overcome with joy just yet though, because the minute you leave the pressure plate the spare arrows you created will be unequipped on you. Mind, if you draw back one of those arrows and keep it pulled back then move out of the trigger radius causing the arrows to be flagged again thus causing them to be forcibly removed from your inventory you will end up firing an invisible arrow. It has no effect on anything though.. it will just play the sound as if an arrow was being fired even though no arrow is present anymore. Trying to carry the arrows manually out of the trigger radius and picking them up won't lead to better results. Neither will equipping them by a hotkey, as all it will say is that "Arrow of Extrication was equipped" followed by "You can not fire this quest arrow". Although weightless, those extra ones would not hurt your encumbrance but.. they will clutter your inventory. Good trick for collectors, like me.

Nothing utterly amazing about this one, no need to even consider adding this to the article. I just had the sudden urge to inform my fellow adventurers about the results of my late night experimenting. Good night folks!

I will register an user account later on to keep you updated on this kind of strangeness, but as for now you'll know me as... 03:34, 6 February 2011 (UTC)

Amusei - message - setstageEdit

at 0 amusei says he has a message, but the player cannot reply to recieve it. at 1 amusei says he has it, and the player can recieve it once the player has recieved the message, this triggeres stage 10

I am not sure if stage 1 triggers amusei searching for the player and delivering the message. but in any case .. adding something like (Amusei can deliver message) to stage 1 .. would be informative for people who need to use the console. if he doesnt deliver by himself, the player can always find him in the waterfront. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:18 on 1 March 2011 (UTC)

Plan for the Big Heist still quest itemEdit

I have completed The Ultimate Heist and have gotten the Grey Fox Cowl, but for some reason, the Plan for the Big Heist says it is a quest item and can not be removed. Is this normal or a bug? Note: This is on the playstation version of the game without shivering isles.--Iamgoofball 01:17, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

It is a known bug, there is no way to get rid of it on the playstation. --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 01:20, 2 March 2011 (UTC)


so i did everything and got the scroll and am on my way out of the sewers, when i turned one of the wheels to unlock a door and it ends up shutting one door, and the other door at the end of the sewer hall is locked too. ive been stuck in the suwer hall for a good 10 minutes and cant get out. and i really dont want to re-do the whole mission. any help? playing on the 360 version

Outter Door GuardEdit

I got out of the dungeon by using the arrow of extrication, went through the door, snuck past about a billion sleeping guards, and made my way on to the outer ring where I should exit to the palace. However, There's a mage's guild member ( I believe) guarding my exit. They're just pacing back and forth. It looks to me like a glitch, but maybe I'm just being impatient. Am I hooped or does this mage go away later on when the guards wake up?

I suggest doing what i did and just breaking the locks to the main ingredient or the other store. the locks are rated as hard but it works...just make sure its during the day so u dont get jailed...My computer has a glitch...this was for the above question^^

Funny German dialog glitchEdit

  In the German version (at least PS3 GOTY) at the end of the dialog where the Gray Fox explains his plans he asks "War das so richtig?" ("Was it correct this way?"). But rather than the Gray Fox speaking to the Player this is the speaker talking while recording the dialog and they didn't cut the audio file correctly. Gave me a good WTF-moment. 06:27, 17 March 2011 (UTC) Forgetful

Same for German PC version (GOTY) 08:02, 21 August 2021 (UTC)

How Long?Edit

When the countess and gray fox were talking she said it was eleven years not ten has this happened before? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:16 on March 28, 2011

Not exactly the sitting glitch, but still a problem.Edit

I'm not sure if this is the sitting glitch, cause I don't get stuck when trying to sit, but while trying to sit down I get detected by the monks and then one of them will run to the bottom of the stairs. They don't attack me, but all that happens after that is the monk will just stand there with battle music playing. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong or if I did something wrong earlier in the game that causes this to happen.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:35 on 31 March 2011 (UTC)

I just got the same glitch, i accidently attacked a guard just outside the library but he was killed by a separate guard who didn't see me, possible cause?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:20 on 18 March 2012

