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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Visitor Known as Vendel Othreleth

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests: Miscellaneous
Broker a betrothal for a visiting noble.
Quest Giver: Balvene Uvayn
Location(s): Uvayn Manor, Arvud
Reward: 100-300 gold
Disposition: +5 to +25 (Balvene Uvayn)
Reputation Gain: 0
ID: TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisit
Vendel Othreleth and Kettigrim Thrall-Bound

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Balvene Uvayn in Arvud's Uvayn Manor about Vendel Othreleth.
  2. Speak to Vendel Othreleth and Kettigrim Thrall-Bound.
  3. Report back to Balvene.
  4. Ask Felara Uvayn and Naalsa Uvayn about the prospect of marriage.
  5. Speak to Vendel.
  6. Report back to Balvene.
  7. Speak to Vendel and inform him that Balvene wishes for a private meeting.
  8. Quiz Kettigrim Thrall-Bound about Vendel Othreleth.
  9. (Optional route) Speak to Shalaasa Samane about Kettigrim Thrall-Bound.
    • Speak to Iridor about Kettigrim Thrall-Bound and Rulf the Bloody.
    • Confront Kettigrim Thrall-Bound about Rulf the Bloody.
    • Confront Vendel Othreleth.
    • Speak to Balvene (completes quest).
  10. Speak to Vendel about either from godsdamn Kragenmoor or Mandallarys.
  11. Speak to Balvene to find out that the wedding is going ahead.
  12. Be challenged by the guard in west Arvud.
  13. Return to Balvene and ask her about her bag of jewels.
  14. Confront the thieves on the road south of Arvud.
  15. Return to Balvene with the jewels you recovered.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Arvud's governor, Balvene Uvayn, can be found in the top floor of Uvayn Manor. Talk to her about Vendel Othreleth, and she will reveal that despite dining with the mer, she still isn't sure of his intentions. If you suggest helping her find out, she'll readily agree.

Vendel Othreleth is on the first floor, wearing an exuberant hat, alongside his Nord companion, Kettigrim Thrall-Bound. Talking to either about Vendel Othreleth may get them to spill the beans on why they are here, but it's Kettigrim who will give in most easily, blurting out the truth at 30+ disposition. Vendel will only confess at 85+.

Wedding PartnersEdit

It transpires that Vendel is here pursuing the prospect of marriage. Once you have unlocked this topic, asking Vendel further about it will see him clam up. You'll need to return to Balvene to report your findings, by speaking to her about the topic. She'll recommend seeing what her daughters, Felara and Naalsa, make of it. They're on the floor below. Ask them about the prospect of marriage for decidedly mixed responses. Felara would rather "a dead mudcrab" for a partner, while Naalsa is flattered, but must needs decline.

Once you have spoken to both, inform Vendel of their decisions. He'll be surprised at the misunderstanding, but will clarify - it is Balvene Uvayn that he has come to wed. Tell her of this, and she will be deeply flattered - but not entirely incautious. She will ask you to investigate Vendel while she speaks with him in private. She'll name her scribe, Armas Tyravel, and Vendel's companion, Kettigrim Thrall-Bound, as good places to start.

Return first to Vendel and inform him that Balvene wishes to speak to him privately. You can mess him around slightly if you wish, even challenging him to a duel for Balvene's hand, but this will only lower his disposition. You'll ultimately have to inform him of Balvene's desires. Once you do so, he will disappear upstairs, and you can begin your questioning.

Investigating VendelEdit

Armas Tyravel will have no information of use, referencing various possible Othreleth relatives to the south. Kettigrim Thrall-Bound is a more promising source of information, but unless you have 80+ disposition with him, he'll be cautious when questioned - and will instead ask for sujamma from Lucky Shalaasa's Caravanserai, just down the street. This does actually have another lead, and so is worth visiting whether you have the required disposition to speak to Kettigrim or not. Speaking to the caravanserai's proprietor, Shalaasa Samane about Kettigrim Thrall-Bound, will reveal that a High Elf patron named Iridor believes that he has seen the Nord before, but under a different name. Ask Iridor (he's in the same room) about Kettigrim Thrall-Bound. He'll reveal that Kettigrim's true name is Rulf the Bloody. Click on the topic to hear more.

