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< Oblivion: People
(RefID: 0002ECBB)
Home City Kvatch
Location Refugee Camp
Race Argonian Gender Female
Level 20 Class Pilgrim
RefID 0002ECBB BaseID 0002D6EE
Other Information
Health 183 Magicka 61
Responsibility 100 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Nine Divines Theurgist(Theurgist); Kvatch citizens
Weedum-Ja outside Kvatch

Weedum-Ja, an Argonian pilgrim, is a refugee from Kvatch. Her home was destroyed by Daedra, and she now seeks refuge in the southwestern tent of the encampment outside the ruins of the city, awaiting its rebuilding.

Weedum sleeps in a bedroll there from midnight to 7am, when she gets up and eats a quick breakfast. She then goes back to sleep for two hours, until 9am, at which point she gets up again and walks around inside her tent. At midday she'll go outside and wander around the encampment or sit on a stool in front of the campfire until 9pm. She spends the rest of the day strolling around the surrounding area.

She wears a coarse linen shirt, a pair of coarse linens, and oiled linen shoes, and may carry a very small amount of gold.


When approached in the refugee camp, she will tell you:

"We've been hit hard. But we'll come back."

Or if you've already spoken to her:

"You again. What is it this time?"

If you then ask her about her destroyed town, she will say:

"It looks bad. It is bad. But we're tough. We'll rebuild. The guards have to clear the ruins first. That won't be easy. But I'll be here. This is my town. Nothing is driving me out of here."

Once you've closed the Oblivion Gate plaguing Kvatch she will be astonished:

"I'm told you closed the Oblivion Gate. I'm amazed. Thank you, on behalf of all Kvatch's refugees."