Unlikely. Instead, the monk may have detected two enemies, of which you are one, and can't decide which one to attack. It's possible that their AI is recognising one enemy as the highest priority, but something in their scripting is telling them to attack the other. As a result, they just stand their confused.
Or it could just be a glitch...
--Gaebrial 15:31, 23 March 2012 (UTC)

I had the same problem as the first guy. What I did (which apparently is wrong) was I went to the second floor and come down from the stairs. You actually have to pull the lever behind the blind monk on the first floor, then enter through the first floor. From there the quest went smoothly. I know this is ancient history by now, but I hope it helps anyone else who might be looking for help! Seth-- 00:36, 8 March 2014 (GMT)

The Imperial Guard Quarters GlitchEdit

Help me!!! I already finished The Ultimate Heist quest but i wanted to go back in the guard quarters and get a palace shield but when i got to the Hall of Epochs or what ever and since i already opened the pillars and killed the guards the door will not open!!! i just wanted to know if this is a glitch or if the gray fox gave me a key to it at the beginning of the quest and took it away at the end.I just want to know how to get in the guard quarters or if you know the location of a palace guard shield (That you don't have to kill a palace guard for it) that would be totally awesome!!! if you have Xbox live go to your friends list and go to the last icon and type in this screen name QDSXL2001 and we will continue this conversation further. thanks!

yeah you can't get in it. oh and i had the same problem getting the sheild because i was putting them on my wall for a youtube video but the only way in to kill a gaurd... i bet you don't want any imfany because you are the crusader of the nine!!! G63rEBEL

Find one of the guards u want the shield from, put the gray fox mask thingy on and he will try and kill u. just kill him, take the sheild, and find another guard. Let him attack you. then take of the mask and hold down block. then hit a and he accepts the yeild. U gain no infamy becuz it was the "Gray Fox" that killed a guard and stole the sheild not u.

Still got the bootsEdit

The first time I played this quest I landed at the bottom of the grate jump with the boots still intact & i still have them now. I didn't realise until I did the quest again & read this page that they were supposed to be destroyed. Has anyone any idea why they weren't destroyed if that is scripted into the game ? It's not a problem, i'd just be interested to know. 08:09, 13 April 2011 (UTC)

There's 2 possible reasons... first, if you are using pc version with unofficial mods or using console commands they may be conflicting with this script (hard to say how, it just happens sometimes). The other possibility is if you weren't actually wearing the boots at the time you fell down the grate. If you have high health and/or acrobatics it possible to survive the fall without the boots. Either way you now have a very powerful magical pair of boots which won't be taken away from you. Masterlocksmith 08:31, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for replying so quickly!.I was wearing the boots both times & the first time around I hadn't installed any mods at that point.Just one of those things, I guess 12:59, 13 April 2011 (UTC)
Looking at the script that destroys the boot, it seems only to activate if you're at the right stage of the quest (102), wearing the boots and are less than 128 "units" from an invisible marker located about half way between the floor and the ceiling in the room where you emerge from the chimney. I did some very, very rough testing and it seems it might be possible to stay at least 128 units away if you press yourself against a wall while falling and keep moving in that direction after you emerge. The other possibility is, of course, that it was indeed "just one of those things". rpeh •TCE 13:15, 13 April 2011 (UTC)

Alternative ExitEdit

After getting the scroll and falling down the fireplace you can fairly easily exit the sewers by the south east exit. It comes out into Lake Rumore. From there I killed the one crab that was hanging round then just fast travelled to the elven gardens district and finished the quest with no issues. ~Grim

Moved note.Edit

  • It is possible to reach the pressure plate by jumping rather than lowering the walls. Although an invisible wall blocks your path, it is possible to jump under it and reach the plate.

I have tried this countless times on Xbox , and it just doesn't seem to work. Anyone else tried it ? JackTurbo95 18:43, 19 April 2011 (UTC)

Yup, I tried it when it was first added and just managed it again. You have to use the blocks in the floor as a kind of ramp, but it's definitely possible. rpeh •TCE 07:10, 20 April 2011 (UTC)
I used the Boots of Springheel Jak, because I wasn't sure how to drop the walls to get to the plate. I walked on the ledge alongside the walls, then equipped the boots, hopped up on a short pillar to my right (I was on the right side of the room as you come in), and then jumped, while controlling my landing to land on the other side of the grate. Duchess PARADOX 00:04, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