You can also buy a bottle of Sujaama from Shalaasa and bring it to "Kettigrim". He'll allow you one question only about Vendel Othreleth.

1. What does he want with Balvene Uvayn?

2. Tell me more about your master.

The answer to 1 will reveal the pair's origin as being from godsdamn Kragenmoor. The answer to 2 will reveal Vendel's true name, Mandallarys. You'll need to click on either topic as it appears for it to register in your journal.

If you have unlocked the Rulf the Bloody topic, you can challenge Kettigrim on it. He'll confess everything. He and Vendel - Mandallarys - are con-artists. He'll immediately initiate combat. Once it is over, you can go upstairs to Balvene's room to confront Mandallarys. He'll confess to all, and ask you to let him go. If you refuse, he will attack. In either case, speak to Balvene afterwards (assuming she survives) for 300 gold, and a great deal of embarrassment.

The Marriage Goes AheadEdit

If you did not unlock the topic Rulf the Bloody, then you will be unable to get Kettigrim to confess. You can either speak to Balvene Uvayn at any time about Vendel Othreleth to claim you have found nothing (in which case she will proceed with marriage), or speak to Vendel once you have unlocked either from godsdamn Kragenmoor or Mandallarys. Challenging Vendel on either of these will see him wave off the accusations, and speaking to Balvene will reveal that she is minded to marry him after all. Balvene will not allow herself to be convinced otherwise, and will pay you 100 gold, noting that she has no more need of your services. You can speak to her daughters about Vendel Othreleth on your way out, for some amusing responses, but otherwise must wander down to the western end of Arvud, where a guard there will summon you back to Balvene.

Return to Balvene in her bedroom, and speak to her. It appears that Vendel Othreleth and Kettigrim Thrall-Bound have made off with a bag of jewels. She suspects that they've headed south, and will ask you to retrieve her precious items. Hit the road leading south from Arvud, and you'll find the two conmen at the junction to Kragenmoor. Challenge them on the theft. Vendel will offer you half the jewels to go away. You can accept, and return the half to Balvene for 150, or you can insist on all of them being returned. If you do this, a disgruntled Vendel will set Kettigrim on you, and you will need to kill the burly Nord. Once you've done this, speak to Vendel again, who will be only too happy to give over the entire bag of jewels in exchange for his life.

