Shakul gra-Lash, the Unchained is an undead Orc first sighted in her current state in the wilds of Wrothgar. Originally a practitioner of Necromancy, she lived secluded in a self-built hut in the wilderness studying the art of Enchanting, trying to enchant her own body to give her eternal life.
Shakul tested her unique bodily enchantments on local Torchbugs and disposed of all failed attempts near her hut. The dead Torchbugs attracted Snow Owls, which became her new test subjects. Her method of testing involved enchanting a Snow Owl, breaking its neck to kill it, and then healing the injury through Restoration to see if the Snow Owl would still be alive. After several seemingly successful attempts at doing this, she applied the enchantment to herself. She immediately lost control of her body as it left her hut on its own accord and ran into the wilderness like a primitive beast. Shakul quickly pieced together that while her enchanted immortal Snow Owls did live through any injury as she had intended, their lack of intelligence prevented her from realising that her enchantment was not granting this immortality how she had intended. The enchantment had rooted itself to her skeleton. Her own skeleton had a life similar to that of a reanimated thrall without a summoner. Unable to control her body, her mind remains fully intact. Shakul, just as the owls continued to forage and eat only out of their body's primal instincts, was trapped as a passenger in her own body. Her skeleton has no care for pain and sustains many wounds that either get infected or just never get the chance to heal. Shakul gra-Lash, tragically, feels all of this, without even being able to cry for help.
Diseased Edit
Velidreth's Mask Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
Swamp Raider Jack Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
Swamp Raider Bracers Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
Swamp Raider Guards Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
Velidreth's Arm Cops Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
Swamp Raider Belt Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
Swamp Raider Boots Medium Divines Maximum Stamina |
The Lover Mundus Penetration |
Plague Slinger Necklace Necklace Infused Increase Weapon Damage |
Plague Slinger Ring Ring 1 Infused Increase Weapon Damage |
Plague Slinger Ring Ring 2 Infused Increase Weapon Damage |
Lava Foot Soup-And-Saltrice Food Delicacy Increase Stamina and Stamina Recovery |
Necromancer |
Orc Optional |
Fighting Finesse |
Deadly Aim |
Master-at-Arms |
Wrathful Strikes |
Boundless Vitality |
Rejuvenation |
Bloody Renewal |
Fortified |
Magicka 0 |
Health 0 |
Stamina 64 |
Mortal |
Plague Slinger Battle Axe Front Bar Nirnhoned Absorb Stamina |
Venom Skull Necromancer Grave Lord Flame Skull |
Carve Weapon Two Handed Cleave |
Blighted Blastbones Necromancer Grave Lord Bladebones |
Reverse Slice Weapon Two Handed Reverse Slash |
Rally Weapon Two Handed Momentum |
Pestilent Colossus Necromancer Grave Lord Frozen Colossus |
The Maelstrom's Perfected Bow Back Bar Infused Increase Weapon and Spell Damage |
Endless Hail Weapon Bow Volley |
Detonating Siphon Necromancer Grave Lord Shocking Siphon |
Razor Caltrops Alliance War Assault Caltrops |
Resolving Vigor Alliance War Assault Vigor |
Spirit Guardian Necromancer Living Death Spirit Mender |
Ravenous Goliath Necromancer Bone Tyrant Bone Goliath Transformation |
Collections | |
The New Recruit Hair |
Eyes of Umaril Head Marking |
Studded Temples Facial Hair |
Horror Within Body Markings Body Marking |
Decayed Zombie Skin |
Zombie Personality |
Skeletal Senche Mount |
Crimson Torchbug Non-Combat Pet |