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Weapons can be essential for defeating your foes in Arena. Other than a punch or unarmed attack, you can choose from either ranged or melee weapons of various types, depending on what is available for your character's class. Each weapon can be made from a variety of materials, each of which affects the weapon's ability to hit and the damage it inflicts on your enemies. Some enemies are immune to mundane weapons. This doesn't mean weapons without magical properties but rather a quality of weapon material needed to hit them. The information is partially listed in the Codex Scientia. A table lower down this page lists which enemies can be hit by which material weapons

Weapon damage and weightEdit

Weapons come in both one- and two-handed varieties. An unarmed attack is considered a one-handed weapon. If you choose to use a two-handed weapon, you will not be able to carry a shield.

One-Handed Weapons
Weapon Base Damage Weight (kg)
Punch 1-2 1
Leather Gauntlets 2-3 2
Chain Gauntlets 2-3 4
Plate Gauntlets 3-4 8
Dagger 1-6 0.5
Tanto 1-8 0.5
Shortsword 1-8 3
Wakizashi 1-10 2
Broadsword 1-12 6
Mace 1-12 8
Saber 3-12 7
Longsword 2-16 8
Katana 3-16 6
Two-Handed Weapons
Weapon Base Damage Weight (kg)
Short Bow 2-8 0.5
Long Bow 2-12 1
Staff 1-8 3
War Axe 2-12 8
Flail 2-14 10
Battle Axe 2-16 12
Claymore 2-18 14
War Hammer 3-18 16
Dai-Katana 3-21 8
Fists don't contribute to the carry capacity.
Despite having a reported mass, the game fails to calculate values below 1 and therefore the three weapon groups having a mass of fewer than 1 kg, do not contribute to the player's carry capacity.


Metal colors, from Iron to Ebony

Weapons can be made of different metals, which determines their chance to hit, the damage they do, the rate at which they wear out, and their color. Most weapons have no metal specified in their name, these have the damage and chance to hit of steel but the appearance of iron. Deterioration rate is a percentage of the damage dealt by a weapon removed from its condition. Some monsters can only be harmed by weapons of higher tier materials. Ghosts, Wraiths and Homoculi, despite their ethereal or other worldly nature, are in actuality not immune to any weapons. In the case of Ghosts and Wraiths, this would be changed in later entries in the The Elder Scrolls series.

Material Bonus Chance To Hit Bonus Minimum Damage Bonus Maximum Damage Deterioration rate Color Harms Ice Golems Harms Medusas Harms Stone Golems Harms Iron Golems Harms Fire Daemons Harms Vampires Harms Liches Notes
Iron -1 0 -2 20% Teal Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Only material that gets a penalty in bonus chance to hit and bonus minimum/maximum damage
Unnamed 0 0 0 15% Teal Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Material of standard weapons. Along with Steel and Silver, it has neither bonuses nor penalties for chance to hit and minimum/maximum damage
Steel 0 0 0 15% Dark, cold gray Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Along with Unnamed and Silver, it has neither bonuses nor penalties for chance to hit and minimum/maximum damage
Silver 0 0 0 10% Bright gray Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Along with Unnamed and Steel, it has neither bonuses nor penalties for chance to hit and minimum/maximum damage. Does double damage against Vampires, does, however, not prevent their regeneration ability
Elven +1 +1 +1 10% Pale green Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Lowest quality that gains a positive multiplier for bonus chance to hit and bonus minimum and maximum damage
Dwarven +2 +2 +2 8% Gold Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches 
Mithril +3 +3 +3 8% Blueish white Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Lowest material required to hit all monsters with immunity to mundane weapons
Adamantium +4 +4 +4 5% Dark blueish gray Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches  Has the destitution of having the best price/damage ratio as Ebony weapons cost disproportionately more than their additional 1 bonus in chance to hit and minimum/maximum
Ebony +5 +5 +5 3% Dark, warm gray Ice Golems  Medusas  Stone Golems    Iron Golems  Vampires  Liches 

One-handed weaponsEdit

The following sections provide an exhaustive albeit extremely incomplete list each one-handed weapon by type, material, effects, cost, and location. All images are of iron weapons.

Please note that this list is valid only for classes which have no weapon restrictions.


Show complete listing of Daggers


Show complete listing of Tantos


Show complete listing of Shortswords


Show complete listing of Wakizashis


Show complete listing of Broadswords


Show complete listing of Katanas


Show complete listing of Maces


Show complete listing of Longswords


Show complete listing of Sabers

Two-Handed WeaponsEdit

The following sections provide an exhaustive albeit extremely incomplete list each two-handed weapon by type, material, effects, cost, and location. All images are of iron weapons.

Please note that this list is valid only for classes which have no weapon restrictions.

Battle AxesEdit

Show complete listing of Battle Axes


Show complete listing of Claymores


Show complete listing of Dai-Katanas


Show complete listing of Flails

Long BowsEdit

Show complete listing of Long Bows

Short BowsEdit

Show complete listing of Short Bows


Show complete listing of Staves

War AxesEdit

Show complete listing of War Axes

War HammersEdit

Show complete listing of War Hammers


  • Battle- and war axe sprites are identical to each other for the same character, all other weapons' appearances differ.
    • The aforementioned battle- and war axe sprites for male characters incorrectly depict a Halberd, a polearm not included in the game.
  • The Katana and Dai-Katana's sprites appear the same length despite the former being a one handed weapon, the latter being depicted as a two handed weapon


  • Tantos, washikashis and katanas are Japanese daggers, short- and long swords respectively. A sabre is a backsword commonly associated with European cavalry and derives its name from the French sabre. The inclusion of the weapon names listed is somewhat questionable but might have been done be for recognizability by players


See AlsoEdit

  • Artifacts — A list of special magical items, including unique weapons.