Whether you grant this or not has no effect on your reward. Return the jewels to Balvene for 300 gold and the completion of the quest.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Visitor Known as Vendel Othreleth (TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisit)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Vendel Othreleth, a nobleman from Saint Seryn, is visiting the Uvayn manor. Balvene Uvayn, lady of the manor, told me that she doesn't know what exactly the young noble wants with them. I promised I'd investigate.
20 Vendel Othreleth revealed to me that the prospect of marriage has brought him to Arvud. I should let Balvene Uvayn know what I've found out.
30 Balvene Uvayn asked me to speak with her daughters, Felara and Naalsa, and find out what they think of the prospect of marriage in relation to Vendel Othreleth.
33 Felara Uvayn found the prospect of marriage revolting.
35 Naalsa Uvayn found the prospect of marriage interesting, but ultimately said she would have to refuse.
40 Neither of Balvene Uvayn's daughters are willing to marry Vendel Othreleth. I should tell him that the prospect of marriage wasn't well received.
50 Vendel Othreleth clarified that he isn't interested in the young ladies. Instead, it's the widowed lady Balvene Uvayn he's after. I wonder what she'll think of this.
60 Balvene Uvayn was flabbergasted and flattered to learn that Vendel Othreleth had her in mind when talking about the prospect of marriage. She asked me to invite Vendel Othreleth to speak with her in private.
70 Vendel Othreleth headed upstairs to speak with Balvene Uvayn in private. Meanwhile, I should carry out inquiries about him. I should speak with the Uvayn Manor scribe Armas Tyravel and Vendel's bodyguard Kettigrim Thrall-Bound. Other people in Arvud might have some useful insight as well.
75 Kettigrim Thrall-Bound refused to tell me anything about his master. I could try to persuade him to talk by getting him a bottle of sujamma. Alternatively, I could just go tell Balvene Uvayn that I haven't found out anything of interest about Vendel Othreleth.
80 Kettigrim Thrall-Bound had a suspicious slip of the tongue, calling his master "Mandallarys". Perhaps this would be enough to confront Vendel Othreleth and demand answers. I could also continue my investigation before confronting him.
85 Kettigrim Thrall-Bound said that he and Vendel Othreleth are "from godsdamn Kragenmoor". This is somewhat suspicious, because earlier they claimed to be from Saint Seryn. Perhaps this would be enough to confront Vendel Othreleth and demand answers. I could also continue my investigation before confronting him.
90 Kettigrim Thrall-Bound told me everything. His name is actually Rulf the Bloody. The man pretending to be serjo Vendel Othreleth is actually named Mandallarys Sedura. They are con artists from Kragenmoor. After I've dealt with Rulf, I should confront the artist formerly known as Vendel Othreleth and tell him that the game is up.
100 I confronted Vendel Othreleth about Kettigrim Thrall-Bound calling him "Mandallarys". He dismissed this by saying that Mandallarys is his middle name. Moreover, he told me that I'm bothering him and Balvene Uvayn and that I should leave. I should see what she has to say.
110 I confronted Vendel Othreleth about Kettigrim Thrall-Bound telling me that they came from Kragenmoor. He dismissed this by saying that they traveled to Arvud from Saint Seryn via Kragenmoor. Moreover, he told me that I'm bothering him and Balvene Uvayn and that I should leave. I should see what she has to say.
120 Finishes quest  Balvene Uvayn told me that she's decided to marry Vendel Othreleth. She says that she doesn't need my help anymore. She rewarded me with 100 drakes.
130 Finishes quest  I managed to persuade Balvene Uvayn not to marry Vendel Othreleth. She says that she'll ask Vendel Othreleth to leave now and that she doesn't need my help anymore. She rewarded me with 100 drakes.
140 I confronted Mandallarys Sedura with the truth. He very hastily excused himself and exited the manor. I should speak with Balvene Uvayn.
150 I confronted Mandallarys Sedura with the truth. He attacked me and Balvene Uvayn.
160 Finishes quest  Lady Balvene Uvayn was crushed that she was fooled by Mandallarys. However, she thanked me for helping her and rewarded me with 300 septims.
The Visitor Known as Vendel Othreleth (TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisitB)
50 Armas Tyravel told me that while he personally hasn't ever heard of Vendel Othreleth, there are a good number of Othreleth nobles in the south. He assumes that Vendel is a relative of one of them. This information is hardly useful.
The Visitor Known as Vendel Othreleth (TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisitC)
50 Shalaasa Samane told me that one of her patrons, Iridor, mentioned having seen Kettigrim Thrall-Bound somewhere before -- but under a different name. I should probably speak with Iridor.
100 Iridor told me that he's sure he has seen Kettigrim Thrall-Bound in Kragenmoor. However, there he was known as Rulf the Bloody and he wasn't a slave. I wonder what Kettigrim has to say about this.
The Visitor Known as Vendel Othreleth (TR_m4_Arv_VendelVisitD)
5   I was told that lady Balvene Uvayn wants to see me at once. I should go to the Uvayn manor and hear what she has to say.
10 Balvene Uvayn told me that Vendel Othreleth and Kettigrim Thrall-Bound have absconded the manor with a bag of jewels belonging to her. She suspects the two thieves are trying to escape to the south. I should see if I can catch them on the road and get the jewels back.
20 I let Vendel Othreleth and Kettigrim Thrall-Bound go. I should report back to Balvene Uvayn.
30 I was given half of the contents of lady Balvene's bag of jewels. I could return to Arvud and report back to her.
40 I've gotten everything in lady Balvene's bag of jewels back. I should report back to Balvene Uvayn.
50 Finishes quest  Balvene Uvayn was somewhat disappointed to hear that her jewels were gone for good.
60 Finishes quest  Balvene Uvayn thanked me for returning half of her jewels. She rewarded me with 150 drakes.
70 Finishes quest  Balvene Uvayn thanked me for returning her jewels. She rewarded me with 300 drakes.