Around The Elder ScrollsEdit
I started playing and modding Morrowind in 2007.
From 2009-2010 I mainly worked on NifSkope, the NIF model viewer & editor. I've played Arena a little bit but haven't played Daggerfall yet.
As of 2012 I am slowly working through Oblivion.
Based on the Differences Between Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, I don't plan on playing Skyrim any time soon - it barely meets my definitions of an RPG (as Yahtzee said of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, it's an action game with RPG elements).
Around the UESPEdit
Most of my time here is spent as a reader, not an editor.
Quotes from the Bethesda forumsEdit
QUOTE (pc gamer)
You know you've got too many mods installed when Crysis runs better than Morrowind
QUOTE (dividebyzero)
Ok, first thing: Please don't abuse English. Simple as that
QUOTE (Bluescale)
"Help, I can't progress because I was swinging my sword indiscriminately" rears it's head once again
QUOTE (yiasemi)
Some nudity is obscene. Some is pornographic. If you jiggle right you can be all three.
QUOTE (Regaez)
I like fish because they don't complain about the waves.
QUOTE (Zotz)
At least in Morrowind when a hit connects there's a kind of satisfaction. (also the most amazing thwakkity sound ever)
QUOTE (Nicholiathan)
The CS set came with a testing program. It's called Morrowind (though I've heard rumors that it may be the other way around)
QUOTE (Vainglorious)
You may think you're just changing some dialogue variables, but lo and behold, guards sprout Khajiit heads and start attacking the player for no reason (or something).
QUOTE (Kovacius)
Is there a mod that lets my exotic sports coupe carry sheets of plywood like a pickup truck? I don't understand the rationale behind your request.
QUOTE (bunnythebunny)
If they'd had web forums in the Renaissance, a new member called Michelangelo might well have made a 'First sculpting attempt' post.
QUOTE (wolfie)
I don't think the Queen Mother would be very happy to be confused with a decomposing lich.
QUOTE (Sawubona)
I got GOTY late last year at EB. Check there. Here, let me mark it on your map
QUOTE (Kateri)
It's times like this that it is truly brought home to me that crack does not smoke itself.
QUOTE (Viskar Venus)
Plangkye says, "Yeah, morally I won't use the soul of a divine god to enchant my gear. I just prefer to kill them and keep 'em above my bowling trophies."
QUOTE (Viskar Venus)
Same here, usually. It just doesn't feel right taking the flea express to Balmora. I'm on a quest to meet one of the Emporer's men. I'm going to travel through rain and rats to make it happen.
QUOTE (GarglingGlass)And then you get there and he's a grungy old man, apparently doesn't own a shirt, and supports a drug habit in his 8x10 studio apartment.
QUOTE (povuholo)
Oh that reminds me... Chop Suey - Avril Lavigne. Do I win?
QUOTE (Galuf)That wasn't so much a cover, as a bunch of birds screeching while someone is slowly enveloping them in acid.
QUOTE (Slide Show)
Morrowind is cursed! Cursed like a daedric dagger whispering thoughts into your brain. Now I'm starting to think what character class I'm gonna RP and what race to use. Curse you Morrowind! You're just too good to ignore!
QUOTE (Alphax)If it was cursed, a Dremora would appear behind you every time you pick it up :D
QUOTE (Evil Eye)Yeah, it's obviously trapped: Charm, on pick up, 1000 pts, for FOREVER sec.
QUOTE (Rohugh)
Yeah, you cannot use it to send NPCs elsewhere like "Caius Cosades"->coc "Vivec, Rehabilitation Center"
QUOTE (MoonstalkerZ)
Cyrodiil's a nice place for a vacation, but Vvardenfell's where the Heart is.
QUOTE (daedra Pet)
Explain this to me... How a game which is inferior to oblivion attracts me more is a mystery to me
QUOTE (ThatOneGuy)Because Morrowind is comparable to snorting cocaine. Once you're in, you're completely 100% hooked, and nothing else in the world can give you the fix it can provide.
Oblivion, by comparison, is like snorting ground-up smarties. Sure, the powder has pretty colors, but in the end it does nothing for you and instead it just hurts like hell.
QUOTE (Shuda)
Conjuration = Summoning stuff from Oblivion or something like that. Necromancy = Fondling the dead.
QUOTE (Icho)They put the 'romance' in 'Necromancy'.
QUOTE (fable2)No, no, no. Conjuration: Summoning any creatures, including the undead. Necromancy: Creating the undead. Necrophilia: Fondling the dead, which is illegal in most countries, though possibly allowable in Texas.
QUOTE (Selbeth The Winged One)It also is punishable by a fine of at least 500 gold in Cyrodiil, though that's much less than Morrowind.
QUOTE (MoonstalkerZ)
Someone posts a picture of some weird land dreugh-human hybrid, and the main question is where the armor comes from :rolleyes: I love this forum.
QUOTE (TheGabe)
It's "Google". You type what you would like in the box, and the magical internet pixies go and get it for you!!! The wonders of technology, eh?
QUOTE (Phaedrus)
My daughter memorized the daedric font, and often uses it to take notes in school. Drives her teachers nuts.
QUOTE (Zero Phoenix)
I really wish there was an easier way to convert models/meshes/bacon into Morrowind.
QUOTE (Wolf3131)
Why are all the false gods in morrowind.
QUOTE (Darknut)it was in the script
QUOTE (starwarsguy9875)
None of those. I am Tetragonian.
QUOTE (turns-the-page)Wikipedia says this is a type of New Zealand spinach.
QUOTE (Rohugh)
Back on topic please, not where you get your burritos. Thanks.
QUOTE (Lady Nerevar)...the developers started it!
QUOTE (Elaura)
There's three golden rules to mods:
- You want it, you make it.
- You don't like it, don't play it.
- If you make it and you like it, don't listen to anyone else.
QUOTE (A1x2e3l)
MW is a unique game for modders-RPG fans. Believe me: I made a "deep" search. MW is obliged to be alive even if it wants to die.
QUOTE (Alaisiagae)And even if it died, the Empire hasn't outlawed Necromancy. :shifty: