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< Daggerfall: Character Creation(Redirected from Daggerfall:Resistance)
The ClassMaker screen

The Custom Class Generator (or ClassMaker) allows you to create your own class. A new class must include:

  • A Name
  • 3 Primary Skills
  • 3 Major Skills
  • 6 Minor Skills

All other custom features are optional. Adjusting some of these, such as adding special advantages or disadvantages and higher or lower health points per level, makes it respectively more difficult or less difficult for the class to improve in skills and thus rise in levels. The Skill Advancement bar represents the difficulty of a custom class learning new skills.

Class NameEdit

The name of your custom class may contain up to 23 letters. This is purely for role-playing purposes and does not affect gameplay.


While predefined character classes rely on the attribute range belonging to their race, custom characters can create their own attribute ranges. Custom characters begin with a base 50 in each attribute, which may be modified before generating the character. When the character is actually created, the game may add as much as 10 points to each attribute.

Each attribute may be raised to 75 or lowered to 10 points, but you cannot add more points than you subtract. Thus, if 15 points are added to Strength, 10 points are added to Intelligence, and 15 points are added to Endurance, then a total of 40 points must be subtracted from two or more of the remaining attributes (Willpower, Agility, Personality, Speed, and/or Luck).

To change the starting point of an attribute, click to select it (the counter will move next to that attribute), click the arrow above the counter to add a point to the attribute or click the arrow below the counter to remove a point. When all attributes have been adjusted, the counter must read 0.


  • If there are undistributed points in the counter, pressing "U" will reset the counter to zero.


More than anything else, skills define a class. Pick the most important three skills for your custom class as primary skills, the next three important skills as major skills, and the next six important as minor skills. The other skills will be available for your new character class, but they will be very low when the game begins and will be more difficult to raise. It is more important to pick skills most commonly used by the new class for the primary and major skills. These skills will increase with constant use and, as the skills increase, so will the character's level.

For information on how the initial values for skills are calculated, see Character Creation.

Skill Advancement For ClassEdit

This indicates the speed at which you will level up. Increasing or decreasing this value will increase or decrease the difficulty for your character to advance to the next class. Warrior classes are the baseline for advancement and will typically be near the 1.0x multiplier. Mages generally advance more slowly, so will have a higher multiplier. Thieves advance more quickly, so will have a lower multiplier. Having the bar at 3.0x means that you will need 3 times the normal skill checks to advance the skill. Having the bar at 0.3x means that you will need 0.3 times the normal skill checks to advance. This bar is changed by any advantages and/or disadvantages, maximum hit points per level, and your game speed.

Max Hit Points Per LevelEdit

The game system makes it so that at each level, you gain between 1/2 of this value and this value, plus your endurance modifier. So if you have a maximum of 10 hit points per level and 60 endurance, you will gain between 5 and 10 hit points, plus 1. This feature increases your maximum hit points per level and the difficulty slider.

Special AdvantagesEdit

Special advantages give the class extra abilities. Adding special advantages to a class increases Skill Advancement difficulty. You can select a maximum of seven special advantages.

Some advantages work only in certain places. Many have the options "In Darkness", "In Light", and "In Water". "In Darkness" means that the advantage will work only in dungeons and at night. "In Light" means that the advantage works only in daylight or buildings that are well-lit.

Special Class Advantage Description
Acute Hearing Allows you to hear sounds from farther away.
Adrenaline Rush When low on health (<13%), you gain bonuses to some combat-related attributes.
Athleticism Stamina decreases slower when running, jumping, climbing, and swimming. Jumping height is significantly increased.
Bonus to Hit Increases damage (+level pts) against certain monsters. Note that if you have a bonus to hit a monster, you may not have a phobia of the same monster.
Expertise In Increases accuracy (+level%) and damage (+level/3 pts) with a certain weapon.
Immunity Allows you to become immune to the selected element or status effect. Note that a class with this advantage will not be able to choose similar "resistance", "critical weakness", or "low tolerance" advantages/disadvantages.
  • Disease
  • Fire
  • Frost
  • Magic
  • Paralysis
  • Poison
  • Shock
Increased Magery This increases the amount of magicka you have. Essential for magic users, since by default Spell Points are only at 0.5x INT.
  • 1.5x INT in Spell Points
  • 1.75x INT in Spell Points
  • 2x INT in Spell Points
  • 3x INT in Spell Points
  • INT in Spell Points
Rapid Healing This allows you to increase the rate you heal while resting.
  • General
  • In Darkness
  • In Light
Regenerate Health Allows you to slowly regenerate health (15 HP/hour).
  • General
  • Darkness
  • Light
  • While Immersed in Water
Resistance Allows you to resist the selected element/status effect. Note that a class with this advantage will not be able to choose similar "immunity", "critical weakness", or "low tolerance" advantages/disadvantages.
  • Disease
  • Fire
  • Frost
  • Magic
  • Paralysis
  • Poison
  • Shock
Spell Absorption Allows you to nullify any direct damage spell (i.e. any spell transmitting a Destruction-school effect, including Continuous Damage, Damage, Disintegrate, Drain, and Transfer - e.g. Fireball - but not a spell transmitting a non-damaging hostile effect, such as Paralyze or Silence), and add the spell point cost of the spell to your current spell point pool, as long as you have sufficient free/"empty" spell points to absorb the spell's full cost, with the cost calculated as the cost of the spell if you had cast the spell.
  • General
  • Darkness
  • Light


