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Oblivion talk:Telaendril


Telaendril is exceptionally weak in my experience when compared to the rest of the brotherhood, I struck her once and and Bruccius the Orphan managed to kill her with his bare fists. I am unsure why he fought for me though I am sure I had progressed most of the theives guild. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:19 on 18 August 2007‎

Where is sheEdit

She doesn't seem to exist outside of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary until you join the Dark Brotherhood itself, as far as I can tell. I've checked all the locations she's supposed to be at acccording to the note found on Ocheeva, and can't find her. If anyone else can find her outside the sanctuary before joining the Dark Brotherhood, I'd appreciate the information, and it should probably be added to the Wiki article. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:21 on 5 September 2007‎

Yep, you're right. All of her AI packages (that tell her to go to various locations outside of the sanctuary) only become active after you join the Dark Brotherhood. The scripting is somewhere bizarre, because it actually checks to see whether or not Telaendril has had a specific conversation with Gogron gro-Bolmog. But that conversation will only be triggered when the player is standing nearby, and therefore implicitly requires that the player have joined the Dark Brotherhood and entered the sanctuary for the first time. --NepheleTalk 18:13, 6 September 2007 (EDT)

Permanent RetirementEdit

Does she really attempt to assasinate Adamus Phillida if you wait to long to kill him? I think that would be an interesting twist if she would. Aldage 16:19, 9 October 2007 (EDT)

That would be rather interesting, I agree, but it is of course not possible. Where did you get that idea? --M'aiq the Liar 05:16, 29 August 2008 (EDT)
She visits Leyawiin every so often, and this caused some people to speculate that she was there to kill Adamus. More here. –RpehTCE 06:07, 29 August 2008 (EDT)

Break Up Note?Edit

Looking at the table Gogron drinks at, you will see a note suggesting that they broke up.

I've deleted this note that was added to the page (and already questioned). The only possibly relevant note in the Dark Sanctuary is a copy of "ClutterLoveLetter03" that is found on one of the tables in the Dark Brotherhood Living Quarters. However, it's a completely anonymous note that is found in seven other places in the game. And I don't seeing anything about that table that is specific to Gogron: Gogron can randomly choose to sit at any table; any other DB member can choose to sit at that table. So it seems to me like a bit of a stretch to infer that the note is supposed to provide background specifically on Telaendril, rather than just acting as general clutter (as its name suggests). --NepheleTalk 00:52, 31 December 2007 (EST)

Well, judging be the name "CLUTTERLoveLetter03", I would assume that it's clutter. Bethesda might have put it there just to be funny, though. --Ocylith 10:54, 17 April 2008 (EDT)

Strange AttackEdit

Once I was playing, I was about to get out of the sanctuary by the door (not the well). Just before I do, I hear combat moves. I turn back, and see Ocheeva killing Telaendril. Why, I can't tell. Right after, once Telaendril's dead, Ocheeva comes back to a normal behaviour. Strange, for sure: can anyone explain that? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:39 on 17 April 2008

This is all just speculation, but perhaps Telaendril accidently attacked and Ocheeva responded. I have absolutely no idea if this is possible, thus it seems unlikely. --Ocylith 10:56, 17 April 2008 (EDT)
I have seen this behaviour as well. One possible explanation has been mooted on the Oblivion talk:The Purification page - maybe Ocheeva was after some food that Telaendril was carrying. --Gaebrial 04:22, 18 April 2008 (EDT)
I have just started the Dark Brotherhood questline and witnessed the same thing. I triggered the conversation between Telaendril and Gogron - while it was happening, Ocheeva enters her room and opens the barrel behind her table. After the conversation finished, Ocheeva comes sprinting out of her room and cuts down Telaendril in front of the well ladder (she was getting ready to go to the well behind the Mages Guild). I reloaded a few times; in one of the reloads I attempted a pickpocket on Telaendril; sure enough, there were five pieces of venison meat in her inventory; likely from Ocheeva's barrel. In another reload, Telaendril managed to make it out of the sanctuary, and Ocheeva could not follow her due to the well being locked and requiring a specific key, which Ocheeva does not have. I went outside, followed Telaendril to the Mages Guild, waited until past midnight, and saw her back to the sanctuary safely. Upon her return; Ocheeva was no longer in combat mode and seemed to have forgotten the larceny.-- 02:51, 27 April 2009 (EDT)
I witnessed :) the same situation. When I entered the sanctuary I saw Telaendril going out from were Ocheeva was sitting, probably her room. Then I speak with Ocheeva and end a quest (the one with the skooma guy) and she get up look inside a wood barrel, the took out the sword and run out to search for Telaendril. Meanwhile Telaendril has gone to sleep so the first sword hit was really a "surprise" from her. They continue to fight, with Telaendril saying "Why, sister, why?". That was really funny. --Doru 17:04, 27 December 2009‎

() I also had a strange situation, I was travelling through a forest, when I came past a bridge, on top of the bridge were standing countess Alessia Caro and her bodyguard, below the bridge, in the water, were a dead Telaendril and a living bandit 17:24, 26 April 2009 (EDT)

I as well had walked outside my house to see hear combat noises, and her attacking a Cheydinhal guard, and then get killed. Falseglory 01:01, 16 January 2010 (UTC)
I to had a problem. I was about to do the Purification quest when Telaendril killed Ocheeva. I got a bit confused but I thought less job for me! JackTurbo95 16:34, 3 March 2011 (UTC)
yea, this time teinaava did it. So random... I wonder why she always gets into fights — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:15 on 18 April 2011

