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Arena:Equipment Stores

< Arena: Places
An Equipment Store in Skyrim

Equipment Stores, blacksmiths or armories are one the few locations where Services can be accessed in Arena. They are quickly identified by the sword and flail sign in front of them, along their distinct architecture which is uniform between them in similar provincial regions. Stores are only found within settlements and the Blacksmiths within them will sell you all sorts of weapons and armor, as well as being the only NPCs who also offer the service of buying your armor, weapons and magic items and negotiating their price. For more information, see Services.

A blacksmith

Equipment Store Welcome MessagesEdit

Whenever the player enters an equipment store, you may receive any of these messages according to the present season in the Calendar, current weather and time between 6 AM and 6 PM, or 6 PM and 6 AM.

  • "You enter [Store name], happy to be out of the cold and bright winter's day. Many items of interest hang on the walls and are displayed in the display case in front of you..."
  • "[Store name] is as bright as the winter day outside and much warmer. Several pieces of weaponry and equipment look interesting to you..."
  • "You walk into [Store name], rubbing your numb hands together. At least it is sunny outside. Many new weapons and supplies impress you enough for a closer look..."

Overcast Winter
  • "You enter [Store name]. Outside the sun is hidden behind a thick gray layer of clouds, dropping the temperature and making your body steam in the warmth of the shopkeeper's hearth. Many items of interest hang on the walls and are displayed in the display case in front of you..."
  • "You are quickly given a cup of hot cider as you enter [Store name], which you accept gratefully, happy to be inside on such a gloomy winter's day. You look over the weaponry and other merchandise proudly displayed in a case and all along the walls."
  • "The dog days of winter are certainly here. You enter [Store name], hoping for a deal or two on a couple essential pieces of equipment. Several things immediately attract your attention as you look over the display case and the assortments along the walls..."

Snowy Winter
  • "You enter [Store name], stamping your feet to warm them and shaking the frozen snow from your shoulders. Many items of interest hang on the walls and are displayed in the display case in front of you..."
  • "A warm fire in [Store name] thaws your frozen body and the snow on your shoulders and head quickly melts. You notice several supplies in the display case and along the walls that just might be useful..."
  • "You let a spray of snow and wind into [Store name] as you enter. Still, with the exception of the puddle by the door, the chamber is neat and tidy. The walls and display cases are fully stocked with all varieties of weaponry and supplies..."
  • "You enter [Store name] and bring with you a cool spring breeze that ruffles many of the items of interest hanging on the walls. There are more items displayed in the display case in front of you..."
  • "It is a beautiful spring day outside, and the mood of the blacksmith in [Store name] is bright. Perhaps you can get a good deal off him on a couple of items that impress you..."
  • "An open window in [Store name] brings in the smell of spring flowers as you look over your money to see what you can afford. There are several displayed items that might prove useful..."

Overcast Spring
  • "You enter [Store name], hoping that the sun will show itself again. There are many items of interest hanging on the walls and displayed in the display case in front of you..."
  • "There is a window open in [Store name]: the blacksmith is apparently hoping for some fresh scents of spring to brighten a gray day. Several weapons and supplies on display might be helpful to you..."
  • "It is a cold and overcast day, and you doubt that the blacksmith in [Store name] is in the mood to barter. You check your money supply as you browse through the store's wares..."

Rainy Spring
  • "You enter [Store name], happy to be out of the cool spring shower. Many items of interest hang on the walls and in the display case in front of you..."
  • "It looks like a new shipment of weaponry [sic] and other supplies arrived in [Store name] at the same time the rain picked up outside. You notice several items of interest..."
  • "You wipe the cool spring rain from your shoulders and head as you enter [Store name]. Most of the items within are meant more for the townsmen than you, but you do see some adventuring equipment..."

  • "You enter [Store name], happy to be out of the summer heat. Many items of interest hang on the walls and in the display case in front of you..."
  • "The interior of [Store name] is neat and well organized. You wipe the sweat from your brow and look over the weapons and gear..."
  • "It is a relief to enter the [Store name], out of the infernal summer sunshine. Various supplies are carefully arranged throughout the store for your browsing convenience..."

Overcast Summer
  • "You walk into [Store name]. Many items of interest hang on the walls and in the display case in front of you..."
  • "[Store name] is a refuge from the steamy summer day. In the display case and all along the walls are supplies and weaponry for sale..."
  • "You enter [Store name] from the overcast summer day. You browse over the items displayed throughout the store and are impressed by the variety..."

Rainy Summer
  • "You enter [Store name], happy to be out of the summer rain. The cool shade causes shivers to run over your damp body. Many items of interest hang on the walls and are displayed in the display case in front of you..."
  • "The interior of [Store name] is spotlessly clean and neat. You feel almost embarrassed to be dripping puddles of warm rain water all over as you glance over the gear and weapon displays..."
  • "Wiping the warm water from the summer shower off your head, you enter [Store name]. A display case of the more popular supplies is featured in the small room."

  • "As you enter [Store name], golden glints from the fall sun reflect off of the many items of interest scattered about..."
  • "You enter [Store name] from the sunny autumn day. Cases of weaponry are featured next to some of the more peaceful supplies and gear..."
  • "The pleasant autumn weather has given [Store name] an air of joviality. You browse through cases and displays of various supplies..."

Overcast Autumn
  • "You enter [Store name] rubbing your hands together to warm them from the chill. Many items of interest hang on the walls and in the display case in front of you..."
  • "It is a miserable autumn day outside, and it is good to get inside [Store name]. You glance over the new shipments of supplies and weaponry."
  • "It is a bit early in the year for this sort of chilling weather, but new supplies of gear and armaments arrived at [Store name] with the cold. You find a few useful items immediately..."

Rainy Autumn

  • "You enter [Store name], happy to be out of the cold shower. As you dry off you notice the many items of interest that hang on the walls and in the display case in front of you..."
  • "You are handed a towel as you come into [Store name] from the autumn thunderstorm. There is a new shipment of weaponry and other gear, and you notice several pieces worth looking at..."
  • "You are dripping with cold rain water as you enter [Store name]. It is a neat and clean chamber with a wide assortment of supplies and weapons..."


  • In the 1.0 version of Arena, equipment stores did not have the option for selling magical items such as bracers or torcs, among others. One of the following patches, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03 or 1.04 made this possible.Which one? {Unknown}