This page documents the server cluster upgrade performed in 2020.
Transition Theory and NotesEdit
The following basic components have to be moved:
- Databases
- Content Servers
- File Server
- Squid Cache
- Wiki Search Index
- Zabbix Monitor
- Backup Scripts
- Use ulimit -a to check number of open files permitted.
- keys
- super user
- denyhosts
- Download
- Install Python components:
yum install python python-ipaddr python-requests python-configparser
- Install DenyHosts:
python install ln -s /usr/share/denyhosts/daemon-control /etc/init.d/denyhosts systemctl enable denyhosts
- Copy /etc/denyhosts.cfg config.
- fail2ban
- yum install fail2ban
- Copy /etc/fail2ban/* config.
- Changes:
- iptables to firewalld
- Ban IP:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' reject"
- Ban Range:
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' reject"
- No Root Login
- Change /etc/ssh/sshd_config line to read PermitRootLogin without-password and restart sshd.
- Open MySQL port 3306 on both firewalls between clusters.
- Switch Wiki (and other services) to read from DB1 instead of DB2.
- Stop slave on DB2. Note master read file and position.
- Backup all databases (except mysql, percona, and information_schema).
- Copy to new db1/db2/backup1 and restore.
- Start mirroring on new db1 from old db1.
- Start mirroring on new db2/backup1 from new db1.
- Copy Users and Permissions
- Can export with mysqldump -h -u backup -p mysql --extended-insert=FALSE --tables user db > users.sql but this drops the tables and recreates. Removing the drops doesn't work as new tables have different columns.
- Can use pt-show-grants from Percona Toolkit to export users/grants but need to wait until databases are restored in order to use the script.
- Add default-storage-engine=myisam to config file.
- Modify open files limit:
- Set open-files-limit=4000 in the [mysqld_safe] section of the MySQL config file.
- Edit /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/limits.conf to include:
[Service] LimitNOFILE=10000
- Edit /etc/systemd/system.conf to include:
DefaultLimitNOFILE=infinity DefaultLimitMEMLOCK=infinity
- Run: systemctl daemon-reload
- Run: service mariadb restart
- Check setting in MySQL with show global variables like 'open_files_limit';.
Faster Database RestoresEdit
- innodb_file_per_table=1
- skip-name-resolve
- key_buffer_size (for MyISAM tables) to ~25% of your RAM
- innodb_buffer_pool_size to 50-75% of RAM
- innodb_log_buffer_size (default of 8MB is probably ok)
- innodb_log_file_size (default of 50MB is probably ok)
- innodb_write_io_threads (default of 4 probably ok)
- Temporarily set variables in my.ini:
- innodb_flush_method = nosync
- innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2
Default CentOS 7 InstallsEdit
- mariadb = 5.5.64
- squid = 3.5.20
- apache = 2.4.6
- php = 5.4.16 (need 5.6)
- lighttpd = 1.4.47
- zabbix = 2.2.23 (current 2.4.6)
- New cache_dir Type
- The coss store type was removed in 3.0.
- Rock Disk Format meant for high performance caches
- max-swap-rate = 200/s
- swap-timeout start at 300ms
- cache_dir rock /var/spool/squid 100000 max-swap-rate=200 swap-timeout=300
- Other Performance Tuning Settings:
- cache_mem = 4000MB
- maximum_object_size_in_memory = 512KB
- v3 Migration
- cache_vary does not exist in Squid 3.5.
- all acl is now built-in and will emit warnings if redefined.
- 2.2 to 2.4 Migration
- Order... and Deny replaced by Require.... Use mod_access_compat to support old style format (do not mix with new style).
- MaxRequestsPerChild to MaxConnectionsPerChild
- MaxClients to MaxRequestWorkers
- NameVirtualHost is deprecated and has no effect.
- Modify conf.d/evasive.conf with new cluster IPs.
- wikidiff2 PHP module
- Note that v1.10 and higher require PHP 7+.
- Use 1.9.0 (previous version was 1.8.2).
- Wiki Job Runner
Hardware FirewallEdit
- OldUespServers to Any (IP)
- Permit connections from any of the old/existing UESP servers using public IPs.
- MySQL IPs to Any (3306)
- Dave/RobinHood public IP ranges for MySQL access (notably backup2).
