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Joined 15 December 2011

Why hello there!Edit

My main motto is "impossible is nothing" - as you can read further downward, when I explain my playstyle and my motivations.

I played EVERY SINGLE Elder-Scrolls game, and loved them all. But nowadays, yeah, Bethesda gets a little bit, well, SLOPPY at checking for bugs it seems; I rarely had a game that crashes like this one, and for no apparent reason. Since, when you slighly alter the variables (going a different road, not killing an enemy, etc.), it doesn't crash, for whatever reason...

Above is less true for Patch v1.9.32.8, since the game runs much smoother.

That aside: Skyrim is a great game, even amongst the greatest every programmed. Ahem.

I personally dedicated myself to "boldly go where no man has gone before". In my LP Series I can be observed going ways you are not supposed to go, like jumping, dodging, bobbing until I wormed my way up the highest hill.

I also claim the rights to be the first one to publish a video about a secret way to get into the Midden, a Video which I took down after nobody seemed to care and watch - unknown youtubers have hard times - if you guys LOVE the Mages Guild so much, fine - but I dont want to mess with their problems only to get into the Midden, pffff :) That was just a bit of sarcasm there, no hard feelings.

Additionally to that, I pick all my games apart, meaning I get to know them inside out - code, script, functions. I'm a skilled scripter for the Arma Series, as well as knowledgeable in Python (Vampire Bloodlines, Die Gilde 2, Mount and Blade) as well as C++ basics. Shortly after release, I had a FarCry 3 Nohud-Hack (done via Hexedit) going on, which spread all over the news.

So watch out for the Stuff I may be posting here, you never know if its of any interest.

Also, I may post stuff in the Discussion-section, Forums, and stuff - I'll provide links to all my ongoing things, if there are recent changes. Have fun!

Alchemy exploitEdit

As I wrote, or tried to write, these are my experiences on the magnitudes of all the equipment and potions to get the best "still playable" item strength:
1. 4 Items, each 10% Fortify Alchemy enchanted, to achieve that, pick the Perks for "Enchanter 2/5".
2. Get at least 15 Abecean Longfin and 15 Cyrodilic Spadetail, since they are easy to farm in the Lake by the Guardian stones, and the respawn when you cross the cell border (From Guardian Stones -> Riverwood resets all the Fishes in these 2 Cells, swimming to the Island with the Hunter, the boat and the Beehive, and from there back to the Stones resets all the Fishies next to the stones, and vice versa, so keep swimming back and forward between these 2 Spots.)
3. Make 1 Fort. Restor. Potion and consume, requip Items, and repeat.
4. The Potions have to magnify the Apparel OVER the magic border of 29%, after that, the next Rest. Potions will go up propotionally (almost lmao).
5. Reach a Fort. Rest. Potion with magnitude 40000% (?)
6. After consuming that last, strong Potion, the combined(!) strength of ALL Apparel together should be ABOUT 9000%, max. 12000%. Unequip Apparel that causes this target value to be exceeded.
7. Make a "Fort. Enchanting Potion", it's magnitude should be about 1100-2000%. WARNING, the higher the magnitude of this last Potion, the harder it gets to compensate with different Soulgems!!!
8. Consume the Enchanting Potion and check out the enchanting Values: you need to use different Soulgems, but if your petty Soulgem already shows you that the Item'd be about 200% strong, you can restart the process, since you will have too strong items.