-- Okay here is my problem, while entering one of the rooms right before you get the scroll, i opened the door right when someone was walking out and they caught me. (This was the first time for me to do the quest and i got into the library and my little green arrow on my map or quest direction thingy said for me to go to the fireplace right? Well everyone was chasing me so i just jumped down without getting the scroll. ((Yes i know, very stupid.)) But now i am stuck on what to do because after getting our i went to the gray fox thinking i got it since i did half the quest the night before and forgot i didnt get the scroll so my autosaves are messed up and i have no way to get back...i tried going back and just sitting in the chair but that doesnt work......sooooo basically im screwed? :(

i need help badEdit

im at the hall of epochs trying to get into the guards quatres ive already used the arrow went in and then got arrested straight away i ve now gone back to where i fired tha arro and i cant get back in as it says the door is locked and needs a key my last save was ages ago what should i do?? — Unsigned comment by Gamefreak123 (talkcontribs) at 12:58 on 22 May 2011 (UTC)

I assume you're not on the pc, otherwise you could use the console to unlock the door, or simply unlock the door in the palace if that doesn't work. As it seems now, I think you're screwed, sorry. ~ Dwarfmp 13:07, 22 May 2011 (UTC)

Help With Shooting the Arrow of ExtricationEdit

I practiced a few time with normal arrows trying to get it in the keyhole, and I finally got one in there. I didn't move my cross-hairs at all and i equipped the Arrow of Extrication and shot it the exact same way. I saw it go forward a hit the keyhole, and I'm pretty sure I heard the noise, but it didn't activate the door. I went to go pick it back up, but I couldn't find it, and all my iron arrows were there from when I shot at it. It said I only get one try, but on UESP it says you can pick it up again. I didn't see any bugs on the page about this, so could anyone tell me a solution, or if I could have missed, what part of the floor it might have landed on? My last save was way back at the beginning of the quest when you go into the sewers (not the beginning of the game) and it took me an hour to get this far, so I really hope I don't have to start over. I'm playing on PS3 so I can't use cheats and stuff. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 11 June 2011

Unless you can find the arrow you will have to restart. This arrow always seems to get lost for me as well. You may have hit the statue and it may have gotten stuck in it or something. Next time save before you fire the arrow. --Manic 23:17, 10 June 2011 (UTC)
Thank you. I've read a few posts on other websites and next time I play I'm going to see if I accidentally didn't draw back all the way and look for it way in front of the statue. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 11 June 2011
If you hit the statue, unless you hit the keyhole it should have bounced off and landed on the floor surrounding it. Check completley before reloading. --Manic 23:28, 10 June 2011 (UTC)

Walls still upEdit

I have a problem with all sides of the walls coming down in order to fire the arrow of extrication. I have travelled through to the end of the chamber of epochs and pressed the button, but when I journey back into the main room only two sides of the cube are lowered and the gates on the bridge are still locked... What do I need to do?

Pulled from the bugs section:
Some players have experienced a bug at the end of the Lost Catacombs where activating the blue push blocks does not lower the walls and open the iron gates. To work around it, save your game, exit Oblivion, then start the program again. Load the game, and try activating the blocks - this time the gate should open. If the script runs correctly, there will be a small but visible "screen shake" effect. There is also a ledge at the side of the iron gate towards the keyhole, jump onto the ledge and you can jump around the pillar, bypassing the gate.
Hope this helps. Dlarsh(T,C) 19:30, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

help!, I fell down the hole without the elder scrolls am I screw, without no saving checkpoint i did

I have never been able to get the walls to some down and ive beat the guilds, all of them, 3 times. I just hop around the gates and walls its alot of work but no game can best me. As for not haveing the scroll you are screwed getting in is a one time deal.Froggy™ 12:15, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

Didn't get the scrollEdit

So, I did the ultimate heist and was detected by a monk. It prompted me to push forward and look for an alternate escape route. I thought this meant that I was not supposed to get the scroll, so I left. Now, I have tried to go back through the sewers and the door that opens when you use the Arrow is locked and needs a special key... Is there a way around this or am I just going to have to accept the fact I cannot complete the mission?? help is appreciated.---- — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:53 on 8 July 2011