- Any to Any (MineCraft: 25565, 27005, 27015)
- Any to Any (9090)?
- Was only used for testing something at some point.
- Any to Any (Teamspeak: 10911, 30033, 8087, 9987)
- Any to Any (Lucene: 8123)?
- No longer used.
- Any to Any Deny (MySQL: 3306)
- Purge all objects in cache using varnishadm
- ban ~
- ElasticSearch
- Move from files1 to content3.
- Copy everything from old files1.
- Internal
- Database = db1/db2/backup1
- Memcached = content1
- ElasticSearch = content3
- Zabbix = backup1
- Wiki Job Runner = content1/2/3
- External
- Load Balanced/Cache = squid1
- Content/Apache = content1/2/3
- Images = files1
- TeamSpeak = content3
- ESO Log Parser = content3
- ESO Skill/CP/Item Tooltips = content3
- Sites
- UESP Wiki = content1/2/3
- UESP Dev Wiki = content3 or backup1?
- UESP Blog = content1
- UESP Forums = content1
- UESP Wiki Mobile = content1/2/3
- UESP Short Link = content3
- Beyond Skyrim = content2
- DungeonHack = content1
- Oblivion Character Planner (OCP) = content1
- TamrielRebuilt = content1
- ESO API = content2
- ESO Log = content3
- ESO Skills/CP/Items = content3
- ESO Asayre = content3
- ESO Character/Builds = content3
- ESO Clock = content3
- ESO Sales = content3
- EQWiki = content1
- Dave Wiki = content3
- Emergent Game Design Blog = content3
- Legends Cards/Raw Data = content3
New Server Upgrade HistoryEdit
Basic StatusEdit
- Content1
- Setup: Done
- Copy /home: Done
- Content2
- Setup: Done
- Copy /home: Done
- Content3
- Setup: Done
- Copy /home: Done
- Squid1
- Setup: Done
- Copy /home:
- Db1
- Setup: MySQL setup and mirroring from old db1
- Copy /home: Done
- Db2
- Setup: MySQL setup and mirroring from new db1
- Copy /home: Done
- Files1
- Setup: Done
- Copy /home: Done
- Backup1
- Setup: MySQL mirroring from new db1, Zabbix server done (missing some templates)
- Copy /home: Done
- Backup2
- Setup: MySQL mirroring from new db1, needs check/update on backups
- Firewall
- Setup: Done
- Run ./uesp-setup-content content1
- yum install squid
- yum install fail2ban
- Install and test Squid...make config changes to get working.
- Disable Squid.
- Install Varnish/Nginx. Setup and get working using old content3 as backend for now.
- Run and tweak SSL settings as needed.
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey squid1
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Setup random load balancer between content1/2 and optionally content3.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Run ./uesp-setup-content content1
- Run ./uesp-setup-memcached
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey content1
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Copy /home/ from old content1.
- Delete old files from .ssh for users dave and uespkey' and update authorized_keys.
- Modify secrets file with new server LAN addresses.
- Modify wiki config with new server LAN addresses.
- Create /imagetmp and set ownership to apache:apache.
- Test/benchmark wiki.
- Run and make changes to config as needed.
- Copy /etc/sudoers.d/ from old server.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Run ./uesp-setup-content content2
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey content2
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Copy /home/ from old content2.
- Delete old files from .ssh for users dave and uespkey' and update authorized_keys.
- Modify secrets file with new server LAN addresses.
- Modify wiki config with new server LAN addresses.
- Create /imagetmp and set ownership to apache:apache.
- Test/benchmark wiki.
- Run and make changes to config as needed.
- Copy /etc/sudoers.d/ from old server.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Note: This was first server done so many script errors were fixed and re-run.
- Run ./uesp-setup-content content3
- ElasticSearch
- yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
- Copy files1:/home/uesp/elasticsearch/ to new content3 (ignore logs).
- Copy /etc/init.d/elasticsearch to new content3.
- chkconfig --add elasticsearch
- chkconfig --level 345 elasticsearch on
- Quick Benchmarks
- Using: ab -kc 10 -t 3 http://localhost:9200/uesp_net_wiki5_general/_search?q=vampire
- From newcontent3: 13,500 req/sec
- From newcontent2: 11,400 req/sec
- Old files1: 1100-2000 req/sec
- Run: ssh-keyscan > /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
- Copy /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts to all other servers.