In short this means:
Combined Input Apparel target strength: 9000%
Enchanting Potion Strength: 1100-2000% (BE CAREFULL WITH 2000, could be too high!)
Output Apparel Strength (1 Item): 120-180% (so you get the 108% which is max without exploit, PLUS a small or bigger bonus)

Also noteworthy is that you can just keep your items equipped, since even when the Fort. Restoration wears off, your equipment will keep it's magnified strength, as long as you don't uneqip it, that way you can also make the needed "target Potions" and then make more Restoration Potions and consume them to make "extreme Potions" to sell and level your Speech + Alchemy extremely fast. A single 30,000 coins potion will surely boost your Speechcraft to 60+ and your Alchemy to (at least) 75+. MarukiTheFaceHater 04:46, 13 January 2012 (UTC)


Atm I use 2 Mods I made myself; mainly "decluttering" which removes Ash piles and ice piles from wraiths and resurrected creatures, as well as nirnroot glow. Secondly, a mod for custom recipes, like "Transformable" Jarrin Root, black Soulgems, Fire Salts, special gear. MarukiTheFaceHater 06:33, 13 February 2012 (UTC)

Editing Ingredients the old skool wayEdit

Knowledge about using and converting Hex-Codes
A well rested mind

I will cut this short and down into just steps from 1 to X.
Further, I will assume that you have your Hexeditor open and the Sykrim.esm loaded (Attention; backup the old file, it's less than 300MB, so take 10 Seconds and just copy-paste it on the Desktop or some other folder.

First, Bethesda's (and many other) Games use files which's Hex-Values are "encoded" in INTEL (at least it looks like it), which means EVERY Value is "inverted"; so for example, 11 22 33 would inside the File be written as 33 22 11, and 12 34 56 78 would be turned into 78 56 34 12. the Numbers are just turned around, but not inside themselfes; they come in pairs, as you should know, when you know about Hex-Editing.

Secondly, check at least twice WHAT you change, and if you are UNSURE if you changed the right thing, do not take chances, delete the file and restore the original, and THEN try again. You can too easily end up messing Values up COMPLETELY (I don't anymore, but when I was really new to this, I learned the hard way).

A Listing of some Magical Effects related to Alchemy with their "already-inverted" Values, so just copy-paste them into the searchbar of your Editor!:
Numbers in Brackets are HOW MANY items you will find or how many you need to change. There's one item (MS03BlackbriarSecretIngredient) which has magical Effects listed in this short list here (Weakness to Magic), but can't be aquired, so you need to SKIP that one.

Fortify XXX:

Weakness to XXX:

Now for the real Business:

1. Open your search Tab and copy-paste the Number you desire in there (this example uses 26EB03, which is the ID for "Fortify Destruction"
2. First result you SKIP, it is the Effect itself, you are looking for at least the SECOND result, which should have "INGR" closeby above it
3. First (real) Result will be BeeHiveHusk. You will notice some things saying EFIT and EFID. I call them ID and INTEGER: EFID is the ID NUMBER (the one we searched for) and EFIT is the actual "Value" we want to edit.
4. Do not move the cursor. From it, look 18 bytes (that's those paired numers, like 00 or 01 or 22) to the RIGHT, you will come across EFIT, and then a lot of 00, and A040. Once you reached the 18th pair of numbers, you will notice 3C. If you don't know, 3C is HEX for 60. If you don't know, 60 is the Duration of "Fortify Destruction" for Potions. So change it to 78 (which is Hex for 120).
5. You can simply save the file, overwrite and then start the game, and go make a Potion out of Beehive Husk (or whatever you chose to change). Then, you will see, that whatever ingredients you combine, as long as one of them has been modified, the stronger one will "override" the other one: if you changed one ingredient to have 81 Points of Damage, and the other to 82, then the Potion will have 82 Points, since the Stronger Ingredient overrides the others.
6. Ok, repeat for whatever you like, just remember: from EFID, it's 18 bytes to the sweet spot. BTW, if you want more than 255 (FF) Points/Seconds as a value, you just have to convert the wanted Number to INTEL: If you want 600, you take HEX 258 and swap it around: 5802 will be the Number, with 58 being at 18 and 02 at 19th Byte; a 00 00 78 00 00 would change into 00 00 58 02 00.
  This user has been on UESPWiki for 12 years, 10 months, and 8 days.
  This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
  This user is knowledgeable about Daggerfall.
  This user writes fanfiction.
  This user worships nobody.
  This user knows much, tells some.
  This user is an Alchemist.