Seems alot of us are doing the same thing.. I did it last night and have been trying to break back into the palace for forever. I did not kill all of the blind monks nor did i kill the elder battle mage, or whatever you call it, the only solution i can think of is to be a master of sneak, have the invisibility ability,skeleton key, and keys stolen from imperial guards around the city, sneak attack all the enemies on your way up to the tower and retry sitting down in the chair like you are supposed to the first time you do it, hopefully undetected, and miraculously retrieve the elder scroll... or, the game developers should just put out an update that fixes this and allows you to complete the quest normally again--- — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:00 on 4 August 2011
edit (28. October 2012)I have same problem, i tried first get the scroll but then popped up window that i have to escape from the palace. So i did, but without the scroll, i noticed that i didn't have the scroll when i tried to talk with gray fox. Then i tried to break in from the original route when i first tried to go there, but no... there is that door where i need that arrow and ofc, i don't have it anymore. Then i tried to break in from the palace way, but then i needed a key to open that door. I tried to get the keys from guards and from people but none of them didn't open the door. So i think that there's no another answer that we have failed this quest really badly.--- — Unsigned comment by Cittyy (talkcontribs) at 16:56 on 27 October 2012
Playing in 2016 (Feelsbadman) if anyone had the same problem just type this in the console (~ button) "player.additem 00022db0 1" this will give you the scroll even though you didn't get it directly. This would advance the quest once you talk to the Gay Fox (definitely a typo "Capital!"). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:58 on 22 December 2016 (UTC)


So right after i deliver the ring to the Countess I go to sleep and during my sleep I get bit by a vampire. WTF!??? How do i remove the vampirism. Im not a member of any other guilds, i.e. dark brotherhood — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6:44 18th July 2011

Vampirism is caused by the disease Porphyric Hemophilia. It is likely you contracted this during a fight with a vampire at least 3 (in game) days ago. The cure can be found here. Masterlocksmith 13:33, 18 July 2011 (UTC)
Note you may have contracted it on this mission cuz vamps hangout im the sewers Froggy™ 12:17, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

I forgot the scroll!Edit

I am on an Xbox 360, so I don't have any commands. I jumped down the grate before I could think (There were about 20 people trying to kill me), and I went the way back. I also was stupid enough to delete all of my saves that I wasn't on, so I can't revert! And, now, the quest is glitched where there is a green marker on the person's house, and when I enter, it tells me to go back out. What do I do? — Unsigned comment by Battler11 (talkcontribs) at 08:10 on 23 July 2011 (GMT)

You can't really do anything. You've messed up the quest. It's a shame you didn't get the journal update telling you that you've failed; now the quest entry will be stuck in your journal permanently. --Legoless 17:27, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
Edit: You could try going back through the Old Way, to see if you can still get through into the palace. Although I'm not sure if you'd survive the fall down the chute without the boots. --Legoless 17:29, 23 July 2011 (UTC)
The Old Way doesn't work because the door that requires the arrow is relocked with no way to open it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:46 on 27 June 2013

No AmuseiEdit

I have fenced enough gold to begin the quest but amusei never shows up to send me to the gray fox, i have wait ed 24 hours for about two weeks of in game play, what is the problem? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:29 on 26 July 2011

Its a well-known problem and possible solutions depends on your actions during the quest line. See this and this for a few suggestions. --Krusty 07:38, 26 July 2011 (UTC)
I found him in the castle of Leyawiin. (In the Dungeon more specifically) He approached me and gave me the final quest for the Thieves Guild. --ChrisB

Problem starting the ultimate heistEdit

how do i start the ultomate heist its stuck on "i've fenced over 800" and i've fenced over 1000 but it wont start and the gray fox is still in the house opisit the dark brotherhood house and say these words "not now i need to think" any awnsers on this will help me as its been like this for a while ive done ever thing ive gone to pirson to kick start it ive hurt another guild member so i got kicked out and rejoined and ive have also unistalled all patches its on xbox 360 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:37 on 30 July 2011

You've made a very huge mistake, although it's not your fault. Check bug no. 3 here and start looking for an older save. --Krusty 16:49, 30 July 2011 (UTC)

