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Tribunal:Mace of Slurring

< Tribunal: Items: Artifacts
Mace of Slurring
Artifact: Mace of Slurring (Mace of Slurring)
(lore page)
Type Blunt One Hand
Damage Damage
Chop 8−28 Slash 8−28
Thrust 1−6 Ratio 42
Health Health 3500
Health Health 3500
Speed 1.5
Speed 1.5 Reach 1.0
Weight Weight 23.0 Value Value 20,000
Cast When Strikes
Drain Speechcraft Drain Speechcraft 10-20 pts for 15 secs on Touch
Charge/Cost = Uses 110/11=10
Mace of Slurring

"It was crafted near the end of the second age by Kyanka, a slightly deranged Altmer weaponsmith and enchanter. He had a rather warped sense of humor, and apparently delighted at the thought of reducing opponents to a gibbering mess before crushing them to death. The mace has, admittedly, seen little use." -Torasa Aram, Museum of Artifacts

Mace of Slurring is carried by Golena Sadri in the Old Mournhold, Forgotten Sewers area during The Thief quest. Not a very useful weapon, given that while decreasing the NPC's Speechcraft skill will increase your success rate in your use of Speechcraft with that NPC, attacking them with this weapon will decrease your Disposition with them anyway making this enchantment mostly useless. This artifact is probably one of the best choices to donate to the Museum.