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey content3
- Copy all public keys from other servers to /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ to all other servers (except localhost).
- Delete old files from .ssh for users dave and uespkey' and update authorized_keys.
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Copy /home/ from old content3.
- Modify secrets file with new server LAN addresses.
- Modify wiki config with new server LAN addresses.
- Create /imagetmp and set ownership to apache:apache.
- Test/benchmark wiki.
- Run and make changes to config as needed.
- Start and test TeamSpeak server. Modify init.d script to work with chkconfig.
- Get TeamSpeak running according to
- Copy /etc/sudoers.d/ from old server.
- Copy/update the dev wiki images and wiki code.
- Create /deploytmp
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Run ./uesp-setup-content backup1
- yum install mariadb-server
- systemctl enable mariadb
- systemctl start mariadb
- mysql_secure_installation
- Run ./uesp-install-zabbixserver
- Create zabbix database: create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
- Create zabbix user in MySQL: grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by '...';
- zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-4.4.6/create.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p zabbix
- Update /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf with database password.
- Update /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf with valid timezone America/Toronto.
- apachectl restart
- systemctl start zabbix-server
- Browse to and complete installation.
- Login with Admin/zabbix and change password.
- ln -sf /var/log/mariadb /var/log/mysql
- mkdir /mysqltmp
- chown mysql:mysql /mysqltmp
- Copy /etc/my.cnf.d/uesp.cnf from new db1 to new backup1. Modify server-id variable. Comment out innodb_log_file_size line.
- Run set global innodb_fast_shutdown=0 and stop mysql.
- Run mv /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile? /tmp. Uncomment innodb_log_file_size line and start mysql.
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey backup1
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Delete old files from .ssh for users dave and uespkey' and update authorized_keys.
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Import database dump from old db2.
- Comment out import specific settings and restart MySQL.
- Start mirroring from new db1.
- Copy all non-root grants from old content3.
- Copy /etc/sudoers.d/ from old server.
- Dump/restore latest wiki to the uesp_net_wikidev database.
- Setup all cron scripts.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Run ./uesp-setup-content db1
- yum install mariadb-server
- systemctl enable mariadb
- systemctl start mariadb
- mysql_secure_installation
- ln -sf /var/log/mariadb /var/log/mysql
- mkdir /mysqltmp
- chown mysql:mysql /mysqltmp
- Copy /etc/my.cnf from old db1 to new db1 at /etc/my.cnf.d/uesp.cnf
- Edit uesp.cnf to as needed.
- Restart mysql.
- Copy /home/ from old db1 to new.
- Install Percona Toolkit
- Download percona toolkit from
- yum install perl-Digest-MD5
- yum install perl-IO-Socket-SSL
- rpm -ivh percona-toolkit-3.1.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
- Run pt-variable-advisor localhost -u root --ask-pass and tweak settings as needed.
- Install and run and tweak settings as needed.
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey db1
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Import database dump from old db2.
- Comment out import specific settings and restart MySQL.
- Start mirroring from old db1.
- Copy all non-root grants from old db1.
- Copy MySQL grants for the uespdeploy user from old content3.
- Backup and restore the uesp_deploy database from old content3.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Run ./uesp-setup-content backup1
- yum install mariadb-server
- systemctl enable mariadb
- systemctl start mariadb
- mysql_secure_installation
- ln -sf /var/log/mariadb /var/log/mysql
- mkdir /mysqltmp
- chown mysql:mysql /mysqltmp
- Copy /etc/my.cnf.d/uesp.cnf from new db1 to new db2. Modify server-id variable. Comment out innodb_log_file_size line.
- Restart mysql.
- Run set global innodb_fast_shutdown=0 and stop mysql.
- Run mv /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile? /tmp. Uncomment innodb_log_file_size line and start mysql.
- Copy /home from old db2.
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey db2
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Import database dump from old db2.
- Comment out import specific settings and restart MySQL.
- Start mirroring from new db1.
- Copy all non-root grants from old db2.
- Copy MySQL grants for the uespdeploy user from old content3.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
- Update open files limit:
- Create/edit /etc/systemd/system/mariadb.service.d/limits.conf
[Service] LimitNOFILE=320000
- Reload with: systemctl daemon-reload
- Modify the /etc/my.cnf.d/uesp.cnf file with:
[mysqld_safe] open_files_limit=6000
- Restart mysql
- Check open files with: show variables like 'open%';
- Run ./uesp-setup-common files1
- Run ./uesp-install-lighttpd
- Run ./uesp-setup-shares
- Copy config from old files1 (no changes needed other than 2 deprecated settings).
- Copy /shared from new backup1.
- Start/enable lighttpd.
- Run and tweak SSL settings as needed.
- Rerun: uesp-create-users
- Rerun: uesp-create-localkey files1
- Copy public key to new content3 /etc/uesp-keys/.
- Copy /etc/uesp-keys/ from new content3 (except localhost).
- Run: uesp-update-keys
- Run: uesp-update-keys dave
- Copy /etc/sudoers.d/ from old server.
- Disable root login and reset root password (ensure there's at least one other user with password set).
Comparisons and BenchMarksEdit
Server StatsEdit
Basic Setup: Unchanged from prior cluster although a physical switch was replaced with a VPN for LAN connections.
- WAN: upgraded from 100 Mbps to 1Gpbs
- LAN: 1Gpbs
- Number: 8
- Content Servers
- RAM: Upgraded from 8GB to 32GB
- CPU: Upgraded from Intel i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz (x4 @ 6600 BMips) to Xeon E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz (x8 @ 7600 BMip)
- Disks: Upgraded from 1TB to 2TB
- DB Servers
- RAM: Upgraded from 24GB to 64GB
- CPU: Xeon E5645 @ 2.40GHz (x24 @ 4800 Bmips) to Xeon E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz (x24 @ 4800 Bmips)
- Disks: Upgraded from 1TB to 2TB
- File Server
- RAM: Upgraded from 8GB to 16GB
- CPU: Upgraded from Intel i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz (x4 @6600 BMips) to Xeon E3-1270 v6 @ 3.80GHz (x8 @7600 BMip)
- Disks: Upgraded to from 1TB HDD to 480GB SSD
- CentOS 6.6 to 7.7
- Apache 2.2 to 2.4
- PHP 5.6
- MySQL 5.1 to 5.5
- Squid 2.4 to Varnish 4.0/Nginx 1.16
- Lighttpd 1.4
- Zabbix 2.4 to 4.4
- General Notes
- Make sure to turn off mod_evasive and fail2ban to ensure requests are not banned when running Apache Bench (ab).
- Apache Bench (ab) doesn't work with HTTPS.
- Google Stats
- Server Response Time
- Old: 0.20 sec
- New: 0.28 sec (x0.7)
- No obvious reason why new servers have a notably longer response time (Apache 2.4?).
- Page Load Time
- Old: 3.8 sec
- New: 3.0 sec (x1.3)
- Page Download Time
- Old: 0.15 sec
- New: 0.05 sec (x3)
- Page Speed Log
- Average values over 1-2 weeks used.
- Content1
- Old: 165 ms
- New: 55 ms (x3)
- Content2
- Old: 267 ms
- New: 57 ms (x4.7)
- Content3 (All Requests)
- Old: 440 ms
- New: 260 ms (x1.7)
- Content1 (Only External Requests)
- Old: 250 ms
- New: 92 ms (x2.7)
- Server Load
- Old Typical: 6-8
- Old Spikes: 12-14
- Old Capacity: 56 (total number of cores)
- New Typical: 3-4
- New Spikes: 6-8
- New Capacity: 96 (x1.7, total number of cores)
- BogoMips (from /proc/cpuinfo)
- Old Total: 312,000
- New Total: 595,200 (x1.9)
- Database Dumps
- Old Backup1
- Backup + ZIP on DB2: 160m, 17GB
- Database Restore
- Gunzip: 25 min
- DB Restore on new db1/db2: 382 / 357 min
- DB Restore on Backup2: 1030 min (17.2 hours)
- New Backup1
- UESP Wiki Dump: 14min + 1min gzip, 8GB zipped
- UESP Wiki Restore: 33GB unzipped, 48 min (without changing import settings)
- All DBs Dump: 54min, 17GB zipped, 40 dbs
- All Single DBs Dump: 54min, total of 17GB zipped, 41 dbs
- Cache Hit Rate
- Old Squid: 65.4%
- Varnish: 60-70% typical, varies down to 40% for short periods
- Content Serving
- Tests done using Apache Bench (ab) with HTTP from backup1 (within the relevant cluster):
ab -kc 10 -t 30 URL
- Old
- Content1
- Main_Page: 28 req/s
- RecentChanges: 13 req/s
- Content2
- Main_Page: 15 req/s
- RecentChanges: 7 req/s
- Content3
- Main_Page: 34 req/s
- RecentChanges: 15 req/s
- Files1
- Somerights.png (6kb): 9,800 req/s
- Squid1
- Main_Page: 34 req/s (Not Caching?)