'the the' at stage 40 of the questEdit

I don't have a save with it at the moment on my computer. Can someone sometimes check if "I will need the the Arrow Extrication (...)" in the stage 55 of the quest is a typo here or a typo in the actual game? Thanks :) Kharn 13:34, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

It appears as "the the" in-game. I will add a sic tag now. mxk101Talk 13:56, 4 August 2011 (UTC)
Thank you - Kharn 14:13, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

Mad at The Ultimate HeistEdit

When i sit in the reading chair and the guy comes down he always finds out its me and i never get the scroll anyone help?? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:13 on 17 August 2011‎

Bow in the Hall of EpochsEdit

I'm an idiot. I don't have a bow or any practice arrows and I'm already deep in the Hall of Epochs. Does anyone know of any bows in here or do I have to go all the way back out? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:36 on 21 August 2011 (GMT)

I had the same problem, but I found plenty of bows on skeleton archers. If you do end up having to go back, make sure to be quick or the enemies might have respawned when you return. --Legoless 18:15, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

i need help really badEdit

is there a way to restart the ultimate hiest quest w/out going to the last save. i already finished the main quest so there is no way im goin back to that save. is there a way to restart the quest. help really apprieciated. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

No, as with any quest, there is no way to restart it. Elliot (talk) 02:17, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

Are you serious?Edit

There is no way to restart this mission? none? anyone have a map to sneak back through the castle? what if i go and kill the grey fox? what is the reward anyways? 500 bucks?

Yessir, they are serious. Yessir, none. No sir, no map. Killing the Grey Fox is a federal offense; it's an endangered species. The reward is a hat (er, cowl). Have a nice day. Minor Edits 01:22, 7 September 2011 (UTC)

What he means is its useless the gray fox wont die being a main character. And mister or miss edits as funny as that was some people will take you serious. People look to this site for answer and education so a joke can be missleading and very disruptive. thanks. Froggy™ 12:28, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

Big lootEdit

is there anyway to obtain the huge items in the palace basement I dont belive there is but I would really like them for my collectionFroggy™ 12:32, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

not without the console (I plead LazynessEddie The Head 12:40, 6 October 2011 (UTC))

Fight with monks, permanently expelledEdit

The only mention of this on the page is the journal entry (200). If you fight or kill a monk before getting the scroll you will obviously not be able to complete the quest, you will be expelled from the Thieves Guild, the Gray Fox will be gone, and everyone in the guild faction will have a greatly lowered disposition towards you; between Amusei and Armond I had a total disposition of 24. It seems there is absolutely no way to rejoin the guild. I have been unable to find the Stranger to see if he offers any new dialog. Ghost Host 04:32, 16 October 2011 (UTC)

Reading Chair 'Glitch'Edit

I had the problem where when you sit in the reading chair the monks catch you, and the quest is ruined. Luckily I saved before sitting. I used the Ring of Khajiiti, a %25 Chameleon spell, and a Shadow scroll I found looting the palace, which had %50 chameleon. I am also a master in sneak. So basically use as many chameleon spells/scrolls/items you can so that even when you are standing in front of the monk you remain unnoticed, this is when you know it is OK to sit in the chair undetected. Invisibility spells/scrolls will not work because once you click the chair the spell is deactivated. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:49 on 2 November 2011‎

Locked door at hall of EpochsEdit

So first time I got to hall of Epochs I did everthing alright up to firing he arrow into the keyhole and lifting the statue, but when the guardians attacked me I just ran away because most my equipment was broken, I lost them somewhere along the Old Way, got my stuff fixed and came back but the guardians were back in statue form and the door to the Imperial Guard Quarters is locked and cannot be picked. What now?

