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Tribunal:A Star is Born

< Tribunal: Quests
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Walkthrough: not written

Objectives: written by already written not checked

Reward: not written
Replace an ill actor for this theater troupe.
Quest Giver: Meryn Othralas at the Great Bazaar
Location(s): Great Bazaar
Reward: 2000 gold (minus 200 gold for every mistake, and only 100 gold if you make 9 mistakes) and the Amulet of Verbosity if you make fewer than 3 mistakes
ID: MS_Performers
All the world's a stage...

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Meryn Othralas.
  2. Agree to help him out by replacing Tarvus Beleth.
  3. Review the script of The Horror of Castle Xyr.
  4. Speak to Meryn Othralas again.
  5. Walk to the rug on the stage.
  6. Deliver your lines.
  7. Kill the assassin that attacks you.
  8. Speak to Meryn Othralas once more to receive your reward.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Talk to Meryn Othralas in the Great Bazaar to learn that his troupe is performing at the outdoor theatre. Unfortunately, they are without their lead actor, Tarvus Beleth, who has become ill. Meryn explains he is looking to replace Tarvus for their next performance of "The Horror of Castle Xyr" and offers the part of Clavides, Captain of the Imperial Guard. Accept, and he'll give you the play script. Read the script, focusing especially on Clavides' lines, although you will only need to know the first few pages for the quest. Moreover, while Meryn will ask you to read the script quickly and to speak with him again in two minutes, you are free to take as long as you like reading the script in your inventory.

After reviewing the script, report back to Meryn and he will take back the book and instruct you to enter through the nearby stage door. Once you reach your stage mark on the rug, the play will commence. The dialogue consists of eight multiple choice 'questions' from the script's first few lines. Any mistakes will result in boos from Jodhur and Nevama Sarobar. The correct lines are as follows:

ANARA: Good evening to you, serjo.

YOU: Good evening. Is your master home?

ANARA: No, serjo, it's only me here. My master Sedura Kena Telvanni Hordalf Xyr is at his winter estate. Is there something I can do for you?

YOU: Possibly. Would you mind if I came in?

ANARA: Not at all, serjo. Please. May I offer you some flin?

YOU: No, thank you. What's your name?

ANARA: Anara, serjo.

YOU: Anara, when did your master leave Scath Anud?

ANARA: More than a fortnight ago. That's why it's only me in the castle, serjo. All the other servants and slaves who tend to his lordship travel with him. Is there something wrong?

YOU: Do you know an Ashlander named Sul-Kharifa?

ANARA: No, serjo. I know no one by that name.

YOU: He's dead. He last said "castle" and "Xyr".

ANARA: B'vek, that's strange. I suppose it's possible that my master knew this man, but being an Ashlander and my master being of the House of Telvanni, well, if you'll pardon me for being flippant, serjo, I don't think they would be friends.

YOU: Could I look in your master's library?

ANARA: Please, serjo, go wherever you want. We have nothing to hide. We're loyal Imperial subjects.

YOU: As, I hear, are all Telvanni.

After delivering the final line--which the script notes is a joke that "never fails, regardless of the politics of the locals"--an assassin named Dravil Indrano will attack you. Once you have killed the assassin, speak with Meryn again to receive his explanation that the lead actor, Tarvus, was not actually ill but rather in hiding from the Morag Tong. Apparently, Tarvus had angered a Telvanni diplomat after pursuing an indecent tryst with his daughter. Meryn will apologize for using you as a decoy and will reward your performance with 2,000 gold (minus 200 gold for each mistake). Only 100 gold is given if you were late to the play in addition to getting every line wrong. By contrast, an Amulet of Verbosity will be awarded if you have made fewer than 3 mistakes.


  • Unlike the copies of The Horror of Castle Xyr found on Vvardenfell, this one is not a skill book and will not raise your Destruction skill when read.
  • The correct line for the first dialogue choice is slightly different from the actual line in the book. Clavides' line in the play reads "Good evening. Is your master at home?" The dialogue choice omits the word "at".
  • Dravil is equipped with a Daedric wakizashi by a script only after you've said your final line in the play. Thus, while the wakizashi may be considered an additional reward for completing this quest, you cannot steal or loot it from Dravil's inventory at any other time.


  • If you strike the assassin first, or even if you wait on the rug and fight after he hits you, you may violate the law and be forced to pay a fine. The assassin stops attacking you and if you continue fighting, you get fined again. Run toward the attacker and you can fight normally.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Star is Born (MS_Performers)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I have agreed to take over the lead part of Clavides in the Mournhold Players' production of "The Horror of Castle Xyr." I have been provided with a copy of the script, and have a mere two minutes to memorize my lines before I have to report to Meryn for the play.
20 I did not return to Meryn in time. He will undoubtedly be upset with me.
30 I have returned to Meryn, ready to perform my role in the play.
50 I have successfully defended myself from an assassin who assaulted me in the middle of my performance! The play obviously cannot go on. Perhaps I should speak with Meryn about what just happened.
100 Finishes quest  Meryn Othralas wanted me to perform with the Mournhold Players, but I turned him down. I never was that much of an actor.
120 Finishes quest  Meryn Othralas explained that I was used as a decoy for the assassin to protect their lead actor. I am not happy about this treatment, but Meryn did reward me, commensurate with my performance.
150 Finishes quest  I agreed to star in the Mournhold Player's production of "The Horror of Castle Xyr," but changed my mind at the last minute and walked off right as the play was starting. I'm sure Meryn will not be happy.
160 Finishes quest  Meryn Othralas says Gureryne Selvilo, the leading lady, is dead, so there won't be any play today.