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< Daggerfall: Bestiary(Redirected from Daggerfall:Knight)

In addition to fierce beasts and deadly monstrosities, humanoid foes are often encountered throughout the Iliac Bay. Humanoids always have the same level as your character and they can be fairly dangerous at higher levels. If your character level rises during a quest or while in a dungeon, humanoid foes that are already generated—be it as quest adversaries or random dungeon inhabitants—will not rise in level. They will remain at the same level as your character when you accepted the quest or entered the dungeon. Humanoids carry equipment like orcs, and fall into three categories:

  • Warriors: heavily armored, and use ranged attacks at a distance.
  • Mages: have the ability to cast spells.
  • Thieves: lightly armored and often attack rapidly, also use ranged attacks at a distance.

Individual humanoid enemy types are the same as the predefined character classes available during character generation.




Archers are warriors specially trained in the use of the bow. While archers favor ranged attacks, they will attack with swords when in melee range.



Barbarians are warriors that hail from the harsh lands that fringe more civilized areas. They make excellent fighters, well-suited to survival under the worst conditions.



Guards are found (friendly) wandering within towns, and may be spoken to as with ordinary townspeople. Additional guards will spawn whenever you are wanted by the law. When hostile, they become knights while retaining their original 3D model. They will repeatedly shout out "Halt!" if attempting to arrest the player.



Knights are trained as warriors. They hail from noble stock, and adhere to the code of chivalry.



Monks are specially trained in mental disciplines. This intense mental awareness includes the ability to turn the body into a lethal machine. Resistance to Shock and Magic



Rangers are at home in the wilderness, and are excellent hunters. They are very skilled at survival and tracking.



Warriors are those most heavily trained in the arts of combat and warfare. They are adept in the use of many weapons and are often heavily armored.

Fighting StrategiesEdit

If you have the space available to do so, quickly strike with a melee attack and immediately move back a few steps to avoid counterattacks (though not so far that your opponent resorts to ranged attacks). Wait for the enemy's attack to finish, and move in for another strike. Repeat as necessary.


*According to artist Mark Jones, these spellcasters are intended to be Druids.



Battlemages use their mastery of magic for combat purposes. They are naturally adept at casting offensive magic spells.



Healers use their magic to treat injuries and cure illnesses. Their function is primarily defensive in nature.



Mages are those that devote their lives to the study and practice of the arcane magical arts. An experienced mage can be a deadly force to reckon with.



Nightblades use their magic abilities as an aid to subterfuge. The Nightblade is often like a thief with the capability to use magic.



Sorcerers are quite adept at the manipulation of magic, although they do not generate their own magical energy. Rather, they absorb the energy of spells cast at them, and use this energy to power their own spells.

  • Spell Absorption
  • Sorcerers don't have any initial magicka; they act like warriors. Strangely, they cast no spells although they are able to absorb magicka.



Spellswords are warriors who are also highly skilled in the use of magic. This dual specialization makes the Spellsword a formidable opponent indeed.

Fighting StrategiesEdit

The use of Spell Reflection, Spell Resistance, or Spell Absorption is advised when fighting a spellcasting humanoid.

Spells Available to Humanoid Spellcasters

The following table lists the spells used by humanoid spellcasters (with the exception of sorcerers). The selection of available spells depends on the spellcaster's level, which as mentioned above is always the same as your character's level. Note that all spellcasters cast the same spells, regardless of which class they belong to.

Level 1 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 8 9 - 11 12 - 14 15 - 17 18 and higher

The total amount of spell points any enemy (including monsters) has available is calculated as follows:

100 + (Enemy's level × 10)




Acrobats practice the thieving arts, and use their remarkable physical skills to aid them. They are very quick, agile, and nimble. Acrobats do not spawn as random dungeon inhabitants; they may only be encountered during a certain quest.



Assassins are much feared and respected, for they use the night for concealment, and their cunning to strike deadly blows. Even secure locks cannot stay the Assassin's blade.



Bards are the most versatile class, learned in many different arts. They are familiar with weaponry, magic, and the thiefly talents.



Burglars are well versed in the arts of picking locks. They can sneak undetected into even the most secure of noble houses and escape detection.



Rogues are trained in both the shadowy arts of the thief, and the combat arts of the warrior.



Thieves are well known for their adeptness in using stealth, speed, and cunning to steal for a living.

Fighting StrategiesEdit

As with warrior type enemies, striking and retreating is often the safest form of melee combat. However, thief type enemies can strike very quickly, and occasionally employ poisoned weapons. Ranged attacks will mitigate these risks, but beware as these enemies also attack with ranged weapons of their own.


  • You cannot enter into conversation with humanoid enemies.
  • Some dungeon types will never generate random humanoid enemies. Those that do will do so from a list of up to seven classes, which varies by dungeon type.