- RecentChanges: 16 req/s (Not Caching?)
- New
- Content1
- Main_Page: 63 req/s (x2.3)
- RecentChanges: 30 req/s (x2.3)
- Content2
- Main_Page: 62 req/s (x4.1)
- RecentChanges: 32 req/s (x4.6)
- Content3
- Main_Page: 70 req/s (x2.1)
- RecentChanges: 30 req/s (x2.0)
- Files1
- Somerights.png (6kb): 20,600 req/s (x2.1)
- Squid1
- Main_Page: 2800 req/s
- RecentChanges: 1300 req/s
Notable ChangesEdit
- Backup MySQL Server
- Backup MySQL moved from content3 to backup1.
- Backup1 is mirroring from the new db1.
- Dev wiki and Zabbix databases are served only from backup1.
- Zabbix Server
- Zabbix server moved from content3 to backup1.
- Database is also on backup1.
- ElasticSearch
- ElasticSearch index moved from files1 to content3.
- Squid Cache
- Squid cache changed to Varnish/Nginx.
- Nginx is used just for HTTPS requests and forwards to Varnish.
- Varnish only handles HTTP requests and forwards to content1/2 (and optionally content3 if needed).
- Varnish uses a URL hash-based load balancer which means a particular page will always be served by the same server.
- Currently has a 1 hour grace period to server expired content if the backend is down (not test).
- HTTPS Auto-Forwarding
- No longer automatically forwarding HTTP requests to HTTPS
- This is due to change in page cache (see above). The Varnish cache only deals with HTTP so the content servers only ever see HTTP requests.
- Doing the usual Redirect to HTTPS on the content servers causes an infinite loop of redirects:
- Varnish receives HTTP request
- Varnish forwards HTTP to Apache content server
- Content server issues HTTPS redirect
- Nginx receives the HTTPS request from redirect
- Nginx terminates SSL and forwards a plain HTTP request to Varnish
- Goto Line 1
Post Upgrade Issues/NotesEdit
- Intermittent Wiki Load Issue -- Mod evasive on content2 didn't have the new local server IPs set so it was banning squid1.
- Failed to Upload Image File (Error 413) -- Nginx needed to have the client_max_body_size setting increased to 64M and reloaded on squid1.2020 (GMT)
- Anonymous Edits Show as From -- Was an issue with the Varnish configuration which has now been fixed (had to remove extra X-Forwarded-For entries).
- Mobile Skin Not Working -- Had to redo how the site redirects to the or sub-domains. There were some cases where the two could become mixed up and serve the wrong content. Also had to tweak the /wikiredirect.php script to work correctly in all cases.
- Old file.shtml Not Working -- The old file download SHTML file results in an error. Had to enable SSI on the main domain and update the file with a few fixes to prevent errors.
- Php Mail Error -- Users receive a can't write to /var/log/phpmail.log when using the password reset form. Change log directory to /var/log/httpd/phpmail.log in /etc/php.d/00-php.ini.
To DoEdit
- Include engine type in table creation queries to avoid issue of default engine changing.
- Look into the Scribunto extension.
- Look into enabling WEBM/WEBP animation uploads/images.
- UespMemcachedSession.php should use the server IPs defined in the uespserver.secrets file.
- Put wiki config into its own repository. Add detection support for content3/dev/backup1.
- Update old wiki pages:
awk -F',' '{ total += $2; count++ } END { print total/count }' pagespeed.log
- Parse average page load time from page speed log ignoring blank URIs (needed on content3):
awk -F',' '{ if ($3 != " ") { total += $2; count++ }} END { print total/count }' pagespeed.log