The same thing happened to me and it looks like we are both screwed from the quest, Idk why but not a singal one of the palace gurads have a key to that area so it's impossibleto get in unless you were playing on the computer — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:17 on 14 November 2011‎

I encountered the same problem. If you're playing the computer version you can work around it by waiting until ~1 AM (the guards go to sleep at that time) and using the console command "player.coc ICPalaceGuardQuarters". 18:34, 6 January 2012 (UTC)

the reading chairEdit

many times i have tried but every time i sit in the reading chair it wont give me the option to get back up... im stuck and cannot finish the quest please help. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:35 on 21 November 2011

The way i have found to this this is by exiting the chair before picking up the scroll — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:50 on 29 March 2024‎

Can't Find the Arrow Of ExtracionEdit

I was standing on the plate in the hall of epochs and I shoot the arrow just a little bit above the blue light. (I should have aimed farther up) So now I can't find the arrow. PLEASE HELP. Any suggestions to where it might be? ? 22:05, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

It should be there somewhere, as far as I know, but if you can't find it at all, you'll have to reload from before you shot it. Robin Hoodtalk 05:19, 17 January 2012 (UTC)

hall of epochs glitch?Edit

in the hall of epochs, i've pressed all the switches, moved the blocks in the way of the bridge and currently standing where the Pressure Plate should be, but its not there. i've done this quest a few times now in previous games and have never had this problem. is there something i can do, other than starting the quest over from my autosave? not sure if it matters or now, but i'm using the 360 edition.

--Pkrho 01:49, 3 August 2012 (UTC)

Can't hit the target !Edit

OK, I've got the arrow, I've made it into the place where the statue is. I found the way to get the gate open so I can stand on the platform and shoot across the room at the statue. Are they kidding!!! No matter how carefully I aim, I can only get about half way across the hall. I can't even reach the statue.

Sooo, I went back out the way I came in. Spent several weeks upgrading my marksman skills from level 9 to level 49. (I killed a lot of mudcrabs, wolves, and mountain lions) I enchanted boots, aumulet, 2 rings, shirt, pants, boots (everything you can possibly put on) with improved marksman skills. And I enchanted a glass bow with enhanced marksman skills. I bought the cowl of whatever to improve marksman. When I put everything on, my marksman was increased to level 95.

I fought my way back into the room... (was nice, no vampires this time). Dang! I still couldn't shoot but about half way across the room :(

Now what? will one bow work better than another? Do I need a different enchantment to make it work better? Should I try some sort of magical bow? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:22 on 11 September 2012 (EDT)

If you are on the PC, you should be able to use the console command "tcl" to basically "fly" through the gate and do what you need to do. To stop "flying", just type tcl into the console again. You can acess the console by pressing this key (~). I hope this helps!--Skyrimplayer (talk) 15:36, 11 September 2012 (EDT)
I am not certain the aim instructions are complete and universally correct; after a few failures on my own I tried the advice from this page, and the arrow kept disappearing without visual or audible impact. Eventually I realised that most of the front of the statue doesn't block the arrow, and to verify this I looked behind, where my stray arrow lay. To further verify this I stood at point blank and shot the statue from the front; the arrow passed through and hit the ceiling beyond. Since it looked like the arrow simply vanished, it took me very long to realise my error (shooting too high). My successful shot: With a bound bow, the arrow of extrication, somewhat high strength & agility and rather low marksman skill I aimed near the top of the brightened area. Full power (hold until the string is pulled all the way back, release). 17:50, 27 November 2013 (GMT)

Unlock Imperial Guard Quarters DoorEdit

Did anyone figure out how to UNLOCK the Imperial Guard Quarters door, like the previous guy.... I too got through the quest and entered the door, and got my butt whipped by guards, so I thought I would go back and restock on supplies... I did and came back to the door, and my statues are also frozen and I too cant open the door, so Is there ANY OTHER WAY to finish the quest, PLEASE HELP, u can email me wolfboi1970@hotmail Id really appreciate it, Im sooooooo pissed and wayyyyy too far along to just back load to when I first entered the room, I mean ive gone up like 5 or 6 levels, and completed ALOT OF NEW QUESTS, I cant even think about having to go back and re do all of that just so I can finish this quest. NOT AN OPTION.Thanks!!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:28 on 29 June 2013‎

Ayleid bugsEdit

So, I didn't kill the guardians, and I don't have a save from before that, so is there a way around the no-sit bug or am I just screwed?--UnderSoul (talk) 00:22, 5 October 2013 (GMT)