The mystery behind the assaults to TelaendrilEdit

Ok, I think I have found out what causes Ocheeva to attack Telaendril, and indeed, it's not only her as Gogron can attack her too. It seems that Telaendril's bow (iron bow) will break at a certain moment since she is constantly using it to train and thus it gets damaged. Once it has completly broken she will constantly drop it, the key here is: her bow counts as stolen when she drops it. So, after testing this with other people, I discovered that after you steal a certain amount of items their disposition will fall enough that it will cause them to attack you, so I'm guessing the same thing happens here. However, there have been reports that Ocheeva also attacks Gogron, so there may be some items in the sanctuary that can count as stolen, causing Ocheeva to get so pissed off that she starts attacking the person that is "stealing." I could use a second check from someone else, since could have been just a one-off glitch as well. --S'drassa T2M 21:27, 21 January 2010 (UTC)

Is it possible for them to do this when you're not in the sanctuary? I just did The Purification and Telaendril was nowhere to be found, but I still completed the quest. I can only assume she was killed by Ocheeva while I wasn't around or perhaps died on her travels as the result of some other attack by guards or creatures. -- 06:45, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
Yes, that is possible too. --SerCenKing Talk 10:16, 28 February 2010 (UTC)
It's definitely the stolen venison. At least in my current game. I've got a save just after joining the Dark Brotherhood where Ocheeva walks into her quarters, checks the barrel for venison and, finding none, attacks Telaendril immediately. I reloaded and managed to get a few pieces in the barrel just before she checks it and she happily grabs a piece sits down and starts eating, leaving Telaendril in peace. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:04 on 24 April 2010
Yeah, this happened to me too just recently in fact. except it was between antoinette and telaendril and telaendril killed antionette. all i heard were just really intense fighting noises from behind me and i turn around and antionette has like 40 arrows in her (lol) and telaendril is like kicking her ass and then antoinette died and that was it. i have no idea why this happens but at least it will make purification easier later on :) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:09 on 9 July 2011

Moved BugEdit

I removed this from the main page, it seems very unlikely but someone should test it sometime.

Sometimes taking the items located in Talaendril's Chest will count as stealing and therefore will get you kicked out of the guild. Reentry is allowed by fighting the wrath of Sithis. --Arch-Mage MattTalk 22:09, 27 June 2010 (UTC)

It's not a bug. You aren't supposed to steal from your guild members. Stealing from anyone's chest can get you kicked out of the guild, but the stealing has to reach a certain value (gold amount) before triggering the 'Dark Exile' (and might have to be witnessed). I can't recall what she has in her chest, she may not have enough by herself to trigger it (she'll just yell at you, but not attack), but when you steal from others then it will trigger it because now you've stolen more. So perhaps this person stole from her chest after the others so her inventory was just enough to trigger the Exile. I triggered A Dark Exile and Another Dark Exile by just stealing from the chests. Got back in and two of them that had witnessed me stealing attacked me and would not yield. Bamspeedy 13:50, 30 November 2011 (UTC)
Crimes have to be witnessed, even if only by Schemer, the Sanctuary rat, to trigger the Dark Exiles. I know this because the only time I triggered a Dark Exile was by accidentally killing Schemer, thinking he was an ordinary rat like those in the forts, mines, and caves. I've never triggered a Dark Exile by stealing because I've always been 100% Chameleoned when committing that crime. 02:04, 22 February 2013 (GMT)

Bug Removal RevertedEdit

I think some explanation is in order for why the removal of an invalid bug was reversed after it has been verified in the CS as invalid. Not to mention she clearly hangs around near the proper well in an unmodified game. Short of a mod changing this, there's no way her AI is going to send her to stand around near the MG well. Arthmoor 02:15, 17 August 2010 (UTC)

I just checked the CS and I think I found the problem. While the reference itself says "DarkSanctuaryWellRef", it has the wrong marker. If you click on "View Location" and zoom out you will see that the location displayed is behind the MG. --S'drassa T2M 02:21, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
You're right. Very subtle difference as I was looking at the right well, which is labeled as "DarkSancWellRef". Odd thing is, I'm very certain I've seen her hanging around there even before the UOPS added a fix to match the note and have her patrolling in front of the house. Arthmoor 02:32, 17 August 2010 (UTC)

Body stays putEdit

Killed her for the purification but her body won't disappear. Happened 3 different times. Glitch? KaidaThyme (talk) 01:24, 16 November 2013 (GMT)

Her corpse is permanent (see Category:Oblivion-Permanent Corpses). If you don't want her sticking around in the city, make sure to kill her inside of the Sanctuary when she is in there. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 02:55, 16 November 2013 (GMT)
Thanks.KaidaThyme (talk) 23:30, 16 November 2013 (GMT)

Something oddEdit

Okay, this is a random question. Because I was doing the Quest for Sanguine. Prior to performing the Stark Reality Spell, I placed some Armor, Sword and some other stuff in a Chest in the Servants Quarters so I could defend myself and rush to the Shrine and not come quietly. When I left the Castle, for some reason I found a massive Battle occurring outside between the Guards and Telaendril, who was kicking serious rear-end. However when she broke her Bow, she charged into Combat with her fists and got killed by the Leyawiin Jailor who chased me. Oddly enough, it said I killed Telaendril and was exiled! What the heck?! -- 19:43, 31 August 2014 (GMT)

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