  • Acute Hearing's practical benefits are not evident.
    • Daggerfall Unity changes it so Acute Hearing increases the range from which enemy sounds can be heard by 25%, or 50% if enhanced by a magic item.
  • Adrenaline Rush's practical benefits are not evident.
    • Daggerfall Unity changes it so Adrenaline Rush increases combat odds by 5, or by 8 if enhanced by a magic item.
  • Athleticism's practical benefits are not evident, beyond providing increased jump height.
    • Daggerfall Unity changes it so Athleticism makes a character lose fatigue 10% slower, or 20% slower if enhanced by a magic item. it also increases jump height by 10%, or 20% if enhanced by a magic item. This does not stack with a Jumping spell effect.

Special DisadvantagesEdit

Special disadvantages impose restrictions on the class. Special disadvantages also lower the Skill Advancement difficulty. You can select a maximum of seven special disadvantages.

Some disadvantages work only in certain places. Many have the options "In Darkness", "In Light", and "In Water". "In Darkness" means that the disadvantage will work only in dungeons and at night. "In Light" means that the disadvantage works only in daylight or buildings that are well-lit. Any advantages you have from your race or vampirism will override your potential weaknesses. So High Elves, who are immune to paralysis, could take a critical weakness to paralysis and remain immune.

Special Class Disadvantage Description
Critical Weakness Makes you very vulnerable to the selected element/status effect. Note that a class with this disadvantage will not be able to choose similar "resistance", "immunity", or "low tolerance" advantages/disadvantages.
  • Disease
  • Fire
  • Frost
  • Magic
  • Paralysis
  • Poison
  • Shock
Damage You suffer 12 HP damage per 4 in-game minutes in certain places.
Darkness-powered Magery This hinders your spellcasting ability during the day.
  • Lower Magic Ability in Daylight (This decreases the maximum amount of Magicka)
  • Unable to Use Magic in Daylight
Forbidden Armor Types Makes it impossible to wear certain types of armor. They can still be carried in the inventory.
  • Chain
  • Leather
  • Plate (Iron, Steel, Silver, Elven, Dwarven, Mithril, Adamantium, Ebony, Orcish, and Daedric armor)
Forbidden Material This forbids you from wearing armor and weapons of the selected material. They can still be carried in the inventory.
  • Adamantium
  • Daedric
  • Dwarven
  • Ebony
  • Elven
  • Iron
  • Mithril
  • Orcish
  • Silver
  • Steel
Forbidden Shield Types You can't use shields of this type. They can still be carried in your inventory.
  • Buckler
  • Kite Shield
  • Round Shield
  • Tower Shield
Forbidden Weaponry You can't use weapons of this type. They can still be carried in your inventory.
  • Axe
  • Blunt Weapon
  • Hand-to-Hand
  • Long Blade
  • Missile Weapon
  • Short Blade
Inability to Regen Spell Points The class cannot regenerate spell points while resting.
Light-powered Magery This hinders your spellcasting ability during the night and in dungeons.
  • Lower Magic Ability in Darkness (Decreases the maximum magicka.)
  • Unable to Use Magic in Darkness
Low Tolerance Causes you to be slightly weak to selected elements/status effects. Note that a class with this disadvantage will not be able to choose similar "resistance", "critical weakness", or "immunity" advantages/disadvantages.
  • Disease
  • Fire
  • Frost
  • Magic
  • Paralysis
  • Poison
  • Shock
Phobia Decreases the damage and the accuracy against the selected type of enemy, while that enemy will have an easier time attacking you. Note that if you have a phobia against a certain type of monster, you may not take the "Bonus To Hit" advantage for that same monster.