I believe you should still be able to backtrack at this point of the quest. You could head back to the area where the palace guards sleep and use the trapdoor here to head back into the area of the Old Way where the Ayleid guardians are. You could then fight them there, although I can't guarantee that this will fix the sitting bug or if they will still even be around (though I wouldn't see where the guardians would go). Forfeit (talk) 01:11, 5 October 2013 (GMT)
I'll try that and tell you how it works, thanks for at least an idea. Besides, if worst comes to worst I could just take the cowl and forfeit the rank of "Gray Fox"--UnderSoul (talk) 01:37, 5 October 2013 (GMT)

Im stuck at the quartersEdit

So I beat all the quests went through the puzzles but now im stuck because when I walk into the guards quarters they all notice me even while sleeping even if I crouch I cannt leave so now I keep reloading and sneaking into the guards quarters but they all get up immediately — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:33 on 25 February 2014

Hello! I had the same problem too. Make sure your weapon isn't enchanted and giving off light. Also, make sure you are wearing the Shrouded Armor and Hood the Thieves Guild gave you. Best of luck! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:36 on 28 April 2015‎

I cant wait or fast travelEdit

After taking elder scroll i got caught and now even there is noone around game keeps saying that there is enemies and does not allow me to wait and fast travel. Do you know required console codes to get through this — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:09 on 15 February 2015


  • "In Skyrim, during the quest Elder Knowledge, when you ask Urag gro-Shub about the Scrolls, he asks "Do you even know what you're asking for?". Should you tell him you do and ask if he has one in the library, he will say that even if he had one there, it would be under heavy security and not even the world's greatest thief could lay a finger on it. This is an obvious reference to this quest."

Is this really an obvious reference to the quest? I have my doubts... DRAGON GUARD(TALK) 17:21, 10 November 2015 (UTC)

It is mentioned on our Historical References page, and I think it's well placed there. But I'm not sure if it deserves mention on this page... -- SarthesArai Talk 18:00, 10 November 2015 (UTC)
I guess you're right—it doesn't deserve mention on this page. DRAGON GUARD(TALK) 00:42, 11 November 2015 (UTC)

Reaction to failureEdit

Just wondering if anyone knows how the Gray Fox reacts if you fail this quest. I've gotten a quest update once saying "My cover is blown, the Gray Fox will not be happy." What exactly is his reaction? What does he say? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:01 on 21 July 2016‎

How do I get back into the palace? (Xbox version)Edit

I f*cked up royally. So I accidentally left w/out the scroll, and now both passages to the guard quarters are blocked. Does anyone know if the key exists, and where do I find it? Also, I don't have any saves before the point I inadvertently went through the BM's quarters. — Unsigned comment by PurpleCapyara (talkcontribs) at 20:16 on 5 December 2017

There is no key to open those doors, they are only available during the quest. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 20:50, 5 December 2017 (UTC)

Countess denying Gray Fox as CountEdit

She states that she'll deny him "before the Emperor" if she has to. But there isn't a current Emperor. 09:24, 28 July 2019 (UTC)

Failing the Ultimate Heist and being expelled from the Thieves GuildEdit

I didn't see anything online about this weird outcome, but you can actually fail the quest and be permanently expelled from the TG (you even lose your Master Thief rank). If you attack a blind monk before stealing the Elder Scroll or reaching the library the quest will update telling the heist failed and that the Gray Fox will probably kick you out of the Guild forever. You can exit the sewers normally through Ocato's bedroom and survive the fall with the Boots of Springheel Jack - and if you search for the Gray Fox, he's nowhere to be found. TG members will lose their guild related dialogue and have their disposition lowered to zero.

In other words it's possible to 100% fail the questline permanently and still play the game afterwards. It's a sort of "Life Sucks" alternative ending.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:39 on 24 June 2020 (UTC)

Journal entry 60Edit

So what is up with this journal entry? It barely seems to be linked to anything in this quest. I wonder how one can obtain it. Is it simply an in-game error made by the developers? I also looked into all discussion archives but none seem to discuss it. --C0rTeZ48 (talk) 13:07, 24 February 2021 (UTC)

Imperial Palace CuirassEdit

In this quest, who among them wears this and from which part of the palace he (or she) can be found? I would really like to get this armor for collection. Please help. Rider4ever38 (talk) 06:37, 4 October 2023 (UTC)

The ones in the Imperial Guard Quarters have it. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 07:32, 4 October 2023 (UTC)
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