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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Widow and the Sea

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Bahrammu
A humble fisherman is lost, but was he taken by the sea?
Quest Giver: Lliretha Arantam
Location(s): Bahrammu, Arantam Cave Dwelling
Reward: Fisherman's Lucky Amulet
ID: TR_m1_Bah_widow
The sad remains of Gavis Arantam

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk with the sorrowful Lliretha Arantam to find out that she has recently lost her husband out at sea, and wishes she could have something to remember him by.
  2. Find Gavis Arantam on the sunken ship, and retrieve the blade from his body.
  3. Confront Vedran Gavonir with the murder weapon, and kill him when he confesses and attacks you.
  4. Return the ring to Lliretha for your reward.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Widow's WeepingEdit

Lliretha's cave dwelling can be found further to north of the eastern entrance of Bahrammu. Speak to her and she will tell you that she wants to be left alone in her sorrow and that she has recently lost her husband out at sea. She recalls that the ship was seen toppling over near Urlis Rock, northeast of town, and marks the location on your map. She also informs you that a man by the name of Vedran Gavonir witnessed the incident, and may have some information on what might have happened.

Slain SailorEdit

Lliretha suggests leaving town from the eastern path and then following it towards the shoreline. The boat is slightly south of the point she indicated on your map. Dive in and reach the body. On inspecting it, it is clear that Gavis Arantam was murdered, and was not a victim of the treacherous sea.

An Assassination AvengedEdit

Claim the knife from Gavis' body and return to the village. Confront Gavonir, who is standing outside, with the evidence you found and he will immediately confess to the crime and then attack you. Kill him and loot his body of his ring.

Ring and RewardEdit

Return the ring back to Lliretha and she will reward you with the Fisherman's Lucky Amulet, which has a constant 3 point Fortify Luck enchantment.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Widow and the Sea (TR_m1_Bah_widow)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
2 I found a skeleton on the seafloor near Urlis Rock, with a blade thrust through its chest.
5 Apparently Lliretha Arantam, widow of Gavis Arantam, is still grieving for his death. Perhaps I could do something to help her.
10 I have agreed to try to find the ring of the lost fisherman, Gavis Arantam. His boat sank somewhere to the northeast of Bahrammu.
20 I found the skeleton of Gavis Arantam, but it is clear that he did not drown. A blade was thrust through his heart. Lliretha Arantam told me that he had been fishing with Vedran Gavonir; he may know something about what happened.
30 When accused, Vedran Gavonir simply said that I didn't have any proof that he had done anything wrong on the boat that day.
40 When confronted with the murder weapon, Vedran Gavonir confessed immediately, before attacking me. I will never know what went on on that boat that night.
45 I found the ring of Gavis Arantam on the body of Vedran Gavonir, whose motives have died with him. I should take it to Lliretha Arantam.
50 Finishes quest  Lliretha Arantam has thanked me for returning her husband's ring to her.
60 Finishes quest  I have refused to help Lliretha Arantam.