  • Note that this is only verified in the unpatched version: there is a cheat/bug that allows you to forbid yourself from a given weaponry/material/shield twice with the same skill advancement increase and be immune to as well as having a critical weakness to shock, netting a skill advancement bonus. ?
    • This bug is not present as of the latest patch (v1.07.213).
  • Also, you can choose critical weakness to disease and then answer the background questions such that you get a further penalty to disease ("Your frail health as a child has made you less resistant to disease." or "You have the most trouble avoiding diseases."), the net result being that you will be almost, if not completely immune to disease. This bug is the result of an overflow -- the system confuses a negative number with a very high positive number. Note that immunity/resistance to disease does not lower the chance to contract vampirism or lycanthropy. The odds of contracting either are constant at 0.6% and neither advantages nor disadvantages modify the odds. ?
    • This bug was fixed in Daggerfall Unity.
  • There is an exploit that allows you to choose both types of darkness powered magery, meaning you can get both Lower Magic Ability in Daylight and Unable to Use Magic in Daylight. This is also true for the Light Powered magery disadvantage.
  • You can pick all the Increased magic special advantages but they don't stack and only the last one added is applied.
  • If you play as a High Elf, you will still have immunity to paralysis with lower tolerance or critical weakness to paralysis disadvantage.
    • This exploit was fixed in Daggerfall Unity, in which:
      • A High Elf with no weakness to paralysis will have full immunity to it.
      • A High Elf with low tolerance to paralysis will have 75% resistance to it.
      • A High Elf with critical weakness to paralysis will have 50% resistance to it.
  • Immunity to poison will grant immunity to spider and scorpion paralysis attacks.
    • This exploit was fixed in Daggerfall Unity.
  • Immunity to Magicka will grant immunity to paralysis, disease and poison.
    • This bug was fixed in Daggerfall Unity.
  • Forbidding hand-to-hand does not prevent you from using hand-to-hand at all.


Editing Reputations is an optional class creation feature which allows you to help determine how certain broad societal factions are inclined to react to you. These groups are not the only reputation groups in the game: they are merely the broadest and the most common. The base average of all the reputation groups together must always equal zero. Thus if you add five points to your reputation with one group, you must subtract a total of five points from the others.

Note: In order to edit these, you must click on the darker bar to the left of the category name.

Skill Advancement CostEdit

This table lists all effects that influence the dagger on the Skill Advancement for Class chart. Each effect is measured in points, where one point is the smallest increase/decrease possible. For comparison: To get to the lowest factor of 0.3, you need a total of -12 points, while the highest allowed value is 40 points.

Effect Points
Max HP +1 (> 8) 1
Max HP -1 (< 8) -2
Acute Hearing 1
Adrenaline Rush 4
Athleticism 4
Bonus to Hit Animal 6
Bonus to Hit Daedra 3
Bonus to Hit Humanoid 6
Bonus to Hit Undead 6
Expertise in ... 2
Immunity to ... 10
Increased Magery 1.0x 2
Increased Magery 1.5x 4
Increased Magery 1.75x 6
Increased Magery 2.0x 8
Increased Magery 3.0x 10
Rapid Healing (general) 4
Rapid Healing (darkness) 3
Rapid Healing (light) 1
Regenerate Health (general) 14
Regenerate Health (darkness) 10
Regenerate Health (light) 6
Regenerate Health (water) 2
Resistance to ... 5
Spell Absorption (general) 14
Spell Absorption (darkness) 12
Spell Absorption (light) 8
Critical Weakness -14
Damage from Holy Places -6
Damage from Sunlight -10
Darkness-powered lower magic -7
Darkness-powered no magic -10
Forbidden Armor: Chain -2
Forbidden Armor: Leather -1
Forbidden Armor: Plate -5
Forbidden Material: Adamantium -5
Forbidden Material: Daedric -2
Forbidden Material: Dwarven -7
Forbidden Material: Ebony -4
Forbidden Material: Elven -9
Forbidden Material: Iron -1
Forbidden Material: Mithril -6
Forbidden Material: Orcish -3
Forbidden Material: Silver -6
Forbidden Material: Steel -10
Forbidden Shield -1
Forbidden Weaponry -2
Inability to Regen SP -14
Light-powered lower Magic -10
Light-powered no Magic -14
Low Tolerance -5
Phobia -4